HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-06-27, Page 6Page fi — Wingharn Advance -Times, Thursday, June 27, W63 'TELL IT O WITH FOR SALE SHOP BEIVN Z I"S 5c to $1.00 STORE Fh$`)~ for Bridge Mixture, Maple Buds and Waffers, only 57c lb. Fresh Chocolate Mallow Cookies only 33c lb. 20rrb ELECTROLUX Sales & Service. H. McDermitt, phone 59R31, Fordwich. 4rrb UNPAINTED FURNITURE, 5 drawer chests, $26.75; 3 drawer chests, $18.50, Well construct- ed. R. A. Currie & Sons Furni- ture. 20-27b BOY'S BICYCLE for sale. Ap- ply Tom Powell, R, R. 1, Wingham, phone Wroxeter 818R111. 27* YELLOW and white Lloyd con- vertible baby carriage for sale. Excellent condition. Phone 357-3163. 27b KELVINATOR refrigerator for sale; round table and chairs, light oak; kitchen range; Que- bec heater; beds, etc, Mrs. Stan Kay, Langside, phone Wingham 357-2919. 27b McKEE HARVESTER Model S for sale, 3 years old, complete with pipes, wagon and 24 ft. box with unloader. John Pur - don, R. R. 3, Wingham. 27* SUMMER SALE — Free $69.95 Vacuum with every Slant -O - Matic sewing machine. Free button holer with each straight stitching machine. Singer representative, phone 357-3730. 27-4b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A CHOICE building lot for sale, in Molesworth on Highway 86. Wm. Willoughby, Molesworth, Ontario, phone Listowel 300J2. 27b FOR SALE—Arrange to see this brick house, remodelled for convenient living. Bath and three bedrooms up, washroom, large living room, modern kitchen, down; oil heat, auto- matic water softener, insulat- ed, aluminum storms and screens. Curtains to be left as well as automatic washer and dryer. Paved drive, good lo- cation. Price reasonable. Call Clayton Shackleton, 357-2583. 27* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7 room house situated on a good lot, two blocks from main street. Kitchen with built-in cupboards, oil furnace, 3 piece bath, garage. Full price $6,000. 2 -storey family home, excel- lent location, new built-in cup- boards, 2 bathrooms, lovely sun porch, large living room, oil fur- nace. Moderately priced. Centrally located 7 room brick dwelling, large lot, paved drive, fully •modern. Priced reasonable, low down payment. Several other houses to choose from in various price ranges. Contact— WILLIAMI S. REED REAL ESTATE BROKER Dial 357-2174 - Wingham 27b CARS FOR SALE 1940 DODGE car for sale. In good running order. Cheap. Phone 357-1047. 27b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 17 YORK CHUNKS for sale. Phone 806R21, Wroxeter. 27* 7 YOUNG SOWS for sale, due soon. Phone 451W13, Brussels. Wellington Marks. 27* 21 PIGS for sale, seven weeks old. James Darling, phone Mildmay 367-2181. 27* HELP WANTED — MALE THREE FIREMEN wanted for Wingham Fire Brigade. Ap- plications to be in the hands of the secretary, R. Sinnamon. 27-4-11-18b AMBITIOUS MAN wanted nn - mediately to sell nationally advertised products. Perman- ent. Fu11 time. Training pro- vided, No investment. Should have car or be willing to ob- tain one. For interview write, giving age and experience, to R. W. Sercombe, 129 John St., Apt. 11, London, Ont. 20-27b WANTED TO RENT TWO OR THREE bedroom home wanted to rent, or an apartment. Apply Box 167, Ad- vance -Times. 20-27* WANTED WANTED 50 to 100 acres farm on highway within 5 miles of Wingham or closer. Cash bay - or. P.O. Box 647, Wingham. 27* TAXI SERVICE FOR ALL OCCASIONS cal Lee's Taxi, for long or shor trips. Dial 357-1521. rel FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Ponies for sale, W. J. Clark 27 FURNISHED bed -sitting room newly decorated with kitcher. privileges. Suitable for twc busines girls or nurses. Phone 357-3520. 126 John St. 27t NEWLY DECORATED 5-ro cottage for rent, with stow and refrigerator. Possession immediately. Phone 357-3854. 27•b TRAILER LOTS—Boiler Beac trailers and tent camp. Spac ious lots, safe sandy beach Lots by day, week, month o season. One mile south Kin- cardine on lake shore road. Norman MacGregor, R. R, 1, Kincardine, Ont. 20-27h FEMALE HELP WANTED PART - TIME CLERK - TYPIST for Wingham office, to com- mence in August. Apply Box 170, Advance -Times. 