The Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-08-29, Page 6Page 6 -- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Aug. 29, 1963 IT'S ALL IN THE FOR SALE SHOP BENNETT'S 5c to $1.00 STORE FIRST for back -to - school special -- Three ring binder books only 77c; also ex- ercise books, 3 for 27c. 22rrb WATCH FOR the Wallpaper sale at the Wallpaper Shop. 29b GARDEN CORN for sale, golden bantam. Phone 357-2947, Har- old Dennis. 29b BEATTY ELECTRIC WASHER for sale. Like new. Phone 357- 3016 after 4 p.m. 29* TAXI SERVICE HAIR DRESSING FOR ALL OCCASIONS call ELLIOTT'S BEAUTY LOUNGE, Lee's Taxi, for long or short Main Street, Wingham. Dial trips. Dial 357-1521. rrb 357-2981. rrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SEVEN Jersey and Guernsey cows for sale; also Surge 2 unit bucket milker with pipe- line. Cliff Heffer, R. R. 1, Wingham. 29* 28 PIGS or sale, 7 weeks old. Phone Wingham 357-3263. 29* MOFFAT electric stove and 9 10 CHUNKS of pigs for sale, cu. ft. Admiral refrigerator around 80 lbs. Irving Toner, for sale. Owner moving, Phone Gorrie, 29 phone 806R2, V4'rbb 357-1033. 29b STEEL GARAGE 26x50 for sale, in good condition, Heavy duty wiring can be moved. James Struthers, Belmore, phone Teeswater 392-6422, 29* PEACHES FOR SALE, Apply Harry VanEyk, R. R. 5, For- est, 1 mile south-west of For- est. Phone 600R111. Call be- tween 12 and 1 or 6 and 7 and bring own containers. 29b SMITTY'S MOVING SALE now on — SEWING MACHINES. Automatic portables, savings of $100.00, Used Singer electric machines, .clearing 329.00. SMITTY'S SHOPPING CEN- TRE, HANOVER. 22-29-5-12b FARM MACHINERY for sale— Clearance sale of used harvest equipment, Used M -H 60 and 72 SP combines. Big stock of used combines, threshers, bind_ ers, swathers, forage harvest- ers, balers. Must be sold by Sept. 1st. We deliver. George C. South Farm Equipment Ltd., Massey -Ferguson Deal- er, Heathcote, Ont., phone Thornbury 465. 1-22-29b BACK -TO -SCHOOL SPECIALS —New cabinet model machine as low as $109.95; new port- ables, $89,95; Style -O -Matic in cabinet, reg. 3239.95, $50.00 off; 320.00 off Golden Glide va- cuum; used cahinnt and port- able machines, 329.50 and up depending on style and condi- tion. Ca'l your local Singer Representative, 357-3730. 29b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE -3 bedroom 2 -storey brick house on Maple Street. Reasonable. Phone 357- 1156. 29* 5 -ROOM BUNGALOW for sale, Shuter St. North, Completely renovated and redecorated. All conveniences. Ideal for couple wishing to retire. Immediate possession, Wilfred White, phone 357-1174. 29b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Here is an opportunity to have an attractive 2 -storey red brick family home, all conveniences, many features, oil furnace, large lot with immediate possession. Mortgage available. Priced to sell. In a residential area, 1 block from main street, 11/2 -storey home, living room, kitchen, bath- room, new sun porch, Owner moving out of town so must be , sold immediately. This fine 3 bedroom home is located in- the village of Blue - vale, large living room, kitchen with cupboards and tile floor, bathroom, hot water heater, low taxes and priced very reasonable. 2 choice 4 bedroom homes, centrally located. 200 acre farm with rich till- able soil, 3 bedroom 1 -storey house built 3 years ago, large barn, cement silo, hydro throughout, water on pressure. An exceptionally good buy at 313,000, with terms, Owner other interests. 100 -acre farm, 4 bedroom home, 12 acres of good bush, bal- ance pasture land, excellent water supply. Priced reasonable at 37,000.00. Many farms, homes and busi- nesses to choose from. Contact: WILLIAM S. REED REAL ESTATE BROKER Dial 357-2174 _ WINGHAM 29b FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT -4 rooms, conveniences, cup- boards. Apply Chapman's Gen- eral store, Whitechurch. 29b ROOM for rent, suitable for two girls. Separate entrance, kit- chen and bath. Phone 357-1335. 29b TWO 3 -room apartments for rent Heated, on ground floor, with baths. Located close to schools and hospital. Suitable for business couples or will rent as one unit. Available Sept, 1. Phone 357-2804. 29b TO RENT For lady, large bed - sitting room and kitchen apt. Newly decorated, furnished and heated. Bedding supplied, utilities paid Central. See to appreciate. Phone 357-3323. 