HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-07-04, Page 6Page ,6 -- Wingham Advance -Tallies. Thursday, July 4, 1963 'TELL IT WOIRLD WITH FOR SALE SHOP BENNETT'S 5c to $1.00 STORE FIRST for Swim Suits for women, men, boys and girls. All styles, sizes ,and prices. Sun glasses priced from 49c up to $1.98. 4rrb 22 SEMI-AUTOMATIC Mossberg rifle for sale. Perfect condi- tion. Phone 357-2364. 4* MASSEY-HARRIS BINDER for sale, 7 -ft. cut. In good running order. Allan Pattison, phone 357-1049. 4* ELECTROLUX Sales & Service. H. McDermitt, phone 59R31, Fordwich. 4rrb 6 -FT. BINDER for sale, 13 hoe drill, set sleighs, hay loader. All in good condition. Gordon Messer, Bluevale. 4* FOR SALE — Three - quarter Holywood bed and large up- holstered studio couch; buffet, dining room table, 7 chairs; Quebec stove; 2 electric fans. Phone 357-3928. 4b SUMMER SALE — Free $69.95 Vacuum with every Slant -O - Matic sewing machine. Free button holer with each straight stitching machine. Singer representative, phone 357-3730. 27-4b FOR SALE—CHERRIES — We have a good crop of Montmor- ency ready about July 12th. Price same as last year. Bring containers and pick your own. Raspberries to follow. Leslie Watson, Forest, Ont., 639R11, 1 mile north on 21 Highway. 4-11b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUILDING LOT for sale on Water Street. Phone 357-2585. 4-11* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7 room house situated on a good lot, two blocks from main street. Kitchen with built-in cupboards, oil furnace, 3 piece bath, garage. Full price $6,000. 2 -storey family home, excel- lent location, new built-in cup- boards, 2 bathrooms, lovely sun porch, large living room, oil fur- nace. Moderately priced. Centrally located 7 room brick dwelling, large lot, paved drive, fully modern. Priced reasonable, low down payment. Several other houses to choose from in various price ranges. Contact— WILLIAM S. REED REAL ESTATE BROKER Dial 357-2174 - Wingham 4b CARS FOR SALE '52 CHEV. sedan for sale, $150. '52 Meteor ranch wagon, $145. J. Woolcock, 10th Turnberry. 4b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 17 YORK CHUNKS for sale. Phone 806R2, Wroxeter. Irving Toner, 4* BUCKSKIN saddle mare for sale. Ayrshire heifer due in July. J. Woolcock, 10th Turn - berry. 4b 3 YOUNG OPEN SOWS for sale. Phone 357-2798. 4b FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT—Double bed, suitable for two girls, with separate kitchen privileges, entrance and bath. Phone 357- 1335. 4b SALES HELP WANTED—Male RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN In very good District around Wingham. Trade well estab- lished. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write, Rawleigh's, Dept. G-453-189, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 4b HELP WANTED --- MALE THREE FIREMEN wanted for Wingham Fire Brigade. Ap- plications to be in the hands of the secretary, R. Sinnamon. 27-4-11-18b DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL— DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Wingham Diad 357-3106 Dead Animal Lic. No. 282-C-63 Jny8rrb TAXI SERVICE FOR ALL OCCASIONS call Lee's Taxi, for long or short trips. Dial 357-1521. rrb FEMALE HELP WANTED FARM WIVES Make Avon available in your community. Excellent earnings possible. Write Mrs. M. Milison, 960 Wellington Rd. S., London, Ont., or call collect 432-9019. (2) TENDERS WANTED TENDERS are called for redecorating the interior of Public School No. 9, Carrick Township. Work to be completed by August 20th, Ten- ders to be in by July 10th. Con- tact Norman Kamrath, R. R. 2, Mildmay, 4b TENDERS will be received for transpor- tation of 12 pupils to Public School No. 9, Carrick Township. Overall trip 13 miles. Persons tendering to meet all necessary qualifications and vehicle to be covered by necessary licence and insurance. Tenders to be in by July 25th, 1963. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Contact James Darling, R. R. 1, Clifford. 4b TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July 17th, 1963, for the construction of a fire escape and exit door from the second floor of the Tees - water Public School. Any neces- sary brick work re closing of present windows and interior carpenter work should be includ- ed in tender. Work to be corn pleted before September 1, 1963. Lowest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. James M. Reid, Secretary - Treasurer, Culross- Teesw.ater School Area Board, R. R. 3, Teeswater. 4-11 b GRAVEL TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK Sealed tenders plainly marked "Tenders for Gravel" will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon Friday, July 5th, 1963, for loading and hauling 8,- 000 cubic yards, more or less, of pit -run gravel to be delivered to the satisfaction of the road sup- erintendent. Maximum haul, four miles. Contractor to strip and maintain pits to the satis- faction of the road superintend- ent. A certified cheque of $150 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. For further particulars con- tact the road superintendent, Anson Galbraith, R. R. 1, Gorrie, Ontario. W. E. Whitfield, Clerk, Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ontario. 