HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-09-05, Page 12Page 4 -- Wingham Advanei _ ret:‘, ''".:sdao . Sept. e, l Fordwich Nevins Mr. and Mrs. and family moved tl: - hold effects to the Fordwich whicht:. :•c. earlier ::i the ......... M. and 'c':s. ...:i and Mr. and left last ' eei% on ar . c , motoi tr:p to t".:c Mr. am. rs. . ley of Kinesin:.,.:•e is tots over the i:. i.e:;E'. N4 .-G :i.. .1 '.t.. Mr. and Mr, and ,• 's. lc::. e'..:...... and farr-I of To,:ozito at their home wee .,-end. Among those fro:: ht.-, at- . tending, t':4. CNl 'last :feet, were Mr. and `.:-s. Elmet liard:ng and fan:.l : , :=iss : ieletl John- ston, Miss Janet Beek. Richard Mar..rte: Jinn i\ a":ell, M . and M s. lia:vc : titi ill amsii. Linda and joanne. and :.':s. john Dinsmore, M:. and ...:s. Frnest Dinsmore. Mrs. V. t.il:^.a.th and ...:s. E. Strong atte,:4ed the f•.ine a: of 3 ea:Isi:i. the late Freers:.... Arkse'. on :.:cnday in St. Marys. M.. and `.::s. Cecil al- braith visited S:rnday at the ::ore of his :-..other, Mrs. Ver- na Gale: itl:. ..r...:cDanald . d Mr. and Mrs. iiay tti ade of Owen Sci.nd .ailed e�°: f e t.is :n the village - :ida•. Sunda: ':sitars with M . and Mrs. CurtisJordan were :.:r. and Mrs. Home: Schaefer of Elora and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jordan and famil:. of t%oodstoc... Visitors during the past ween and on Sunday with Mr. and IF YOU DON'T HAVE A SUBSCRIPTION The Wingham Advance -Times is available at newsstands in .. . WINGHAM Cameron's Billiards Hazelgroves' Smoke Shop Mason's Book Store McKibbon's Drug Store Vance's Drug Store Red Front Grocery Wingham Fruit Market BELGRAVE Charles' Store McEwan's Store BLUEVALE A. D. Smith BRUSSELS Eder's Store Smith's Drug Store FORDWICH Schaefer's Store JAMESTOWN Store TEESWATER Hollinghead's Drug Store WHITECHURCH Willis Supply DON'T MISS YOUR COPY! WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES 1 1 2 1 We l 1 2, No.... Reis were Mt. and and son, • :} aim rton, NI:, and fatr'.:l•. If .iud Mrs, \% id- and d- and fa:Iiav of !Lu it- :.,.. M: .and Mrs. `?,arc*ld Mul- l: es and :anal: of 1?e'se heves, el4'e, and Mr. and Mrs. ;a.ald Mc b".ielaaei and Janice of W :oNeter. Visitors with M:. and Mrs. ;as. s, tti area last weeri were Mr. and 3::s. J. Johnson of Owen �auttd, N::s. George Lind, Tara. '::r. and :'.:s. Bill Dennis of Walton, M:. and Mrs. Bill Johnston of Toronto, Mr. and E. Graff of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. R. Flcischauer and fatn y of Stratford. Miss Ca-alvnne Flcischauer returned home Saturday after spending two months with her grand- parents, Mr. Jack Doig and Peter of St, Catharines and Mr. and Mrs. Don Doig and family of Galt were week -end visitors with M.. Boss Doig. Mr. and Mrs. Fred llambly and .anie were: week -end visit- ors .;st Mr. and Mrs. Weldon ft rr lv in Toronto. M:. Lao,d Sirrmcrn:aker and Mr. Ross Doig visited Sun- day; with the latter's wife, Mrs. Doig, in Victoria Hospital Sun- da: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holstock and family of Stouffville spent the week -end with Mrs. Geo. Bolander. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norris and family spent the week -end in Brantford. Miss Violet Beswitherick left Monday morning by plane from Halton for a vacation in California. She will visit at San Pedro with a former Ford- wich resident, Mrs, Mabel Thomson. Mrs. Gladys Denny and Miss Thelma Denny of Preston visit- ed one day•last week in•the community. Miss Lisa Espensen spent last week at Leroy, Lake Simcoe, with friends. Mrs. Pearl Patterson, Mrs. Verna Galbraith and Mrs. Robt. Connell spent one day last week in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Faiole and family of Toronto spent the holiday wee.t-end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Darcev. Misses Esther and Maud Harding of Toronto spent sev- eral days at their home here. b:r, Everitt Cooper of RCAF Station, Clinton, spent