29h TWO well-bred young Yorkshire sows for sale. Due to litter in two weeks' time. Contact Gordon Higgins, phone Brus- sels 332J5. 29* SALES HELP WANTED—Male! STOP WORRYING ABOUT DEBTS Pay them by giving Rawleigh Service in established routes.' Easy to start. No money re- quired, Write Rawleigh's, Dept. H - 453 - 815, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, 29b I EMPLOYMENT WANTED WORK WANTED by teenage gir•i. Phone 357-2652. 29b BABY-SITTING WANTED in own home during the .day. Carling Terrace, phone 357- 1606, 29* RELIABLE WOMAN would give day care to children, or elder- ly people, Apply Box 182, Ad- vance -Times. 29* WANTED WANTED — Grade XII books, Bill Wall, phone 357-2279. 29* MALE or FEMALE BOARDER wanted. One block off main street. Phone 357-1507, 29b WANTED TO RENT WANTED — A bachelor apart- ment, furnished and heated, from September 1 to June 31. Send full particulars to Box 179, Wingham Advance -Times, 1-22-29b MALE HELP WANTED NOTICE TO CREDITORS HANDYMAN to do some repair work at my house on Centre Street. Phone 357-3708. 29b PERMANENT full time career selling household and farm ne- cessities in nearby rural area. No investment. Training pro- vided. If between 25 and 55 and have or could obtain car, write for personal interview to Mr. R. W. Sercombe, Apt. 11, 129 John St., London, Ont. 29b I NEED HELP OAA Supervisor Ed Bauer needs one or two full or part-time men to help him meet the de- mand for Ontario Automobile Ass o c i a t i o n Memberships. Pleasant, dignified, good pay- ing work. No experience neces- sary but a car is. For full in- formation contact Ed Bauer, Patrick St., Wingham, phone 357-3805, 29-5b FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS wanted to work in restaurant, No Sunday or holi- day work, Apply Queens or phone 357-2013. 29* EXPERIENCED young woman to work in home, three child- ren, during October and Nov- ember, Phone 357-3482. 29b GIRL for general housekeeping to live in with family in Lon- don. Three children, Excellent living conditions. Phone Wing - ham 357-1821. 29* CLERK -TYPIST WANTED — Must have some knowledge typing and basic bookkeeping. Immediate employment, Apply to Box 181, Advance -Times, stating qualifications and sal- ary expected. 22-29b WANTED—Reliable, experienced housekeeper, able to take full charge of modern town home and act as companion for eld- erly woman. Must sleep in and be a non-smoker. Reply with references to Box 183, Advance -Times. 29-5b ATTENTION WOMEN: WITHOUT any experience you can earn money for your Christmas shopping by selling Avon Cosmetics and toiletries in your vicinity. Write Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Cr., London, or call collect 432-9019 between 7-8 p.m. (1) CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY LIMITED LISTOWEL, ONTARIO Have openings for FEMALE PLANT EMPLOYEES for both the day and afternoon shifts. Five days a week, good rates of pay, aleteria facilities, com- prehensive insurance program available. Applications should be made to the Plant Personnel Office. 29-5b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon Wednesday, September 4, 1963 for the removal of the ce- ment culvert on Powell's side road and putting in a new steel culvert, the township to supply the new culvert. Work must be done in accordance with the District Engineer's specifications which may be seen at the clerk's office, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. John V. Fischer, Clerk. 22-29b NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET E. HALLER, late of the Town of 'Wingham in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Margaret E. Haller, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. Goodall, Solicitor for the Executrices of the said Estate, on or before the 14th day of September, A.D. 1963, and that after such date the Executrices will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 19th day of August, A.D. 1963. J. T. GOODALL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrices. 22-29-5b PERSONAL STILL THE STYLIST — For Wingham and district. Charis, Betty Dear and Smart Form foundation garments and brassieres, elastic control and full support garments. Mrs. Will Kennedy, Patrick St., Wingham, phone 357-2115, 16rrb MISCELLANEOUS COMING SOON—The Wallpaper Shop semi-annual sale. 29b MUSIC LESSONS for beginner up to Grade N, Apply Mar- garet Craig, Wingham, R. R. 4, phone Brussels 351J6. 