HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-07-25, Page 5G. Alan Williams OPTOMETRIST Patrick St., Wingham Phone 357-1282 ...mes...........amemevonsimotommswommoswasemeldh THIS IS THE CHEESE DISPLAY in the new Remington IGA which opens on Thursday morning. The new building is situated on the site of the Brunswick Hotel. Refrigera .ed counters will keep all meats, cheese and other dairy products at the proper temperature.— A-T Photo. Preserving Summer Fruits The abnormally high price of sugar over the last few months has made consumers wonder how they can cut down on the amount used for preserving fruits this summer. Indications are that prices are dropping back but sugar will still be high- er priced this summer than it has been for several years. Freeze fruits now without sugar for later use in jam or jelly making. Blueberries, red and black currants, gooseberries rhubarb and saskatoons are the fruits which freeze best without sugar. Pack measured quant- ities in cartons or freeze fruit on trays before packing so that they can be accurately measur- ed later. Fruits may be canned with- out sugar. Keeping quality of canned fruit does not depend on the addition of sugar but rather on sufficient processing and the use of air -tight con- tainers, In sugarless canning, the fruit is prepared by the Solid Pack Method. The fruit is heated, crushed slightly and when it is packed in jars it is covered with its own juice. These fruits are best used for pies and puddings. MILLER'S 1st BIRTHDAY CONTINUES WITH GREATER SAVINGS THAN EVER ON ji. SUMMER MERCHANDISE 50 DRESSES CLEARING AT 1/3 OFF REGULAR PRICE ALL HATS STRAWS OR VELOURS - 1/2 PRICE BLOUSES COTTONS AND SILKS—WHITE OR FLORAL 15% OFF SUMMER SHORTS SLIMS lDECK PANTS 25% OFF TOPS ALL SUMMER SKIRTS 25% OFF REGULAR PRICE DISCONTINUED LINES OF GIRDLES BRASSIERES 1l2 PRICE THESE AND MANY MORE SPECIALS AT �lle�°s Ladies lYear Identify Types of Dieters Most diets take all the fun out of food. There's no antici- pation when meal time arrives, and no satisfaction from the low -calorie liquids and solids, To overcome this psycho- logical barrier to weight loss, the Toronto and Ontario Salad Committees recommend low - calorie fruits and vegetables combined with high protein meats, cheeses and other in- gredients in tasty salads. For the record, the commit- tee has identified some of the many types of dieters: THE CRASH DIETER The crash dieter can be identified by the drooping dew- laps and loose folds of flesh un- der the eyes and at the waist. Trousers look several sizes too large. Belt has several fresh notches of which the owner is inordinately proud, and will display on the slightest provo- cation. Its habitat during the noon lunch hour is usually at its own desk with a toothpick and a glass of water, Caution — beware of this species, Will bite at anything, and may turn rabid and froth at the mouth if food is mentioned. Face under these conditions is usually a mottled red. THE SIP AND RUN DIETER The sip and run dieter is usually a highly nervous type, the female is more common than the male. Is prone to be- lieve that several small liquid meals per day are better than three squares. Feeds in morn- ing on fruit juice; at coffee breaks on java black and sugar- less; may take some solid food after sundown. Habitat is self - serve cafeterias — often eats standing up. No use trying to photograph this one — it doesrit stand still long enough. FAD DIETER The fad dieter is character- ized by its curious habit of adopting one diet after another as they come in vogue. Has been known to feed successively on yogurt, banannas, lettuce, raw carrots, cream cheese, watermelon, raw ostrich eggs, crocodile livers, sunflower seeds and blackstrap molasses. Vacillating and inattentive, and prone to be unduly in- fluenced by the feeding habits of other dieters. Curiously enough, this type often fre- quents higher -class restaurants where the feeding mixture must be specially prepared, and is mixed with a mysterious and expensive ingredient called "atmosphere". COMPLACENT DIETER This type can usually be spotted near the scales in de- partment stores. Has a com= pulsion to weigh itself, then cannot rest until the results are broadcast triumphantly to everyone who will listen. Has a peculiar triumphant crowing note especially when talking to plump non -dieters, at whom it looks down its nose. Habi- tat is department store lunch counters (close to the scales). THE EX -DIETER The other name for this type is the gravy -vested butter - ball. This type reaches matur- ity after savagely pecking its mate and declaring to her — Recommend Several Methods To Control European Earwig The house is no place for earwigs but unless