HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-11-14, Page 13IT'S CURRIE'S BIG CLEARING QUALITY STOCK AT LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS, STORAGE, FREE DELIVERY 0000 CRASHER 10 -Pc. LIVING ROOM GROUPING WITH SWIVEL ROCKER LAMPS LIVING ROOM TABLES 197. DOOR CRASHER 3.Pc, KNECHTEL BEDROOM SUITE TOASTED MAHOGANY, Reg. 5214; Sava 545 NOW ONLY $169. • BUNK BEDS WITH PLAID SPRING MATTRESS COMPLETE g0. 589.95 SAVE 510,50 579.45 SEALY DEN BEDS Box Springs, Mattress, Legs 5 /j4 p1.{>� Ideal for small rooms -COMPLETE 7 7 SEALY DELUXE HOLLYWOOD BEDS DEEP TUFTED HEADBOARDS $89.95 TWIN UNITS ROLL -A -WAY COT SPRING MATTRESS RIBBON SPRING BED UNITS SPRING MATTRESSES COMPLETE WOOD CRIBS LARGE SIZE, COMPLETE WITH SPRING MATTRESS $169.00 REG. 526.50 SAVE 55.30 521.20 PANEL BED SLAT SPRINGS 538.95 REG. 542.50 SAVE 58.50 534.00 LANE CEDAR CHESTS FULL GUARANTEE $84.75 FULL GUARANTEE 39" REDSEAL CEDAR CHEST FULLY GUARANTEED UNPAINTED 562.75 CHET OF DRAWERS 518.50 PANEL REDS 517.95 DOUBLE WARDROBE AYE 558.00 SLIDING DOORS WALNUT 54530 BOOKCASE B4 REG. ED FT, AVE 536.00 55.40 AMERICAN WALNUT 530.60 810 ALLOWED 014 YOUR OLD SPRINGS WHEN PURCHAS• INC SEALY DELUXE BOX SPRINGS AND MATTRESS DOOR CRASHER 2.14c, $KLAR CHESTERFIELD NYLON FRIEZE COVER, Reg. 5197, Save 578 TOP QUALITY NOW ONLY $219. 2 -PIECE BRAEMORE CHESTERFIELD SUITE IN ATTRACTIVE CRYSTAL GREEN EIDERDOWN CUSHIONS REGULAR 5326.00 SAVE 564.00 $262 3 -PIECE DANISH LIVING ROOM SUITE FOAM RUBBER SEATS AND BACKS REGULAR 5156.00 - SAVE 546.00 10 -PIECE LIVING ROOM GROUPING NYLON FRIEZE COVERING - FULL FOAM BACK AND SEATS - MATCHING TABLES HIGH CHAIRS ANDCHROMEPLASTIC 511.95 BABY WALKERS 1 $6.50 COMMODE CHAIRS 57.69 u' FREE! CHROME STEP STOOL WITH ALL KITCHEN SUITES PURCHASED • 5 -PIECE CHROME SET LARGE TABLE 36.48460 30•PCE. DINNERWARE SET 24.PCE. CUTLERY 5E7 59 PIECES 114 ALL 82" 7 -PIECE KITCHEN SUITE 6 CHAIRS in Beige and Brown Plastic 1 FAMILY SIZE TABLE 36248x60 126.'° "B" PACK CUBS Last Thursday evening "B" Pack Wolf Cubs were host to their parents at the Scout House for an investiture and parents' night. It was with great pride that 19 full fledged Cubs were welcomed and invested at the opening ceremony: Billy Brown, Randy Brenzil, Doug. Casemore, Mark Douglas, John Downton, Russel Foxton, Ricky Hodgins, Bobby LaRose, Jeff Lockridge, Tom McLaughlin, Greg Peach- ey, Ron Perrott, Ray Robinson, Stephen Scott, Bob Seli, Paul Swatridge, David Tiffin, Stev- en Tiffin, Steven Watson. We wish them all Good Hunting and Straight Trails through life. As the new Cubs formed a semi -circle before Akala Mur- ray Fridenburg and looked up to the spot -lighted picture of the great man who founded the Boy Scout Movement, Lord Baden- Powell, to their flags and their totem wolf head, it was with a feeling of keen interest and pride that they repeated the Cub Law and Cub Promise, re- ceived their pack neckerchiefs, woggle, wolf head badge and the Ontario badge. Alsopresent- ed at this time was the button- hole Cub badge. Assistant leaders Jim Miller, Adelaide Ahara and Ron Zimmer took part in the ceremony and Lou- ise Lloyd, a leader of "A" Pack, assisted with the meeting also. Following the investiture a Grand howl, with all the new ''Wl:ubs joining in for the first time, rang out. Inspection was excellent as all members of the pack were in full uniform, The winner of the prize woggle, presented each evening to the best dressed Cub, was David ROOM DIVIDERS WALNUT ARBORITE 3 SHELVES 23." CHINA CABINETS 2 SHELVES GLASS SLIDING DOORS 28° SHE SIIINE IIS 6.50 IDEAL MEN'S GIFT SEWING BOXES IDEAL FOR MOTHER PLATFORM ROCKERS HEAVY NOGAHIDE, CHOICE OF COLOURS. HIGH BACKS REG. 546.50 SAVE 56,95 539,55 COOEY BRIDGE SETS 27.95 TABLE, 4 CHAIRS CHOICE OF COLOUR FOLDING MAGAZINE RACK WALNUT - SPECIAL 2.97 INLAID RUGS 27" X 54" HEAVY FOAM RUBBER BACKING K- 14.50 Acrilan Rugs 27" x 51 ASSORTED COLOURS 11.75 SHOWING OI=P THEIR SKILL at making knots, under the direction of leader Jim Miller are Ricky Hodgins, Doug Case - more and Jeff Lockridge, following their investiture into the local Cub pack Last Thursday.,--A-T Photo. Tiffin, proudly wearing his regulation uniform, complete for the first time with tie and badges as he had just been in- vested, However, it was hard to pick one winner from such a well dressed group. Congtatu* lations on the good show, boys. A demonstration period fol- lowed which gave the parents a brief idea of the various phases of Cub training -knots, road safety, tumbling, balanc- ing, etc„ in order that they may better understand the pro- gram and teaching of the Cub as related to their own children. The meeting closed with a parade circle and cub prayer. Group pictures were taken fol- lowing the meeting, The Mothers' Auxiliary serv- ed delicious refreshments to parents and Cubs and a bouquet Knox 01,111.5, Honors Memory Of Mrs. Kennedy BELMORE--The fall thank- offering of the Women's Mis- sionary Society was held in Knox Presbyterian Church on Friday evening with the Mission Band and Explorers as guests. Mrs. D. McPherson, first vice-president, presided, Af- ter singing, "Jesus Bids UsShin ; the children repeated Psalm 121 in unison and Mrs, 1-I, Ballagh led in prayer. The Mission Band, under the leadership of Mrs, G. Appleby and Mrs. L. Metcalfe, studied the church windows during the year as well as the story of a Korean refugee family. At this meeting they took turns ex- plaining the meaning of the symbols used in the church win- dows and sang "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam." The Explorers were led by Mrs. E. Jeffray and Mrs. R. McKague and presented a re- view of their study book, "Ti- ger Tail Village", then joined in singing "Children Who Walk in Jesus' Way". An "In Memoriam" certifi- cate to honour his late wife was presented to the local society by Rev. T. E. Kennedy.Speak- ing for the society, the presi- dent, Mrs. E. Jeffray expressed appreciation of the interest and support which the late Mrs. Kennedy had given to the mis- sionary 'Bork. Film strips with accompany- ing records gave a visual pre- sentation of the problems of the refugees in Hong Kong and how the Christian church is helping to solve these problems. The meeting closed with a hymn and the benediction was pro- nounced by Rev, Kennedy. Mrs. G. McKee Receives Gift Before Leaving LAKELET-The November meeting of the Women's Insti- tute was held in the Institute hall with an attendance of nine- teen. The meeting was conven- ed by the committee on citizen- ship. During the business, which was conducted by the president, Mrs. Lyle Murray, it was decided to hold card parties bi-monthly during the winter months. Thirty ladies have en- rolled for the course on desserts. Mrs. Gordon McKee waspre- sented with a china cup and saucer on the eve of h" • depar- ture to Walkerton. Roll call was answered with an article of interest from an- other country. The motto,'New Canadians are future citizens, don't be indifferent" was given by Mrs. Arnold Gadke. An in- teresting account of the