29* WE DO BACKHOE excavating and front-end loading. Phone 357-2652, Harold R. Congram. 6rrb ALTERATIONS, repairs and in- terior painting. Contact Grant McLean, phone 357-1836. 23rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED— Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R.R 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. A4-010* NOTICE If you are thinking of finan- cing a Icar be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, R, R. 2, Wing - ham, phone 357-1679. rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection -- Call your Co-op Agent— LLOYD MONTGOMERY Wingham, R.R. 5, Dial 357-3739 rrb MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbs. More for sick and disabled Cows and Horses ac- cording to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24 - HOUR SERVICE License No. 95I63B CARDS OF THANKS We would like to thank our .friends and neighbours for their help and sympathy s"own us at the time of our recent bereave- ment. --»Dorothy and Chris Log- an and family. 29b I would like to thank every- one who so kindly remembered me while a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. --Darlene Simpson, 29* I would like to thank all my friends for their cards and visits while T was a patient in the Wingham .and District Hospital Special thanks to Dr, Crawford and the nurses. Clarence Shiell, 29b I would like to take this op- portunity to express niy sincere thanks to all my neighbors and friends who contributed so much for my party. Those remem- brances will never be forgotten, Thank you again. -- Betty Ann Lapp, 29* I would like to thank all those who visited me and those who sent cards, letters, treats and flowers while a patient in Wing - ham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Crawford and Klahsen, the rurses on third floor and Rev. Jardine.—Graham Adams. 29* IN MEMORIAM McKAY—In loving memory of Beatrice Isabel Tomlinson, be- loved wife of Roderick McKay, who passed away August 28, 1948. We often think of bygone days When we were all together. The family chain is broken now, But memories will live forever. To us she has not gone away, Nor has she travelled far, Just entered God's eternal home And left the gate ajar. —Remembered by her hus- band and family. 29b TOFTING — In loving memory of our dear husband and fath- er, Mr. Chris Tofting, who passed away last August 24, 1962. What we would give if we could say Hello, dad, in the same old way, To hear your voice and see you smile, To sit with you and talk awhile. So you who have a father, Cherish him with care, For you'll never know the heart- ache Until ,you see his empty 'chair. —Very sadly missed by his wife, Dagmar; son, Harry; daughter, Mary, and her hus- band, Ron, and grandchildren, Deborah, Shari and Rhonda. 29b Turnberry Twp. Council to Close Bluevale Street All members were present for August meeting of Turn - berry Township Council, when Reeve A. D. Smith presided. A delegation was present from the Frank Cowan Insurance Co. , concerning township in- surance, The clerk, John V. Fischer, was authorized to proceed with a by-law to close Elizabeth Street in the Cantelon Survey, Hamlet of Bluevale, Turnberry Township. GENERAL ACCOUNTS Brookhaven Nursing Home, $252.75; Callander Nursing Home, $84.25; relief, $122.00; Lower Wingham street lights, $38.00; Bluevale street lights, $42.50; Frank Cowan Ins. Co. , $437.72; Wes. Paulin, one fox, $4.00; Wes, Paulin, killed one dog and buried, $5.00; G. T. Goodall, tax rebate, $84.73; John V. Fischer, part salary, $45.00, welfare administration mileage $2.00, $47.00; James J. Elliott, balance of salary, $20.00; Receiver General, un- employment ins., $8.16. ROAD ACCOUNTS George Lambert, $58.50; George Gallaway, $302.52; William Mundell, 3166.67; Durham Stone Paving Ltd. , cold mix, $69.75; Harvey Krotz Ltd. , mower repairs, $39. 