HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-06-13, Page 16Page 7, -- \y'inghani Advance -Times, Thursday, June 13, 1,403 Roy G. Snyder Is Secretary -Manager Wird A. Shanty, president of the Ontario Association of Artificial Breeders, recently an- nounced the appointment of Roy G. Snyder to the position of secretary -manager of that or- ganization. Nir. Snyder will commence his duties August 1st, making his headquarters at the Breeders Service Building now under construction at the Feder ated Colleges, Guelph. Mr. Snyder will direet all phases of the work of the Associ- ation ssociation throughout Canada. N1r, Snyder has seventeen years' experience in the field of artificial insemination. He was the first full-time employ- ee of the Waterloo Cattle Breed- ing Association, and has been its manager for the past four- teen years. During these years the Association has grown from a 1500 cow per year operation, using three bulls, to an 80000 cow per year business with 57 bulls in the stud. Ile was also instrumental in the pioneering by the Waterloo Association of all -frozen seinen operation and artificial breeding for swine. While manager at Waterloo, he served for eight years as chair- man of the Semen Sales Com- mittee of the Ontario Associa- tion of Artificial Breeders. He has, throughout the years, shown a ,<een interest in the improve- ment of all breeds of dairy and beef cattle. Dr. J. W, Macpherson, who has been in charge of the devel- opment and successful operation of the semen freezing laboratory at 0. V. C. will continue in this capacity. He will also transfer the frozen seinen operations later this year to the new Breed- ers Service Building, The more contentious a per- son erson is in standing up for his rights, the more careless he is about discharging his duties. Trust Investment Certificates 5 % 5 YEAR TERM 200 Queens Avenue LONDON A. D. MacWILLIAM, Rep., Wingham, 357-1873 YOU TAREN INVITED CELEBRATING OUR E. W. Council Regular Meeting There were no appeals at the zourt of revision on the Red- mond Municipal Dram 13y -law, when Fast Wawanosh Council met on .lune 2, Reeve Snell presided and all council mem- bers were present. The follow- ing accounts were paid. ROAD CIIEQUES C. W. Hanna, salary, 8193.- 80, hydro hill paid, $11.04, $205,50; Alan McBurney, wage4 $1,15.87, 4-1/2 hrs, driving truck, $12,25, $208.12; Elmer 13ruee, snow fence, $7,00; Douglas Bruce, snow fence, $7.00; William Kennedy, ditch- ing, $4.00; Geo, T. Currie, checking gravel, $38.00; Stu- art McBurney, tele., $3.20; Joe Kerr, 3,808 yds. gravel, $2,703.08; W. A. Tiffin, oil, 83,01; Phillip Dawson, welding, 81.50; Dom. Road Mach. Co., grader repair, $30.67; Harry Williams, fuel etc., $214.30; Doherty Bros., spray truck parts, $2.00; Thomas Hackett & Sons, spray truck repairs, $15.15; Canada Culvert Co., grader edges etc., $83,22; Ross Ander- son Hardware, repairs, $5.22; Thomas Morrison, sprayer re- pairs, $3.00; Scott's Garage, sprayer repairs, $10.47; Chas. Hodgins, sprayer repairs, 83.35; Hugh Blair, trucking snow fence $21.00; Purdon Motors, repairs, 820.53; Stainton's Hardware, repairs, $11.94; Campbell's Garage, repairs, $3.38; Rec, - Gen. of Canada, income tax, $21.95. GENERAL CHEQUES Frank Cooper, warble fly, spraying, $253.60; Clark John- ston, warble fly spraying, $2777 80; Frank Thompson, warble fly inspector, $228.15; Rec. - Gen. of Canada, income tax, $37.95; Belgrave Co-operative, warble fly powder, $174.20; East Wawanosh roads, rent of sprayer, $225.00; Frank Thomp- son, 186 miles @ 100,818.60; Emmerson Rodger, 2 fox boun- ties, $8,00; Mrs. JeanMcKay, main patient, $84,25; direct relief, $15.00; Kenneth Camp- bell, livestock claim, $20.00; TH THE DAIRY PRINCESS competition for Huron County was another feature of the Trade Fair last week. Miss Caroline Murray, of Cornwall, right, is shown as she presented the winner, Miss Shiela Ross, of Wingham, with the winner's ribbon.