HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-10-24, Page 6Paas' Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Oct. 24, 19(33 TAKE THE LABOUR OUT OF YOUR SELLING • USE ADVANCE -TIMES WANT ADS! 357-2340 Coming Events FOR SALE WHOP BENNETT'S 5c to $1.00 STORE FIRST for Week -end Special: Tex made Ibex Blank- ets, 70x90, $5.98 pair. Use our convenient lay -away plan. 24rrb GARDEN MANURE for sale, Apply Cameron's Billiards. 24b CULLED POTATOES for sale, $1.00 per bag. Bring own bags. Phone 357-3286. 24b 3 -FURROW International trail plow for sale. Lynn Morrison, phone 357.3008, 24* 2 SINGLE beds, springs and mattresses. Phone 357-3413. 24* WALLPAPER DISCOUNT Sale, Save up to 50%. Hundreds of rolls. Bright lively wallpaper patterns for every room in your home. Buy now! Save dollars. Stainton Hardware, Wingham. 17-24b McCLARY EASY Spiralator washing machine with pump and timer, for sale. Norge de- luxe automatic dryer with heat oontrol. Both • in excellent condition. Phone 357-3114. 24b FURNACE FILTERS at Alex- ander's Hardware store costs you just 69c ea. for any size. Get yours while they last. Also window glass at a saving. Milk Filters, 6ts" plain, are still sell- ing for 85c pkg. 24b FOR SALE -- Winchester trap grade pump gun, like new; 3 - star double eiderdown sleeping bag, hardly used, clean; Bea- ver saw, heavy duty with $70 motor, Iike new; male hound, 11 months, not trained; pure Walker bred stock; pure bred Beagle female hound, 12 mos., partly trained; female pure bred Pomeranian, 8 months, Phone Wingham 357-1507, or Brussels 227. 24h REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A choice highway lot, in sod, fairly level and all fer.ced except back line of property, 360' front- age with a depth of 200', Located close to Wingham and priced very reasonable for cash. Well landscaped lot, 55' x 188' with roadway at each end. Town water and sewer available. Close to main street. A real buy, $725 cash. Well drained lot, one block off main street, close to Riverside Park. 114' frontage x 132' in depth. Town water available. Reasonably priced. lie storey 6 room brick house, 2 piece bath, water on pressure and cistern. An oil fired forced air furnace. like new. Hydro, partial basement, summer kitch- en attached. Good roof and eavestraughing. Small barn and well landscaped lot, 821s'x165'. Well located near Western Foundry. Priced for quick cash sale, 33,500.00. I storey 6 room brick country home with garage attached. Completely modern. 1 acre well landscaped with good drainage. On main highway,3 miles from Wingham. Asking $7.500.00. Good terms. 200 acre farm, 100 workable. New drilled well on pressure. Hydro. Good drainage and 2 small barns with good roofing. Bush pasture for 26 head. 11M storey 6 room asphalt sided house, 3 piece bath, built in cup - hoards, sink and partial base- ment. Located 1 mile off No 4 Highway, 4 miles from town. Very low price of $8,000.00 cash. Or will trade for smaller farm with fairly good buildings. 159 acre highway farm, 90 ac. workable, balance hard and soft wood bush with good pasture. Good barn, concrete and wood stabling, Also open stabling with concrete, 60'x18'x9', 2 large drive walk and an open pit silo of concerto, 60'x18'x9'. 2 large drive sheds. A 114. storey 6 room stuc- coed frame house with all mod- ern conveniences. Good water supply on pressure throughout house and barn. Asking $16,000.00 with terms available. Conti ct- FRANK J. CASKANETTE Box 167, Wingham Agent for Wilfred McYntee & Co. Ltd., Realtor, Walkerton, Ont. 241) PERSONAL STILL THE STYLIST - For Wingham and district. Chari9, Betty Dear and Stuart Form foundation garments and brassieres, elastic control and full support garments. Mrs. WIII Kennedy, Patrick St., Wingham, phone 357-2115, TAXI SERVICE FOR ALL, OCCASIONS call Lee's Taxi, for long or short trips. Dial 357-1521, rrb CARS FOR SALE '53 BUICK for sale. First class motor. Phone 357-3111. 24* 1956 FORD Fairlane, automatic, for sale, Cheap. Phone 357- 2385. 24* '55 CHEV COACH for sale. In good condition. Phone 830R21, Wroxeter. Mrs. Lorne Walker. 24* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN HEIFER for sale, bred Hereford. Past due. Gor- don Mundell, Bluevale, 24* WE CAN SPARE one or two large, good type Holstein heif- ers, due this fall. Also one ser- viceable age bull. Registered and Accredited. George Hay- den, seven miles south-east of Gorrie. 24b 22 CHUNKS of pigs for sale. Mel Craig, R. R. 4, Wingham, phone Brussels 351J6. 24b POULTRY FOR SALE 100 FISHER 303 PULLETS for sale, 4 months old. Phone Wroxeter 24J2. 24* FOR RENT SMALL APARTMENT for rent. Phone 357-3563, or 357-3550. 24b SMALL APARTMENT for rent, on Edward Street. Phone 357- 1826 or write P. 0, Box 403, Wingham. 24b FOR RENT -,Available immedi- ately, 2 room apartment, ground floor, separate en- trance. All conveniences. Heat- ed. Suitable for couple. Apply Box 193, Advance -Times. 10-17-24b HEATED APARTMENT for rent, three rooms and bath, Hot water and electricity sup- plied. Reasonable rent. Avail- able November 15th or 30th. Phone 357-3580 or 357-1236. 24b FOR RENT OR SALE - Brick house and lot, modern con- veniences, with drilled well, on highway, close to Wingham. John A. Currie, phone 357-3605. 24b FEMALE HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER and sitter re- quired. Adult, must be familiar with children and reliable. Work will be 3 day week on a regular basis. Phone for per- sonal interview Mrs, Walling, 357-3522, 24* INSURE your Merry Christmas! Earn Christmas money selling nationally advertised Avon gift sets. Write Mrs, M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Cr., London, or call collect 432-9019 between 7- 8 p.m. (3) EMPLOYMENT WANTED PART-TIME housekeeping work wanted by reliable woman. Ap- ply Box 196, Advance -Times. ¢4* WANTED BOARDERS WANTED -Home privileges. Phone 357-1964. 24* WANTED TO BUY -Old rifles and guns. Apply Cameron's Billiards. 24b WANTED -- Nanny goats and young kids, Phone 357-1707, or write P. 0, Box 1026, Orange- ville. 10-17-24-31* HATCHING EGGS WANTED - You cart make up to 41c per dozen more for your eggs than the price paid for Grade A Large at the grading station. We take some breeds every week in the year. For full details write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, 03.10 -24 -N7 -21b FOUND SMALL SUM of money. Owner may have same by proving ownership and paying for ad. Phone 357-3161. 24* LADIES' wrist watch in the vicinity of SaCred Heart Church. Owner apply at Ad- vanee-Times. 24b HAIR DRESSING ELLIOTT'S BEAUTY LOUNGE, Main Street, Wingham, Dial 357-2981. rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDLTORS IN THE ESTATE OF WIL- LIAM HENRY DANE, ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on the 21st day of September, 1963, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 2nd day of November, 1963. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estatehaving regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this llth day of October, A.D. 1963, CRAWFORD & HETHERING- TON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 17-24-31b MISCELLANEOUS PAPER HANGING and Paint- ing. Free paste. Reasonable. Alex. Coutts, Soott St. 24* WE DO BACKHOE excavating and front-end loading. Phone 357-2652. Harold R. Oongram. 6rrb AL1'EIRATIONS, repairs and in- terior painting, Contact Grant McLean, phone 357-1836. 23rrb BACKHOE WORK, water pipes, anchor posts, etc. Jonathan Wagler, R. R. 2, Gorrie, phone Fordwich 57R22. 3-10-17-24* PIANO TUNING Regulating - Repairs. Experien- ced. Contact Eric W. Rice, Lucknow, R, R. 2, phone 528- 6695. 017-N21* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED- Moder- equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels. phone 442W6, Brussels. A4 -D12* KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY Expert reupholstering, refinish- ing and repairing of furniture. Work guaranteed, Phone 357- 2002, Wingham. 24rrb SIGN PAINTING Sign painting done quickly and efficiently anywhere. Specializ- ing in truck -door name plates and all other sign painting. ROY GARDNER, Lucknow, phone 528-2180. 