HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-06-13, Page 17Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, June 13, 1963 -- Page 9 Your car "burns up" wheel alignment four times faster than spark plugs! Think of the beating your wheels take! Our low cost, scientific wheel check with BEAR Equipment every 5,000 miles saves your car, may save your life! BRING YOUR CAR IN TODAY! Alignment Service BRAKE DRUM TURNING SHOCK ABSORBERS SPRING REPLACEMENT Dial 357-1230 - Diagonal Rd. WINGHAM AN INTERESTING show of puppets took place at the World Book booth at the Trade Fair. The Punch and Judy theatre was handled by Ken Wyndham, of Guelph. —Advance -Times Photo. News of Wroxeter Mrs. A. Wearing, Willow - dale, accompanied by her little grandson, Neil Livingston Scarborough, spent the week- end at her summer home here. Mr. George Clark, Toronto, visited a few days with his fa- ther and brother, Messrs. H. G. and Jas. Clark, Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Town- send were Mr. and Mrs. Don Sanderson and family of Pres- ton. Mr. and Mrs. George Nichol and family called on Mrs. Frank F. Wright on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doig were among the guests at Mrs. John Hyndman's 98th birthday party held at Gorrie Community Park on Sunday. Mrs. A. M. Chapman of Vancouver, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Muir of Wroxeter. Use permanent Life Insurance for protection and Tong -term savings Millions of Canadians depend on permanent Life Insurance to achieve the dual purpose of protection and Tong -term savings. Permanent Life Insurance values are guaranteed. All the amounts are carefully set out in your policy. The amount of protection is there, the Cash Values are listed—clearly statim the monetary Worth of your savings investment for Fears to come. With permanent Life Insurance there is no guesswork, no speculation. These are safeguards no other long -terra savings plan can offer. L•263C THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark, Miss Dawn Lue Clark and Mr. Fraser Pollock visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Stewart, Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. AllisterGreen and Janis of Goderich were Sun- day supper guests with Mrs. W, Weir acid Miss Gertrude Bush and also called on Mr. and Mrs, George Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker spent a few days last week with their daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Weppler and Mr. Weppler. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wade spent the week -end at Point Clarke. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Molesworth, visited Mrs. Frank F. Wright on Sunday evening. Mrs. R. Newton has returned home from a very enjoyable trip to the West where she visit- ed her son, Mr. Will. Newton, Mrs. Newton and fancily at Edmonton, friends at Calgary and relatives in and around Spokane, Washington. Ross Tomans called on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sage, Listowel, on Sunday. Mr• and Mrs. Oliver Riley and family spent Sunday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCutcheon. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Van- Velsor attended the Memorial Reunion at Knox Church, Clif- ford, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Art Gibson at- tended a telephone convention in London on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates were in Sarnia for the week- end where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Coates. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKay and sons accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George McKay, Grey Twp., and Mr. and Mrs. David McKay, and family of Wing - ham visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cobb, Hanover on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Dean Karn spent Sunday in Hanover. Mr. John Hupfer, Mrs. Al- onzo Sparling and Miss Hazel Sparling visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hart at flolmesville and also called on Mrs. Angus Car- michael, Goderich, We are sorry to hear of so much illness in and around the village. Those going to hospi- tal last week we're Ronald Mc- Michael, Harold Townsend and Wm, McDonald. The latter was later transferred to K -W Hospital in Kitchener. We sin- cerely hope for favourable word from all patients very soon. Mr. Harold Ridley, we are pleased to report, was able to return to his home after being hospitalized with a very painful foot injury, Mrs. Eva McColeman, Wind- sor, was a week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. ('has. McCut- cheon