HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-07-18, Page 14Page 6 -« Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, July 18, 1963 Mulvey -MacDonald Wedding Saturday WROXETER—Rev, F. W. Taylor officiated on Saturday afternoon for the wedding in Wroxeter United Church of Catherine Jane MacDonald and Murray Stokes Mulvey. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Hupfer, Wroxeter, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Mulvey of Belmore, Mr. Carl Douglas played "The Lord's Prayer" and "As Dawns the Day Mr. Hupfer gave the bride in marriage. Mrs, R. S. Hunter, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Barry Mulvey of Bel - more was his brother's best man and the ushers were R. S. Hunter of Windsor and Peter Mulvey, Belmore. A reception was held for the immediate families in the Wroxeter Community Hall. 1111111111111111V8'11111Ilea l 11111:111111111 HARRISTON DR lVEIN THEATRE THUR.-FRL JULY 18-19 THE BOWERY BOYS in "HOT SHOTS" — Plus — "BILLY BUDD" Starring Robert Ryan - Peter Ustinov SATURDAY ONLY JULY 20 "THE OREGON TRAIL" in Color Starring Fred McMurray — Plus — "TOMMY THE TORREADOR" SUNDAY LATE SHOW JULY 21 — STARTS 11 P.M. "THE GHOST OF DRAGSTRIP HOLLOW" — Plus — "MACHINE GUN KELLY" Recom. as Adult Entertainment MON.,TUES.-WEDNESDAY JULY 22-23-24 WALT DISNEY Presents 'THE PARENT TRAP' in Color starring Hayley Mills — Plus — "TUMBLE WEED" in Color starring Audie Murphy 11111111111111111111111111N1111111!11111111 11191111111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111 LISTOWEL DRIVE -1N WED.-THUR: FRI. July 17-18-19 ELVIS PRESLEY in "KID GALAHAD" Color JOEY DEE - GARY CROSBY in "TWO TICKETS TO PARIS" SAT. -MON. JULY 20-22 Doris Day - James Stewart In Alfred Hitchcock's best picture "THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH" Color Hear Doris sing 'Whatever WiII Be—Will Be" and "STAGE COACH TO DANCERS ROCK" A rip snortin' action -packed Western LATE SONDAY NIGHT SHOW JULY 21 "ZOMBIES OF MORA TAU" — Plus — "WOMEN OF THE RIVER" Adult Entertainment Color ']CUES -WED. JULY' 23-24 We have been asked and asked to bring it back ROGERS & HAMMERSTEIN'S "OKLAHOMA" Color 11111111111 i11111110111111111111111111111111 B4111 FAREWELL PARTY FOR HARRIS FAMILY WROXETER—A farewell party was held at No, 2 Turn - berry School last Tuesday eve- ning for Mr, and Mrs. George Harris, Glenn and Mac, who were leaving for their new home in the West. Wes Paulin called them to the front and they were present- ed resented with gifts, a blanket, an electric clock and an electric tea kettle from their neigh- bours and friends. Hislop -Edgar Vows Exchanged WROXETER--Marriage vows were exchanged at a double - ring ceremony at the Gorrie United Church parsonage on Friday evening, July 12th, when Rev. F. W, Taylor united in marriage Bonnie Lynn Edgar and Gordon Davidson Hislop. The bride is the eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Edgar of Wroxeter, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. George D. Hislop, R. R. 2, Wroxeter. The attendants were Miss Sandra MacDonald of Wingham, and Mr. Davey Edgar, of Wroxeter, brother of the bride. The bride chose a three- piece suit of yellow linen, and a white bow hat, She wore a corsage of bronze mums and yellow carnations. Miss MacDonald was attired in a two-piece suit of blue linen, and a white flowered hat. Her corsage was of white mums and pink carnations. After a short honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls, and other points in southern Ontario, the couple will reside in Wrox- eter. News of Wroxeter Miss Mary Miller of Detriot has been spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Snell, Congratulations to those who passed from Grade 8 to Grade 9 at No. 2 Turnberry School (Kirton's) — Eileen Reid, Joanne Elliott, Mac Harris, Paul Goldthorpe. Successful students at Wrox- eter were Ann Gibson, Doug Alcorn and Leone Chambers, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. A. Ga- thers have returned home after spending an enjoyable week with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Karsh- akoff in Toronto. We are pleased to see Mr. Harold Townsend able to be out again after his recent hos- pitalization. Mrs, P, L. McCabe, New York, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noble and family of Rothsay, visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ingram Wednesday evening and Miss Hope Noble remained for a longer visit with her grand- parents. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walkom and Jeannie Marie of Paris and Mr. and Mrs, Lee Miller of Ayr. Misses Elaine and Margaret Mapletoft of Millbrook, are vacationing with their grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Coates. Mrs. A. R, Wells, Erin, is spending some time with her sister, Mrs, A, Wearing who, we are sorry to report, is con- fined to her home at present. We hope for a complete re- covery soon. Miss Rosemary Kaminiski and Mr. Alec Price of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKay. Sun- day guests at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cobb, Hanoeel, We are ser'y to hear Mrs. John McLean is still confined to hospital. Mr, and ti.rs, Orm Deaupre, Gross Point, N:ieh, , spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hupfer and attended the Mulvey -:MacDonald wed- ding on Saturday. Friends of Mr. Archie Tay- lor will be pleased to know he is progressing; favourably, but he will not be dome for some time yet. Mr, and Mrs. Bradley Gal- braith and family, Wingham, and Mr. and tit s. Jas. Doig spent Friday in Hanover. Miss Elan t;ibson, Toronto, who has been visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. A, Wearing, has returned to her home. Sunday gusts with Mrs. Alonzo Sperling were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton, Misses Aileen and [Lerida, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Paton all of Sea - forth, Mr, EAR; Eaton, Toronto, and Mrs, Adolph Alexander of St. George's, Newfoundland. Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Nix- on and Howard have returned to their home in Greenwood, N.S. Mr. Norman Nixon is remaining for a longer visit with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. George Griffith. Miss Luella McCutcheon, Detriot, is visiting her brother, Mr, John McCutcheon and other relatives. Congratulations to the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mulvey (Catharine MacDonald) and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hislop (Bonnie Edgar). The teacher wrote the following -sentence on the black board and asked her pupils to paraphrase it: "He was bent on seeing her." Little Willie turned in this paraphrase: "The sight of her doubled him up.'' Several Tips for Safer Motoring Canadians died accidentally at a rate of more than two per hour over the Dominion Day weekend, and 75 of the 160 deaths were caused by traffic accidents according to the All Canada Insurance Federation, The Federation, which re,. presents 220 fire, automobile and casualty insurance com- panies, recommends the following tips from professional drivers for safer motoring throughout the summer: 1) When driving a strange car -- or if someone has used your car recently -- re -adjust the seat and rear view mirror, 2) A straight posture behind the wheel is safer and more efficient than a slouching one. 3) Hands should grasp the rim of the steering wheel, not the spokes; most professional drivers suggest a fairly high position on the wheel. 4) Most restful position is with the upper arms vertical and the elbows fairly close to the body. 5) Driving should be done when you are relaxed and alert. Times of emotional stress or unusual tiredness are unsafe for driving. 6) Always start the car slow- ly; stop smoothly and slowly. Quick stops, except in emer- gencies, are the mark of a careless driver. 7) Watch the car ahead of you and the one ahead of that; check the rear-view mirror frequently, expecially when slowing or stopping. 8) On the open road, keep up with the traffic; don't fall behind or try to beat it. 9) On long trips, take fre- quent rests and don't overeat; always keep at Least on window partly open, even in cool wea- ther. 10) Always drive more slow- ly at night. REUNION HELD AT IPPERWASH Many from District Attend Robinson Family Reunion • The 15th Robinson reunion was held at Ipperwash Park on Saturday, with 130 in attend- ance. Relatives were present from Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Sarnia, St. Clair, Mich. , Port Lambton, Merlin, Becher, Waterloo, London, Clinton, Goderich, Auburn, Donnybrook Belgrave, Wingham, Browns- ville and Aylmer. The sports committee had races for the children and euchre for adults. Mrs, Lorne Horley had high score for women and W. J. Craig had high score for men, There was horseshoe pitching for men. CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON WED.-.THUR.