—A-T Photo. - J. F. McCallum, values 1 trip and mileage, i:5,90; R. H. Thompson, by-laws, Redmond Mun, Drain, 825.00; Ont. Mun. Board tariff fee Redmond Drain, $3.00; V. W. Garcia Auto Wreckers, truck, $500.00. Council will meet July 2nd, at the Belgrave Community Centre. Only an expert with long ex- perience xperience can manage to avoid being burned when he cooks up an excuse. DIED IN 1850— NOT BURIED YET General Zachary Taylor, 12th President of the United States, died in office, in 1850. His brother, Commissary General J. P. Taylor, brought the President's remains im- mediately to Kentucky and placed them, without burial service, in a vault in the Tay- lor cemetery. The cemetery, where the unburied President still rests, is about five miles from Louisville, Kentucky. Bluevale Personals George blouse, of Farming- ton, Mich., is visiting his sis- ter, Mrs. Tom Parker and Mr, Parker. Mr, and Mrs. David C. Johnston, of Trail, B, C. are on a visit to Mr. and Mrs, Jim Johnston and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Scott and family of Newton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall and other relatives on Sunday. W. J. Paterson of Toronto, called on friends in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Procter and Miss Margaret Curtis of Belgrave also Mr. and Mrs. John McKee, of Montreal, visit- ed isited friends in the village on Sun- day. un- • da Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Meahan of North Surrey, B, C. and Mrs. John Willie, of Saskatotxn, Sask visited Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Elliott at the week -end. Reeve A. D, Smith speiit several days in Toronto last week, Hope to Form Scout Troop BLUEVALE--Don Rennie Gf Hanover, Field Commissioner for the Boy Scouts of Canada will address a meeting to be held in Bluevale United Church on Monday, June 17th at8:30 p. m. All interested in the formation of a Boy Scout Unit for Bluevale and vicinity are urged to attend. OUR SERVICE IS DEPENDABLE LUBRICATION OIL CHANGE GAR WASH TUNE - UP BRAKE ADJUSTMENT GAS AND OIL SPARK PLUGS CHANGED BRING YOUR NEW CAR TO US FOR GOODYEAR UNDERCOATING PREVENT RUST DUE TO RAIN, SNOW AND ROAD SALT Downie's Sunoco Service DIAL 357-1554 WINGHAM JUNE 17 TO UNE 22 s SCHNEIDER WEEK PICN ICS $1.19 EACH CANNED HAMS $ 1.49 EACH WROXET .•1,{. IC e5, t.../ N. CANNED • WIENERS, 4?c LB. CRISPY FLAKE SHORTENING 2 for A 3 C MILD CHEESE WEDGES 12-0z, 49c DUNGAN HINES Save 2EcCAKE MIX WESTON'S Salve ENER 13c ROLLS WESTON'S SODAS—Salted or Plain 1 -LB. PKG., Save 19e BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 1 -LB. PKG • S5C Variety of Packaged Luncheon MEATS 2 PKGS. 2-65c 2-45c 2-59c MAPLE LEAF 8 -OZ. PKGS ., SaveE8c 25c LARKSf TOMATO JUICE—Fcy, Quality 48 -OZ. TINS, Save 17c 2-45c WESTON'S MARSHMLS—d 2-69c or White, AL1-IbOW, pkgColore Save 19c 45c CRACKED ECCS 25c Doz. SIDE BACON ENDS RIND OFF 1 LB, PKG. 55c CRISCO 1 -LB. PKG. R 33c ifAu LUNCHEON MEAT 39c !' 12 -oz. Tin—Save 10c 7 KRAFTCHEESE WHIZ 39c 16 -oz. Jar—Save 24c SUNKISTFa OZENcLEMONADE 2-S47c CRESTTOOTH PASTE 59c LARGE SIZE—Save 10c 7 LUSTRE CREME SHA POve040c 2-98c PALMOLIVE BatOh S TeSO SPe 19c 6-98c KIST GINGER ALE SQ SIZE 2 FOR 29c PLUS DEPOSIT ON BOTTLES — SAVE 21c CARNATION COFFEE -MATE FOR CREAMING TEA OR COFFEE 3 -OZ. SIZE — SAVE 10c 6.OZ. SIZE SAVE 20c 29c 39c AND MANY MORE SPECIALS IN OUR STORE STORE CLOSED THURS. AFTERNOON, OPEN SAT, NIGHT WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES