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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-10-17, Page 18
Page 10 -- Wingham A vane -Times, Thursday, Oct. 1'1. 1963 C.A. Williams, OD OPTOMETRIST 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 OUR BUSINESS INSUR- ANCE DEPT. has been or- ganized to give helpful speci- alized service for the protec- tion of PARTNERSHIPS - KEY MEN - SOLE OWNER- SHIPS—Be ASSURED Consult - Frank C. Hopper — REPRESENTATIVE — Canada Life 1 WINGHAM, ONT. PHONE 357-2452 ACKACHE? ..not me! For relief from backache or that tired -out feeling I depend on— FURNITURE • REPAIRED • REBUILT • REFINISHED Exceptionally Fine Workmanship FREE ESTIMATES DON WALDEN Phone 530W Kincardine REACH FOR GOOD HEALTH Fresh wholesome top quality Jersey Milk from Wingham farms. Pro- cessed here, pasteurized daily. Call today for prompt home delivery. BATESON'S MODEL DAIRY Patrick St. -Ph. 357-2990 V"' yogi Report of W.I. Convention Given BLUEVALE—The Women's Institute met on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Bill Robertson. Mrs. George Hetherington pre- sided. The secretary, Mrs. Charles Mathers, dealt withthe correspondence. The roll call, "What makes a good farm wife?" brought many and varied replies. Mrs. Alex. Corrigan gave current events in different phases of agriculture. The disposal and sale of a dozen aprons was discussed. These received first prize at Brussels Fair. Mrs. R. J. McMurray gave an excellent report of the area convention at Guelph, which she attended in September. She described panel discussions and made special reference to addresses by Padre Young and Rev. Goth, of London, who gave an account of his visit to Russia, Refreshments were served by the hostess and Mrs. Carl Johnston, Mrs. M. McFarlane and Mrs. J. C. Johnston. Babies Baptized At United Church BLUEVALE—The Thanks- giving theme was carried out in the United Church on Sunday with decorations of autumn fruits, vegetables and flowers, special music by the choir and an appropriate message from the minister, Rev. G. C. Mit- chell. Mr. Mitchell baptized Karen Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnston, and Richard Paul and Maryanne Marie, children of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Darling, of Brampton. Former Lloyd Employee Dies Janice Grace Gray, 55, of Calgary, died Monday in Cal- gary Hospital following a leng- thy illness. Miss Gray was an employee of the Lloyd -Truax office staff for about a year and a half be- fore leaving for the West two years ago. She was born in Mornington Township, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Gray. She had worked in Toronto, Hamilton and Wingham before going to Calgary. She was a member of the North Morning - ton Presbyterian Church. Surviving are three brothers, John of R. R. 1, Newton, Angus of Carthage, Ont., and Thomas of R. R, 2, Listowel; two sisters, Elsie of Calgary and Mrs. Frank (Isabel) Dowd of Vancouver. The body will be at the Mc - Mane Funeral Home, Milverton, after noon Thursday where the funeral will be conducted Fri- day at 2 o'clock with Rev. John MacMurray officiating. Burial will be in Millbank Cemetery. AN EXTRA $10,000 FOR YOU Let's say you put one dollar a day into an Investors plan. These few dollars a week—will grow into $10,- 000 in just twenty years! More than 125,000 Canadians are already making their dreams come true through Investors Syndicate, and a plan can be tailored to suit your specific needs. Start now to build a sub- stantial cash reserve for your future. See your Invest- ors man . . . your best friend financially. JUST CALL OR WRITE THS. JARDIN DISTRICT MANAGER BOX 394 WINGHAM, ONT. PHONE 357-3661 Investors li bG©11® OF CANADA. 11 M 1 T! D MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Name Address City Prov. News of Wroxeter Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Karsha- koff, Stephen and Jane, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Cathers. Ross Toman's were in Kit- chener on Sunday where they visited Mr, and Mrs,. Ralph To- man and family. Mrs. Mary Morrison of Ux- bridge visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gibson and family and also called on Mrs. W. Weir and Miss Gertrude Bush on Sat- urday and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques of Orangehill on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Jackson and Catherine of Hamilton were week -end guests of Misses Elsie and Marion Gibson. Thanksgiving visitors at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gibson and Miss Ophia Jackson of Hamilton. Miss Dawn Lue Clark spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock, Fordwich. Miss Reta Cline of St. Cath- arines has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Laurie VanVelsor. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker spent the holiday week -end in Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cardiff and family were Thanksgiving WEDDING GUESTS BLUEVALE—Visitors in the village for the Elliott -Rose wedding were Jack Elliott of Cornwall with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. James Rose of Grand Bank, Newfoundland, at the same home; Miss Helen Rose with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith Miss Josephine Rose with Rev. and Mrs. Mitchell; Mrs. Mar- garet Skelly, Miss Phyllis Gra- ham and Miss Marian McCon- nell, with Mr. and Mrs. Don Robertson. visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Art Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Richard In- gram spent the holiday week- end in Teaneck, N.J., with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feaver. Mr. Terry Clark was in Lon- don for the Thanksgiving holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. George Gib- son, Murray and Glenis ac- companied by Mrs. Mary Mor- rison of Uxbridge and MissGer- trude Bush and Mrs, W, Weir, were in Goderich on Thanks- giving with Mr, and Mrs. Al- lister Green and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mow- bray and family, Kitchener, spent the holiday week -end with Mrs. Mowbray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Reidt. Mr. and Mrs. John Shep- hard, Agincourt, visited Fri- day with Mr. H. Geo. Clark and with Mrs. Vern Clark. Mr. Roy Gowdy, Gorrie, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doig. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Lowe, Heather and Bonnie of Graven- hurst, and Miss Annie Greig, Newmarket, were at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright's at the week -end and attended the wedding of Miss Carol Greig and Mr. Allan Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hart and sons of Oshawa and Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Hart and daughters were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McMichael were Mr. and Mrs. Blizzard, former- ly ormerly Irla Legatt, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lamont and Brenda Lee, Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McMichael, Marjorie Ann and David; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McMichael and Janis. Mrs. A. Wearing, Willow - dale, spent the week -end at Fann Forum to Open 24th Year October 28th marks the pre- season broadcast to open National Farm Radio Forum for this year: The broadcast will feature many of the little farm forum groups which dot the nation, as they tell about their experience.. The roving tape recorder has visited many of these groups, from Innisfail, Alberta, to Uigg, Prince Edward Island, recording the discussions and the opinions of farm people. These vignet- tes will be linked together by writer George Saivorson as a tapestry of rural community life in Canada. This program, marking the beginning of the 24th year of Farm Forum in Canada, will begin a season of vital topics. They range from the November 4th and 11th programs, on the rural church, to several pro- BELGRAVE Mr. and Mrs. Ken David of Stratford celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary by attend- ing the Belgrave fowl supper with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. William Coultes. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. James Cook and Miss Audrey Davis of Stratford. her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Under- wood, Goriie, Mr. H. Geo. Clark and Mr. Jas. Clark spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clement and Mr. Danny Isabel Toronto were at their summer home here for the week -end. Miss Edith Wheeler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cardiff, Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Salter, Toronto, spent the holiday week- end at their home here. grams on rural development in Canada, Farm Forum can be heard on any CBC station, The time is 9:00 p.m., Monday evenings,. You are invited to form a group, to hold a discussion and to sub- mit questions and reports. Farm Forum is open to anyone, Fur- ther information may be ob- tained by writing National Farm Radio Forum, 113 St. George Street, Toronto 5, On tario. `+ SPECIALS FOR THE WEEKEND Thursday Friday Saturday OCT. 17 OCT. 18 OCT. 19 FINE QUALITY WHITE BROADCLOTH — 69c yard Our entire stock of PRINTED FLANNELETTES, consist- ing of lovely floral designs, smart stripes, novelty and Children's patterns — 59c yard WHITE FLANNELETTE, 27" wide — 39c yard WHITE FLANNELETTE, 36" wide — 49c yard HEAVY QUALITY WHITE, 36" wide — 69c yd. GOOD QUALITY FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, Seconds Size 70 x 90 — $4,99 pair Size 80 x 90 — $5.99 pair "Seconds" in MEN'S WOOL WORK SOX, nylon reinforced — 3 pair for $1.99 DRAPES A special purchase on ready -to -hang Drapes width x 90" long, pinch pleated. Only — $9.95 pr. 4:4:16922NAC8, .40r."-flitato 044 I(ED1GHOFFER$ , (Wingham) Limited THE FRIENDLY STOREiSSOMENI et, A BRANDED BEEF BLADE OR SHORT RIB ROAST SHOULDER OR CHUCK ROAST MAPLE LEAF Pickled Cottage Roll SCHNEIDERS Ring Bologna LB. 53` lb. 45c lb. COLEMAN'S WIENERS 2 lbs. 85` SODAS OR SALTINES, b CORMICK'S 29c FANCY PEAS GREEN GIANT 15 -oz. PEANUT BUTTER STUFFED OLIVES 3/49c CLUB HOUSE 39c 16 -oz. CLUB HOUSE 39� 12 -oz. ONTARIO LARGE WHITE CAULIFLOWER 19c EACH ONTARIO NO. 1 POTATOES 50 LBS. 89c FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT White or Pink 539c 96s FROZEN SPECIALS YORK FANCY French Cut GREEN BEANS, 10-oz.....2/43c DRAGON CHINESE TV DINNER, chicken or shrimp, 14 -oz. ..59c BOOTH HADDOCK FISH STICKS, 14 -oz. 53c FLEECY — 12c off LAUNDRY RINSE 64 -oz. ROBIN HOOD CELEBRATION CAKE MI/Y 19 VARIETIES 65G 3-$1.00 FRESH BAKED RAISIN PIE 39 CHASE AND SANBORN INSTANT COFFEE, 6 -oz. 79c Red front Grocery DIAL 357-1020 Free Delivery The ADVANCE -TIMES is on SALE at the RED FRONT GROCERY