-FRI: SAT. JULY 17-18-19-20 WALT DISNEY Presents "MOON PILOT" (in Color) Plus a Disney Featurette "AQUAMANIA" in Color ---It's an amazing tale of space flight preparation Shows at 7.15 and 9.15 p.m. Imam. MON.,TUES. JULY2Z-23 "A CHILD IS WAITING" Stars Judy Garland - Burt Lancaster A child can be so many things —warmth, love and heartbreak Shows at 7.15 and 9.15 p.m. WED: THUR.-FRI.-SAT. JULY 24-25-26-27 WALT DISNEY Presents "BIG RED" in Technicolor --Starring Walter Pidgeon - Gilles Payslnt A warm wonderful story about a boy and his dog PLUS a Disney Featurette "WATERBIRDS" Shows at 7.15 and 9.15 p.m. MATINEE SATURDAY at 2.15 Children 25c Ownsassimmist Ted Mills of Auburn and Frank Horley, London, won the prizes in that contest. Bill Robinson of Auburn guessed the number of jelly beans in the jar. Mrs. Carman Pratt was the oldest woman present and Robert Chamney was the oldest man. The youngest child was Ronald Alexander McInnis, son of Alec and Jean McInnis, R. R. 2, Lucknow. For the largest family present there Belgrave Personals Miss Dean Henderson of London is visiting with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Procter and Joyce. Ruth Michie is attending Goderich Summer Camp as camp councellor this week, Brenda Johnston, Mary Anne Wheeler and Mary Ellen Walsh are also attending. Visitors for the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. James Mich- ie of the 5th of Morris were Miss Alice Bristow of East Orange, New Jersey, and Mrs. Stanley Bristow of Normandy Beach, Newark, New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Don Camp- bell visited last week at Thes- salon. Mrs. Ed Ansley return- ed with them for a few weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Campbell. We would like to welcome to Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs. John Gnay and son, Grant, of Mit- chell, who have purchased the farm formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Camerson Walsh. Mr. Gnay will teach in Wing - ham and District High School in September. Visitors for the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, William Coultes and family were Mr. and Mrs. James Davis and family of Prince Edward Island. Janet and Peter Beattie of Seaforth visited last week with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George Michie, Ruth and LIoyd. The ladies of the Evening Unit of the United Church and their children enjoyed a plc; nic at the Morris Federation Park on Wednesday. The child- ren had a swim and the ladies visited. Lunch was served of sandwiches, cookies and tarts. Mrs. Sam Pletch will be the hostess for the August meeting. Mrs. Jack VanCamp is vacationing with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Hayes and other friends for a month in Elyria, Ohio, Terry Cook of Wingham visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Telford Cook. Mrs. Mike Rezanoff, Heidi and Gail of St. Catharines, are visiting with Mrs, Laura Johnston and George. Michael McNall visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and family of Bluevale. Miss Rhonda Fear is va- cationing this week with her grandmother, Mrs. A. M. Fear of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Higgins were among the 61 members of the Procter family at the annual Procter reunion, held at Stone School on Sunday. Games were enjoyed and a smorgasbord supper served. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ander- son and son, of London, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Anderson. Mrs. C. R. Coultes, who has been a patient in Wingham and District Hospital for the past six weeks, was able to return to her home on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey and children of Ingersoll visit- ed for the week -end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Procter and Margaret. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Beyers of Royal Oak, Michigan, visit- ed for the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Procter. Mr, and Mrs. Herb Wheeler held a birthday party on Satur- day for their grandchildren Warren, who had a birthday on the train coming here, and were three families with the same number, Stuart Chamney, George Wilkin, and W. J. Craig all of Auburn. Coming the greatest distance was Mrs. Stanley Strasser, Sault Ste. Marie. Officers for 1964 are presi- dent, Bert Robinson, Goderich; secretary-treas. , Scott Robin- son, London; sports comm., Doug Williams, Frank Horley and Jim Macintosh, of London. The Mills sisters entertained with singing and guitar accom- paniment and the Wilkin trio with bagpipes and highland dancing. A vote of thanks was ex- tended to the entertainers, sports committee, the presi- dent and