HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-07-11, Page 3TASTE - TEMPTING HAMBURGERS DONE THE WAY YOU LIKE "EM ENJOY OUR DELICIOUS HOME - COOKED MEALS BLUE -JAY SNACK BAR South on Highway 4 PHONE 357-1438 CALL ON US FOR A FWIE INSURANCE Here's what our cheek -up will do for you: (1) Show if you can have broader protection through the latest package pol- icies; (2) Point out areas of possible savings in your present program; (3) Uncover any serious gaps in your protection; (4) Explain what your present insurance does and docs not cover, There's no obligation for this service. Call today. W. R. CONRON,CLU,INSURANCE AGENCY John Street - Wingham - Dial 357-2636 S. A. SCOTT, Salesman TOP QUALITY JERSEY MILK Fresh wholesome Jersey Milk from local farms, pasteurized daily. Ask for Bateson's by name at all leading stores. DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME DAILY. BATESON' MODEL DAIRY PATRICK ST. PHONE 357-2990 WINGHAM MILITIAMEN AT CAMP NIAGARA—As part of the 21st Regiment, RCA (M), the 99th Battery of Wingham this week are training at historic Camp Niagara. Special courses of study are a feature of this camp. Capt. J. T. Good- all, second from right, explains them to, from left, Gnr. C. B. Davidson, Gnr. J. R. Ostrom and Sgt. Peter Meurs. —Cy Bamford. Textbooks Needed for H.S. 1963 Term The following list gives the text books that will be used by the various grades at Wingham District High School during the 1963-64 term. It is being published for the benefit of those students who would like to obtain secondhand books, where possible. GRADE IX FIVE YEAR PROGRAMME: Realms of Gold, Magic of Myth & Legend, Merchant of Venice, Cue for Treason, Eagle of the Ninth, In many Latitudes, Can- adian Oxford School Atlas, Premieres Annees de Francais, Permanent Life Insurance provides peils`tons that have a lifetime guarantee When you own permanent Life Insurance you can plan on retire- ment with absolute certainty that the income promised in your policy will be paid. Permanent Life Insurance values are guaran- teed. All the amounts are carefully set out right there in your policy. The amount of protection is there, the Cash Values arc listed --clearly stating the monetary worth of your savings invest- ment for years to come. There is no guesswork, no speculation. These are safeguards rio other. long-term savings plan can offer. L.363C THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Modern Business Practice (Arts & science, business & com- merce only), Junior Drafting (Science, technology & trades only), Hand & Machine Wood- work (Science, technology & trades only), Auto Mechanics Principles (science, technology & trades only), FOUR YEAR PROGRAMME: Realms of Gold, Great Ad- venturer, Shakespeare for Young Players, Cue for Treason, Moonfleet, In Many Latitudes, Canadian Oxford School Atlas, Modern Business Practice (Arts & science, business & com- merce only), Junior Drafting (Science, technology & trades only), Hand & Machine Wood- work (Science, technology & trades only), Auto Mechanics Principles (Science, technology & trades only). DIVERSIFIED OCCUPATIONS PROGRAM: Poems Chiefly Narrative, Adventures and Es- capes, One Act Plays of To - Day, Prester John, Moonfleet, Better Reading for Canadian Schools, Arithmetic for Every- day Use Book I. Set Books (Loaned by school on $2.00 de- posit) — Writing With A Purpose Book 1, Intermediate Mathe- matics III, History Text (Proud Ages). GRADE X FIVE YEAR PROGRAMME: Realms of Gold, Invitation to Short Stories, Twelfth Night, History of Mr. Polly, Animal Farm, The Modern Era, Can- adian Oxford School Atlas, Premieres Annees de Francais, Living Latin (Arts & science only), New Basic Course in Shorthand - Pitman (Business & Commerce only), Inter- mediate Drafting (Science, technology & trades only), Auto Mechanics Principles (Science, technology & trades only), Hand and Machine Woodwork (Science, technology & trades only). FOUR YEAR PROGRAMME: Realms of Gold, Invitation to Short Stories, Twelfth Night, Reach for the Sky, War of the Worlds, The Modern Era, Canadian Oxford School Atlas, Basic Bookkeeping (Business & commerce only), New Basic Course in Shorthand - Pitman (Business & commerce only), Bailey Method of Penmanship (Business & commerce only), Intermediate Drafting (Science, technology & trades only), Hand & Machine Woodwork (Science, technology & trades only), Auto Mechanics Principles (Science, technology & trades only). Set Books: Through Europe and Asia ( Geography), Intermediate Mathematics IV, English Prac- tice, Science for Sec. School Book I. GRADE XI Grass of Parnassus, Four Plays of Our Time, Julius Cae- sar, Lost Horizon, The Kraken Wakes, Style & Structure, World History I, Deductive Geometry, Science, Cours Moy- en de Francais Part I (rev.), Comme Il Vour Plaira, Living Latin, Basic Typewriting Pt. II. GRADE XII Poems to Remember, Prose for Sr, Students, Macbeth, Re- turn of the Native, Three Short Novels of Conrad, Living Latin, Selected Latin Readings, World History II, A New Algebra for High Schools, Chemistry for Sec. Schools, Manuel for above Cours Moyen de Francais Part I (rev.), Vignettes, Basic Book- keeping. GRADE XIII A Handbook of Composition, Hamlet, Longer Poems, Poems to Remember, Man and His World, Wuthering Heights, Cae- sar & Cleopatra, Latin Poetry Selections, Latin Prose Select- ions, Latin Composition, North American Nations, Algebra - A Senior Course, A New Analy- tic Geometry (rev.), Elements of Trigonometry & Statics, General Biology, Senior Chem- istry for Secondary Schools, Manual of General Chemistry, Physics, A Senior Course (rev.), Cours Moyen de Francais Part II (rev.), Le Notaire du Havre, COMMERCIAL GRADE XI: Four Plays of Our Time, Grass of Parnassus, Lost Horizon, The Story of Trade & Commerce, Senior Commercial Arithmetic, Vo- cational Speller, Language & Letters, Complete Course in Office Practice, Basic Book- keeping, New Basic Course in Page 3 -- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, July 11, 1963 Pitman Shorthand, Pitman Shorthand Dictation & Trans- cription. GRADE XII: Prose for Sen- ior Students, Return of the Native, Poems to Remember, Three Short Novels of Conrad, Sr. Commercial Arithmetic, Living Today, Canadian Law, Pitman Shorthand Dictation & Transcription, Pitman Advanc- ed Dictation, Language & Letters, Complete Course in Office Practice, Basic Book- keeping. GRADE XII SPECIAL COM- MERCIAL: Sr. Commercial Arithmetic, Vocational Speller, Basic Bookkeeping, Canadian Law, Ontario Writing Course Book III, New Basic Course in Shorthand, Dictation and Tran- scription, Complete Course in Office Practice, Living Today, Language & Letters, Advanced Typewriting III & IV. FERTILE EARTH SEOUL, Korea—More than 8, 000 acres of land have been reclaimed by North Korean refugees CARE helped resettle. Contributions to CARE provided farm tools, plows and bullocks, seed, fertilizer, fruit trees, irrigation motors and pumps, pigs and other livestock. Engagement Ring St50.00 iP5504, . 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