67; Pollard Bros, Ltd., calcium chloride, $1942, 58; McArthurs Tire Service Ltd., tractor tire, $18.01; Ernie Merkley, diesel fuel and gas, $148.60; Wrox- eter Telephone Co., tolls, $25.90; Bert Armstrong, muf- fler, tail pipe and oil change, $32.33; Ideal Supply, lock, $8.65; Wingham Advance - Times, acct., $6.53; Frank Cowan Co. Ltd., insurance, $825.54. BIRTHS MacDONALD—In Wingham and District Hospital, on Tuesday, August 20, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs Robert MacDonald, R, R. 1, Holyrood, a daughter, WATSON — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Wednes- day, August 21, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson, Brus- sels, a son, HARDIE—In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Tuesday, August 27, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Hardie, Wing - ham, a daughter. LAKELET NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dennis attended the 40th wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Maize at Dunlop on Sunday. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dennis the past week were Mrs. Margaret Prior, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Glazier, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bard and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holland and family all of Guelph, Mrs. Harvey Maize of Lucknow, Mr. Peter Glazier of London and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burchill, Joan and Billie of Wingham. The Hickling brothers of Toronto are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harper at their summer home at Lakelet. Mr, Irvin Reidt, who is em- ployed at Elmira, spent the week-erid at his home here. Mrs. J. Terryberry, Paula and Lee Ann of Mount Forest spent a few days last week with Mrs. Irvin Reidt. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knudsen and daughter of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Mr. Carl Dennis of Beaver- ton is spending a week's holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dennis. Mrs. E. Metzger has accept- ed a position with Campbell Soup Company at Listowel. Mr. William Smith has se- cured employment with a Tur- key Plant at Ingersoll and com- menced his duties last week. Mrs. Robert Woods attended the official closing ceremony of S, S. No. 11 on Sunday, where a reunion and picnic supper was enjoyed, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Metzger were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and Mr. Jim Yarrow of Corburn, Mrs. Esther Smith and family and Mr. M. Dick of Palmerston. Week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg were Mr, and Mrs. Morley Zurbrigg and daughters, Ann and Barbara of Willowdale, and Mr. Gordon Riehm of Detroit. Sunday visit- ors were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zurbrigg and family of Ford- wich. i1i a Phone 357-3631 - Wingham 1.,on.Mw,,su•11..,010um..11M-u®.,mn111•1.,,amm„emue.uaMuon.-MnMPwr«,ei . Coming Events CLOSING NOTICE Danny's Restaurant will be closed from September 2nd to September 8th, inclusive. 29b BIG CONCERT In Bluevale Park, Sunday, September 1st, featuring Sharon Strong as singing M.C. 29b ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Will be held at Knox Presby- terian Church, McIntosh, on Sunday, Sept. 8th, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev, G. L. Fish, Wing - ham, guest speaker. 29-5b DEDICATION Of new Sunday School room will be held at Knox Presbyter- ian Church, Gorrie, Sunday af- ternoon, Sept. 1, at 2.30 o'clock. Rev. J. W. Orr, B.A., of Bloom- field Presbyterian Church, Bel- fast, Northern Ireland, will be guest speaker. 29b BINGO Play Bingo at Teeswater Arena on Friday, Aug, 30th, commen- cing at 9 p.m., sponsored by the Lions Club, 12 games for 340 each; 3 specials for 3100 each; 1 super special for $500. 29b HOWICK LIONS CLUB Are sponsoring a merchandise bingo and dance in Wroxeter Town Hall on Friday, Septem- ber 6th. Bingo games 100 or 3 for 25c, Share the wealth, spec- ial. Bingo starts at 8.30. Dancing from 11 to 2 a.m. Wilbee's or- chestra. Admission to dance 75c. Lucky door prize $5.00 cash. 29-5b NOTICE - There will be no milk delle Labor Day, Monday, Septemb r -� 2nd. Bateson's Model Dairy and Foxton Dairy, 29b HOSPITAL AUXIIIARY Will meet in the Council Chambers Friday, September 6, at 3 p.m. Plans for rummaf; sale. 29 ANNIVERSARY SERVICE In Knox Presbyterian Church, Belgrave, Sunday, September 1, at 2.30 p.m. Rev. G L. Fish will be the guest speaker. Special music by Brussels choir, Every- one welcome. 29* ANNOUNCEMENT The annual Belgrave turkey supper will be held on Wednes- day, October 9, in the Belgrave Community Centre. 