HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-10-31, Page 15Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Oct. 31, 1963 Page 7 FINAL WEEK of October Shoe Sole Plenty of Bargains St Ill Left CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 357-1840 Give Generously to UNICEF C,G.hT, ,Members will rail at homes in Wingham today. WINS GOLF TROPHY Miss Jayne Baker of Strathroy, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ken Baker, won the Junior Girls' Golf Championship at theStrath- roy Golf Club for the past sea- son. She attended a banquet where she received several gifts and a trophy. nul11lnllnlriulrin111lll/nII11III111IuleHlanie HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE FRIDAY -SATURDAY, NOV. 1-2 "LEGEND OF THE LOST" Starring JOHN WAYNE - SOPHIA LOREN "PLAY IT COOL" Starring ANTHONY NEWLY - ANNE AUBREY This is the last performance before closing for the year and we wish to take this opportunity to thank the many movie-goers who gave us their patronage throughout the season. It was greatly appreciated and we'll welcome you back next season with a schedule of popular movies for your entertainment. rill INTI Ilrl I1■11 i011I I$111i11IINII ILII I®I I AIII i Football Wingham Mustangs edged Seaforth 20-19 last week on Murray Procter's second field goal of the game. The close- ly fought contest had an excit- ing Holywood ending. Behind 19-17, Wingham had the ball deep in Seaforth tetritory as the fourth quarter drew to a close, On what would normal- ly have been the last play of the game the Mustangs at - CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON CONTINUING THURS.-I+RI: SATURDAY OCT. 31 - NOV. 1-2 `THE GREAT ESCAPE' In CinemaScope and Color A great motion picture and one of the entertainment highlights of the year — Starring Steve McQueen - James Garner Richard Attenborough One showing each evg. at 8:15 WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB HOME BINGO $100 Prize FOR FULL HOUSE CHECK YOUR CARD WITH THE NUMBERS BELOW: B I N G 0 1 16 31 47 61 2 17 32 48 62 3 19 33 49 63 5 20 34 51 64 6 21 35 53 66 7 22 36 54 67 8 23 37 55 68 9 24 38 57 69 10 26 40 58 71 12 27 41 59 74 14 28 42 60 75 15 30 43 44 45 NUMBERS CALLED THIS WEEK WERE: 1-20; I-21. The draw was made hy• Lloyd Casemore, Wingham. The draw was made by Joanne Stewart, Lakeside, Ont. Cards carry all rules and are available from Kinsmen and stores displaying the Bingo sign. Patrons attending Lyceum Theatre, Monday, Oct. 29th, 7:10 p.m., may bring cards and check off next numbers called. HIGHLIGHTS tempted a field goal and miss- ed. However, a Seaforth off- side gave Wingham another chance at closer range, This time Procter made no mistake as he put the ball through the exact centre of the uprights. Procter was the star of the game throughout for Wingham. In addition to his two field goals, he scored one touch- down and two converts. Don McDowell accounted for the remaining six points with a touchdown, The Mustangs dominated play in the first thirty minutes, piling up a 17-0 lead by half- time, but Seaforth bounced back in the second half. The win lifted Wingham in- to a third place tie with Strat- ford. Since only the first three teams are eligible for the play- offs, a fight right down to the wire is assured. The Pictureman Cometh The annual visit of the school photographer triggered a crisis of sorts last week. The photographer was to arrive on Friday. On Monday, Glen Machan, editor of this year's Year Book, suggested that the boys should wear suit coats and ties for their pictures. (The photographs, as well as being sold to the students, appear in the Year Book.) This proposal was greeted with something less than ardent enthusiasm by a large number of the boys. An appeal later on in the week by Alex Hamilton, Student Coun- cil President, failed to weaken appreciably their opposition. Finally, on Thursday, Glen Machan asked that at least the Grade Thirteen pupils (male) wear suits, etc. Thus Friday saw all the Thirteen boys and a minority of the others wear- ing suits. The final irony was that the photographer didn't arrive until the afternoon so that a return trip was necessary. Odds and Ends Since classes are being held in.the regular gym, students in the industrial arts courses have made and erected blackboards and hoops for basketball out- side in the tennis courts. We await with trepidation protests from the appropriate union. 