HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-12-05, Page 23Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Dec} 5, 1963 -- page 7 NEWEST STYLES IN ig Winter Footwear FOR ALL 'THE FAMILY CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 357-1840 Shap in Wingham Stores and WIN Santa's Lucky Bucks until Christmas .A. Williams, O.D. OPTOMETRIST 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON THURS.-FRIDAY-SATURDAY DECEMBER 5.64 VAT" in Technicolor A giant sweeping motion picture Stars: Elizabeth Taylor, Rook Hudson, .lames Dean, Jane Withers, Chill Wills, Sal Mineo Shows at 6.30 and 9.50 p.m. on Friday and Saturday; on Thurs- day one showing at 8.00 p.m. SPECIAL MATINEE --SATUR- DAY, DEC. '7—AT 2.00 P.M. Free Merchants Matinee Lucky $ $ Prizes THEATRE CLOSED MONDAY and TUESDAY Special Engagement ONE NIGHT ONLY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11 The Hanover Choral Group present AN EVENING OF CHRISTMAS MUSIC Sponsored by the Harriston Kinsmen Club All seats 75c Starts at 8.30 IvDon't miss the above outstand- ing musical entertainment treat. This group has been playing to tremendous crowds wherever they perform ONE NIGHT ONLY— ' WEDNESDAY, DEC. lith 1111111111tlir ERNIE RICHARDSON'S CURLING CAPSULES LES Use of the "sliding deliv- ery" still sparks consider- able controversy among curlers. There are many different ideas about the sliding de- livery, but I feel that it has not only increased the popu- larity of the game — espe- cially among the younger players — but has improved the calibre of curling the. past few years. I believe that the colorful Sliding delivery has'been instrumental i n bringing thousands of high school boys' into the game' all across Canada. It seems to add sparkle to the game and makes it much more of a spectator sport than it was years ago, especially for those who are not too familiar with the fine points of the game and its strategy. It even adds interest for the skips -behind the -glass. With many players the long - sliding delivery be- comes quite spectacular, particularly those who have the balance and timing down to a science. OVER -SLIDE I feel that some of the younger curlers make the mistake of trying to slide too far, and therefore have to fight to prevent sliding over the hog line. This makes it more difficult to control the different weights a good curler needs to mas- ter. I find that the slide is now a perfectly normal part of curling, but it is neces- sary to use certain precau- tions. I would stress that the slide is just a proper follow-through to a good delivery', However, you shouldn't attempt to lengthen the slide to the point where it makes balance or control a problem. Otherwise it will produce shots that are off the broom and the wrong weight. I fully agree that when properly executed the slide delivery can be most effec- tive, giving the player a better feel of the weight, and allows more freedom in the backswing. My slide is of medium length, ending about the front of the rings and I use my broom to help in balancing throughout the delivery and especially in the slide. CLEAN SHOES For a smooth slide the shoe must be clean. Some players clean the sole of the shoe with the broom, or scrape it on the back boards, then take a test slide while in the hack to make sure everything is clean. I�III��,I�Y�I.�i11i„�.I)i�►tn�„l-11�-I,Y�I,i�I,A�.)�I�1,lI,�I,oON1111YP1lSIN.N►,WIMI.p®Yam,.Ip,Mr.NI�.IY�,)rl.Wi(Mp�NYm1' . SHOWPLACE OF WINGHAM THURS.-FRI.-SAT. DEC. 5-6-7 TONY CURTIS YUL BRYNNER # CHRISTINE KAUFMANN 'Tams Bulba' IN COLOUR Action -packed Cossack adventure that takes place in Russia back before the turn of the century. Good story, good acting and good colour. MON.-TUES.-WED. DEC. 9-10-11 SIDNEY JAMES allo rHe CARRY ON GANG 'Carry On Regardless' Positively the Funniest "CARRY ON" Ever! Two shows each night 7:15 and 9:15 if you let us check these three items now— before the bad weather hits your car hard! SNOW TIRES from $14.95 up includes installation BATTERIES 12 volt — $14.95 up 6 volt --- $7.95 up ANTI -FREEZE . and a thorough winter check-up by our skilled mechanics win assure your car's top performance throughout the winter. ARMSTRONGGARAGEYOUR STUDEBM LAPDE LER 1460 JOSEPHINE ST. WINGHAM FF,p wrlikle�ra 'Q4+ MEI Studebaker "Mail Many of the regular curl- ers use leather shoes, gen- erally a pair of sloes that have been well worn to give a better sliding sur- face. And they are gener- ally more comfortable. There are special curling shoes, or boats, plus vari- ous materials and sole - plates available for those who want something differ- ent. I would advise that the sliding delivery be used only if it fits your pattern of play. Don't design the rest of the delivery to your slide. Instead try to fit the slide into the general style of your best co-ordinated delivery. ,rte/ NG. 4•0i/`/ /'1%N. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Everyone must have their minds on Christmas and C'irist- mas shopping as things were fairly quiet tonight. Our thanks to Helen Casemore, Vicki Wild and Jack Walker for helping out. Team Standings: Sioux 48; Crees 45; Hurons 45; Iroquois 44; Mohawks 24; Apaches 22. According to Jim Bain, the Apaches and the Mohawks are really fighting to stay in last place. For your information, Jim, there is no consolation prize this year. Hilda Stainton took both the high single with 254 and the high triple with 659. Good work, Hilda. Merv. Temple- man took the men's high single with 288 and Ken Cerson the high triple with 680. Hurrah for the Apaches! A few more nights like this and we will be well away. 0--0--0 LADIES' LEAGUE Trumps 20; Aces 23; Kings 24; Queens 18; Jacks 14; Jokers 21. High single, Roberta Seddon 304; high triple, Roberta Sed- don 748. SHOOTS MOOSE Lorne Eedy, of R. R. 5, Strat- ford, accompanied by his nep- hew, Laverne Eedy, of London, and Edward Lambert, of R, R. 2, Wroxeter, returned home on Sunday after a week's moose hunting trip in the Hornepayne area. Mr. Lorne Eedy, who is 78 years old, was the success- ful marksman and bagged a four-year-old bull moose weigh- ing about 1, 200 lbs. —Milver- ton Sun. the three boys and three girls who would join President Mur- ray Procter and vice-president Doreen Smyth (already chosen) as members of the Students' Athletic Society. Triumphal candidates were Ruth Coultes, Judy Callan, Judy Forsythe and John Watson, Jim Nasmith, Glenn Madill.. BRIDGE CLUB North and South: 1. Mrs. W. French, Mrs. R. Duval; 2. W. French, Wm. Laidlaw; 3, A. Wilson, B, Ortlieb. East and West: 1. Mrs, El, Fisher, Wm. Wharry; 2, 0, Haselgrove, Mrs. Wm. Wharry; 3. Mrs. D. Nasmith, C. Hod- gins. WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB NOME BINGO $100 Prize FOR FULL HOUSE NUMBERS DRAWN THIS WEEK WERE: B--2, 13; 1-24, 16; G--59, 54; 0-67, 74, 63 and 70. DRAW WAS MADE BY WM. HOTCHKISS CHECK YOUR CARD WITH THE NUMBERS BELOW: B I N G 1 16 2 17 3 18 4 20 5 21 8 22 9 23 10 24 11 26 12 30 13 14 15 31 32 35 36 37 38 40 41 42 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 0 61 63 64 66 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 Cards starry all rules and are available from Kinsmen and stores displaying the Bingo sign, Patrons attending Lyceum Theatre, Monday, December 9, 7:10 p.m., may bring cards and check off next numbers called. Winners should can Dr. S. G. Leedham at 357-2471. ............................................................. • `rte EXAMS Students finished writing their Autumn Exams last week. Afterwards, a number of action groups were formed for the pur- pose of stoning various teachers, but unfortunately these plans were not carried out. Now is the time for the teachers to make little preparatory speech- es ("I don't know why so many of you had so much trouble with such an easy exam") and hand back the papers. COMMENCEMENT Commencement will be held at W. D. H. S. on Friday of this week at 8:00 p.m. Various awards and certificates will be given out, including the Secon- dary School Certificates (Gen- eral and Commercial) and the Honour Certificates for success- ful completion of grades twelve and thirteen respectively. (GENERAL & COMMERCIAL) Jim Adams, Helen Anderson, Bob Buckle, Harry Busby, John Campbell, Marilyn Campbell, Wayne Caslick, Than Chittick, Brenda Conron, Linda Coultes, Marie Coultes, Dave Griffiths, Elizabeth Goldthorpe, Ken Grant, Phyllis Grant, Alex Hamilton, Virginia Hamilton, Kathy Hodgins, Helen Hollin- ger, Ruth Hotchkiss, Jean Jones, Pat King, Dianne Kirkby, Elaine Kirton, Gale Kirton, Alan MacRae, Ken MacTavish, Bill McBurney, Ruth McKague, Judi McKibbon, Adeline Mc- Kinney, Joe McKinnon, Grant McPherson, Bruce Machan, Wayne Martin, Sharon Markley, Rosemary Millen, Donna Mof- fat, Elaine Moffat, Elwin Moore, Hugh Mundell, Claud- ia Norminton, Diane Penner, Tom Powell, Doug Procter, Reta Readman, Jane Reid, Su- sanne Reynolds, Corinne Rhame, Sharon Riley, Carol Robertson, Cameron Robinson, Carol Rob- inson, Bill Robinson, •'at Ross, Sheila Ross, Helen Runstedtler, Dick Scott, Bryan Sewers, Mary E. Shackleton, Larry Simpson, Paul Strong, Julia Thornton, Joan Tiffin and Mar- lene Wylie. SECONDARY SCHOOL HONOUR CERTIFICATES Roger Bieman, Dennis Cal- lan, Anne Cardiff, George Conn, Yvonne Connelly, Mur- ray Coultes, Carol Crawford, Julie Cruikshank, Karen Elliott, Barry Fuller, John Halliday, Murray Kerr, Mary King, Betty Ann Lapp, Carol Louttit, San- dra MacLennan, Walt McKib- bon, Murray McLennan, Don McTavish, Gwen Martin, Beth Merrick, Muriel Moore, Helen O'Malley, Michael O'Malley, Jane Reid, Cameron Robinson, Sandra Rowe, Glen Skinn, Rae Smith, Doug Spry, Evelyn Stephens, Alex Strong, John Strong, Hilda Tiffin, Doris Troupe, Elbert Van Donkers- goed, Anne Wightman. Guest speaker for Com- mencement will be the Very Rev. F. G. Stewart. Julie Cruikshank will be the valedic- torian. STORMY WEATHER The net around the tennis courts suffered sorely from the onslaught of winter last week- end. The supporting uprights along a section of the north side were bent at a 75 degree angle. (Your reporter doesn't take Geometry). ACTIVITY PERIOD ' With the completion of the Autumn Exams, the 3:10 ac- tivity period has been reinstat- ed. Now the buses will leave at 3:45 instead of 3:10. ELECTIONS AGAIN On Tuesday of this week elections were held to choose At times like this... you'll like Black Label Beer say: "EL, .14 BLACK LABEL!"