HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-10-24, Page 7Open Last 401 Gap in W. Ont. The last gap of Highway 401 in Western Ontario opened to traffic at noon Tuesday and the rist with a large enough ank can now drive non-stop from Windsor east to beyond Marysville, near Belleville -- a distance of 34'7 miles, The 181 -mile stretch be, Iween Highway 76, north of West Lorne, and Highway 21, near Ridgetown, opened with- out an official ceremony, The new section is beingput into use as a two-lane highway but has been graded for four lanes for paving as soon as pos- sible. - 1Iaflt Auction Sule at the LISTOWEL LEGION AUDITORIUM LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Wednesday Evening, October 30 AT 7:30 P.M., SHARP AUCTIONEER LEO BIRD WILL SELL WITHOUT RESERVE A LARGE SELECTION OF FINANCE COMPANY REPOSSES- SIONS, BANKRUPT STOCKS, BAILIFF SEIZURES AND PER- SONAL CONSIGNMENTS CONSISTING OF MODERN HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE, TELEVISION SETS AND APPLIANCES. THIS IS JUST A PARTIAL LIST OF ITEMS TO BE SOLD: 17 cu, ft, chest freezer that bolds over 500 lbs. frozen food; auto- matic washer and dryer in new condition; 2 electric ranges; 2 refrigerators; 2 washers with pumps; 3 chesterfield suites with foam cushions; 2 davenport suites that make into a bed; 4 bed- room suites complete with springs and mattresses; 4 39" contin- ental beds complete with headboards; 48 key concert chord organ with music book; 6 21" television sets and 2 17" sets, all recon- ditioned and in A-1 working condition; combination radio and record player; 9 piece coppertone dinette suites; 2 7 piece and 1 5 piece kitchen suites; step and coffee tables; living room lamps; hostess chairs; step stool; high chair; gossip bench; chrome rocker; writing desk; radio; 2 fuII size new mattresses; 9' x 12' rug and many other items too numerous to mention. WE WILL ALSO 01.+F.LR FOR SALE A LARGE SELECTION OF CHESTERFIELD SUITES, CHROME SETS AND BED- ROOM SUITES THAT WERE PURCHASED FROM VARIOUS MANUFACTURERS at the 1963 LONDON FURNITURE SHOW. ALSO WE WILL BE SELLING A GOOD SELECTION OF BRAND NEW CLOTHING FOR MEN, WOMEN—CHILDREN AND BABIES—THE FOLLOWING BEING JUST A FEW OF THE MANY ITEMS: Slims, slacks, blouses, skirts, peddle push- ers, shirts, men's socks, Iadies' nylons, underwear, 2 and 3 piece outfits for children, School clothes for all ages, teen size dresses, sizes 8 to 16, (nice assortment) ; boys' two-piece suits; baby clothes of all kinds; exceptionally large assortment of ladies' dresses and suits, (Taffy Stores bankrupt stock), DON'T MISS THIS AUCTION SALE AT THE LISTOWEL LEGION AUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY EVENING—OCTOBER 30th --7:30 SHARP AUCTIONEER — LEO E. BIRD TERMS CASH — CHEQUES ACCEPTED ON FURNITURE 3% Sales Tax in effect CHEERLEADERS?—Fans at one of the recent football games at the high school were somewhat mystified when this troupe of cheerleaders hit the field It didn't take long to realize they were not of the female variety. The crew includes Jim Nesmith, Bob Beattie, Rod Cameron and Dave Wenger.—Photo by Adams. Teachers' College Alumni Annual Autumn Reunion The Alumni Association of the Stratford Teachers' College has announced that plans have been completed for the annual autumn reunion to be held in Stratford on November 2. The graduating years es- pecially chosen to be honoured are all those ending in "3" or „8 Guest speaker for the ban- quet, to be held in Forster Hall, Central United Church, Strat- ford, at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, OUR NEW BEAR BALANCING SERVICE CAN MAKE YOUR TIRES LAST TWICE KEN'S Alignment Service BRAKE DRUM TURNING SHOCK ABSORBERS SPRING REPLACEMENT Dial 3571230 -- Diagonal Roal -- WINGHAM AS LONG CALL IN TODAY! YOU ATTENTION POULTRY MEN OF THE WINGHAM AREA ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND GORDON DICKISON'S OPEN HOUSE -- TO SEE -- Completly Automatic (Big Dutchmen Type) Cage House TIME: 2 P.M. PLACE: GORDON DICKISON'S FARM, (1 mile north of Teeswater on No. 4 Highway; then follow the Purina signs). DATE: TUESDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 29th. SEE: •Completely Automatic Egg Gathering. • Completely Automatic Feeding. • Completely Automatic Manure Removal— (Scrapes into pit, water added and pumped out). •Steel Truss Building. "Plan to See the Latest in Cage Housing HOWSON 8c HOWSON LTD. 4,0„,,,,,,,,,,,4,,G,11A November 2, will be R. J. McNaughton, B.A., B. Paed, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education for the Province of Ontario. A special feature of the ball, to be held in the Coliseum Ball- room, Stratford Fair Grounds, at 9:00 p.m. the same day, is the crowning of the Alumni Queen, elected by the 1963 graduating class. The election was held in May at which time the four finalists were announc- ed, but just which one will be Queen has been a well -guarded secret. In charge of reservations for the banquet and ball is Miss Judith Heinrich, 27 Railway Ave. Stratford, Although no functions art planned to take place in the Teachers' College, the build- ing will be opened from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.; prior to the ban- quet, to afford any who are interested an opportunity of visiting the college again. Personal Notes —Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris and Mr. and Mrs, A. Bell have returned home after spending a week with Mr, and Mrs. Don Delmage and Gail in London. —Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sum- bler