24* NOTICE If you are thinking of finan- cing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, R, R. 2, Wing - ham, phone 357-1679. rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection - Call your Co-op Agent - LLOYD MONTGOMERY Wingham, R.R. 5, Dial 357-3739 rrb CARDS OF THANKS We appreciate very .much all the cards, messages, floral tri- butes, acts of kindness and help from our friends and neighbours when Dick was called away. - The Procters. 24* I wish to thank my friends and everyone who visited me and sent me cards, gifts and flowers while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Drs, Corrin and Klahsen and nurses on first floor. -Raymond Walker. 24* A sincere thank you to the nurses on third floor at Wing - ham and District Hospital for giving me such excellent care, also to Drs. McKibbon, J. Steph- ens, Leahy and McKim; for visitors, cards and letters, flow- ers and gifts. Special thanks to Capt. and Mrs. Newman, Rev, C. F. Johnson, Rev, G. L, Fish, Rev, D. Sinclair, Rev, C. M. Jardine and Fr. F. G. Freker.--Mrs. BiII Henderson. 24b FOR SALE CHILDREN'S WEAR BUSINESS STOCK AND FIXTURES Appy -- FAIRYLAND WINGHAM 17-24b AUCTION SALE NOTICE OF At'CTION SALE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY AND CONTENTS on Wednesday, October 30, 1963, starting at 2;30 o'clock, School building of brick construction being School No. 7, Howick, lo- cated on the southerly limits of the Village of Gorrie. Building offered subject to a reserve bid. Terms made known day of sale. Contents consisting of oil fur- nace, nearly new; blackboards; desk, and one piano, etc, Terms cash. Howick Township School Area Board, H. B. Collins, Sec.- Treas.; Arnold Darroch, Auct. 24b AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS will be sold on SA,TURDAY, OCTOBER 26th at 1:30 p.m, for H, J. McClenaghan, Maple Street, Wingham One complete dining room suite; living room table; stand and fern stand; chesterfield and two chair suite; studio couch; occasional chair; 21" TV set and stand, Philco; 2 end tables; rock- ing chair; writing desk; 2 floor Iamps; rug, 10x10 with pad; 3 floor mats; electric stove; kitch- en cook stove; kitchen table and 4 chairs; nearly new washing .machine, Westinghouse; antique rocking chair; Westinghouse el- ectric refrigerator; clock; clothes rack; bedroom chair; 2 bedroom suites, modern; antique chair; bedroom suite; bedding; pictures and curtains; pots, pans and dishes; hand lawn mower; gard- en tools; wood. Terms -Cash. This is a good sale, plan to at- tend it. ROY PORTER, CIerk. JACK ALEXANDER, Auct. 24b William S. Reed REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER For prompt service in buying or selling all real estate properties FARMS - HOMES BUSINESSES Dial Wingham 357-2174 Jy3lrrb MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses ac- cording to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone '133 24 - HOUR SERVICE License No. 951638 BIRTHS IVfeARTER- In Listowel Memor- ial Hospital on Wednesday, October 9th, 1963, to Mr, and Mrs, William McArter, R, R. 4, Brussels, a son, Gary William, a brother for Joanne. MURRAY-In the Louise Mar- shall Hospital, Brampton, on Thursday, October 10, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. George Murray, a son, Ian George. MacDONALD-At Wingham and District Hospital, on Tuesday, October 15, 1963, to Mr, and Mrs. Alexander MacDonaId, R. R. 2, Wingham, a daughter. MORAN At Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Wednesday, October 16, 1963, to Mr, and Mrs. John Moran, R, R. 2, Teeswater, a son, THORNTON At Wingham and District Hospital, on Friday, October 18, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs, Ray Thornton, Lucknow, a daughter. SEWERS - At Wingham and District Hospital, on Saturday, October 19, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. William (Mac) Sewers, Wingham, a daughter. ARNOLD - At Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, October 20, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arnold, R. R. 2, Lueknow, a daughter. DIED ADAIR, Mrs. Mary Jane (Case - more) -81, Bluevale, Sunday, Callender nursing home, Brus- sels. Widow of William, Sur- vivors: Sons, Jack, Bluevale; Joseph, Huntsville; Bruce, Tor- onto; sisters, Mrs. Lloyd Hen- ning, Turnberry Twp.; Mrs. C. W, Palmer, Wroxeter; Mrs. Gordon Ritchie, Gorrie. Ser- vice, 2 p.m., Tuesday, S. J. Walker funeral home, Wing - ham, Burial Wroxeter Ceme- tery, SALLOWS, Reuben J.