HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-05-16, Page 4Page 4 — Wingham Advanee-Times, Thursday, May 10, 190
features from
The World of Women
Home and The Housewife
Former Kinettes At Anniversary
About 20 former Wingham
Kinettes joined the present
Kinette Club at Danny's Res-
taurant, Monday evening to
celebrate the 13th anniversary
of the Wingham Kinette Club.
Several past presidents were in-
During a brief business ses-
sion, it was decided to sell
tickets on a set of matched
luggage, for the fall tea raffle.
A short discussion was held
on resolutions to be brought
forth at the spring convention
at London this coming week-
Mrs. Jack Bateson gave a
report on plans for the Trade
Fair, and the Kinettes decided
to sell bacon burgers as well as
hot dogs in their booths.
Raffles were won by Mrs.
Harry Spry, Mrs. G. W. Cruick-
shank, and Mrs. Merv. Tempi
man. Miss Mary Fisher and
Reg Bitton provided the enter -
Family Day at
United Church
A large congregation attend-
ed the Family Day service in
Wingham United Church on
Sunday. The minister preach-
ed on the subject: "God's Pre-
sence in the Home", stressing
the need of a vital relationship
to God through family worship
and the developement of
Christ -centred living in help-
ing each member of the house-
hold to know God as Jesus
Christ reveals him to us. The
choir, under direction of Her-
bert C. Treneer, sang the an-
them, "Ye Gates Lift Up Your
Heads" and Mrs. J. W. Callan
sang the solo "Let Not Your
Heart Be Troubled".
The Sacrament of Baptism
was administered to the follow-
ing infants:
Sandra Lynn, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Anger;
Kimberley Ann, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Casemore;
Katherine Ann, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunbar, Lon-
don; Bradley Harry, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Gerrie; James
Wilfred, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Glenn; Barton Ellwood,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood
Irwin; Richard Emest and Reu-
ben Charles, sons of Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Jacklin; Debra
Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Merkley; James Ed-
ward, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Nicol; Kerry Lynne,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
win Thompson; Kathryn Diane
and Doris Aileen, daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. George Under-
wood; Kaye Ellen, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weh-
To measure brown sugar ac-
curately, pack the sugar into
the cup so firmly that it holds
the shape of the cup when turn-
ed out.
I tainment for the evening.
I Following the entertainment,
each past president was called
upon to give in summary, the
highlights of club activities
during her year.
A Past Kinette, Mrs. Ken
Cerson, on behalf of the guests,
thanked the Wingham Kinettes
for a very enjoyable evening.
Miss Nancy Joan Slosser,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Slosser, graduated last Thurs-
day from St. Josephs' Hospital
School of Nursing. The gradu-
ation exercises were held at
Thames Hall, at the Univer-
sity of Western Ontario.
Teachers Elect
Mrs. Thornton
The Wingham Unit, North
Huron Teachers' Federation,
held its spring meeting and
election of officers at Danny's
Restaurant last Wednesday eve-
ning. Miss Joan Armitage,
president, conducted the regu-
lar business and the minutes
were read by the secretary -
treasurer, Miss Agnes William-
Miss Leah Robertson was the
guest speaker. She showed
slides and gave commentary on
her trip to Europe. She was
introduced by Miss Phyllis
Johns, and thanked by Mrs.
Grace Webster, who presented
her with a gift on behalf of the
The new officers are as fol-
lows: Pres.. Mrs. Dorothy
Thornton; 1st vice, Mrs. Mar-
garet Moffatt; 2nd vice, Mrs.
Janisa Coultes; sec.-treas.,
Mrs. Shirley Kaufman.
Committee chairman are:
superannuation, Mrs. Bosman;
educational finance, Mrs.
Wheeler; educational research,
Mrs. Pennington; policy, Mrs.
Jean Wilson; legislation, Mrs.
Margaret Mundell; education
week, Mrs. Olive Kennedy and
insurance and sick benefits,
Mrs. Margaret Walsh.
KINETTE PAST PRESIDENTS were guests of honor at
the regular meeting of the club Monday evening. The
group, is pictured above, the date being the year of
office, front: Dorothy Templeman, 1952; Velma Scott,
1953; Edith Walker, 1954; Mary Lloyd, 1956; standing:
Audrey Currie, 1958; Peg Bateson, 1957; Ruth Cur-
rie, 1959; Catherine MacDonald, 1961; Mary Williams,
current president. Doreen McCarter, of Chesley, was
the only guest from out of town.—A-T Photo.
Robt. J. Young Weds Bonnie Bell
Robert J. Young of Sarnia,
son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Young of Wingham, exchanged
wedding vows on Saturday with
Isabel Margaret (Bonnie) Bell
of London, daughter of Mrs.
M. W. Bell of London and the
late Mr. Bell.
The ceremony took place
in New St. James' Presbyterian
Church, London, which was
decorated with mums and snap-
dragons for the occasion. Rev.
R. Stewart officiated and the
organist was Cy Hale.
William J. Bell gave his
sister in marriage. She wore a
full-length dress of Swedish,
rose brocade, a shoulder -
length veil caught by a petalled
headpiece and carried a white
Bible crested with red roses.
Gwendolyn Mead of London,
maid of honor, and the brides-
maids, Margaret Machan of
Wingham and J. Watson of Lon-
don, were dressed in identical
gowns of lavender taffeta, and
carried white carnations with
lavender ribbon.
Cathy and Susan Bell of Lon-
don were flower girls. They
wore lavender dresses with
white nylon aprons and carried
sweet peas.
Ten Children
Baptized at
St. Andrew's
Rev. G. L. Fish conducted
a service of baptism in St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church
on Sunday morning, when
Family Day Sunday was ob-
The babies baptized were,
Corey Marie Wallace, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Wallace; Mary Ellen Elizabeth
Jenkins, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Murray Jenkins; Steven
Glen Irwin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Orland Irwin; Myrtle Fay Ir-
win, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Orland Irwin; Thomas Kevin
Remington, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Remington; Sandra
Lee Hogg, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Elgin Hogg; Patricia Jane
Fryfogle, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Barry Fryfogle; Karen Ann
Walker, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Walker; Karin Lynn
Gaunt, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Harley Gaunt; