HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-10-31, Page 3Safety Tips For ,Iaiiawe'en Hordes of sma11 witches, pirates and ghosts .running around excitedly after dark, in- ent on gathering treats, pre- •ent an ideal atmosphere for accidents. Very young ehildren should be accompanied by adults. right -coloured costumes, short enough to prevent tripping, are favoured over dark, long ones. Make-up should be used rather than masks which reduce vision, A flashlight used for a candle in the jack -o -lantern will eli- minate a fire hazard. Children are likely to forget traffic rules in their excite- ment, so parents, remind them, and drivers, be alert on Octo- ber 31st. Standing on your dignity never makes you look big. .A. Williams, O.D OPTOMETRIST 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 LIFETIME SECURITY A Canada Life special con- tract providing Life Insur- ance and Pension Option all in one policy available from age 0 to age 55 Consult — ]E~rank C. Hopper — REPRESENTATIVE — Canada Life WINGI-IAM, ONT. PRONE 357-2452 PROMPT PRESCRIPTION SERVICE YOUR prescription is our First Order of Business! —At your service— McKIBBONS PHARMACY Phone 357-1880 - Wingham Gloxinias Are for Everyone During the past 10 years the only house plant to gain more popularity than the gloxinia is the African violet.. Gloxinias were discovered in 1785 and named in honour of P. G, Gioxin of Straussburg, Germany. In 1817 Gloxinia speciosa was introduced into England where it rapidly gained popularity. The early species had small nodding, purple -blue flowers, About one and a quarter inches across, but were hybridized un- til the present day hybrid slip- per was developed. These come in many colours and have blooms about three inches across. The slipper gloxinias are extremely choice and are often preferred by enthusiasts to the large flowered hybrids, which sometimes have blooms four to six inches across. In fact, it is riot unusual to have a bloom of seven inches across on a regular hybrid. Actually the origin of the modern day hybrid is rather hazy. We know that it was dis- covered in Brazil and brought to Europe, where the records were either lost or never re- corded, Thus little information exists connecting the species with the early European hy- brids. During the early years of the climb of the gloxinia to popu- larity, there were few named varieties. These included Blanche de Meru, a rose with a white throat; Brunhilde, white; Defiance, red; Emperor Fred- erick, red with a white border; Emperor William, purple with a white border. For some unknown reason gloxinias seemed to lose their popularity in the latter part of the 1800's. Apparently, hy- bridists of yesteryear gave up too quickly in their search for new colours, and this lack of colour variation caused the downfall. Colour preference in gloxin- ias, as in other flowers, is a matter of personal taste. Many prefer sparkling reds, making them highly popular. A spec- tacular sight always is a group of all. colours — white, delicate pink, rose, red and purple, with all the intermediate shades and hues. Gloxinias are not hard to grow, yet they are tempera- mental enough to make them sti A`?'ir:'S ?ir" challenging. One way to start is with a mature plant from the local florist or greenhouse, Then, when flowering is past enough water to prevent it from drying out all at once. This will allow the top to die naturally and slowly and de- velop the tuber so it will be better conditioned for storage, The tuber may be left in the pot, or if you have several, they may be stored in a plastic bag filled with vermiculite. Good bloom on gloxinias is governed by several factors. To begin with, plants must he kept growing from the time they are planted, whether it is Novem- ber or February. A tuber start* ed in November in the north, where days are short during the winter, will outproduce those planted at any other time, if sufficient light is given to pre.. vent leggy growth. Some varieties, of course, which are poor bloomers, are the result of an improper balance between light and temperature. Too high temperatures and insuffic- ient light produce poor plants, and when fertilized the con. dition is only exaggerated, Another need of gloxinia is ideal temperature, that is, 10' 75 degrees F. by day and 02- 65 degrees F. by night, During the winter months, a home grown plant requires all the sun of a south or east window. Turning the pot regularly will help to keep the foliage uni- form and symmetrical, If, how, ever, you find that your grow- ing conditions are not favour* able during the winter months, hold tubers in a dormant stage World's Largest Floral Clock AUTUMN DRIVING 15 A PLEASURE UllitanSMISAREly Car Is Running Smooth! Pleasure driving means riding in a car that's been carefully checked and is running in top condition. That's what we do— put your car in top running order. Our skilled mechanics will put it in shape for the hard winter driving that's ahead too. BRiNG IT IN SOON. Wingham Motors Phone 357-2720 Inspired by the famous clock, built in the Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh, Scot- land, in 1903, the Canadian timepiece is more than three times as large as its Scottish counterpart. The latter was seen by Dr. Richard L. Hearn, a former Chairman of Ontario Hydro, who took time out during a business trip to visit the Princes Street Gardens. On his return home, an idea was quickly translated into action. It was decided to build the Canadian clock beside Hydro's Sir Adam Beck -Niagara Gen- erating Stations Nos. 1 and 2, the larger No. 2 plant being, it- self, a famous mecca for visitors to the area. Design and con- struction of the timepiece was done entirely by Hydro em- ployees in the Niagara Region. The dock has a diameter of 40 feet. The planted area, with a diameter of 38 feet, contains, SEE BENNETT'S NEW STOCK OF COLD WEATHER WEAR Boys' PLASTIC GLOVES, knit edge, S, NI, L 98c Boys' GLOVES, 5, 6, 7 98c Men's Knit Edge GLOVES $1.29 Men's Fleece GLOVES $1.69 Kiddies' MITTS (Bulky), asstd. colors .. 89c Misses' GLOVES, wide var. patterns . , . 69c Children's Foam Insulated MITTENS, sizes 2-7 98c Ladies' MITTS 98c Misses' MITTS, asstd. patterns 89c Men's Flannelette PYJAMAS, guaranteed washable $2.98 Boys' Flannelette PYJAMAS, 2-4.6 .. , $1.89 Infants` SLEEPERS, sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 .. $1.89 Girls' Polo PYJAMAS, 2, 4, 6, 6X $2.29 Boys' Stretchy GLOVES , $1.19 FUR daTs '2.49 WIDE SELECTION OF STYLES AND SIZES AND NUMEROUS OTHER ITEMS Corrie in and browse around BENNETT'S Sc TO $1.00 STORE WINGHAM - 357-3500 ACROSS FROM WiNGNAM MEAT MARKET ONTARIO HYDRO PHOTOS on the average, over 17,000 carpet plants, which are inter- woven into a new and colourful design each summer. In the winter, multi - colored stone chips replace the plants. All hands are constructed of 31:1 and 312', -inch, outside diameter, stainless steel tub- ing. The hour hand, 1412 feet long, and the minute hand, 1710 feet in length, have a combined weight of half a ton, while the 21 -foot long sweep second hand weighs 250 lbs. The ivy -clad, louvred, stone tower which, at the front, rises 12 feet above the clock dial, houses the speakers for the Westminster chimes that in- tone the quarters and strike on the hour. This tower is 24 feet above ground level at the rear (Bottom Right Picture). The door, which is shown, provides access to the mechanism and electrical equipment which are housed in three rooms within a reinforced concrete structure below the clock. The mechan- ism runs in a bath of oil and is driven by a 2 H.P. motor. Every day, Cyril Defiains (Bottom left), who is respon- sible for overall maintenance, checks the official time signal by telephone to assure the accuracy of the floral clock. An outstanding feature in its own right is the 10 -foot wide water garden and aquarium (Top), which curves for 85 feet round the front of the time- piece. The weary tnan had just set- tled down with his pipe and the evening paper. "San", called his wife, "I've got a lot of things I want to talk to you about." "Well, fine, said her hus- band. "Usually you want to talk about a lot of things you haven't got." Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Oct. 31, 1963 Page 3 until February when the sun is Gloxinias thrive in a fibrous brighter and days are longer.. textured soil, rich in organic matter. REDUCED TO CLEAR DINNERWARE "OLD MILL' 5 -PIECE SETTING 1,55 REG. $2.30 -- NOW ROSE CHINTZ and FRIENDLY VILLAGE Foley "CORNFLOWER" Foley FERNLEiGH Foley PINE SPRAY REG. $$.30 NOW REG, $10,95 NOW REG. $16.95 NOW REG, $14.95 NOW $ 2.20 $ 7.30 $11.30 $ 9,95 SUPER SPECIAL! MEAKIN'S "WYE VALLEY" 68 -piece Service for 8 --- includes all serving pieces REGULAR $59.50 $37.50 37, 5O TO CLEAR eri ' rEik M EH S \\\\\\"'"''//' WINGHAM The finest in JEWELLERY CRYSTAL POTTERY ENGLISH CHiNA EWELLERY PHONE 357-2670 RUSH'S READY-TO-WEAR VELVET JUMPERS $!4.95 AND UP COME 1N TODAY AND LOOK OVER OUR MANY FINE SELECTIONS AT ATTRACTIVE SALE PRICES RUSH'S READY-TO-WEAR JOSEPHINE STREET