-76, God- erich, Westminster Hospital, London, Tuesday. Survivors: Wife, former Ethel E, Brant; sons, Edward, Gordon, both of Goderich; William, Edmonton; James, Seaforth; Donald, Wingham; Kenneth, London; Frank, Toronto; daughters, Mrs. John (Mary) Wardell, Toronto; Miss Lillian, Miss Ir- ene, both Goderich; Mrs. Law- rence (Flora) Decreta, Buf- falo; Mrs. Doyle (Joan) Tal- bot, Hensail; sister, Miss Edna Mae Sallows, Inglewood, Calif. Service Lodge funeral home, Goderich, Saturday, 2 p.m. Burial, Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. SALLOWS-Infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Sallows pass- ed away Saturday, October 19, in Wingham and District Hos- pital. Funeral service took place Sunday, October 20, at 3.30 from the S. J. Walker funeral home to Wingham Cemetery. He is survived by three brothers and one sister, Stephen, Terry, Ricky and Rosanne. AGNC,(ii G7' e/N�G�CGs(! DRIVE SAFETY Lae„s.o4..,ni...,,f..n,..W..n..n,,......o.... .s --•. Jack Alexander AUCTIONEER and Appraiser We handle Town and Farm Sales • Phone 357-3631 - Wingham amw• CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY LIMITED LISTOWEL, ONTARIO REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF A FEMALE CLERK TYPIST Minimum of Grade XI education is desirable. Some pre- vious office experience is preferable, although not essential. Five day week. Cafeteria facilities. Com- prehensive employees insurance programs are available. APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE PLANT PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ATTENTION! Service clubs, church groups, all non-profit organizations - Learn how you can make fast profits. Call Betty Walling, 357- 3522, ;for information. 24* HAKE SALE AND TEA Saturday, October 26, at 3 o clock in the Wingham Council Chambers under the auspices of Whitechurch UCW. 24b SHOOTING MATCH On November 2nd at 12:30 a shooting match for turkeys will be held at Harry Cook's farm, about three miles west of Bel - grave, 24b TEA AND BAKE SALE The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 180 will hold a tea and bake sale, Saturday, November 2nd, in the Council Chambers, 17-31b BAZAAR AND TEA The United Church Women will hold a bazaar and tea in Bluevale United Church School room on Wednesday, October 30th, at 3 o'clock. 24b SACRED HEART PARISH, Teeswater, are holding a fall tea and bazaar in the Parish Hall this Friday, October 25th, at 8:30 p.m, Several booths, bingo and draws, 24b W,I, EUCHRE A bi - monthly progressive euchre and bingo will be spons- ored by the W.I. in Community Hall, Wroxeter, until further notice, The first will be October 30th. Adm. 25c. Ladies please bring lunch. 24b WINGHAM FILM COUNCIL Will hold their regular annual .meeting in Wingham Council Chambers on Tuesday, October 29th, at 8:30 p.m. All interested organizations and institutions please send a delegate. L. Case - more, president, 24* tENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Blair, R. R. 1, Belgrave, wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Elizabeth Ann, to Mr. Kenneth George Moon, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, Carman Moon, R, R. 1, Londesboro. The marriage will take place on Saturday, November 9, 1963, at 2:00 p.m. in Westfield United Church. 24* DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL COLLECT DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Winghalln Dial 357-3106 Dead Animal Lie. No. 262-0-63 O. IC. USED CARS 1960 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Economical Slant 6 Engine. One owner. $1350 NRA, SAFETY TRAINING', Course will be held at Sport - men's Club House, Wingham, October 28, 1963. Registration at 7 p.m. Contact Albert Rintaul, phone 357-1965, 24* FORESTERS EUCHRE Will be held in Foresters Hail,,! Belgrave, on Friday, October 25, at 9 p.m. sharp. Admission 50c, except ladies who bring lunch will be admitted free. Everyone welcome. 