0--0--0 A fund-raising campaign in association with other Cana- dian high schools has been started at Wingham by a stud- ent council committee under the leadership of Sandra Cam- eron. The purpose is to com- bat yaws, a serious disease prevalent in many tropical countries. 0--0--0 At the start of this week another leak had developed in the hall ceiling beside the main office and the little red pail ZYCZTIM\S�H/OWPLACEOF �/� 9® IN HAM THURS.-FRI: COLOUR ONE SATURDAY SAT. OCT. 31-NOV. A REALLY BIG ONE ABOUT WORLD WAR II 1-2 P.M. MON.-TUES.-WED. NOV. 4-5-6 CORNEL WILDE JEAN WALLACE BRIAN AHERNE SWORD OF LANCELOT SHOWS EACH NIGHT 7:15 p.m. and 9:15 p.m, 7:15 ,.„Miii5CHCOM'ANroaoo.JOHN STURGES' 'r° -' ,5,4,—..., a r... STEVE JAMES RICHARD McQUEEN GARNER ATIENBORDUGH IW DELUXE PANAVISION SHOW EACH NIGHT AT 8 MATINEE•�- / PA. Regular Admission was once more put to use to catch the water. An unidenti- fied girl had the misfortune to upset it during the mad 3:10 bus rush. Volleyball The three school volleyball teams were in action last week. The boys team, ably coached by Mr. Horwood, participated in a tournament at Stratford last Saturday. They lost two games straight to Mitchell but came back to beat Seaforth by scores of 15-3, 13-15, and 15-2. However, they met Mit- chell again and were eliminat- ed after two more losses. This year's team is !made up as fol- lows: Starting Team, G. Thom as, G. McMurray, D. Rintoul, N. McKinney, K. Scott, H. Mundell; Spares, R. Smith, J. Edwards, H. Martens, K. An- derson, L. Dezeeuw, R, Crew - son. 0--0--0 On Thursday, the senior girls journeyed to Stratford North Western Collegiate. They were eliminated by losses to Stratford Collegiate, Mit- chell, and Stratford although they beat Listowel. Team mem- bers are: Mary Craig (captain), Sharon Wilkinson, Doreen Smyth, Brenda MacLennan, Ruth Coultes, Cheryl Roane, Bonnie Jardin, Betty Ritesma, Marg O'Malley, Linda Mahood, Jane Cruikshank, Kathy Reid. 0--0--0 The juniors fared better at Exeter on Tuesday. They were defeated by Listowel but won over Stratford Collegiate, Stratford North Western Col- legiate and St. Mary's. A three way tie developed among Lis- towel, Stratford and Wingham, Since Wingham had the fewest total points scored against, they advanced into the final championship game vs. Gode- rich but were beaten in two straight games. Judy Forsyth captained a team whose other members were Anne McKibbon, Wendy Cronkwright, Marjorie Smith, Nancy Schaefer, Norma Smith, Rae Gurney, Wendy Roane, Sharon Reavie, Jane Day, Pat Hotchkiss, Marilyn Riley. 0--0--0 In each of the girls tourna- ments there were two groups of five teams playing in separate gyms. Each of the five teams played a match consisting of best two out of three games with each of the other four teams. The two winners of the round -robins played in the final. Both Wingham teams played well with particularly strong serves. However, Miss Munro, their coach, reports that since this was the first time they had played indoors all season they were at a disadvan- tage. They missed the wind blowing the ball and the sun in their eyes. Goderich Team Leads in Games This will be a crucial week for the high school teams com- peting in the Huron -Perth Con- ference football schedule. At the first of the week, Goderich was leading with 5 wins, fol- lowed by Clinton with 4 and Wingham, 3, assuring the lake - shore boys of a place in the playoffs. Second and third place teams, which will also go into the finals, will be determined by the results of games to be played this week. Wingham was to meet South Huron at Exeter yesterday. The same day Seaforth played at Clinton and Goderich went to Mitchell. Listowel meets Stratford today. BACKACHE When kidneys fait to remove excess acids and wastes, backache --tired feeling— disturbed rest often may fellow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel bettor, sleep I better, work better. 