29b ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Madeline Acheson Gra- ham, Goderich, and Dr, Wilfred Alexander Crawford, Wingham, announce their marriage on Monday, August 26th, 1963, at Goderich. They will be at home after October 1st, at 315 Centre Street, Wingham, 29b ENGAGEMENT Mr. a„d Mrs Norman S. Hoover, R. R. 3, Brussels, wish to announce the engagement of their elder daughter. Marian Isobel, to Mr. Donald Stewart Eadie, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Eadie, R. R. 2, Wingham. The marriage will take place Satur- flay, September 21, 1963, in Brussels United Church at 12 o'clock noon. 29b BLUEVALE Mrs. Neil MacEachern, of Downsview, has spent a week with her uncle, Mr. Mac Scott. Miss Margaret Craig and little Billy Sellers visited in Toronto and attended the exhi- bition. Mr. and Mrs. John Bosman of West Lorne were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Bosman last week after returning from a tour of the British Isles. Miss Emma Johnston spent Sunday at Lucan. William S. Reed REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER For prompt service in buying or selling all real estate properties FARMS - HOMES BUSINESSES Dial Wingham 357-2174 Jy3lrrb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL— DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Wingham Dial 357-3106 Dead Animal Lic. No. 262-C-63 Jny3rrb Jack Alexander �4 CTIONEER AUCTIONEER and Appraiser We handle Town and Farm Sales FOR SALE Carmichaers YOUR FAMILY STORE Josephine Street Illness necessitates sacrifice of this excellent, profitable ladies' and children's clothing and dry goods business. Stock, fixtures and equipment with lease on building available. Bell Telephone accounts office included in the business. APPLY TO ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE WINGHAM WINGHAM 357-1590 BLYTH 104 29-5b 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 WINGHAM OFFICE 327 JOSEPHINE ST. Phone 357-3840 GERALD (Jerry) WALTER "We Sell Rural Ontario” Well built 2 bedroom bungalow with modern conveniences such ,as 4 pc. bath, built-in cupboards and sunporlches. Automatic. ;;' heating, etc. Double landscaped- „K '– lot in Wingham. The price is a mere $4,900, with a low down payment and easy terms. $8,400 full price for 12 storey, 8 room home, all modern con- veniences, plus 2 three pc. baths. King sized lot, well landscaped., situated 1 block from main street, Don't .miss this one. WHY not be a landlord yourself and collect the revenue instead of paying it to someone else? Yes, folks we have just the place for you, This solid 2 storey brick house is situated on a huge lot 3 blocks from main street and con- sists of 4 modern self contained apartments. Full basement, storm windows and a good forc- ed air oil furnace. Why not call us and let us show you this great income property. Full price is only $13,900. See it today. $2,000 down will purchase for you this 2 year old dream house situated 2 blocks from the main street of Lucknow on a large landscaped lot. This modern home consists of 3 cheerful bed- rooms, a bright 3 pc. bath and a kitchen and living room that has that look of tomorrow, Full basement and a hot air oil fur- nace. The full price is only $8,- 000. Why not inspect it at your earliest convenience? $3.020 full pricy with easy terms for a 100 acre farm near Luck - now, 17 ace's are in mixed grain and 15 acres in hardwood timber bush. The balance is in hay and pasture. Good bank barn 38x42. Three springs and 2 spring fed wells. House burned in '62. 311,900 full price, small down payment, easy terms, 100 rich acres of level farmland, 1'_• storey 5 bedroom home. Good sized barn with hydro and water, Nice sized storage shed. Located approximately 1“,: miles from Wingham, 200 ACRES, 150 workable, bal- ance in timber hush. Almost new ranch style hone with all mod- ern conveniences. Dandy red painted bank barn with 48 tie ups and water bowls. Milk house, concrete silo, 2nd house. Full price 323,500, Down pay- ment and terms can he ar- ranged. ANXIOUS purchaser from Ham- ilton wishes to purchase from 20 to 100 acres of land with a good stone home. Must be within 3 miles of a highway. Modern conveniences desired, hut not essential. For further informa- tion phone us today. MEMBER OF THE GREY- 'rte BRUCE REAL ESTATE BD. Ask one of our Agents how you Can list your property as a Multiple Listing 111 I I®III* 111111 ILII I loch l 1111l 111l:l l®I I Id1INT