HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-06-20, Page 16page 8 -- Wingharn Advance -Times, Thursday, June 20, Hi -C Holds Final Meeting, Pion Activities for Summer BELGRAVE--The last meet- ing of the Ili -C Group met on Sunday in the church school i room. Ruth Michie opened with a sing -song, accompanied by Lome Campbell. Janet Bee- croft read the minutes of the last meeting and Murray Coul- tes read the treasurer's report, Murray Scott was named to be in charge of the worship for a summer church service, Max Pletch and Murray Coultes were appointed captains for a ball game, to be held at Stone School at 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 22. All teenagers of high school age are welcome. Marie Coultes is in charge of lunch, with each member to take his own soft drink, It was decided that Belgrave Hi -C would spon- sor a ball team for the Young People's tournament at Brussels on Labour Day. Marie Coultes, president of I9rt3 Michie Reunion In Orangeville the group, thanked Mrs. Ross Anderson for her leadership throughout the past year. Helen Anderson was conven- er of the meeting. The theme was "The Bible, the Word of God", a chapter from the book The Word and The Way. Helen opened with the call to worship and Marie Coultes read the Scripture from Matthew, Helen read a short meditation, follow ed by prayer, Donna Grasby and Linda Coultes received the offering, "0, Word of God In- carnate" was sung and Helen led in prayer. Games were enjoyed and the meeting closed with Taps. Myrtle Says: "The most dis- illusioned girls are the ones who got married because they were tired of working." BELGRAVE—The 10th re- union of the. Michie family was held in Orangeville on Satur- day, at the home of Gordon and Mrs, Martin. A chicken bar- becue was served to 51 guests at noon. Those attending from a dis- tance were John Michie and sister, Gladys, of Saginaw, Michigan, who were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Michie of 5th of Morris and Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Wylie of Kel- leher, Sask. who are visiting at the present time with Ernest and Robert Michie and Mrs, E, Leslie, Mr. Wylie is a brother of Mrs. Leslie. Junior Partner (to pretty stenographer): "Are you doing anything on Sunday evening?" Stenographer (hopefully): "No, not a thing." Junior Partner: "Then try to be at the office earlier on Mon- day morning, will you?" DEVON SLICED Breakfast BACON 65c.. FLORIDA FIRM RIPE TOMATOES 14 -oz. cello 2 for 45c PICNIC SHOULDER HALF or WHOLE 39c LB. SCHNEIDERS FULLY COOKED DAM ENDS 2 to 3 LBS. 49c LB. M. L. Fcy. Sockeye SALMON, 7% -oz. .2/$1.15 Stokely's Fcy. TOMATO JUICE, 48 -oz. .2/49c Fray Bentos CORN BEEF, 12 -oz. 47c Lyons 2 -Cup TEA BAGS, 100s 79c DE LUXE OR EARLY AMERICAN 16 VARIETIES 3 FOR $I• •00 DREAMWHIP DESSERT MIX-4-oz. Valley Farms FRENCH FRIES, 9-oz...2/31c York Fancy KERNEL CORN 2 lbs. 45c Welsh GRAPE JUICE, 6 -oz. 2/39c Bluewater FISH STICKS, 10 oz. 39c ivory BAR SOAP, personal size, 5c off .. 4/29c ivory SNOW, free Curity baby btl., King. $1.59 Ivory Liquid DETERGENT, 12c off, King. 89c OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Entertain Mothers At CGIT Banquet I3ELGRAVF.--Bouquets of flowers and white candies decor• ated the tables for the C.G. I, T. Mother and Daughter banquet held in Knox United Church on Monday. As each motherenter- ed the church parlours her daugh- ter pinned a corsage on her, which the girls had made, and escorted her :mother to the table. A delicious turkey banquet was served by some of the village ladies, Singing of grace, the Queen and toast to the Queen opened the banquet. Mrs. H. J. Andel' son, leader of the C. G. I. T. , welcomed the mothers and the guests and introduced some of the head table guests, Mrs. Ross Anderson, Miss Laura Collar, Mrs. Floyd Campbell, Mrs, Reg Collar and also introduced her two assistants, Mrs. Cliff Logan and Mrs. Bob Grasby. Marilyn Campbell, president, was master of ceremonies, A toast to the Church was given by Marie Coultes, and Mrs. George Michie made a most beautiful and fitting reply. A duet, "Juanita" was sung by Wendy and Rhonda Fear. A toast to the mothers was given by Margaret Nicholson and Mrs. Ronald Coultes replied, Joyce Procter favoured with a piano selection, Marilyn Tay- lor gave a reading entitled, "Worthwhile". A most delight- ful skit, "Outlook of Fashion" was presented by Calvin -Brick girls and starred Lynda Coultes, Doreen Pattison, Margaret Pattison and Brenda Coultes. Donna Grasby introduced the guest speaker, Miss Laura Collar of Wingham, who is on fur- lough from the mission fields of Nigeria. She gave a very in- spiring address and delighted her audience by modelling a typical robe wom by the Niger- ian men and the wrap around skirt worn by the women. She also had with her some of the primitive tools used by the Ni- gerians and some of the beads and crafts made by them. She reviewed the progress of the Christian church in Nigeria and closed her address with the thought, "Live today for That Day". The speaker was thank- ed by Janette Johnston and pre- sented with a gift by Brenda VanCamp. A trio of Ruth Michie, Helen Anderson and Marilyn Camp- bell sang "Still, Still with Thee". Mrs. H. J. Anderson was pianist for the evening. Mrs. Cliff Logan congratu- lated the four girls who had graduated from C.G.I. T., Ruth Michie, Marilyn Camp- bell, Helen Anderson, Marie Coultes and each girl was pre- sented with two silver spoons. Marilyn Campbell thanked Mrs. Anderson for her leadership and Mrs. Grasby presented her with a lovely brooch and earring set from the girls. All joined hands around the table for the singing of Taps. REMINISCING Continued from Page One. work at Wingham for the past year have received promotions and new officers are expected this week. These two young men have endeared themselves to the people of the town gen- erally and