HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-09-05, Page 10Page News of Wroxeter tt:a;e: , inz a::... 4 the InnitC't. .. .... ...»..s ... ass.n. S. C.-^.. n4; rny and :nisi F„st nne nn. » :4 .'.:s. .t1.. n .' .s:aNC. ,s. t: nin of art::.` :. R.inni.d4 1, JrNIIa'rfI%/ ford aftalt .. �. .... •».L `.:ss 17:a nC n;w:::ne ::± tn her •:w ..-e after sler.e..A •ast eeee. w-. t' : ra re ts. Mr. and !n s. Fec .arta intron... Mr.•oh n .. pfe: Mrs. ... the ao:neay -,seek-end. whc::e .'2. .:sited '.`.n and Mrs. :as. MASSEY FEROUSON NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT 9i Iain rr•0ri .Zany { DIONE HARVESTERS Go first class at economy rates If you have extraordinary tastes, and an ordinary budget, take a look at our Deluxe Volkswagen. It's loaded with luxuries. And they're all standard equipment. Things like door pockets and ashtrays and windshield woshers and fully adjustable bucket seats and pleated upholstery and six heater vents. Pay us a visit and slide behind the wheel of our Deluxe Volkswagen while we look over your trade-in, You'll find you can sink into luxury without getting over your head. TC a. Y{C�.'�;£'r" THE "�.? FOR "'r3 MOST origins; f.cat wen: t; ,Frances Dnci,arme and her s'ster, Cater:' -e, *cr :n. s e -try depicting Neer s Amens. v.as a = ' e display of the COME IN AND DiSCUSS YOUR FARM EQUIPMENT NEEDS TODAY? CHAS. HODGINS Massey -Ferguson Sales & Service PHONE 357-1440 4141111 WHEN THIS BUILDING i5 OLD AND WORN — DURHAM PURE COPPER LIGHTNING CONDUCTORS WILL STILL BE PROTECTING IT! The installation of Durham pure copper lightning con- ductors is a long time protection. Pure copper doesn't rust or corrode. Durham pure copper lightning conduct- ors meet ail government specifications. Discuss your farm building needs with one of our represent- atives soon. DURHAM PURE COPPER LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR BOX 318, TEESWATER PH. 392-6868 creative talent apparent in dozens of en- tries in the Frontier parade on Saturday. In the final judging the float also won the prize far the best overall entry. REMINISCING Wrceter Personals SEPTEMBER-==- Mr. and Fraser Haugh The 1-Elgt. Schoo: opened on visited relates at Shelburne, Tuesday with an. attendance Bradford ane .:`.::g recently. about the same as last year, Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Noble namely. icC. The staff is spent the we -ie -end with Mr, -composed as follows: H. E. and Mrs. Ha and were guests Flicker, M.A. , Principal and at the Ash -,..:.e wedding at Science; G. R. Smith, B.A., "Ethel on Sat..ni Mathematics; Miss M. 1. White,' Holiday g ,ars with Misses :B.A., Moderns and English; Elsie and Man Gibson are .C, M, Ewing, 6, A, , Classics; Mr. and Mrs : ocn Gibson and 'Mss B. E. Anderson, history. i Alison of Ph:.adelphia. Mr. W. B. Elliott who was Mr. and :.:s. Lloyd Weir, - highly recommended for the Calvin and : a:ea of Toronto position of Provincial Game visited Miss :extrude Bush and Warden has received the ap- !Mrs. W. We : nn Thursday of Ipointment. The people of ;last week. Wingham and surrounding coun-# Mrs. Ale: z; Sparling return- itry will feel perfectly condi- ed home aft: visiting at the ;dent that the law, which has 'home of he:.:_:::ehter, Mr. and 'been more or less violated, will ; Mrs. Walter Ha:on, Seaforth, 1 family of Millbrook, be rigidly enforced and carried ¢ Ross Ton:. ;'s spent an enjoy- Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Reidt out, ;able week's vacation at Mc- and Stephanie of Toronto, who After a short illness there Kellar, Ont., Barry's Bay and ihave been on vacation, and died in Wingham on Wednes- Algonquin Park. Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Mowbray day, Aug. 27th, James Weir, Mrs. George Alcock, London, and family of Kitchener spent in his 67th year. The deceased was a gest of Mrs, Sam Oving- the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 'was born in Gaiston, Scotland ton for a week. Harvey Reidt. Mrs. Thos. McMichael, Mr. Paul Higgins left last Wingham, attended the Mc- Friday for St. Joseph's Island, Michael picnic and is renewing where he is engaged as teacher for the following year, He was accompanied as far as Copper Cliff by 141iss Anne Douglas, who is on the teaching staff there. Saturday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Dean Karn were Mrs, Norman Jackson and Mr. and friendships in and around the village. Miss Nancy Newton has been transferred from London to the Toronto -Dominion Bank on White Ave., Edmonton, and left Friday for her new position. Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Ingram and family of Stratford were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ingram. We are sorry to report Mr. Harvey Coupland is a patient in a Kitchener hospital, where he underwent surgery on Tues- day. We wish him a very speedy recovery. Week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates were Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Mapletoft and ':n 1527, coming to Canada at the age of twenty-six years, He settled in Cobourg, where :he worked at his trade as a mil 'wright for several years, after- wards corning to Tumberry Wingham,in the house now ,where l e took up farming. He owned by Mr, Jas. Mitchell. 'married, Miss Mary Manson of He was a valued employee of Howick, who is left to mourn Bell factory for many years, the loss of a loving husband. and was superintendent of Wing- r,__0__o ham Methodist Sunday school. Five cars of the C.N.R. SEPTEMBER 1926Mrs, Beverley Scheltz of Elm - Mr. John Cooper, a highly wayfreigl from Stratford to wood. Goderich left the rails three respected old gentleman, pass- miles from Goderich on Mon- Mr. and Mrs, Blair Sharp ed to his eternal Rest on Mon- and family have returned to day morning at the home of day afternoon_ 0.0--0 their home in Sarnia following his son-in-law, s W. G. SEPTET:BB 193$ a week's vacation with Mr. Salter, two miles south of A horseowned by Fred John Hupfer. ttiingham, For years, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Burke Mrs, Cooper resided on John St.4 Th , ompson, Teeswater, be - and family of Rochester, N. e came excited while being driv- en in a transport, and leaped spent the week -end with Mr, over a seven -foot rack onto and Mrs. George Gibson. Sun - the cab of the truck as the day guests at the same home were Mr, and Mrs, Allister machine was going down hill. Green and daughters of Goderich The horse then slid onto the Mrs. W. Weir and Miss Gertrude hood. The horse was not in - Bush. jured. Eimer Parker was dri- ving the transport. Mrs. Clarence Allen, of Catherine St„ was badly burn- ed on Friday evening when a pan of pa:awax which she was melting. caught fire, In at- tempting tc remove the wax from the stove a quantity of it was spilled on her arm, hand and leg. The �<th Battery returned from Carp Petawawa on Sun- ; day after being in training for ten days, Those who attended camp were Major G. W. How- son, Capt. R. 5, Hetherington and Neil Carr, Bert Mitchell, Bob Murray, Allan Small, Jack Sturdy, Ra.mond Carter, John Preston and Joe Etlacott, 0=-0-•U SEPTEMBER 1948 The B1.evale Creamery business has been purchased by l)on Robertson of Winghatn and his brothe:-in-law, Archie Parker of Galt, Don, who also manages the Ranch Boys intends to contir.e with the orchestra. Mr. George Thomson, the present owner, hat successfully operated the Bluevale Cream- ' ery for the past fifteen years and surrenders possession to the new owners on September 16th. EGG PRODVCTION LOWER COST PER DOZEN SHUR-GAIN LAYING FEEDS are pro- duced to help you get more eggs on less feed ---giving you a lower feed cost per dozen. .WITH SHUR-GAIN Drop in ... let's talk about a bal. anted ration formulated fo Meet the requirements of your flock. Ask us about the complete Shur- Gain Laying Feeds Program. Wingham Feed Mill DIAL 3574060 WINGHAM, ONT. 0000. 0'•0.O WINGHAM BODY SHOP NORTH STREET PHONE 357-1102 VOLKSWAGEN SALES AND SERVICE BUY AND SAVE Schvett's, Mildmay FRY & BLACI<HALL KROEHLER CHESTERFIELDS HARDiNG BARRYMORE CARPETS MASON & RISCH PIANOS VISIT SCHUETT'S FURNITURE SHOWROOMS ON MAIN STREET (EITHER SIDE) GODFREYMISCHUETT Jac • 00••000 k}< �... with permanent pole type buildings and PRESSURE TREATED POLES, POSTS and LUMBER Lounging Barn Designed for multi-purpose use. 42'x46' with '14' drive through area in centre, providing easy access for straw storage and other farm purposes. Machinery Shed Measures 26`x70', can be adapted to 12'x14' and 16' bays to meet requirements. Can be extended to greater widths and lengths. Poultry House 42'x112' in size. Can be used for raising broilers or as a laying house. Stop in soon and distuss your farm building needs with us. Estimates are free. I�IGINSiCDONALD LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES NORTH St, WINGHAM PH. 3574650