27-4b WANTED TO RENT TWO OR THREE bedroom home wanted to rent, or an apartment. Apply Box 167, Ad- vance -Times. 4rrb THREE OR FOUR bedroom house within area of Wing - ham. Apply Box 172, Advance - Times. 4b LOST LOST— A lady's brown leather shoulder purse, containing a lady's wrist watch and other valuables, lost at the Turn - berry swimming pool. Finder please leave at the printing of- fice in Teeswater, or phone 392-6442, Teeswater. A reward will be given, 4* MISCELLANEOUS WE DO BACKHOE excavating and front-end loading. Phone 357-2652. Harold R. Oongram. 6rrb ALTERATIONS, repairs and in- terior painting. Contact Grant McLean, phone 357-1836. 23rrb PIANO TUNING — Regulating, repairs, Experienced. Eric W. Rice, R. R. 2, Lucknow, phone 528-6695. A11-Jne13* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED— Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. A4-010* NOTICE If you are thinking of finan- cing a ear be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, R. R, 2, Wing. ham, phone 357-1679. O24rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection— Call your Co-op Agent— LLOYD MONTGOMERY Wingham, R.R. 5, Dial 357-3739 rrb HAIR DRESSING ELLIOTT'S Beauty Lounge, Main Street, Wingham, Dial 357-2981. N29rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN MUNDELL. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on the 16th day of May, 1963, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 13th day of July, A.D. 1963. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 24th day of June, A.D. 1963. CRAWFORD & HETHERING- TON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 27-4-11b PERSONAL EAGLE VALLEY RANCH Riding, swimming and other camp ,activities under careful supervision. Write direct for brochures or phone Teeswater 392-6172 evenings. Jn13-Jy18b STILL THE STYLIST — For Wingham and district. Charis, Betty Dear and Smart Form. foundation garments and brassieres, elastic control and full support garments. Mrs. Will Kennedy, Patrick St., Wingham, phone 357-2115. 16rrb CARDS OF THANKS To the many friends who h,ave expressed in word and deed their sympathy in the recent Loss of our father, accept our most sincere appreciation. — Gordon and Marguerite Fish and family. 4b We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to all our friends and neighbours for their help and many expressions of sym- pathy during our hours of sor- row.—Wm. Lutz and family. 4b I wish to express my sincere thanks to the nurses of the hos- pital and to Dr. Crawford for their kindnesses to me during my illness, a special thank you to Garry Storey and his assist- ant for their help at the time of my accident. — Mrs. Maude Porterfield. 4b I wish to express sincere thanks to my friends for visits, cards and gifts while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibbon, Dr. B. N. Corrin, Currie's Ambulance and the nursing staff.—Carol Walsh. 4* I would like to say thank you to my friends who sent me cards and remembrances when I was in the .hospital, Special thanks to my classmates and teacher for the lovely present they gave me.—Newt. Richard- son. 4* William S. Reed REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER For prompt service in buying or selling all real estate properties FARMS - HOMES BUSINESSES Dial Wingham 357-2174 Jy3lrrb Wingham Native Dies in Toronto Friends here were grieved to learn of the death of Mrs. Alice Campbell in Toronto on Tues- day evening. The former Alice Beckwith, she grew up in Wingham, living in the family house on Edward Street. She joined the Salva- tion army at an early age and achieved the rank of Ensign, serving in many centres. Funeral will be held on Fri- day at 1 p.m. in the Jarrett funeral home, Dundas Street West. Goodyears Trim Centralia Team Playing in Centralia on Wed- nesday night of last week the Wingham Brophy Goodyears downed the Centralia Air Force team by a score of 5-3 in Memorial League Softball. Hugh MacMillan, handling the pitching chore for the Good - years, allowed the airmen only three hits, but gave up six bases on walks plus four fielding errors by his team mates, from .which the Airmen gained their three runs. Barry Fryfogle was the top hitter of the night with two doubles and a single. Alvin Baker had a triple and a single, while Jim Bain collected the remaining hit. Wingham—Saxton, c. f. ; Baker, c. ; Bain, s. s. ; MacMil- lan, p.; Fryfogle, 2b.; Walker, 3b,; Cerson, 1. f.; Ste. Marie, r. f. ; Riehl, r. f, , (8th); Storey, lb. Centralia--McPhie, 1. f. ; Marsh, 3b. ; Johnson, c. f. ; Corkum, 2b. ; Garand, s. s. ; Wiper, 1b. ; Corrigan, r. f. ; Moyle, C. ; Bell, p, R H E Wingham 020 030 000 5 6 4 Centralia 000 011 001 3 3 3 S. J. PYMM SERVICES ARE NOW AVAILABLE WRITE P. O. BOX 74 OR PHONE 528-2390 LUCKNOW Public Accountant since 1944 Jez0eowb MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbs. More for Sick and disabled Cows and Horses ac- cording to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24-HOUR SERVICE License No. 95163E BIRTHS JACKLIN --- At Wingham and District Hospital, on Saturday, June 29, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jacklin, Wingham, .a son. GARDNER — At Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, June 30, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Gardner, Lucknow, a son. CRAWFORD — In Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, on Sunday, June 30, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Craw f or d, (Joan Wightman), a son, John Rich- ard, a brother for James. BLAKE—At Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Monday, July 1, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. George Blake, R. R. 2, Brus- sels, a daughter. CAMERON — At Wingham and District Hospital, on Tuesday, July 2, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Edwin Cameron, Wingham, a ,daugthter. NOTICE TO Water C miners The hours of watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED An ANNUAL charge of $4,44 gross, Tess prompt pay- ment discount of 10% is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above -noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commission C. E. SHERA, Superintendent. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Murray Taylor are happy to announce the ar- rival of their chosen daughter, Mildred Ruth, a sister for Douglas. Coming Events JUNIOR CONSERVATION Meeting on Monday, July 8th. Pick-up at Town Hall at 7:00. 4b ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Elwood C. H. Groskorth, of Whitechurch, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Hazel Karen, to James Albert Moffat, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moffat, of Tees - water, Ont, The wedding will take place on Saturday, July 27, at Whitechurch United Church, Whitechurch, Ont. 4* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. James T. Walsh, of Brussels, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Eleanor Ann, to Mr. Dun- can Ross Campbell, son of Mrs. Mabel Campbell, and the late Mr. Norman Campbell, of Kin- cardine. The wedding will take place on Saturday, July 27, 1963, at Knox United Church, Bel - grave, at 3 p.m. 4* OFFICE OPEN Dr. G. W, Howson's vac n plans have been changed be- cause of serious illness of a close relative. His office will be open until further notice, 4* CLOSING NOTICE The office of G, A, Wlllii. Optometrist, will be closed or alterations from July 2nd, to July 13th, inclusive, 20-27-4b CONCERT IN BLUEVALE Make plans to attend the con- cert in the Bluevale Park Sun- day, July 14th, Proceeds for skating area. 4-11b LIONS CLUB BINGO Teeswater Arena, Friday, July .5, (note change of date), 12 regu- lar games, $40; 1 special, $500; 2 specials, $100. Admission $1.00. Time, 9 p.m. Special and extra cards, 25c or 5 for $1.00. 4b Jack Alexander AUCTIONEER and Appraiser We handle Town and Farm Sales s Phone 357-3631 - Wingham Face Fly and Milking Cows The very effective insecti- cide DDVP will be welcomed by milk producers in Canada. DDVP was only recently approv- ed by federal authorities for use on milking cows for the control of face flies and certain other insects. DDVP has been tested ex- tensively both at the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph, and in the United States. Dr. W. E. Heming, Head of the Department of Zoology at the Ontario Agricultural College, describes tests which have shown that the number of face flies on milking cows can be reduced to a point where they are no longer troublesome. The application of a small amount of a syrup-water-DDVP bait to the faces of cows just before they go to pasture after the morning milking, will attract and kill many face flies. The product, DDVP, has been available in the dry bait form for use against flies in stables for some time. Two new formulations will now be stocked by retail outlets, name- ly a 20 emulsible concentrate and a 1% livestock spray. The 20 emulsible concentrate is the product specifically recommend. ed for face flies on milking cows or on other livestock, if individual application is possi- ble. When preparing the DDVP for application, the 20 emulsi- ble concentrate formulation of the insecticide is mixed with Woodstock Wins Holiday Game The Wingham Brophy Good - years travelled to Woodstock on Monday where they suffered an 8-2 defeat at the hands of the Woodstock Fuels. Ron Caduro, the Fuels' pitcher, allowed the Goodyears only two hits, picked up by Ken Cerson and John Walker. Wingham--Saxton, c. f. ; Fryfogle, 2b.; Bain, s.s,; Walk- er alker 3b. ; Chisholm, p.; Cerson, 1, f. ; Ste. Marie, r, f.; Storey, lb.; Foxton, c.; Baker, c,(8th). Woodstock --McGregor, 3b.; McLeod, c. f. ; Rodgers, r. f. ; B. Furlong, 2b.; Parsons, s. s. ; Wisson, lb.; Littlejohn, c.; T. Furlong, 1. f. ; Caduro, p. R HE Wingham 002 000 000 2 2 2 Woodstock 002 000 15x 8 11 2 MEMORIAL LEAGUE STANDING W L PTS Stratford 10 0 20 Woodstock 8 3 16 Wingham „ „ . , 6 7 12 Goderich 4 7 8 Clinton RCAF 4 7 8 Centralia RCAF.... 2 8 4 water and corn syrup. The proportions of the water and syrup recommended varies with the method of application. If by brush, less water, but if by sprayer, more water is used. Follow directions given on the label of the container. Fresh bait must be prepared each day since DDVP soon breaks down when mixed with water. A dairyman will soon learn how much is necessary per day for his milking herd. The DDVP container should be kept tightly sealed when bait is not being prepared. Dr. Heming pointed out that DDVP products will likely be formulated and made avail- able at retailers by a number of companies. Some of the companies will sell these pro- ducts by trade names. Purchas- ers are advised to read the labels on the containers before buying and to follow the direct- ions irections given. Don't guess when you are mixing insecticides for use anywhere, especially on animals. At the same time read the suggested antidotes , which should be followed in case an accident happens. MAN INTO GENTLEMAN The executive who feels he's not quite a fashion plate or just beginning to look a little dowdy can go to another business for expert advice. The business is that exclusive organization run by glamorous businesswoman, Joy Davies. Miss Davies is known primar- ily for her women's charm school in downtown Toronto. The wives and daughters of business and professional men are her main clients. Fathers and husbands followed almost as an afterthought as the second part of her business. A few years ago a man was picking up his wife at the Joy Davies school. Half in jest he said, "What we need in Toron- to is a charm school for men." That's when it all began and that was the first client. Since then she has become Toronto's leading consultant in men's fashions, grooming, speech and bearing. "Perhaps it's not completely true to say that the clothes make the man, but they play a very important part," she says. Usually it takes three visits to put the final touches on a would-be gentleman. "Why is Smith pacing up and down in front of his house like that?" "He's awfully worried about his wife." "Is that so. What's she got?' "The car." itI1alI I■III®I l IlII I■I IIBI I IRI I IRI I IUsIIRt!' HrINGHAM QFFICE 358 FRANCES ST. 'hone 357-3840 GERALD (Jerry) WALTER "We Sell Rural Ontario" $3,500 down for 6 room bunga- low, all conveniences plus gar- age, 2 blocks from main street. Full price $7,900. -- $8,400 full price for 11/4 5 8 room house, all conveniences, plus two 3 piece baths, king sized lot, well landscaped, 1 block from main street. $8,500 full price for a 1162 storey 7 room house. Good sized lot near schools and churches. hospital. Has all convenieila plus attached garage and sun - porch. $2,000 down for a 1 year old bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 3 piece bath plus all conveniences. Two blocks from Lucknow's main street. Full price only $8,000. $4,500 full price, only $2,000 down for 1162 storey 3 bedroom home with modern conveniences, situ- ated in the Village of White- church. $7,400 full price, 1% storey 7 room house with conveniences. Double lot and 2 car garage, situated in good residential sec- tion in Lucknow. $10,000 full price for completely remodelled 2 storey home. 2 bath roams, loads of built-in cup- boards. Garage, awnings and wrought iron front porch, lo- cated in good residential area in Wingham. $3,900 full price for this year's special. Priced for quick sale and immediate possession. 100 acre farm near Lucknow. Bank barn 38x42 in good condition, 17 acres of mixed spring grain, 15 acres of mixed hardwood bush with considerable amount of saleable timber. Balance of land in lush growth of hay and pas- ture, much of it new seeding in 1962. Plentiful water supply from 3 springs and 2 spring fed wells, all fences are in top shape. Hydro power is already on the farm. This property, in- cluding the 17 acres of spring grain, the hay and pasture plus the valuable bush lot can be yours for only $3,900. Terms are available, so see it soon. Truly the outstanding bargain of the year. $21,500 full price for 200 acre farm with 185 acres of highly productive land. 11/2 storey home with bathroom, furnace, etc. King sized barn with hydro and water, 2 smaller barns. Situated in Huron County. Small dow payment, easy terms, 4 , $11,900 full price with low down payment for 100 acre farm 2 miles from Wingham, 711 to 80 acres of rich workable land, bal- ance in bush. 11storey 5 bed- room home. Good sized b. n with hydro and water. MEMBER OF THE GREY - BRUCE REAL ESTATE BD. Ask one of our Agents how you can list your property as a Multiple Listing I!I I IRI (I®I I IRI I VIII I®I I IRI I IRI I ILII I IRI I I®Ill