27b 8 HIGH SCHOOL students (girls) for outdoor work close to Wingham, 16 years and over. First week of August. Apply in writing to R. Mac- Millan, R. R. 4, Galt, Ont. 20-27* DOES AN AVON REPRESENT- ATIVE CALL ON YOU? We may need someone in your neighborhood. No obligation. Write Avon Mgr. Mrs. M. Mill - son, 960 Wellington Road S., London, or call 432-9019 (1) WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY—Rock elm suitable for export, also good hardwood bush lots. Les Mor- ley, R. R, 2, Ailsa Craig, phone 293-3009. 13-20-27* TENDERS WANTED GRAVEL TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK Sealed tenders plainly marked "Tenders for Gravel" will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon Friday, July 5th, 1963, for loading and hauling 8,- 000 cubic yards, more or less, of pit -run gravel to be delivered to the satisfaction of the road sup- erintendent. Maximum haul, four miles. Contractor to strip and maintain pits to the satis- faction of the road superintend- ent. A certified cheque of $150 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. For further particulars con- tact the road superintendent, Anson Galbraith, R. R. 1, Gorrie, Ontario. W. E. Whitfield, Clerk, Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ontario. 27-4b PERSONAL EAGLE VALLEY RANCH Riding, swimming and other camp activities under careful supervision. Write direct for brochures or phone Teeswater 392-6172 evenings. Jn13-Jy18b STILL THE STYLIST — For Wingham and district. Charis, Betty Dear and Smart Form foundation garments and brassieres, elastic control and full support garments. Mrs. Will Kennedy, Patrick St., Wingham, phone 357-2115. 16rrb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A GROWING establishment with 2 coin-operated dryclean- ing machines, in an excellent locale. Store only 15 months old. Financing available. Write Box 169, Advance -Times. 20-27' IN MEMORIAM MITCHELL _ MAXWELL — In loving memory of a dear mo- ther and sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell, and Mrs. Annie Max- well, who passed away respec- tively July 1st, 1958, and July 13th, 1962. Treasured thoughts of those so dear Often bring a silent tear, Thoughts return to scenes long past Years roll on but memories last, Though their smile is gone for- ever And their hands we cannot touch, Still we have so many memories Of the ones we loved so much. Ever remembered by the Westlake family. 27* HAIR DRESSING om e h _ r ELLIOTT'S Beauty Lounge, Main Street, Wingham, Dial 357-2981. N29rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZA- BETH ALBERTA BLACK- WET T, (formerly Elizabeth Al- , , berta Kelly). ALL PERSONS having claims . against the estate of the above , mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on the 15th day of May, 1963, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 29th day of June, A.D. 1963. After that •date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 10th day of June, A.D. 1963. CRAWFORD & HETHERING- TON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 13-20-27b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN MUNDELL. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on the 16th day of May, 1963, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 13th day of July, A.D. 1963. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 24th day of June, A.D. 1963. CRAWFORD & HETHERING- TON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 27-4-11b MISCELLANEOUS WE DO BACKHOE excavating and front-end loading. Phone 357-2652. Harold R. Oongram. 6rrb ALTERATIONS, repairs and in- terior painting. Contact Grant McLean, phone 357-1836. 