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Wroxeter Personals
Miss Margaret Edgar, ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Elarper, all of Toronto,
spent the week -end at the sum-
mer home of the forruer.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaeques
and family, Orange hill, visit-
ed Mrs. W. Weir and Miss Ger-
trude Bush.
Week -end guests with Mrs.
Elizabeth Hoffman were Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Wilson and Dale
of Port Rowan.
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Gib-
son, Hamilton, spent Sunday
with Misses Elsie and Marion
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart,
Patti and Susan were in Cooks-
ville for the week -end, where
they visited Mr. and Mrs.
George Newton.
Ross Toman's visited Mr.
Wallace Toman at Baden on
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Karn
and family, spent Sunday at
Tobermory and other points.
Sunday visitors with Mrs. R.
Newton were Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Abel of Listowel and Mr.
Anson Galbraith of Howick.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Collier
and Gary, London, and Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Gibson, Dana
and Duane of Monkton, visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart
were in Preston on Sunday
where they visited Mrs. Harry
W. Hart and also visited Mr.
Hart in Galt Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton,
Aileen and Brenda of Seaforth,
spent Sunday with Mrs. Alonzo
Mrs. Jas. Robertson and
Scott returned to Goderich on
Saturday with Mr. John Hupfer
and Miss Hazel Sparling after
spending part of last week here.
Recent visitors with Mr.
Chas. Maxwell were his son
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clif-
ford Maxwell, Linda and San-
dra and another son, Mr. Bob
Maxwell, all of Simcoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mc-
Michael and family spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Lamont, Teeswater.
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Hupfer were Mrs.
Wm. King, Brussels, and Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Douglas and
Wayne of Belmore.
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Brad-
shaw and Mrs. R. Newton were
in London on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ware -
Gift of Money
To Newlyweds
WROXETER--A large crowd
was in attendance at the shower
held in Wroxeter Community
Hall on Friday evening for Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Garniss (Bren-
da Cathers) when Ian Wilbee's
orchestra supplied the music.
Miss Betty Ann Adams read
the address and Misses Irene
Doubledee and Lorna Woods
made the presentation of agift
of money.
Use MECCA for
Mecca, a favourite family
ointment for over 60 years
quickly heals minor wounds.
Non -irritating,
soothing antisep-
tic. Sold at all
drug counters.
Buy Mecca
In tin or tube
ham, Barrie, visited Monday
with Mrs. Alonzo Sparling and
Miss hazel Sparling.
Mr. Oswald Simpson has
returned home from a visit to
the West, but has been hospita-
lized for the past week. We
hope he is fully recovered very
Mrs. Chas. McCutchcon and
Mrs. Richard Griffith spent Sun-
day with Misses Elva and
Evelyn Hupfer, Wingham,
Mr, and Mrs. George Gal-
braith attended the funeral on
Friday of Mrs. Roy Whetham,
Harriston. She was the former
Myrtle Millen and had lived
several years at Orange Hill,
Howick Twp.
Mr. Reg. Watson and grand-
son, David Watson, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gal-
braith Sunday. Others who
called at the same home were
Mr. and Mrs. Wellesley Strong,
Gorrie and Mr. and Mrs. Wood-
ley, Simcoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Callum
Cameron of Detroit spent a few
days with Mr, and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin
spent a few days in London with
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Durnin,
Mr. Gordon Pannabecker is
attending Ridgetown Agricul-
tural School this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor
of Simeoe spent the week -end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Carrick.
Mr. and Mrs. Torn Todd,
Wayne and IIughie and Mrs.
W. I. Miller spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McIntyre
and Don at Richmond Iiill.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tristram
and family of Scarborough were
week -end guests of Rev. and
Mrs. Tristram.
Over $100 was realized at
the U.C.W. annual tea and
bazaar on Saturday in Lucknow.
Mr. Harry Campbell of the
Yukon is visiting with his
family Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ganr
mie and Brock and Lorie Camp-
Angola Is Topic
Of Mrs. Ferguson
LAKELET—The McIntosh U.
C.W. held the October meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. How-
ard Pace at Belmore in com-
pany with the ladies of the Bel -
more U.C.W. Twenty-six
ladies answered the roll call,
"Name some of our blessings".
The theme of the meeting
was "It is a good thing to give
thanks unto the lxcord". Devo-
tions were read by Mrs. Jack
Inglis. A lovely rendition of
"In Times Like These" was
given by Miss Lavonne Ballagh.
The guest speaker, Mrs.
Merrill Ferguson, was introduc-
ed by Mrs. Jack Ferguson. She
and her husband were mission-
aries in Angola for 25 years and
she spoke of the conditions
there at present.
The meeting was closed by
prayer by Mrs. J. Ferguson and
a delicious lunch was served by
Mrs. H. Pace, Mrs. I. Haskins
and Mrs. Alan Darling.
