HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-12-05, Page 5Mrs. Jack Gorrie Will Head Auxiliary Mrs. V. Ducharme chaired the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion meeting -st Wednesday at the Legion orae and Mrs. Alvin Seli was pianist for the evening. Mrs. John Strong read thank you notes from veterans and others who had been remember- e4:1. emembered. Mrs. Bob Hickey, sports officer, reported that the Zone C1 bowling trophy had been ' won at Exeter by a Wingham team. Mrs. Willis Hall was the winner of the membership draw. 1 11Irt 111 4k6 4 TEACHERS MEET AT NEW SCHOOL The Wingham Unit of the Federated Women Teachers' Association of Ontario met Mon- day evening in Howick Central School with 31 members in at- tendance. The president, Mrs. Dorothy Thornton, presided. A collection was taken for the good -will fund. During the evening everyone enjoyed a tour of the beautiful new school. Following the meeting lunch was served. Cotton Velvet Appears in New Colors A little girl's first party dress -- or her mother's most becoming holiday outfit — is likely to be of cotton velvet. Riding the crest of a fashion wave, cotton velvet appears in glowing new colors and ir- ridescent hues this year. The most regal of the new shades is pewter, a pale silver grey. In addition, fabric stylists have given cotton velvets and velveteens new elegance with screen -printed bold floral de- signs. Some have been em- broidered with beading and fringe to enhance their richness. The Christmas party for families of the branch and the auxiliary will be held Sunday, Dec. 27 and the Christmas meeting will be December 30 with an exchange of 25¢ gifts. Mrs. Jack Gorrie thanked all those who had helped with the tea. It was announced that the joint installation will be on January 10 with a social to fol- low. The usual donations were voted to the Salvation Army, War Memorial Children's Hos- pital in London, Legion Christ- mas Tree Fund, C. N. I. B. , and Association for Retarded Child- ren. Mrs. Dave Crothers was in the chair for the election of of- ficers which resulted as follows; Sgt, -at-arms, Mrs. Bob Ir- vine; color bearer, Mrs. Tony Seli; treas., Mrs. Bill Renwick; corr.-sec., Mrs. Geo. Brooks; rec. sec., Mrs. Harold Ross; 1st vice president, Mrs. Keith McLaughlin; 2nd vice president, Mrs. John Strong; pres., Mrs. Jack Gorrie. Members of the executive will be Mrs. George Day, Mrs. George Johnston, Mrs. Gordon Simmons, Mrs. Emily Elston, Mrs. Bill Walden and Mrs.Dave Crothers. Toys Take to Pulling Apart For one reason or another, a small boy can't resist the urge to take a toy apart the moment he receives it. Maybe it's na- tural curiosity, or devilment, but whatever it is, the result is often a shattered toy and, oc- casionally, a broken heart. Working on the theory "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em," a manufacturing firm in Toron- to is producing a group of eye- catching, yet practical toys that are especially designed to satisfy the destructive impulse. They're called "pull-aparts" and "take-aparts" ...and they go back together again, good as new. Such toys offer a challenge to a child's co-ordination and mechanical creativity, and are designed to suit different age groups. They are made of light, durable material with no dangerous or sharp edges. "Pull-aparts" n.re for the nursery set. Brightly colored steam rollers with wheels that pull off with just a little tug... then snap back on again... just like a mammoth snap fastner. For the two to six group there are "take-aparts" . Stur- dy tow trucks and fire engines that have all their parts bolted together with polythene nuts and bolts. Wrenches, just the right size, are included with "take-aparts". They are at- tached to the side of the toy it- self so that budding mechanics can go to work immediately. And for car buffs from six to 60, a series of antique cars is being offered that includes ex- act replicas of a 1907 touring model of a Rolls Royce Silver Ghost, a 1910 model "T" Ford, a bull -nosed 1923 Morris -Cow- ley and a 1912 Packard. Speci- fications of the original vehi- cle are provided on each pack- age... just in case the cars end up in father's den, rather than the playroom. Personals —Mr. and Mrs. George Por- ter and son, Jimmie, moved to Montreal Saturday where he is employed as technical repres- entative of Naugatuck Chemi- cal Company, which is located at Elmira, Ont. --Mr. and Mrs. Reid Mor- gan of London spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morgan. —Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Burg - man of Kirkland Lake spent the week -end with his father, Mr. W. F. Burgman. STEAM ROLLERS with wheels that pull off and snap back on again, and fire engines that both come apart and go together, are the current rage of the playroom set. PERSO\AL \OTES —Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Lloyd left Monday to spend the winter months in Arizona. — Mrs. Ford Murray and Sus- an, and Mr. and Mrs. George Murray of Brampton visited on Sunday with Mrs. S. A. Murray. —Mrs. Find Christensen and Anna of Gorrie visited last Wed- nesday with Mrs. George Wall- ing and Steven. —Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gros- korth of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth of White- church visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. James