HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-12-05, Page 2Windham Advance -Times, Thursday, Dec. 5, 1963 Rush Idea You can easily whip up your own Christmas place mats from a yard or two of cotton cloth printed with colorful holiday designs. Cut out squares that contain printed designs. Hem edges and use as place mats, or as napkins to go with a solid - color tablecloth. LLOYD-TRUAX BOWLING The team scores this week were Crackers 2731; Mets 2680; Bisons 2580; Pirates 2566; Colts 2352; Chiefs 2250. The ladies' high single, D. Nethery 230; high triple M. McFarlane 509, Men's high single went to Bill Johnson who was really sending pins every way with a 275 and a high triple of 751. 4-44-:-.2.r3 fit. '1"aut' (liurclj (ANGLICAN) tKta: ingbam Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. - Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organist 2nd SUNDAY IN ADVENT—DECEMBER 8th 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. Tues., Dec. 10—Evening Guild, Parish Room, 8:15. Wed., Dec. 11—Bd. of Management, Parish Room, 7:30. Thurs., Dec. 12—Ladies' Guild Annual Meeting, Parish Room, 3 o'clock. ram., aa..m.oaawnsa.namwom.cansoamsoamramoodown.m..maai CONGRATULATIONS To The Salvation Army THE NEW CITADEL on Edward Street is a beautiful structure, one the town of Wingham is very proud of. IWe have a feeling of pride also that we were given the i opportunity to service this property with insurance. Edward 'Ted' Elliott INSURANCE Phone 357-1590 — Night Calls 357-1555 TO THE Salvation Army 1 i i 1 PERCY W. CLARK i PLUMBING & HEATING I L EDWARD STREET - PH. 357-3080 $ OUR SINCERE Congratulations .. . ON THE FORMAL OPENING OF THEIR BEAUTIFUL NEW CITADEL. This beautiful building is another welcome addition to the town of Wingham, and we were pleased to have had the responsibility of installing the plumbing and heating. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE Saivation Army THE NEW CITADEL ON EDWARD STREET IS AN OUTSTANDING ASSET -TO THE TOWN OF WINGHAM. It was a privilege to have been chosen to install the new Bell piano in the audi- torium and the Bell piano in the basement. GARNET FARRIER PIANO AND ORGAN SALES & SERVICE WHITECHURCH, ONT. - PH. 357-2068 a Will Join Planning district The regular meeting of the Morris Township council was held on Tuesday with 11 mem- bers present and minutes were' adopted on motion of Council- lors William Elston and James Mair. On mostion of Ross Smith and James Mair it was decided that the necessary application would be made and procedures followed to constitute the Wing, ham and District Planning Area and the establishment of a board. The road accounts, as pre- sented by the road superintend- ent were ordered paid on mo- tion of Councillors Shortreed and Elston. Lloyd Warwick was named maintenance man for the street lights in the Morris section of Bluevale. The following general ac- counts were paid on motion of Mair and Shortreed: Advance -Times, advertising $4.05; Village of Brussels, fire- men, storage of tank, $411.50; City of Brantford, $33.65;Town of Clinton, balance of deben- ture for 1963, $60.91; Depart- ment of health, insulin, $4. 10; Municipal World, supplies, .$1.98; Township of East Waw- anosh, Arbuckle Drain,$1086.63:; Helen Martin, hydro for hall, $6.07; Helen Martin, revising voters' lists, $30.20; John Brew- er, revision of voters' lists, $6.80; H.E.P.C., installing Bluevale lights, $326.66; relies $95.68; Callander Nursing Home, $71.25; David Hastings, wreath, $14. 10; Geo. Pollard, levelling Grasby Drain,$16.50; ST. ANDREW'S Christmas Meeting At Mission Band A very interesting Christmas program was presented at the December Mission Band meet- ing in St. Andrew's Church on Monday. Mrs. Ken McKague opened the meeting with prayer, fol- lowed by the singing of "Away in A Manger". The offering was received by David Fish, Brian Shaunessy, Jimmie Hast- ings and Ronnie Perrott. The offering was dedicated by Mrs. Gordon Sutcliffe. Two members who had birth- days in December placed their money in the birthday cake while the "Birthday Song" was sung. Connie Jamieson and Sandra Lee were presented with awards by Mrs. McKague for collecting the most Sunday School papers. The junior and senior class- es separated and Mrs. Sutcliffe told the