Five Charter Members Attend Anniversary
WROXETER—Members of
Lions' Clubs from Atwood, Har-
riston, Elora, Mt. Forest, Luck-
ucknow, Teeswater, Wingham,
and Blyth, joined members of
the Howick Lions' Club in the
celebration of tne 20th anni-
versary of the founding of the
Howick Club, at a turkey ban-
quet held in the Wroxeter Com-
munity Hall, on Tuesday eve-
ning of last week, with mem-
bers of the U.C.W. catering for
Mr. Wm. Smith of Ingersoll
spent the week -end at his home
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson
visited with Mr. and Mrs. John
White at Teeswater on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pellett
and family of Wroxeter visited
with Mr. and Mrs. E. Metzger
on Sunday.
Mr. Ronald Dickert of Ha-
milton spent the week -end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Sydney
Thompson of Wingham.
Mr. Lynn Ferguson of Mit-
chell spent the week -end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mr. Arthur Landman, in
company with Mr. and Mrs.
Goosen Winkel of Fordwich, re-
turned last week from a trip to
the United States. They visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Oostra of Chicago and journey-
ed through Michigan, Indiana,
Illinois and Wisconsin, driving
over the three mile long four
lane Mackinaw Bridge.
Miss Sandra Wright of Tor-
onto and Miss June Wright of
Kitchener spent the week -end
at their home here.
WROXETER--A full congre-
gation attended the U.C.W.
Thankoffering service on Sun-
day. Mrs. Stanley Bride of
Fordwich was guest speaker and
spoke on Thanksgiving and
Praise and the choir sang the
anthem "Let the Song Go
'Round the Earth". The Junior
choir sang " Bring Them In".
the occassion.
Lion President Russell Mar-
tin presided, and among the
head table guests were Inter-
national Past President Walter
Fisher of St. Catharines, Inter-
national Counsellor Ed. Walker,
of Midland, Deputy District
Governor Pete Bissonnette, of
Ripley, and Zone Chairman
Wray Cooper, of Fordwich, and
five of the original charter
members of the Howick Club,
Gordon Gibson, Gordon Edgar,
Howard Wylie, Harold Town-
send and Ken Edgar.
Following the introductions
were tne toasts, including one
to the Queen, and one to tne
visitors proposed by Lion Har-
vey McDermitt, with response
by Fred Day, an Atwood Lion.
Mrs. Bill King of Brussels,
was pianist for the evening,
and the vocal soloist was Gra-
ham McDonald, also of Brussels
Earl Heywood of Wingham en-
tertained with some magic
The guest speaker, Inter-
national Counsellor Walter
Fisher, was introduced by Lion
Ken Edgar, and chose as his
theme "Time". Counsellor
Fisher is a dynamic speaker,
and the audience found him
most interesting.
International Counsellor Ed.
Walker presented Monarch cer-
tificates and pins to the five
Howick charter nnembers, and
Deputy District Governor Pete
Bissonnette installed two new
members, Bill Edgar and Laurie
VanVelsor, both of Wroxeter.
Lucky winners of the draw
Men Are Helping
With Installation
GORRIE—Clarence Gibson
and his staff have been engag-
ed to panel the interior of St.
Stephen's Anglican Church.
Mr. Gibson has promised to
commence the work on Mon-
day, Nov. 25th, so that the
church will be redecorated for
the Advent season.
The church and rectory are
having a new water installation
this week. The men of the
congregation are helping with
the work under the direction of
Harold King and Norman Wade.
Alignment Service
Dial 357-1230 — biagonal Roal --- WINGHAM
Then get a real comfort ride
with our Bear balancing ser-
vice. Your life can hang in the
balance of your wheels. Bring
your car in for a check today!
And while it's here we'll look
over the shocks, brakes, steer-
ing for you too.
were Stan. Bride of Fordwich,
winning a 20 lb. turkey, Nor-
man "Dutch" Tilker of Elora,
who won a 40 ib. pig on the
hoof, and Lee Vance of Wing -
ham, who won a vase.
The evening's entertain-
ment drew to a close in the
usual manner with the Lions'
BLUEVALE—The Sacrament
of the Lord's Supper was ob-
served in the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday when five
people joined the church: Mrs.
(Rev.) T. E. Kennedy, Harvey
Shaw, James Shaw, Sheila Ross,
and Shirley Ross.
Rev. Kennedy based his ser-
mon remarks on the purpose and
aim of observing the Lord's
Supper. The choir sang a suit-
able anthem.
Gorrie Personals
Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Nickel,
Teeswater, visited Sunday with
Mrs, Wilbert Gallaway,
Mr. Fred Neill and Mr, and
Mrs. Edward Keating, Wood-
stock, visited Sunday with Mrs.
Albert Dustow. Mrs. Agnes
Neill accompanied them home
after visiting with her sister.
Mrs. Margaret Moore and
Linda of Richmond Bill visited
recently at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Gowdy.
Mr. Frank Harris, Detroit,
Mich., is spending two weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Earnest
Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Redmond
MacDonald and family of Wing-
ingham spent Sunday at the same
Mr. and Mrs. John Harper
and Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Har-
per of Carlingford visited Mr.
and Mrs. Robt, Elschner.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hynd-
man, Mrs. Harry Gowdy and
Mrs. Roy Gowdy, accompanied
by Mrs. Robt, Spotton, Wing -
ham, visited Mr. Harry Gowdy
and Mr. Robt. Spotton in Vic-
toria Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Whit-
field, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Koch, were at
Mallon Thursday when Rev.