and Mr. and Mrs, Herman Belland of New Liskeard, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Fielding and other friends in town. —Little Anne Elizabeth Childs of Woodstock spent a couple of weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vanstone and her great- grandmother, Mrs. S. A. Mur- ray, returning home last week. PROMPT PRESCRIPTION w _ SERVICE ti Hatless Groom Was Beautiful in Suit Of Black Wool We've never been able to gel enthusiastic about the descrip- tions of what the bride, brides- maids, etc., wore, as in Wed- ding write-ups. however, since our better -half attends to this department, we are spared the agony of it while the feminine angle is given due attention, We would hate to think of how long the usual newspaper wedding account would be if the same details were given to what the groom and what rhe groomsman and ushers wore as are given to what the bride, etc. wore. If you think this couldn't be done, then we invite you to look over the following write- up which appeared in a Ken- tucky newspaper: "Joe was beautiful in a black suit of wool with matching la- pel pressed down sharply again- st the chest. Peering out of the left breast pocket were four tips of a cleverly folded white linen handkerchief while on the left lapel quaintly held by placing the stem through an unused buttonhole and securing it with a small silver hat pin, was a white carnation. "He wore a shirt of white nylon, severely plain, which was held together at the front by little buttons of plastic. A- round his neck and under the shirt collar was a tie of black jersey, knotted carefully in decorative style, and held to ....::.... FROSTY QUEENS BELGRAVE--The third meet- ing of the Frosty Queens was held at Nancy VanCamp's and opened with the 4-H pledge and motto followed by the minutes of the last meeting be- ing read by Donna Grasby. Mrs, Black gave the subject matter and explained the making of curds. Nancy VanCamp pur- chased a variety of cheese for the girls to look for weight and price. The meeting clos- ed with lunch of crackers and sampling the different kinds of cheese. The fourth meeting was held at the home of Donna Grasby. The minutes were read by Linda Rinn. Roll call was answered by "Various pric- es on cheese”. Mrs. Black dis- cussed the subject matter on custards while Donna Grasby demonstrated making baked custard. Lila Black discussed meal planning. DAIRY MAIDENS BELGRAVE—The fifth meet- ing of the Dairy Maidens was held at the home of Mrs. Clark Johnston. Marjorie Hopper, president opened with 4-H pledge and motto. WendyI'ear gave the minutes of the last meeting. Roll call was answer- ed by nine members with "One point to remember when cook- ing a custard" Mrs. Clark Johnston gave the subject matter on cooking with milk. Demonstration of making white sauce was given by Doreen Pattison and Linda Johnston and Marjorie Hopper explained how to dress up a tray for serving. Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Oct. 24, 1963 -* Page '1 the shirt front with a clamping devict of gold plated brass. The cuffs of his shirt sleeves were closed with links of the same plated metal. "On his left wrist he wore a mercury battery -powered watch, a Christmas gift from his father, that was held in place with a metal band. His trousers, of simple pleated design, match- ed the coat and were supported by a belt of black goatskin. His shoes, of black horsehide, covered socks of dark material and were fastened with a bow. "He wore no hat and had his hair combed back and then forward from the forehead in a slight wave with no visible means of holding it in position. "The bride wore thecustom- ary white." -- The Goderich Signal Star. TRY A HAMBURGER AND COFFEE • FULL COURSE MEALS SERVED Special Speaker For Thank offering The annual Thankoffering services of the combined mis- Sion circles of the Wingham I3aptist Church is to be held on Friday, November 1st at 8 p. with Rev. Murray Heron of Noranda, Quebec as the guest speaker, Rev. Heron is an outstanding speaker and is well known for his radio and television work among the people of French Canada. He will be speaking of his work and has some very interesting pictures to show. An invitation is extended to all the family and it is hoped that many in the community will come and hear this stirring speaker. BLUE -JAY SNACK BAR South on Highway 4 PHONE 357-1438 THE ADVANCE -TIMES ON SALE AT THE BLUE -JAY SNACK BAR Cream, Eggs & Milk Pickup CONTACT BLUEVALE CREAMERY Phone: Wingham 357-1639 Wroxeter 15J1 D. A. ROBERTSON 17-24-31•b May I handle your personal insurance needs — FIRE, AUTO, LIABILITY? HURON & ERIE OR BRITISH MORTAGE & TRUST "TRUST CERTIFICATES." EDWARD ELLIOTT INSURANCE PHONE 357-1590 NIGHT CALLS 357-1555 010111.4911111/../. INDIVIDUAL ORGANIZATIONS WISHING TO ORDER V ETC RA FT POPPY WREATH FOR REMEMBRANCE DAY CONTACT — CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 180 WINGHAM PHONE 357-2126 17-24b YOUR prescription is our First Order of Business! —At your service--- McKIBBONS PHARMACY Phone 357.1880 - Wingham For soothing relief from rheu- matic, sciatic, arthritic pain, take Rumacaps. See your druggist today! 1959 DODGE ROYAL 4 -Dr, with radio 1958 DODGE 4 -Dr., with radio 1958 PLYMOUTH excelnt. cond. 1957 BUICK 2 -Dr. Hardtop, radio 1956 DESOTO 4 -Door Sedan 1956 PLYMOUTH 4 -Door 1955 GMC 3 -ton Stake Truck AUTO SPECIALS LEN CRAWFORD MOTORS Your Dodge , Plymouth, Chrysler, Valiant, Dealer WINGHAM PHONE 357-3$62