rebuffed, they will certainly stroll in, probably from the kitchen gar- den, to explore for a new habi- tation. Ray F. Morris, a federal entomologist at St. John's West, Newfoundland, recommends spraying or dusting the insects' haunts with dieldrin, malathion or DDT. The European Earwig was brought into British Colum- bia and Newfoundland many years ago and is also known in Nova Scotia and Western On- tario. It is slowly expanding from these territories. If a dust is used to control earwigs, it should contain five per cent of one of the chemi- cals recommended. For a spray, use four ounces of 20 per cent emulsifiable concentrate of dieldrin in one gallon of water; or one pound of DDT or malathion wettable powder in 25 gallons of water (four tablespoonfuls to one gal- lon). Apply these to areas where earwigs hide during the day — on the ground alongside build- ings, fences and walks; around the trunks of trees and shrubs, and around steps and basement window sills where they may enter homes. Take care to avoid contaminating vegetables or fruit growing nearby. A posion bait consisting of 12 pounds of bran, one pound of sodium fluosilicate and one quart of fish oil is also effective. It should be evenly spread over lawns, and should suffice to treat an area as large as the average city lot. Traps, of which plans can be obtained from the St. John's West experimental farm, can also cut the earwig population down to size. Empty the earwigs from the trap into a can containing oil. Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, July 25, 1963 — Page 5 features from The World of Women DETECT POISON IVY Don't Spoil Your Holidays How do you get rid of the poison ivy itch? Well a sure way is to stay away from this weed -- or better yet destroy it. Since poison ivy is present in the most popular vacation land areas of Ontario it is wise that you know what it looks like and how to control it. Poison ivy may carpet the ground as dwarfed, shrubby plants a few inches high, or it may become vine -like, climb- ing up trees, shrubs and posts. When you're looking for poison "Would you rather have a happy, fat husband or a long-lived, skinny grouch?" Habitat at lunch time is buffet -style feed- ing trough to which it makes several return trips. SALAD DIETER Of excellent disposition, this type can be spotted by the keen anticipation with which it approaches colorful, nourish- ing fruits and vegetables on which it feeds. Often gives a sigh of contentment after feed- ing on meat, seafood, tossed, egg or potato salad. Especially plentiful during the summer months. Treat with utmost kindness. ivy, remember that it always has three leaflets per leaf. Another way to identify it is by looking for the flowers or fruit, Shortly after the leaves have formed in spring, clusters of small erect, greenish flowers develop where the leaves join the stem. During the summer these flowers develop fruits. When the leaves have dropped in the fall, the plant can be identified by the clusters of grayish to white, waxy -looking berries. Some fruits vary from the typical and may be quite hairy. Chemical weed killers have made it easier to control poison ivy say soils and crops special- ists of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Not only is there less danger of getting in- fected with the poison, but more permanent control is usually obtained. Amitrol (Amino Triazole) is best for a one application treatment. Sil- vex is also highly effective on poison ivy. Brushkillers are excellent but may require a second clean-up application. These chemicals can be applied any time up to late September. Follow directions on the label. rr, -`A 0•••• e e r e• e o e i• s• e e e• GOLDEN SLEEP •• SUPREME • e • • MATTRESS • e • • 0 • 0 • e Mattress or box spring, twin 0 full alio 0 •09.00000000 GUARANTEED TWICE* For Satisfaction ... For Value! With features found in *6960 mattresses FEATURES YOU COULD PAY Exclusive new Sealon ticking $69.50 Luxurious quilted-to•foam top $69.50 Extra firm 312 coil construction $69.50 Don't miss t a double guaranteed buy ...on sale for a limited time only! •II, within 30 days alter purchase, you are not completely satisfied or you can buy another mattress with as much value for the same or less money, return your Golden Sleep mattress or box spring for full refund. Made with same fine cover formerly used on Hotel Posturepedkse SEALY GOLDEN SLEEP MATTRESS made with $59.50 features ALL THESE LUXURY FEATURES YOU cout.o pAv Coil -on -coil construction $59.50 Smooth, butlon•free surface $59,50 Edge Cards') prevent sagging edges $59.50 ONLY Mattress or box spring, twin or full size WALKER HOME FURNISHINGS WINGHAM, ONTARIO TANNER & PEARSON WALKERTON, ONTARIO