00 BO N EW s COMMERCIAL LEAGUE October 22 Before rambling on, as usual, on behalf of the Com- mercial League, I would like to extend congratulations to Hilda and Walter Brown on their 25th anniversary. and to Louise and Morris Swanson on their 34th. We hope there are many more anniversaries ahead for each of you. Things were fairly quiet to- night, and the reason seemed to be that everyone was tired. Our thanks to Joan and Ed Yeo- man for sparing as well as to Ev and Gord Rapson. I noticed Ed Yeoman and Jim Bain hav- ing what I would call some pretty good luck with their kick -backs. Must try it some- time. Team standings are Hurons, 25; Iroquois, 21; Crees, 21; Sioux, 19; Apaches, 9; Mo- hawks, 7. Dorothy Bain took the high single with 2'75 and Shirley Storey the high triple with 663. High single for the men went to Maurice Stainton with 289 and the high triple to Jim Bain with 652. The Bains went all out picking up points for their respective teams. Oh, well, the season is still young. Maybe there is some hope for the rest of us. 0--0--0 LLOYD-TRUAX LEAGUE Well the bowling has start- ed again for another year. The LIoyd-Truaz league has been going for three or four weeks now and it looks as though some of our bowlers are out to get some trophies early by the way they have been bowling. Last week's scores were Bi - sons on top with 2884; Crack- ers 2649; Chiefs 2501; Mets 2485; Pirates 2471; Colts 2383. Ladies' high single, Sharon Riley 179; ladies' high triple, C. 0' Gorman 455.. Men's high single, Mac Ritchie 264; and men's high triple, also Mac Ritchie with 660. Next week we will try to give you a list of the 750 triples that have been bowled this year so far and the 300 games. We have a few. LADIES' LEAGUE Trumps 7; Aces 10; Kings 18; Queens 6; Jacks 10; Jokers 14. High single, Shirley Storey, 310; high triple, Hilda Brown, 740, Weekly Euchre BELGRAVE—The weekly euchre was held in the Com- munity Centre on Wednesday with five tables in play. Prizes were won as follows: high lady, Mrs. Albert Vincent; novelty lady, Mrs. Bob Purdon; low lady, Mrs. Harold Proctor; high man, Earl Noble; novelty man, Robert Higgins; low man, Lewis Cook. At the next euchre on Wed- nesday the officers for the new year will be installed, BRIDGE CLUB N. and S.: 1, Mrs. 0, Por- ter, R. Hetherington; 2. Wm. Laidlaw, 11, Crawford; 3. O. Haselgrove, H. Fisher. E. and W.: 1. Miss Y. Mc- Pherson, Wm. Wharry; 2, Mr, and Mrs. 11, Spry; 3. Mrs. F. Fergie, C, Hodgins. THE OLD HORSE LAUGH Henry Hudson is a horse own- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mar- velle of Newport, Rhode Island. The other day he whinnied from the pasture and kept whinnying until members of the family came out to see why. They found Henry looking at an automobile which had caught fire on the nearby road, and they now praise their four - legged friend for his ability as an alarm giver. What nonsense! Henry was simply giving the horseless carriage the horse laugh. Knew all the time the danged things weren't here to stay. —The Victoria Times. 51/4% INTEREST ON Victoria and Grey Trust Company Guaranteed Investment Certificates A Short Term Investment —3 to 5 year terms —In amounts from $100 up —Authorized Investment for Trust Funds —Unconditionally Guaranteed —Principal does not fluctuate Interest is payable half -yearly by cheque, or you may have the interest deposited to your savings account, or you may leave the interest to accumulate until the principal is due. Victoria and Grey Trust Company OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO Why do we set world speed records? —FOR SAFETY Although new Studebaker models have just set 72 World Speed Records, our purpose is not to set records, but to prove the extra safety features we build into our cars. Important features that protect you and your family, day in, day out. This is why Studebaker cars set Speed Records, and why you can have Disc Brakes that stop in almost half the regular distance. This is why seat belts are factory installed and the unitized bodies are built on girder -strong, Armor Guard frames. And these are good reasons for you to get down to your dealer and take a fresh look at a great new car .. . new styling ... new performance . . . new economy. (( , \l STUDEBAKER OF CANADA LIMITED DISTRIBUTOR OF MERCEDES -BENZ Watch ED SULLIVAN (CBC English Network), DANS LES RUES DE QUEBEC (CBC French Network), and U.S. COLLEGE FOOTBALL (CBS)—all for Studebaker, • • • " • " \ • • " ITX" :woe" • \ •••••••.... rATZT 00.100 "�•+""' yr Take a test-drive at this dealer: mast G JOSEPHINE STREET BERT A RoNPHONE 35RE0 WINGHAM, ONTARIO