juniors a very interest- ing and wonderful story of"The Shiniest Star". Mrs. John Cur- rie completed the study book on Korea which the senior group has been studying this year. The classes united again for the Christmas program which was centred around the Nativity scene of Baby Jesus in the man- ger. The Scripture Lesson was read by Gail Remington, Olive Lapp and Jo Anne Stephens, telling the Christmas story. Janet McGee, Karen Sut- cliffe, Stephen Cruickshank and Doug Leitch, kneeling beside the manger with Baby Jesus and his Mother Mary, who was play- ed by Bonny Feagan, brought gifts from their own land. From India, Janet brought a golden water jub filled with water for Jesus to bath in. Kar- en, from Trinidad, brought a candy cane and bananas for Him to eat and a blanket to cover him with. Doug, who came from Africa, said that he could dance and sing to make Jesus smile and asked if he could play awhile. Stephen from Canada brought a boat for Him to play with, It was the "friendship"boat. Joan Currie sang "Santa's Laughing Song". David Fish, Ricky Smith and Grace and Ruth Corrin recited "We Love Him S0. Mrs. Orvil Hastings closed the meeting with prayer and a Christmas treat was given to the children by their leaders. A teen-ager has been defin- ed as a person who mistakes a combination of loud noises and lousy lyrics for a song. Morris Township, tile, Peacock Drain, $1.40; James Mair, commissioner, Grasby Drain, .00; Treasury Department, tile drain loan, $197.01; Hel- en Martin, by -la s and fees, Higgins Drain, $40.00; Her- man Nethery, severance etc., Higgins Drain, $140.00; Morris Township, pipe, Higgins Drain, $114. 00; Helen Martin, part salary, $65.00; George Radford return of certified cheque, $200.00; Bluevale Recreational Association, grant, $100.00. ROAD ACCOUNTS William McArter, mileage, bookkeeping, wages, $162,06; Jas, Lasemore, wages,$240.00; Canada Culvert Co., grader blades, $45.79; Melvin Carno- chan, digging culverts,$26.25; Dominion Road Machinery, re- pairs, $36.91; Ideal Supply Co.. oil filters and steel lines,$9.53; Sam Sweeney, bulldozing Campbell bridge, $2424.00; Mel Jermyn, hauling pit run gravel and dozing, $2876.00; Alex Inkley, fuel oil and tax, $355.50; Wingham Advance - Times, advertising, $2.45; Brussels, Morris and Grey Tele- phone, tolls, $7.00. rorirow 004o 040-10.01 u1ni DRESSER SETS HAIR DRYER - Ladies Made 13 Quilts BLUO/ALE—Unit one of the United Church Women held its final meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Jim Johnston. The president, Mrs. Scott McLen- nan, presided over the meeting. The theme of devotions, taken by Mrs. Stewart McLennan, was "Christmas", with Scripture passages from Luke 2: 1-16. The secretary -treasurer's report was given by Mrs. W. J. Nich- olson. A note of appreciation from the. Johnston family was read, thanking the ladies for serving lunch at the funeral of the late Mrs. Edward Johnston. Mrs. W. J. Nicholson, Mrs. Scott McLennan and Mrs. W. J. Peacock were named a commit- tee to plan for a turkey dinner for the United Church ministers - of the Presbytery, to be held irt4 the United Church, Bluevale. The following officers were returned for 1964: President, Mrs. Scott McLennan; vice- president, Mrs. Chas. Camp- bell; sec.-treas. , Mrs. W. J. Nicholson; to look after shut- ins, Mrs. Harry Wright. During the year the ladies of Unit one have quilted 13 quilts. Mrs. Johnston served a lovely lunch after the meeting. ...MN') MORE QUALITY ASSORTMENT 4.98 EASY BREEZE ECONOMY PRICED TO 22.95 -- 9.95 MANICURE SETS ------ 98t TO 14.55 PIPE & LIGHTER SETS 1.97 PASAL MACLEANS IN TABLETS300s I IV TOOTH PASTE I.OJ THE SALVATION ARMY WINGHAM CORPS OPENING REDICATION NEW CITADEL AND QUARTERS 290 Edward Street Commissioner W. Wycliffe Booth, LL.D. (ACCOMPANIED BY MRS. BOOTH) will officiate Saturday, Dec. 7th at 7.45 p.m. Key -Turning Ceremony 8:00 P.M.—OPENING AND DEDICATION SERVICE. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO TOUR THE BEAUTIFUL NEW BUILDING AFTERWARDS. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8th 10:45 A.M.--HOLINESS MEETING. (COMMISSIONER BOOTH will preach). THE OWEN SOUND CITADEL BAND WILL ASSIST. 7:00 P.M.—BRIGHT GOSPEL SERVICE. (CAPT. G. S. NEWMAN will preach). You are always welcome at the 'Army'!