and accompanied Mrs. McCutcheon and Misses Elva and Evelyn Ilupfer to Listowel on Saturday where they attendee the funeral of a relative, the late John Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Douglas were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ilarycy 'rimer. Mr. Will Ringlcr attended the Wallace Reunion on Satur- day and is now visiting his Masonic Service Held at Wroxeter WROXETER--Forest Lodge No. 162, A.F. and A. M. of Wroxeter held its church ser- vice in Wroxeter United Church on Sunday morning. A good number attended, including visiting members from other lodges. The organist Mrs. A. Edwin Martin, assisted by Miss Cather- ine atherine McDonald at the piano, supplied prelude duets, hymn accompaniments, and a post- lude. The men's choir was composed of members of the congregation and sang "How Great Thou Art". The junior choir ably sang their part in the hymns. The guest soloist, Robert Cunningham of Ethel, rendered "God Speaks to Me." The minister, Rev. F. Tay- lor, was assisted by the speaker, Rev. A. J. Hird of Gorrie. Rev. Hird, himself a Mason, chose his text from Ecclesiastes, and Corinthians, "Remember thy creator in the days of thy youth. While the sun, or the light, or the moon be darkened, or the silver cord be broken, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher broken at the fountain, the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." He enlarged on the theme and stressed the masonry in the pillars of a church, the pyra- mids still standing in Egypt, and the discovery of the square and compass, symbols of the Masonic order. "We are given the tools with which to worts, and even after death this work will continue", he said. J. R. Harrison Limited is pleased to announce that Mrs. Margaret U. Bennett will now hl` associated with our company. Our Bond 1)opartment will he pleased to quote in Clove, nmet 1. Municipal and Corporal,. Boe.el, and will actively et gage in the sale of the next issue of ('anae111 Savings Bonds. \Ve. speeiali1e in and actively deal in the majority of c : n- dion Mutual Funds. Mrs Ben- nett will he plr0re1 to su1';gest a F"und m051 suitable for •„‘ n ' mwn investment nhjeetIves. 1 It El•'`rison L;tniteei is ,t!. filiated with a member of 111' 'roe:Tlttu Stock i':\l•11.(((ge and will he pleased to effect t•:1 les in stork:" listed on 011 ('anadion and American Exchanges. Ad- vertisement. 231) daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Jefferson, Mitch cll. BEAUTIFUL EXTERIORS... BEAUTIFULLY PROTECTED SOLIGNUM gives natural wood beauty and out- standing protection from water and weather. 12 colours. Fast application. No peeling. STURGEONS LTD., Scarborough LUMBEn'BUILDNG SUPPLIERS NOW IN OPERATION — HOME CATERING SERVICE FOOD SUPPLIED AND SERVED TO YOUR HOME FOR ANY NUMBER OF GUESTS DELICIOUS BUTTER -CRISP SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN TO TAKE OUT 12 PIECES SERVES 5 OR MORE—$2.60 24 PIECES SERVES 10 OR MORE—$5.25 INCLUDES HONEY AND ROLLS ORDER ANY QUANTITY YOU WISH C R IS P Y GOLDEN BROWN POTATOES OR DELICIQUS FRENCH FRIES TO TAKE OUT — ANY QUANTITY LOCAL HOME DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OVER $5.00 TRY THIS NEW PARTY SERVICE Dcr''n's Rest0l�fl ,_.. Held Here! Are Held Here! The Best Parties HIGHWAY 86 WINGHAM FUEL -SAVER FILL CAP checks excessive evaporation in storage Another proven co -OP money -saver ... the "FUEL -SAVER FILL CAP". This special cap, cuts fuel losses and checks fuel deteriora- tion by reducing evaporation. *Actual tests show that a farrier annually using 1,200 gallons of gasoline loses 67 gallons each year due to evaporation. When using a "FULL -SAVER HLL CAP- the loss is reduced to 17 gallons ... a saving of approximately $11.65 Help keep your costs do'An with the ('o -OP "FUEL -SAVER FILL CAP", regularly priced at only $2.50 TWO SITES FIT ALL STORAGE TANKS. NEW CO-OP LOCK BOX prevents fuel pilfering SNAPS -ON ... LOCKS TIGHT! 1.0c k gasolutt ss t', the easy•te`-instal! C0-01` lot k Nos. Cons tructetlfiont Wvlded !It asy• eluage steel and painted tor all• Wl.tti,('( pre1c'l • teen, the Fu ;i Carr Lock Box IS prn c d at only gL00. CO-OP ... the Gasoline with the "PLUS FACTOR" Enlny "he, 'd'n`., r;ial•li, t', r''••11•• lana e.! CCI.t•et' pe t'e'at_.( r, pi Ottlit';. ;`rt•rtltlst". 1!'t•2, air,c` a 1 ,1 !l Uk f AC -FOP ... thr a;I Impc,t.tnt Ownersh:: and Contras of t''•` business. Y2',. a"so share to an., s1.ings ma..;• from Its operation. BELGRAVE CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION BELGRAVE, ONTARIO «7N6UAM 357 2711 BRUSSELS S 388W10