23rrb PIANO TUNING — Regulating, repairs. Experienced. Eric W. Rice, R, R. 2, Lucknow, phone 528-6695. A11-Jne13* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED— Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. A4-010* NOTICE If you are thinking of finan- cing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, R. R. 2, Wing - ham, phone 357-1679. O24rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection— Call your Coop Agent— LLOYD MONTGOMERY Wingham, R.R. 5, Dial 357-3739 rrb BIRTHS WOOD—At Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Friday, June 21, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Wood, Wingham, a daughter. LOWRY—At Wingham and Dis trict Hospital, on Saturday, June 22, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Perrin Lowry, R. R. 1, Kincar- dine, a daughter. COLE --At Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Sunday, June 23, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cole, Wingham, a daughter. VOISIN---At Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Monday, June 24, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Voisin, R. R. 1, Greenock, a son. LE 1-1'FJAU — At Wingham and District Hospital, on Monday, June 24, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. , Bayne Letteau, Teeswater, a ' daughter, William S. Reed REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER For prompt service in buying. or selling all real estate properties FARMS - HOMES BUSINESSES Dial Wingham 357-2174 Jy3lrrb CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to our friends ror flowers, cards and messages of sympathy during our recent sad bereavement.—Fred and Eliza- beth Sawyer, 27* The family of the late Bill sturdy would like to thank friends and acquaintances for all the kindness and sympathy shown at the time of their ber- eavement. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Henderson, Dr. and Mrs. R. Howson, (Galt), and Rev. C. M. Jardine, 27b I would like to thank all my friends and neighbours for all the kindness shown me while I was in the Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibbon, Rev. C, F. Johnson, Rev, D. Sinclair and the nursing staff. -- Mrs. Harry Town, 2'7b We wish to sincerely thank our friends and neighbours for all the kindness shown us at the time of our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. M. Corrin, of Lucknow.—Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer and family. 27* I wish to thank my friends and neighbours for cards and treats while a patient in Wing - ham and District Hospital. Special thanks bo Dr. Corrin, Dr. Klahsen and staff on the north wing.—Wib Hodgkinson. 27* A sincere thank you to the nurses at Wingham and District Hospital, also Dr. Corrin and Klahsen for going the second mile in caring for me while a patient in the hospital. Many thanks to friends for cards and visits.—Robert J. Laidlaw. 27* I would like to say a big thank you to all my friends who sent cards and remembrances when I was in the hospital, both here and in London. Special thanks to Dr. Klahsen and Dr. Hinton. —.Donald Adams, Gorrie. 27* Turnberry Board Holds Meeting The regular meeting of the Turnberry School Area board was held in Gilmour's school Thursday at 8.30 p.m. All members were present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopt- ed on motion of Johnston and Wormington. Gordon Wray was present and gave the attendance report of each school for the year 1962. Tenders for painting Gien- annan school were read and Harry Templeman's tender of $480.00 was accepted. Motion by Wormington and Haugh that the accounts as read be paid: Caretakers, tea- chers and transportation; Alex- ander's Hardware, $6.58; Lillow's Garage, $117.90; Hamilton Optical, engraving shield plates, $6.57; Mac Eadie, labor, $8.00; Jack Kerr, elec- trician $25.56; Imperial Oil Ltd., $74.75; Percy Clark, $83.25; Pattison Radio & Elec- tric, $5.00. DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL— DARLING & Company OF CANADA LIMITED Wingham Dial 357-3106 Dead Animal Lic. No. 262-C-63 Jny3rrb MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lb',. More for sick and disabled Vows and Horses ac- cording to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 13 24-HOUR SERVICE License No. 951630 Home Economist Is Appointed Miss Pat Demude of Water - down has been appointed as home economist for Huron County, succeeding Miss Isa- belle Gilchrist. Miss