secretary. The next reunion to be held at Ipper- wash Park the second Saturday in July,1964. Customer: "Why does a beautiful girl like you work in such a dump as this?" Waitress: "Because I own it; Messengers Meet The Messengers, with Mrs. Jack Higgins in charge, opened with the Messenger motto and prayer. The study book, "Sun Ho and the Street Boy" was completed. The theme for the worship was dedication. Psalm 100 was read by Ken Hopper and the Scripture lesson was read by Nancy Anderson. "Jesus Loves the Little Child- ren" was sung and Grant Vin- cent led in prayer. Calvin Nixon received the offering and it was dedicated with the hymn, "Father Bless the Gifts We Bring Thee". The children are to corn- piete their work book. Mrs. Albert Coultes assisted with the Messengers. Anne whose birthday was on Saturday. Members of the family were present, including Mr, and Mrs, Goldie Wheeler and family of London and George Wheeler of Camp Bor- den. Procter Reunion At Stone School The annual Procter reunion was held at Stone school on Sunday afternoon with 64 in attendance. The afternoon was spent in renewing old acquaint- ances and in playing games and contests, which were enjoyed by young and old, A presentation was made to Brenda and Barbara Spivey, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey of Ingersoll, Ont- ario, Mr, Spivey made a suitable reply. Following a delicious pot luck supper a business meeting was held, The slate of officers elected was as follows: presi- dent, John Spivey; vice,. presi- dent, Ross Procter; sec, tr, Faye Procter; lunch comm ' Mrs. Clarence Yuill, Mrs. Gor- don Higgins, Mrs. Ken Wheel- er, Mrs. Bob Procter; sports committee, Doug Procter, Bob Higgins, Mrs. Ken Alto Joyce Procter, Guests were present from Goderich, Wingham, Brussels, Burlington, Ingersoll, Belgrave, Lucknow, St, Catharines, and Michigan, Brother! Am I glad I bought Investors Mutual Since 1950, this man's investment in Investors Mutual has more than tripled in value. That's why he's so happy. Now Investors does not wish to imply that you can make a fortune overnight. But the fact remains — a lot of people have made a lot of money through Investors Mutual. Why don't you start this simple, modern way to invest in Canada's leading indus- tries? You can do so with a deposit of $500 or as Iittle as $15 a month. Shouldn't you see the Man from Investors today? Investors ov179dboaft® OF C A M A D A, l I M 1 i 1 O, THOMAS JARDIN District Manager 357-3061 - Box 394 WINGHAM, ONT. Business and Professional Directory HEAR AGAIN "LIVING SOUND" HEARING AIDS John McKibbon, Phm.B. Robert McIntyre McKIBBONS PHARMACY Phone 357-1880 Wingham AMBULANCE Service CALL — S. J. WALKER PHONE ay - Night 357-1430 BUTLER, DOOLEY, CLARKE &STARKE Charterdd Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 2nd Floor, PUC Building Cor, Josephine & John Sta. WINGHAM, Dial 357-1561 AIMEMPINIMOKNM A. H. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC Teeswater - Ontario Tel. 392-7373, Teeswate r Wroxeter.—Every Wednesday Afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment Frederick F. Homuth Ptun.B., Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETISTS Phone 113 HARRISTON ONTARIO HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICE.*' Prepaid Health Pleins at Cost the COOP way BOARD OF DIREGTORiart Presid-nt, Fordyce Clark, RIM- Goderich; Vice -Pres., Gordon Kirkland, RR 3, Lucknow; Mrs. D. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; Mrs. LI o y d Taylor, Exeter; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodges, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong. Gorrie; Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Klopp, Zurich; Gordon Richard- son, RR 1, Brucefield; Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Woodham, C. H. Magee Secretary -Manager Miss C. E. Plumtree Assistant Secretary For information, call your nearest director or our office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 On- tario Street, Clinton, Telephone HUnter 2-9751. GAVILLER, McIN- TOSH & WARD Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Opposite Post Office Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham - Dial 357-3930 J. H. CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C. J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Office—Meyer Bilk., Winslowb DIAL 357-1990 J. B. ACTESON, D.C. Dr. of Chiropractic , X -Ray PHONE 120 - WROXETER Hours: Monday, Tuesday, hursday, Friday, 10 - Evgs: Tuesday, Thultsduy 7-9. Other titnee by appolrttrrtent,