Mof- fat. — Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Irwin, Largo, Florida, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCool, Daytona Beach. All attended the wedding of Mr. Craig Armstrong and Miss Lacy Green at Clearwater, Florida, November 30th. —Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beirnes over the week- end were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aldworth and family and Mrs. L. Aldworth of Kitchener. — Mrs. Fred Tuck, R.R. 2, Wingham spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dustow and all were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Perrott on Sunday evening. — Mr. and Mrs. Alan Patti- son visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Pattison at Fer- gus and with Mr. R. H. Deacon and family at Guelph. — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dustow spent last Thursday with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dustow in Car- rick. —Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Parker are leaving this Thursday to spent the winter months in Flori- da. Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Dec. 5, 1963 -- Page 5 features from The World of Women If You're Making Candles Every year more and more women are attempting home candle -making, and with good reason. These candles make most acceptable gifts, are not expensive, and they certainly give plenty of scope for origin- ality. They need not be limit- ed for use in the Christmas sea- son either. Very charming ef- fects may be made in pastel shades to blend with summer flowers for special entertain- ment or to decorate a bride's or shower table. However, there are a few Mr. & Mrs. Pipe Wed 25 Years A very pleasant evening was spent last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Shol- dice on the occasion of the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe. After a delicious turkey din- ner with the immediate fami- lies, friends and former neigh- bours arrived and_a very enjoy- able evening was spent playing euchre. The high prizes went to Mrs. Jack Jordon of Lucknow and Harvey Bryans; low to Mrs. Jack Pipe and James Davis of Lucan. A presentation took place in the living room with the address read by Grace Sholdice, and Pat Davis and Lillian Kerr presenting them with a lovely pair of step-up tables. Both bride and groom of 25 years made suitable replies. A delicious lunch was serv- ed completed with bride's cake, made by Grace Sholdice. All departed after having extended good wishes to the bride and groom and thanking the host and hostess for a most enjoyable evening. rules the beginner should keep firmly in mind in candle -mak- ing since parawax, if inexpert- ly handled, can be dangerous and the damage it can cause can be expensive to repair. 1. In its liquid state, para - wax is easily poured but don't allow any of this innocent look- ing liquid to run down a plumb- ing drain. Once through the drain the wax hardens and us- ually nothing short of dismant- ling the pipes and scraping the wax away will clear the drains. 2. Don't attempt to melt the wax directly over high heat or direct flame, always do it over hot water. 3. When making wax " sno`r/' or "frosting" for decorating the final state of a candle, let the melted wax cool until a film forms over it, before attempt- ing to beat the wax. Drops of hot wax scattered by a rotary beater can cause painful burns. 4. Do not use perfumes or colognes for perfuming your candles since the alcohol base of these will burn dangerously. 5. Do not use coloring salts (as you do in making Yule logs) for wax candles as the salts will cause the wax to splutter on you and your furniture. 6. In coloring home cand- les use oil colors or crayons. SHOWER HELD AT BAIN HOME Mrs. Morris Swanson and Mrs. William Bain held a mis- cellaneous shower at the Bain home on Tuesday evening of last week for Miss Pauline Cow- an, who was married on Friday. About 30 friends joined in games. The gifts were present- ed to the bride -elect, who was assisted in opening them by little Bonny Jean Humphrey. WEEK -END SPECIALS YOUR FONDLY SHOPPING CENTRE WINGHAM ACROSS FROM THE WINGHAM MEAT MARKET Christmas Candy SPECIAL ONE POUND 39 CREAMS GUMS CHOCOLATE MIX Decorated TUMBLER SET MAKES AN IDEAL GIFT, EACH SET IN FANCY BOX, EIGHT BRIGHTLY COLOURED TUMBLERS l YOUR CHOICE OF SEVERAL DESIGNS 1.51 e4 IBEX Flannelette BLANKETS 5.98 Known for BETTER VALUES Men's Wool Gloves b NEW PINEAPPLE KNIT FOR COMFORT 79 AND UTILITY 41•1411111•1011•••••11110 Esmond Blankets GOOD SIZE — 72"x90" WIDE SOFT SATIN BINDING—MACHINE WASH- ABLE — PASTEL COLOURS REGULAR $5.95 SAVE $1.00 Wed. DEC. 11 IMPORTED "KING SIZE" '4.95 BRYLCREEM FOR SMART HAIR GROOMING EXTRA LARGE TUBE IN CHRISTMAS PACKAGE 77c FANCY CUPS & SAUCERS TRAVEL SLIPPERS 89cbk 14z. A GIFT THAT WILL PLEASE DAINTY PANTIE AND HALF SLIP SET LOOK! JUST IN SOFT PASTEL COLOURS OR BLACK FINE LACE .TRIMMINGS AND APPLIQUE YOUR CHOICE—Small, medium, large 88c SET REGULAR PRICE 29e Thi, 100 rolicy koke S7 kt.4t, 440 Boxed Christmas CARDS A GREAT ASSORTMENT OF TWENTY-FIVE QUALITY CARDS EVERYONE DIFFERENT BUY AND SAVE HERE .1 ;') 51. "HAND DECORATED" SALT & PEPPER SET Colourful — Practical — Economical EACH PAIR REGULAR BOXED $1.49 91C LADIESTRAVEL SLIPPERS SNUG FIT — SMART DESIGNS 8C EACH PAIR IN TRANSPARENT POUCH "MAGIC" • Aluminum Foil HEAVY GAUGE — 18" x 25 -ft. ROLL The Price Is Low 57t Meoon'ls PureARLambs $1.98 WSCS