the week -end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Topham and :.iary Elizabeth visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harper Wood at Rostock. Mr. and Mrs. Victor O' Brecht of Mimico visited a couple days last week with Mrs. Ruby Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong. Miss Nancy Bender of Gow- anstown visited a few days last week with her grandparents. ::. and Mrs. Stan Forester. Miss Mary Corbett of Toron- to visited a few days last week with tars. Ruby Forester. CURRIE TRANSPORT HAS BEEN PURCHASED BY WALDEN BROS. TRANSPORT are pleased to be able to continue the same fine transport service which has been enjoyed by customers of Currie Transport over the years. WE WILL MAKE EVERY ENDEAVOUR TO HANDLE YOUR SHIPMENTS AND DELIVER- IES PROMPTLY AND EFFICIENTLY. WALDEN BRCS. TRANSPORT WINGHAM PH 357-2050 er J HEADING THE FRONTIER PARADE on Sat. '..3,7 was the Brodhagen Band, along with a color part young ladies and baton twirlers as drum majorettes. The 4-H LEADERS r...... . group did a fine job and added color to the parade which was the best staged for a long time in the Frontier events.—A-T Photo. Attend Course at Arena Miss Patricia Damude, home economist for Huron County, conducted a course for 4-H leaders in the arena on Thurs- day and Friday in preparation for the fall project, "The Milky Way". She was assisted by Miss Mary Lou Black of Stratford, home economist for Perth. Leaders from the various clubs attending the course were: Fordwich, Mrs. Scott Clarkson, Mrs. John Inglis; Bluevale II, Mrs. Clifford Brewer, Mrs. Alan Nicholson; Bluevale I, Mrs. James Thompson, Mrs. M. Craig; Moncrief, Mrs. Mark Baillie, Mrs. Howard McNaught Cranbrook, Mrs. Leslie Knight, Mrs. Wilfred Stricker; Moles- worth I, Mrs. Gordon Campbell, Mrs. Wm. Smith; Molesworth II, Mrs. Don McConnell, Mrs. Mac Sanderson; Belmore, Mrs. J. Simmons, Mrs. Walter Wi ."s; Wingham, Mrs. W. T. La^^. Mrs. L. Hutton; St. Helr:.s, Mrs. G. MacPherson, M:s, E. Gaunt; Zion, Mrs. F. !.itchie, Mrs. G. Kirkland; Belt:rave II, Mrs. Clark Johnston, :s. C. W. Hanna; Belgravc 1, Mrs, Stan- ley Black, Miss Lila Black; Gorrie II, Ms. Clarence Stokes, Mrs. Wm. Strong; Gor- rie I, Mrs. R. Adams, Mrs. H. Rhame; Lakelet, Mrs. Arnold Gadke, Mrs. Gordon Wright; Belmore, Miss Sally Jeffrey, Mrs. Leonard Harper, The leaders will instruct the members of their clubs on how to cook w.th milk, meal plan- ning, and other topics on milk in its many forms such as the Manufacture of dairy products, etc. Girls 12 to 26 may join 4-H clubs and benefit from these courses. Fordwich News Mr, and Mrs. Earl Diehl and son of Orillia were guests for several days last week with Mr, and Mrs. Tom McClement. Miss Elizabeth Armstrong of Stratford spent a few days last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Doig spent the holiday week -end at Wasaga Beach. Miss Leslie Campbell return- ed home last week after spend- ing the past six weeks at Cor- dova Mines, with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Barrons and Miss Ardyth Campbell. FORMER EDITOR IN GOOD HEALTH One of our subscribers, R. A. Laurie of Chieage, informs us that William J. Sharpin, form- er owner of the Gorrie Vidette and now nearly 85, is in fairly good health and recently enjoy- ed a vacation in the Ottawa area. Mr. Sharpin lives at 67 John Street, Arnpror, Ontario. VISIT SEVERAL FARMS Federation Takes Trip to Michigan The Morris Federation of Agriculture sponsored a tour to Lapeer County, Mich., last Friday when 45 people, includ- ing some from other townships, and urban friends spent an in- teresting day touring farms in that county. A coffee break was held at the Alson Shoults Farm at Brown City. Two full time men are employed on the 343 acre farm, with 269 acres being tilled. The 45 Holstein cows are lib- erally grain fed, up to 25 pounds per cow per day. Hay, corn silage, oats, corn and soy bean oil meal are used with silage