Douk- hobors was presented by Mrs. Walter Demerling. A contest entitled, "Know Ontario" was conducted by Mrs. Charles Scott. The making of doughnuts was demonstrated by Mrs. A. Gadke, samples of which were part of a tasty lunch at the close of the meeting. "I didn't say you were nar- row -- minded - I just said you needed only one earring. of sincere thanks goes to this group from the leaders and Cubs for help and for the gift of bad- ges and equipment which was given at the start of the year. Their interest and willing as- sistance is most sincerely ap- preciated by all. Many comments were made on the Scout douse by parents who had not been down to visit before. Here the thanks goes to the Group Committee and its (louse Chairman Bob Ahara and to the Scouts, who so thorough- ly housecleaned the building the night before in place of holding a regular meeting. "Phis is an example of real team play within the Association. And finally thanks to all the parents for their support and in- terest, which has resulted in the growth and development of the Pack, Leaders can only do so much and the help and sup- port of the parents at house cer- tainly makes the picture com- plete. Wingharn Advance -Times, Thursday, Nov. 14, 1363 Page 5 ONTARIO Notice of Initial PUBLIC HEARINGS on briefs concerning MEDICAL SERVICES INSURANCE Preliminary public hearings will be held as follows: Windsor -Council Chamber, City Hall 10:00 am. December 3 and 4 Toronto -Galbraith Bldg., University of Toronto 35 St. George St., Room 202-202A 10:00 am. December 11 and 12 10:00 am. January 7 and 8 10:00 am. January 14 and 15 10:00 am. January 21 and 22 10:00 am. January 28 and 29 These are initial, not final, hearings. Briefs will be pre- sented by a responsible officer of the organization con- cerned or the individual wishing to make the submission, or their legal counsel. Participants may have expert wit- nesses appear for them. Participants will be asked to present only the summaries and conclusions of briefs as well as their recommendations. They are free to elaborate orally and offer arguments. Persons appearing before the Enquiry may be examined directly by the members of the Enquiry. Persons submitting briefs are permitted to introduce at the hearings supplementary information and material in written form. These, to be known as exhibits, will be filed with the Commission and numbered in order of presentation. REMINDER -Briefs (25 copies) on the proposed Medical Services Insurance programme must be submitted by November 15th to the Secretary. DR..1. GERALD HAGEY Chairman T. C. CLARKE, Secretary Room 418, 67 College St, Toronto I Telephone 365-4024 HOW TO TURN YOUR SMALL CHANGE INTO A FORTUNE DO YOU REALIZE THAT, IN YOUR LIFETIME, YOU WILL. PROBABLY EARN MORE THAN $250,000? How much of your earnings fortune will you keep? Why not squirrel away just a dollar a day in an Investors Savings Certificate. In ten, fifteen or twenty years you can accomplish financially what very few people ever do in a lifetime. At the same time, you can enjoy the benefits of an ever-increasing reserve. JUST CALL OR WRITE THOS. JARDIN DISTRICT MANAGER BOX 394 WINGHAM, ONT. PHONE 357-3661 yet Investors 3 v aDi SSI m arra (N OP CANAAA. S latlIED L/ WE MAKE THEM L00 LIKE WE GIVE PROMPT EXPERT SERVICE TO ALL BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS. ANYTHING FROM A SCRATCH TO A MAJOR WRECK. BRING IN YOUR CAR TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE, WINGHAM OYSHOP NORTH STREET - PHONE 357-1102