Wilfred Hird arrived by plane
after visiting his daughter on
the East Coast,
Miss Joan Ford, Brampton,
spent the week -end witn Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Templeman.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Maybury,
Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Edgar, and family of Listowel
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Gladstone Edgar on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mc-
Innes attended the funeral of
Mr. Nelson Boyd, of Mt. For-
est on Monday.
Mrs. Albert Dustow, Mrs.
Agnes Neill, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Chambers, Woodstock,
have returned after spending
two weeks at Fort William.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Under-
wood, Brenda and Kevin, and
Mr. Earl Ganyeau of Galt spent
the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Underwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Mc-
Millan, Teeswater, and Mr.
and Mrs. Austin Fines, Erin,
Bluevale Personals
Among the relatives from a
distance attending the funeral
service for the late Mrs. Wil-
liam Adair last week were Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Adair, of
Huntsville, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Adair of Toronto, Mrs. Earl
Brinker and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
Brinker, of Saudusky, Mich.
Mrs. Harry Elliott and Mrs.
Gordon Ross joined Women's
Institute members and others
from Whitechurch on a bus trip
to Kitchener last week, when
they toured industrial plants.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond El-
liott and Mr. Gordon Messer
visited at Port Credit at the
week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall and
James of New Hamburg, spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Gor-
don Hall.
Misses Mary and Ruby Duff
and Mrs. M. L. Aitken visited
at Listowel on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Hoff-
man and children, of Exeter,
visited for a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. C. B. Hoffman.
Mr. and Mrs. Sparling John-
ston and Mrs. Ed. Barnard visit-
ed in Hensall on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Masters,
of Grand Valley, and Mr.
Cecil Wheeler and Mrs. Olive
Gallagher, of Brussels, were
guests of Mrs. W. J. Johnston
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mc -
Culla and baby Louise, of
Euchre Winners
BELGRAVE—The Foresters
held a euchre in the hall on
Friday evening with eight tables
in play. Prizes were won as
High lady, Annie McKinnon;
low lady, Mrs. Mark Armstrong
ladies' novelty, Mrs. Earl
Noble; men's high, Elmer Bruce
men's low, Murray Lowry;
men's novelty, Earl Noble.
There will be another euchre
in two weeks.
Kitchener, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. A. D. Smith.
Mrs. T. E. Kennedy, Mrs. B.
Thomas, Mrs. R. J. McMurray
and Rev. T. E. Kennedy at-
tended the Sectional meeting of
the W.M.S. held in Belmore
Presbyterian Church on Thurs-
day of last week. Mrs. B.
Thomas introduced the guest
speaker, Miss Hazel MacDon-
ald, and Mrs. McMurray gave
the courtesy remarks.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wells and
Donna Jane, of Stratford, visit-
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. J. McMurray on Sunday.
spent Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. McInnes,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Foster
and family, Galt, visited Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mrs. Alex. Graham and
Tommy spent a few days witn
her mother, Mrs. Jas. Mc-
Kenzie, Wallaceburg.
The Gorrie W. I. will meet
in the Legion Hall on Nov. 5.
All Grandmothers are invited
to attend. Roll call, "Who
was first to live in your house."
Debate, Resolved the Good
Old Days were Better, with
Mrs. Glad. Edgar and Mrs.
Harry Rhame taking the affir-
mative and Mrs, Len Sanderson
and Mrs. Raymond Gowdy,
negat ive.
ZIMMERMAN—In Palmerston
Hospital on Sunday, Oct. 27,
1963, to Mr, and Mrs. Har-
ry Zimmerman, a daughter.
We are sorry to hear that
Mrs, Edward Robinson has been
in the Wingham and District Y
Hospital this past week after
having her teeth extracted last
Monday. Mrs. J. C. Robinson
of Wingham is at the Robinson
Mr. John Hildebrand had
the misfortune to get a piece
of steel in his eye, which was
very painful.
Mr, and Mrs. William Har-
dy and Jean visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy
and family at Benmiller.
Mr. Stuart Chamney tore
the ligaments in his knee in an
accident at the barn.
Mr. and Mrs. George Web-
ster and family of St. Helens
visited Sunday witn Mr, and
Mrs. Stuart Chamney and
Mr. Sydney McClinchey of
Auburn visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Jefferson.
Cream, Eggs & Milk Pickup
Phone: Wingham 357-1639
Wroxeter 15J1
Lube up now -
for smooth
going in any
Our precision lube -job
will mean much in terms
of smoother going, es-
pecially when the wea-
ther turns cold! While
you're about it, let us
give your car a complete
pre -winter checkup.
The Shur -Gain All -Mash Program was
designed with your poultry profits
in mind. With this Program, every
bird is assured a properly
balanced diet, virtually
eliminating irregularities
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Come in, we'll talk about your flock
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profit with the Shur -Gain
All -Mash Program.
poultry feeds
Wingham Feed Mill
DIAL 357-3060