HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-09-26, Page 10Page 2 -- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Sept. '2t;, 106'1 John Brewer Has
Knox Sunday School
op Market Hojs
Mrs. VeI 3racournGves
Actress on Citizenship
BELGRAVE--The citizenship
meeting of the Women's Instit-
ute was held in the Community
Centre on Tuesday, with the
president, Mrs. Cliff Logan,
in charge. The meeting open•
ed with the Institute Ode fol-
lowed by the Mary Stewart
Collect. Ten dollars was voted
to the UNESCOgift coupon plan
to extend the Women's Instit-
ute Plan to Northern Canada,
Mrs. Herson Irwin and Mrs.
1. M. Coulter are to be the
leaders to attend the training
school in Wingham on " Des-
serts" . It was decided to send
a delegate to the Area con-
vention in London. It was an-
nounced that the Huron Coun-
ty Institute rally is to be held
in Goderich on Monday, Oct-
ober 7, at North Street United
Church, with opening sessions
at 10 a.m.
All articles for the Wingham
rummage sale on October 19,
are to be left at Mrs. Cliff
Mrs. Richard Procter was
convener of the program. The
roll call was, "Name someone
you started to school with and
tell where they are now". The
theme of the meeting was
"Good citizenship, like base-
ball, requires teamwork". The
address was given on Citizen-
ship by Mrs, Mel Bradburn,
Mrs, Carl Procter led a
sing -song, accompanied by
Mrs, J, M. Coultes. A quiz on
citizenship was eondueted by
Mrs. Richard Procter. Mrs.
Stanley Cook gave an interest-
ing report on the Huron County
Federation bus trip to Lapier
County, Michigan.
The penny collection for
Mental Health and the regular
collection was received. The
meeting closed with the Queen.
Juniors to Plant
600 Young Trees
BELGRAVE-Thr directors of
the Morris Federation of Agri-
culture met at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Grasby. Pres-
ident Stan Hopper was in charge.
Minutes and financial state-
ments were given by Richard
Procter, secretary -treasurer,
The Junior Farmers will
plant an additional 1;00 trees
at the Federation Park and will
care for thein. The secretary
was asked to write to the Mait-
land Conservation Authority to
find out the results on the water
test at the park. Lunch was
served by the hostess.
gel- -One MOSTovA+ of
,� i w�
;sk £,fou/ our
Alignment Service
Dial 3571230 - Diagonal Roal - WINGHAM
BELGRAVE-The following
is a list of the placing of mark-
et hogs slaughtered and graded
for the Belgrave School Fair;
1st, John Brewer, R. R, 4,
Wingham, Res. champion car-
cass; 2, Velma Fear, R.R, 3,
Blyth; 3, Duane Currie, R. R. 5
Wingham, champion carcass;
4, Nancy 13rewer, R. R. 4,
Wingham; 5, Joyce Nethery,
R, R. 4, Brussels; 0, Joyce
Walker, R. R. 3, Wingham; 7,
Brenda Johnston, Belgrave; 8,
Diane Elston, R.R. 4, Wing -
ham; 9, Glen Walker, R.R. 3,
Wingham; 10, Donald Pattison,
R. R. 3, Wingham; 11, Larry
Elston, R, R. 4, Wingham; 12,
Ruth Campbell, R.R. 4, Wing.
ham; 13, David Campbell, R.
R. 4, Wingham; 14, Doris
Coultes, R.R. 5, Wingham; 15,
Mary Ann Wheeler, R.R. 1,
There were fifteen entries
of two hogs in this class.
Shower Held for
Mary Lou Johnston
BELGRAVE-A miscellaneoL.:
shower was held in honour of
Mary Lou Johnston, bride -elect
for September, at the home of
Mts. Clark Johnston on Friday
evening. School friends and
neighbours of the Ninth Line
Janette Johnston and Wendy
Fear ushered Mary Lou into the
livingroom, where she was seat-
ed in a chair decorated with
white and yellow streamers,
bells and balloons. Several
contests were enjoyed. Mary
Anne Wheeler played a select-
ion on the piano and Nancy
Mason read a poem.
