HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-05-16, Page 5PtitION
A HOST OF YOUNGSTERS—The camera was not able
to catch all the children who gathered in front of St.
Andrew's one day last week, during the Children's
Mission. They are packed in like sardines and in some
cases only the tops of the heads are showing.
—Photo by Siefert.
Discuss Driver training at High School Bd. Meeting
The regular meeting of the
Wingham District High School
board was held at the school
on Thursday evening.
A discussion on the merits
and problems in connection
with a proposal to establish a
driver training program took
place. Most of the board mem-
bers seemed of the opinion that
such a program would be worth-
while. The main problem in
connection with establishing
the course, appeared to be that
of obtaining a qualified instruct
Via, 111.
tor. The subject was left in
the hands of the management
committee, with instructions
to visit schools where such pro-
grams are in operation, and
report back to the board.
Secretary -treasurer Miss Y.
McPherson reported that an-
other $84, 000.00 had been re-
ceived as an interim grant.
Accounts of a routine nature
and certificates for the voca-
tional wing were approved.
The board agreed to the pur-
chase of a cheque writer for the
secretary's office.
Principal F. E. Madill re-
ported attendance average 96
per cent during April. He also
discussed a report from the in-
spector, which suggested the
need of an extra teacher for
guidance work. This was left
for further investigation.
The principal also reported
on the Cadet inspection, say-
ing the corps had received
praise from the inspecting of-
ficers, and was in a good posi-
tion in regard to the competi-
tion for the Strathcona Shield.
Mr. Madill told the board
that awards had been presented
to students that afternoon, who
had registered an average mark
of 75 per cent or over, the pre-
vious term. The guest speaker,
who also made the presentation,
was Dr. K. D. Fryer, professor
of rnathamatics at the Univer-
sity of Waterloo. The awards
were presented to students who
were in the first four grades
last year.
A Paint you can
Point to with Pride
DITION — Flat, Semi -
Gloss and Hi -Gloss —
For Interior and Ex-
terior Walls, Iron, Con-
crete, Wood and Metal.
The board learned from the
principal that a parents' night
for students in Grade 8, who
will start high school in the fall,
will be held later this month.
On May 21st the Wingham pub-
lic and separate school children
will be invited; on May 23rd
the schools in the remainder of
the North Huron inspectorate
and on May 27th, the schools
from the Bruce inspectorate.
The various public school in-
spectors will be on hand,
Board members were asked to
be present if possible.
The principal went on to say
that a Latin and an English
teacher are still required for
next fall. The resignation of
Mr. Weaver from the staff was
accepted with regret by the
Dr. W. A. McKibbon, vice-
chairman, moved a vote of
thanks and confidence to the
principal, as a result of the
inspection report, and for the
excellent way he carried out
his duties during the year.
It was reported that a num-
ber of tools had been stolen
from the temporary - shop in the
barn, but the police had ar-
rested a man in connection
with the theft, and most of
the tools would be returned at
a later date.
In the time of early French
settlement, what is now New
Brunswick formed a part of the
colony of Acadia. The British
conquest did not bring New
Brunswick into existence either.
It then formed part of the col-
ony of Nova Scotia. However,
recognition of its separate
identity came in 1'784, when
New Brunswick was established
as a province. It is one of the
four founding provinces of
Hospital BQard
Committee Will
Review Insurance
Meeting at the Wingham
and District Hospital on Friday
evening under the chairman-
ship of R. B. Cousins, the
board of directors of that insti-
tution decided to review the
insurance coverage. A com-
mittee consisting of Mr. Cou-
sins, DeWitt Miller, W. B.
Anderson, J. V. Fischer, Ro-
bert Gibson, Barry Wenger and
H, C. MacLean was appointed
to study and advise on the mat-
At the Friday meeting Ted
Elliott of the Elliott Insurance
Agency appeared before the
board and went over the various
policies which are at present in
It was also reported that the
washer and ironer recently pur-
chased from the Strathroy Hos-
pital have been installed in
the laundry. With the new
equipment the laundry will
have a capacity for 200 beds
and the engineer reported that
no further additions should be
necessary in the laundry for 10
A letter from the Ontario
Hospital Services Commission
included a cheque for $6975.00
which was a special grant to
the hospital. The money was
added to the building fund, as
has been the case with previous
grants of this kind.
Mrs. Morrey reported that
an application for the position
of director of nursing for the
hospital had been received
from Miss Dorothy Brown of
Toronto. The position became
open when Miss Newell, the
present director of nursing here,
tendered her resignation, to
take effect on May 15 or as
soon thereafter as a replace-
ment can be found.
Miss Brown is a graduate of
the Oshawa General Hospital
and for the past 17 years has
been a staff member at River-
dale Hospital, Toronto. She is
now a member of the nursing
administration staff there and
has been acting director of
nursing recently.
Miss Brown has the neces-
sary qualifications to fill the
post here, and it was arranged
that she would be interviewed
by the joint conference com-
mittee which includes the
medical staff.
Miss Edna Carr, assistant
director of nursing will be grant-
ranted leave of absence to take a
course in nursing administration
in September.
In her statistical report Mrs.
I. Morrey, hospital administra-
tor, stated that there had been
a total of 2486 patient days in
April with a daily average of
99 patients. There were 55
operations; 111 out-patients;
306 x-rays; 4 basal metabolism
ratings; 12 blood transfusions;
Shuter Street WINGHAM
PLAN BARBEQUE—Members of the lo-
cal Legion are hard at work planning
for a big beef barbeque which will be
held on June 7th in conjunction with the
Kinsmen Trade Fair. Going over some
of the details at the Legion Home are:
standing, Bob Hickey and Dave Croth-
ers; seated, Herb Fuller, Harold Rem-
ington, Bill Walden and Ralph Ham-
ilton.—Photo by Strong.
Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, May 16, 1963 — Page 5
—Sunday visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. George Drehmann
were James Drehmann of Aurora,
Marilynn Orr of Goderich, Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Law, London,
and Mr. and Mrs, Mac Sewers
and family, Wingham.
—Mrs. Omar Haselgrove at-
tended the golden wedding an-
niversary of her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Richardson of Strathroy,
last week,
— Miss Merle Gowdy of
Kitchener spent the week -end
with her mother, Mrs. L.
—Mr. and Mrs. George For -
ler, Mark and Julie of Barrie,
and Miss Joyce Moffat of Tor-
onto, were week -end visitors
with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Moffat.
—Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Seli
and Mitz Lee of Orangeville
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. James Sell.
—Miss Marjorie Kieffer, of
Seaforth, and Miss Georgina
Kieffer of Mount St. Joseph
Academy, London, spent the
week -end with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kieffer.
Sunday visitors at the same
home were Misses Mary and
Janet Roth and Mr. George Roth
of Preston, and Mr. and Mrs.
Rod Inglis and family of Wat-
—Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Heth-
erington and Mr. and Mrs. Har-
ley Crawford left Wednesday
for a week at Cape Cod, Mass,
—Mrs. Robt. Doyle and Todd,
of Camp Petawawa, have spent
the past two weeks with her
mother, Mrs. Roy MacDonald.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
Kenzie and family of St. Cath-
arines spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. William McKen-
zie, Bluevale Road.
— Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mc-
Intyre visited over the week-
eAd with their son, Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold McIntyre and
Wendy Lee in Sarnia.
—Peter Nasmith who has
been a:tending Queen's Univer-
sity, Kingston, is home for the
summer and will be employed
in the law office of Mr. Roy
Grant of Mount Forest.
— Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hous-
ton and children of Kingston
spent the week -end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
—Julie Adams visited with
her friend, Debbie Grose, in
Listowel over the week -end.
—Mr. and Mrs. Gary Storey
and Janet visited on Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Hiembecker, in Hanover.
—Mr. Arthur Hodgins of
Whittier, Calif. , is visiting
with his brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Hodgins and family,
—Miss Jane Hetherington
spent last week with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hethering-
ton. She left Saturday for
Banff Springs Hotel, Banff, Alta
where she will be on the staff
for four months. Rae Hethering-
ton spent the week -end with
his parents after completing his
final year in civil engineering
at the University of Western
Ontario. He is now working
with the CNR in London.
—Mrs. Daisy Connell spent a
1423 laboratory procedures; 35
electocardiographic examina-
tions; and 57 at cancer clinic.
Receipts for the month to-
talled $51, 591.37 and were
just about equalled by expendi-
The report from the kitchen
showed a total of 8153 meals
served to patients and '7665
meals and lunches served to
staff members.
The sewing room reported
1787 articles repaired; 263 new
articles sewn and 751 items is-
sued from inventory.
few days last week with her
daughter and son-in-law, Dr.
R. and Mrs. Irwin and family,
in Alliston.
—Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Hopper and Heather, of Port
Credit, spent Mother's Day
with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brown
and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hop-
—Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunbar
and Katherine of London, and
Mr. and Mrs. James Casemore
and family, of R. R. 4, Wing -
ham, spent Sunday with their
mother, Mrs. Gertrude Allen.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Sed-
don of Agincourt spent the
week -end with their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Seddon and family.
—Rev. Angus MacKay and
Mrs. MacKay who have just re-
turned from Jhansi, India, visi
ted on Sunday with his brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacKay.
Miss Bertha MacKay, of Lon-
don, who has just returned from
Europe also visited at the same
—Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thomp-
son, Mary Rae and Louise of
Streetsville, spent the week-
end with his sister, Mr. and
Mrs. R. S. Hetherington.
—Mrs. Elsie Carns has just
returned from a three weeks'
visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Ken Hayes, in Lake Worth,
—Miss Claudia Haselgrove
spent the week -end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Omar
—Frank Riehl, of Niagara
Falls, spent the week -end with
his mother, Mrs. W. Riehl,
—Candy Lyn and Barry Ger-
son of Teeswater spent the
week -end with their grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Morris
—Mr, and Mrs. Fred Stew-
ard of London visited on Sun-
day with her sister, Mr. and
Mrs. William Bain. Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Horton and family
also spent Sunday with her
—Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Ahara spent Sunday with Mr.
Ahara's uncle, Matthew Ahara
and family, at Sheddon.
—Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Loppr
of Port Elgin spent Sunday with
her sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
—Gordon Moffat, of Toron-
to Radio College, spent the
week -end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Farish Moffat.
—Mr. and Mrs, Roy Wilson
and children of Streetsville
spent the week -end with her
mother, Mrs. S. Cowan. Mrs,
Cowan returned home with
them for a visit.
—Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hall
spent the week -end in Torontc
Mrs. Hall attended a shower
for Miss Heather Hall, at the
home of Mrs. Nellie Merkley,
on Saturday evening.
—Byron Adams of Medwc,t
Hall, University of Western
Ontario, is spending the holi-
days with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alton Adams,
—Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slosser
Mary Jane and Constance, at-
tended graduation exercises at
Thames Hall last Thursday,
when their daughter, Nancy
Joan, graduated as a registered
—Mrs. Bill Helmka of Lis-
towel spent the week -end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hopper.
—Mrs. Roy MacDonald visi'
ed over the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Reidt and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Bridge, in Tor-
—Mr, and Mrs. Charles Til-
den of St. Thomas visited on
Saturday with her mother, Mrs.
E. Blackwell, in the hospital.
PHONE 357-1591