fed through a circular silo feed bunk. A strict culling program is followed. The Ed and Bob Martus farm, operated as a partnership, em- ploys three full time men. Total acreage is 380. They have 90 Holsteins. About 40 cows per hour are milked in the double six herringbone milking parlor. A mechanical feed bunk is used for feeding a high level of corn silage. They al- so handle 300 to 350 head of beef cattle and 40-50 Holstein steers per year. Individual calf pens with wire bottoms are used. Both of these farms had beautiful homes that had rec- ently been remodelled and the ladies on the tour were taken to see the houses. All the lat- est equipment had been install- ed and in one case, where they had nine children, it was quite evident that excellent planning had provided a very compact and convenient home. While the house itself was not unduly large, there seemed to be plen- ty of room for the family. The grounds were also well kept and attractive. The Simmons Brothers util- ize almost 700 acres, about 450 used for crops. They have 347 steer calves, 123 heifer calves and 45 sows. Their corn At the Hospital Patients admitted to the hospital during the week were; Belgrave 1, Lucknow 2, T'ec`swater 1, Wingham 10, Ash - Twp, 3, Culross Twp. l:quesing Twp. 1, Grey Twp. liowick Twp. 3, Huron Twp, 1, Kinloss Twp. 3, Morris Twp. 2, Turnherry Twp, :3, Wallace Twp, 1, West Wawanosh Twp, 2, Total 38. TAKING COURSE FORDWICII—Robert Bride, 18 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bride, left on Tuesday for London where he entered Victoria hospital to begin an eighteen months' train- ing course as a medical labora- tory technician. crops yield 90 to 100 bushels to the acre and 50 bushels per acre for wheat. Lake Bros., with 100 Hol- stein cows operate an eight stall milking parlor, They use a mechanized feeding system for feeding about 70 lbs. of corn silage daily. Heifers are group- ed according to age. Crops in- clude 200 acres of corn, 50-60 acres of alfalfa and 15 of wheat, The Apache Ranch, owned by Gene Vesely, manufacturer of Apache trailers, employs six full time men. Complete re- cords are kept on each cow. There is housing capacity for 180 milking cows in a free stall system, and this farm has one of the most highly mechanized feed handling systems in the state as well as the largest bulk milk cooling tank. Crops in- clude 340 acres of alfalfa, 50 acres of oats and 250 of corn. Crops and feed are stored in four air tight silos. Lunch was served to the visit- ors isitors at St. Marys Church, Bum - side and dinner at the Lapeer County Centre Building. R. S. Lincoln, county agent and Leo Doer, county milk inspector, conducted the tour and Mrs. Dorothy Pohl, the home econ- omist, topic the ladies on their visit to the homes. OF THE MANY remedies that won't cure a cold, whiskey is by far the most pupular. Profit from Canada's Prosperity Through a single investment in INVESTORS MUTUAL, you can become part-owner of more than 100 widely diversified "high-grade" securities. You'll get attractive dividends, income tax credit:., and a share in the growth of Canada. Free yourself from investment worries through INVESTORS MUTUAL — Canada's largest mutual fund. Investors ndbo OF C A N A D A, i I M I T E D Heed Office: Winnipeg . 011 ees in Ponepal C.,.es 411111111111111.mmusimmimumummiel THOMAS JAE.DIN District Manager Dial 357-3661 - Box 394 WINGHAM, ONT. 5 V8 ENGINE A r;1 \OT-1AvJ1 1uE 1):" PLYMOUTH 2 -DOOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION RADIO MIGHTY FINE BUY! 1959 PLYMOUTH 2 -DOOR 1957 BUICK 2 -DOOR RADIO OP PRIZE FOR MOST original costume went to Cathy Pat- tison, who was entered in the Frontier Days parade on Sat- urday,—A-T Photo. Two 1957 DODGE a000N TWO DODGE 4 -DOOR SEVERAL OLDER MODELS IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER 1955 GMC TRUCK O STAKE BODY LEN CRAWFORD MOTORS Your Dodge, Plymouth, Chrysler, Valiant Dealer WINGHAM PHONE 357-3862