Linda Johnston read an ad-
dress and gifts were presented
by Shirley and Betty Johnston
and Beth Scott. Mary Lou
thanked all those present, She
received many lovely and use-
ful gifts of linens and dishes.
A delicious lunch was served by
the hostess.
Brother Dies
At Deep River
BELGRAVE-Mrs. Richard
Procter received word on Mon-
day of the sudden death of her
brother, Dr. W. J. Henderson
of Deep River.
He was in his 54th year. He
is survived by his wife and two
daughters, Kathy and Ellen.
Euchre Winners
BELGRAVE-The euchre and
dance for the Belgrave Arena
Fund was held on Friday eve-
ning in the Foresters' Hall with
music by the Local -Aires.
Prizes for the euchre went to
Mrs. Robert Purdon, high lady;
high man, Ab Nethery; low
lady, Audrey Coultes; low man,
Doug Bruce.
School Time
We've just been to the annual SHUR-GAIN Feed School that took
place last week, September 18th and 19th, in Toronto. This is just
one way in which we try to keep up-to-date on the management of
livestock and poultry.
Ask Us About It When
You Come In
Wingham Feed Mill
Observes Rally pay
Hi -C Group
Opens Season
BELGRAVE-The first meet-
ing of the Belgrave Hi'CGraup
of Knox United Church, Bel,-
el'-grave, was held in the church
school rooms on Sunday eveving,
Ruth Michie opened with a
sing -song. Marie Coultes gave
the call to worship, followed
by a hymn,
The Scripture readings were
taken by Linda Coultes and
Marie Coultes gave the medi-
Cations on the Scriptures, Wen-
dy Fear and Marjorie Hopper
received the offering, and
Marie led in prayer, Marie
welcomed the new members
and former members to the
meeting, The secretary 's re-
port was given by Jim Taylor
and Marie gave the treasurer's
It was decided to hold the
next meeting on Oct. 6, when
the election of officers will
take place. Mrs. Ross Ander-
son gave the announcements
and asked all members to at-
tend the anniversary church
service in the evening of Sept,
29. She then welcomed Rev.
and Mrs. Arthur Jackson to the
BELGRAVE--Ra11y Day ser-
vices were held in Knox United
Church Sunday School on Sun-
day, with the superintendent,
Harold Vincent, leading the
Service. The theme was "De-
claring the Good News".
Call to worship by the lead-
er was followed by the invocat-
ion. "Let us with a Gladsome
Mind" was sung, followed by
Scripture reading in unison
from Isaiah. The children's
hymn was "Jesus Loves the
Little Children". Scripture
reading from Luke was read by
Ralph Logan. The offering was
received by David Walsh and
Ivan Wheeler.
The story of Soni from the
book, "From the Jaws of the
Tiger" by Winifred Bryce was
read by Linda Coultes. "Jesus
Shall Reign Where'er the Sun"
was sung, and benediction
closed the service.
meeting, Wendy Fear and
Marjorie Hopper reported on
their week at Goderich Summer
Teen Camp. Mrs. Anderson
conducted a Bible quiz. Rec-
reation was led by Marjorie
Hopper and the meeting closed
with Taps.
Wroxeter Junior Choir
Presented with Gowns
Mrs. Stanley Cook and Mrs.
Fred Cook visited on Friday
with Mrs. Wes. Stackhouse at
Mr, and Mrs, Les Shaw,
Sharon and Brian of London,
spent the week -end with her
parents, Mrs. and Mrs. Jack
Miss Karen Ander-ii of Scar
borough spent the week -end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Anderson.
Mrs, 11. 3. Anderson and
Helen of London visited for the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
George Michie and family.
Anniversary services will be
held in Knox United Church on
Sunday at 11:15 a.m. and
7:30 p.m. Guest speaker will
be Rev. C. W. Lewis of Au-
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fear and
family visited on Sunday witn
Mr. and Mrs. George Nesbit
and family of Walton.
The men of the Foresters'
Lodge nave been busy the past
wee putting new siding on the
hall. It certainly is making
me hall look nice.