Gilchrist plans to teach in Orillia next fall. Miss Demude is a 1963 grad- uate of the four-year course at Macdonald Institute, Guelph, where she was active in the chemistry club, debating and Student Christian movement and was student proctor for 44 girls. During the past two summers Miss Demude has been dietary assistant at Hamilton General Hospital. LAKELET Mr. and Mrs, Paul Knudsen and baby daughter of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Reidt and son Paul of Newmarket spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Ervin Reidt, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jeffray and family of Belmore visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Metz- ger and family visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Metzger of Bridgeport, and with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Metzger of St. Jacobs, Reuben Coblenz, who under- went nderwent surgery after being kicked by a horse, is making a good recovery and was able to re - tum to his home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright visited with Mr. and Mrs. Syd- ney Thompson of Wingham on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dettman were Mrs. Leslie Edwards and baby, Dena, and Mrs. Walter Edwards and daughter, Sonja of London. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson and family spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hiscox of Woodstock. BIRTHS YODER--To Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Yoder, on Thursday, June 20th, at the Bruce County Hospital, Walkerton, a daughter. YODER--On Saturday, June 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Yoder Howick Twp., at Bruce County Hospital, Walkerton, a son. Coming Events CLOSING NOTICE Dr. W. A. McKibbon's Office will be closed from June 30th to July 26th, inclusive. 20-27b CLOSING NOTICE The Library will be closed on Saturday evenings (from 7-9 pi.m.) through the summer months. 27b CLOSING NOTICE The office of G. A, Williams, Optometrist, will be closed for alterations from July 2nd, to July 13th, inclusive. 20-27-4b CLOSING NOTICE La Patrician and Hair Styling Shop will be closed July 1st to July 6th, inclusive, 20-27b CLOSING NOTICE Dr. G. W, Howson's office will be closed from June 29th to August 7th, inclusive. 27* IOOF REGULAR MEETING Will be held Friday evening, June 28th, in the Oddfellows Hall. 27b STRAWBERRY SUPPER The annual strawberry supper will be held in Knox Presby- terian Church, Teeswater, on Saturday, June 29th, from 5-8 p.m. Adults, $1,00; children, 50c. 27b TEESWATER BINGO Come to the first Lions Club Bingo in Teeswater Arena on Friday evening, June 28th, com- mencing at 9 o'clock, and con- tinuing every second Friday night. 12 $40.00 games; 2 $100.00 specials; 1 $500.00 special. 27b WALKERTON KIN BINGO At the Walkerton Curling Rink, Wednesday, July 3, and every second Wednesday until August 28th. 15 regular games— $25.00; 1—$200 Special; 2—$100 Specials; 1—Share the Wealth. Admission—$1. Time -8:30 p.m. Special and extra cards -25c ea. or 5 for $1.00. 27b ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Edgar, Wroxeter, announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Bonnie Lynn, to Gordon David- son, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Hislop, R. R. 2, Wroxeter. The marriage will take place the middle of July. 27* Council Appoints Police Officer Lucknow Municipal Council has engaged a police officer, Joseph Balzer of St. Catharines. He is a member of the Traffic Squad of the St. Cath- arines Police Force, is 47 years of age, and has been on the St. Catharines force for ten years. Mr. Balzer has been engag- ed at a salary of $4, 500 on a six months' probationary period plus car allowance. He owns a two-way radio equipped car, and has a new motorcycle, on which he made the trip to Lucknow on Tuesday. Mr. Balzer is a married man They have no children. -- Luck- no\- Sentinel. Jack Alexander ,y a AUCTIONEER and Appraiser AUCTIONEER and Appraiser We handle Town and Farm Sales Phone 357-3631 - Wingham NOTICE TO Wafer Consumers The hours of watering lawns and gardens are from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED An ANNUAL charge of S4.44 gross, less prompt pay- ment discount of 1O% is made for the use of a hose or outside tap for the above -noted purposes. Anyone found watering lawns or gardens, who has not paid for this service will be billed accordingly. Wingham Public Utilities Commission C. E. SHERA, Superintendent, NOTICE There will be no milk deir*v Monday, July 1st, Thank you for your co-operation. Bateson's Model Dairy and Foxton's Dairy. 