particularly to Sal- vationists. Miss Annie McKague of Winnipeg is visiting with her aunt, Miss Elston, Minnie St. 0--0--0 JUNE 1938 Mr, Thos, Allin, who keeps a model garden at the corner of Frances and Victoria Sts., dug two hills of potatoes on Satur- day, and found 18 in one hill and 15 in the other, While some of the potatoes were small he got five good sized ones in one and four in the other. This seems like a record for new po- tatoes around here. Miss Isabel Habkirk, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hab- kirk, was successful in winning an Alumnae Scholarship atMac- donald Institute, Guelph, for the Homemaker class. Mr, Richey, recently ap- pointed manager of the Walker Stores, moved his family from Arnprior last week and are liv- ing in Mr, Wm. Forgie's house on Frances St. Mr. Jas, Peacock of the first line of Morris, brought to our office on Tuesday a stalk of fall wheat, measuring 5 feet, 10 inches. Valuable pigeons, belonging to Merrill Cantelon, local fan- cier, were destroyed in raids by rats, When he heard the com- motion of one of the raids he entered the pens, killing three rats with a club and another which ran at him, with his bare hands. 0--0--0 JUNE 1948 Mr. R. G. Gannett received word of the sudden passing of his brother-in-law, Mr. George McMurdo of Toronto, in Toledo, Ohio. His wife was the former Miss Edna Gannett of Wingham. Congratulations are extended to Mr. Dick Irwin, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Irwin, Wingham, in passing his first year exam at the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, Mr. Wm. Porterfield is leav- ing for Calgary this week -end after having spent a very pleas- ant and profitable time in Wing - ham and vicinity. After sixty years absence from Wingham, he notes with pleasure the ad- vancement and progress it has made, and trusts that it may continue in the days ahead. Dr. B. N. Corrin, who for the past year has been associat- ed with Dr. W. V, Johnston, Lucknow, has been taken into partnership by Dr. W. M. Con- nell, Dr, Corrin will have his office in the same building with Dr. Connell, and will for the present take up residence in Ma J. J. Evans home on Centre St. Belgrave Personals Mrs. Harry Garniss of Wing - ham visited on Sunday with Mrs, Julia McNall and Michael. Mr, and Mrs. Mel McArter of Brussels visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Du- charme and family. Mr. Art Edgar and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Stonehouse. Memorial service will be held at Brandon Cemetery on June 30. The Presbyterian congregation will be in charge. • W. 0, and Mrs. Tom La- mont of Montreal are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James La- mont and family and Miss Mary Lamont. Miss Rosemarie La- mont returned home with them after a month's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kerr from Tuxford,- Sask. , spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Procter. During the coming week they will visit with friends in the community. Other visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Procter were Ross and Cameron Procter of Burlington and Char- lie Procter of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Judy and John of Sarnia, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and family, The annual Huron County Federation of Agriculture wor- ship service will be held on Sunday, June 23, at 3 p. m. at the Salvation Army Camp at Bayfield. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Ander- son and family of London visit- ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson, for the week- end. Mrs. Winnie Smith is visit- ing with her daughter and Bon- in -law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCrea and family, for a few days in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hill and family of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc- Guire on Saturday. A family picnic was enjoyed at the Mcg Guires and those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hill and family of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Alan MacKay and family of Wingham, and Mt. and Mrs. Sam Pletch and family. Induction services for Rev. Arthur Jackson will be held in Knox United Church, Belgrave, on Tuesday, July 2. Mr. Bob Cook, who is taking a course for the Ontario Hydro in Niagara Falls, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cook. Recent visitors with Mrs, Winnie Smith were her sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Harmer of Fullar- ton, and Mrs. Ralph McCrea, Maureen and Douglas of Blyth. Mrs. Winnie Smith is spend- ing a few days this week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph McCrea and family of Blyth. Late for last week Visitors on Sunday with Mrs. Winnie Smith were Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Harmer of Fuller- ton and Mrs. Ralph McCrea and family of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Whe- eler and family of London visited with Mr, and Mrs, Herb Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs, Keith Ander- son and Judy of Toronto spent rhe weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Anderson. Mr. Bob Anderson of London spent the weekend with his mo• ther, Mrs. H. J. Anderson and Helen. Wayne Pletch of Kitchener spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch. Miss Marlene and Miss Elea- nor Walsh of Kitchener spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Walsh. Mrs. C. R, Coultes is a pa- tient in the Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. The Huron County Fest ra- tion of Agriculture worship' - vice will be held on Sunday, June 23 at 3 p, m. at the Sal- vation Army Camp, Bayfield, Guest speaker will be provided by the Salvation Army. "You look depressed, my friend. What are you thinking of?" "My future." 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