24b 'TEEN AND TWENTY RECORD HOP With Roger West of CKNX, in the Wroxeter Community Centre Friday, November 1st, Dancing 9-12, Admission 40c and 60c. Free records. Snack bar. Proper dress. 24-31b HOWICK LIONS Merchandise bingo in the Wroxeter Town Hall, Friday, October 25th. Games 10c or 3 for 25c, 3 specials, share the wealth, Bingo starts at 8:30, 24b A RECEPTION Will be held Saturday evening for Miss Pat Jacklln and Ed- ward Hand following their mar- riage on Saturday, in White- church Community Hall. Tiffin's orchestra, Ladies please bring lunch. Everybody welcome. 24b UCW RUMMAGE SALE The Wroxeter UCW are spon- soring a rummage sale, bazaar, home baking and farm produce in the Community Hall base- ment on Saturday, November 2, at 2 p.m., standard time. The Messengers will serve tea in the Sunday School room of the UC the same afternoon. 24-31b 1111111111111111111•11111111111111111111111111111111K11111 WINGIIAM OFFICE 327 JOSEPHINE ST. Phone 357-3840 GERALD (Jerry) WALTER "We Sell Rural Ontario" We have a gentleman from the Paris, Ont., district who is inter- ested in purchasing a 100 acre farm. Farm home must have all conveniences in. And building must be in good state of repair. The gentleman is prepared to pay cash for the right farm, If you own a farm that fits this de- scription and if you have been thinking of selling contact us for further details, Attractive 7 room brick home in Wingham. You can be the proud owner of this eye appealing landscaped home situated on a large lot in one of the best lo- cations in town, For a quick sale this (home is being sacrificed for a mere $6,500. Home features a cosy kitchen 'with built in cup- boards, spacious living room and dining room, also a bright room used as a child's playroom. Up- stairs there are 3 cheerful bed- rooms with clothes closets, plus bathroom, This sturdy home is heated by a good oil furnace. You can either work in the garden or relax under the shade trees in your leisure time. Don't miss this one, inspect it as soon as possible. 1959 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4 DOOR SEDAN 6 cyl., Standard transmission. Radio. Whitewalls. $1395 1960 PONTIAC 4 DOOR HARDTOP Laurentian, 8 cyl, Automatic transmission. Radio, Whitewalls. One owner. A spotless new car trade-in. $1950 1960 PONTIAC 4 DOOR SEDAN Stratochief, Automatic transmis- sion. Clean inside and out, $1695 1960 BUICK 4 DOOR SEDAN Automatic transmission, Whitewalls. Smart brown and • tan two-tone. $1895 SEE THESE AND OTHERS NOW ON OUR LO,T, WAITING FOR A PROUD OWNER. LORNE DROWN MOTORS LIMITED Your Friendly Clhev-Oils. Dealer CLINTON, Ontario (Open Evenings) Are you looking for a good home at a very reasonable price? The full asking price for this home, a 5 room bungalow type, is 34,- 900. Complete up-to-date conven- iences such as 4 pce. bath, auto- matic oil furnace only 2 years old, and much more; situated on a nicely landscaped double lot. Truly this home has to be seen to he appreciated. Well built income property. This large apartment 2 storey brick home consists of 4 modern self contained apartments. Full base- ment, storm windows and a good forced oil furnace. Situated only 3 blocks from Wingham's main street Why not let us show you this great income property. 200 acres, 150 workable, balance in timber bush, 7 year old ranch style completely modern home. Dandy red painted bank barn with 48 tic ups and water bowls. Almost new milk house and eement silo Hardwood timber bush with. present value of ap- proximately $55,000, Full price only $23,000 with good terms available. A good buy. $12,500, with good terms, for this 100 acre stone free rieh farm. The 1144 storey brick home has conveniences such as 3 pce. bath, built in cupboards, good furnace, etc. Barn is well kept building With hydro and water bowls. Situated only a few miles from a friendlv,ti village. Be sure to inspect this it good farm, MEMBER OF THE GREY- BRLiCE REAL ESTATE BD. Ask ono (if our AkOnt4 how $ou can list your propetty ns a Multiple; Listing: 4111lhlllpi up'11*111RINd111 I4pk911KIIIttr