27b ANNOUNCEMENT Decoration Service will held at Brandon Cemetery, ' grave, on Sunday evening, June 30, at 8:30 p.m. Mr. Nelson, of Cranbrook, will be guest speak. er. Music by Salvation Army Band. 27b RECEPTION AND DANCE Will be held in Memorial Hall, Blyth, on Friday, June 28, for Mr. and Mrs, John Buchan- an, (Ann Nesbitt). Tiffins or- chestra. Ladies please bring lunch. 27b RECEPTION In Bluevale Community Hall, Friday, June 28, for Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Day, (Sharon Thompson). Music by Crothers orchestra. Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. 27b RECEPTION Will be held in Whitechurch Hall Friday, June 28, for Mr, and Mrs. John Taylor, (Marlene Sprague). Music by Rhythm Rangers. Everyone welcome. La- dies please bring sandwiches. 27b ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hupfer, of Wroxeter, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Catharine MacDonald, to Mr. Murray Mulvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mulvey, of Bel - more. The marriage will take place on Saturday, July 13, 1963. 27* ISI I I■I I IUI I ISI I Ia1I Iul I IUI I I■I I II1I I■111 II11 WINGHAM OFFICE 358 FRANCES ST. Phone 357-3840 GERALD (Jerry) WALTER "We Sell Rural Ontario" EXTRA good buy. $8,500 f' price for this 1'h storey 7 room house. All modern conveniences such as built-in cupboards, 3- pce. bath, oil furnace, polished pine floors, ,attached garage, etc. Situated on a king size lot, nice- ly landscaped with trees, flower beds and lawns. Near schoo:ti churches and hospital, Th1 x. home must be seen to be ap- preciated. Terms can be, arrang- ed. No. 3-441 ADORABLE 4 bedroom home. Located only a short distance from main street. House con- sists of 3-pce. bath and 4 large bedrooms upstairs. Tiled floor, dining room and living room combined, kitchen and 1-pce. bathroom downstairs. Full base- ment with an oil furnace. Extras such as awnings, garage, wrought iron porch, etc. Be sure to inspect this one. No. 3-326 $8,000 full price for completely modern 6 room, 1 -year-old bun- galow. 3 good-sized bedrooms, 3-pce. bath, built-in cupboards and oil furnace, Situated on a landscaped lot close to the main street in Lucknow, This dream home can be yours for only $2,- 000 down with easy terms. No. 3-341 The opportuntiy for you, a mere $2,500 down will buy this rich 100 acre farm only 3 miles from Wingham, 83 acres of good workable land and the remaind- er in valuable timber bush. A i?storey 10 room brick home with H.D. wiring, water on pres- sure and bath room ready to be hooked up. A large "L" shaped barn with water and hydro, cement floors and 14 tie ups. Priced to sell because of own- er's health. Only $8,900 full price. 100 acres of rich level farm land for only $11,900, Situated approx. 2 miles from Wingham. 1' storey 5 bedroom home and a good sized barn large enough to keep all your stock, and imple- ment storage shed that is hard to beat, 75 acres of almost stone free workable land and the bal- ance in valuable bush and swamp. A low down payment and easy terms can buy this good farm. WANTED Anxious purchaser looking for 100-150 acre farm with good set of buildings, situated on good gravel road. This gentleman is very anxious to buy so if you have been thinking of selling don't miss this opportunity, co tact us today. 11fENIBER OF THE GREY - BRUCE REAL ESTATE BD. Ask one of our Agents how you can list your property as a Multiple Listing 111111111111111111111111111 111111111/111111111111111111111 I11111111111