' The U.C.W. will hold their
Fall Thankoffering meeting in
the church school room on
Thursday, Sept. 26 at 8:15 p.
m. All ladies are urged to
Mrs. Annie Hodgson of
Nobleton is spending a few
weeks' vacation wren Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Bolt.
Lorne Campbell and Max
Pletch spent last week vacat-
ioning in Northern Ontario and
visited with Mr. and Mrs. G.
Hopkins of Thessalon.
Mrs. Clarence Yuill and
Mrs. Laura Johnston visited on
Sunday witn Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Rezanoff and family of
St. Catharines.
WROXETER--A large crowd
attended the shower held in
Wroxeter Community Hall on
Friday evening in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Steele (Alma
McMichael), newlyweds. Mrs.
Harvey McMichael read the
address and the happy couple
was presented with a purse of
money by Mrs, George Hislop
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Coates
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Annett, Ethel.
Week -end guests of Mr. and
Mrs, Glenn McMichael were
Mr. and Mrs, Paul Crawford
and son of Midland.
morning the Junior and Inter-
mediate choirs of Wroxeter
United Church occupied the
choir loft. It was a special
occasion, because the Junior
Choir wore their new gowns for
the first time.
The Harmony Unit, under
the capable convenership of
Mrs, Vern Hupfer, was res-
ponsible for the designing and
making of the white gowns with
maroon ties which blended
beautifully with the maroon
gowns of the Intermediate choir.
Mrs. Murray Mulvey at the
piano, accompanied the organ-
ist, Mrs. Edwin Martin, during
the preludes, offeratory, hymns
and postlude. The Junior Choir
sang a two-part anthem, "Pilot
me, 0 gracious Saviour" .
Much credit is due Mrs. Martin
for the organizing and training
of the Junior Choir.
Rev. Fred Taylor based his
sermon on Jesus' trip to Jerusa-
lem at the age of twelve, when
Jesus intimated that "He must
be about His Father's business".
Parents lead and guide their
children through the early years,
but the time comes when the
youth must make decisions.
News of Wroxeter
Mr, and Mrs, Pew Lavery
and daughter, Opal, and Miss
Edna Lavery of Elmira, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ingram
on Sunday.
Misses Elsie and Marion Gib-
son attended the wedding of
their nephew, Mr, Wm, Gibson.
son of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth
Gibson of Dundas, to Miss
Elizabeth Thomsen, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, J. D, Thorn-
sen of St, Thomas on Saturday.
Mr. Bill Young is in Toronto.
where he is visiting his sister,
Mrs, Hugh Smith,
Ross Toman's visited Mr.
Wallace Toman at Baden on
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Laurie VanVelsor were
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hembley of
Mr. Arthur Wilson of Strat-
ford is visiting his sister, Mrs.
J. F. McLean this week.
Guests of Misses Elsie and
Marion Gibson this week are
Mrs. JOS, Whitker and Miss
Frances Huntley of Winnipeg.
Mrs, A. Wearing of Willow.
dale spent the week -end here,,.,
Mrs, Doris Adams visited
Mrs. Andy Pocalyko in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, one
day last week,
Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Greig
spent the week -end with Mr,
and Mrs. Leslie Douglas and
other relatives.
Sunday visitors and callers
at the home of Mrs, F. F.
Wright were Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bennett and family of London,
Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green
and family of Goderich and
Mrs. Chas. McCutcheon,
Mr. John Hupfer, Mrs:
Alonzo Sparling and Miss Hazel
Sparling visited Mrs. A. Car-
michael and Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Robertson, Goderich, on
Thursday last,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hart,
Goderich, called on Mr. John
Now a whole new golden
world of SIGHT and
GLASSES, lightest in
My dad's pretty smart, too! He's having
Durham pure copper lightning conductors
installed on all his farm buildings - just
like your dad did. It can thunder and
lightning all it wants now. It won't bother
PH. 392-6868
Pole buildings built for you by Hodgins,McDonald provide handier feeding, eco.
nomical housing, increased production and more efficient storage -with Tess
labour. They cost less to build, less to operate, and give you a pleasant place
to work -adding greatly to the appearance and value of your farm. Fire insur-
ance and upkeep costs are reduced tool Stop in soon and discuss your farm
building requirements with us. Estimates are free, of course.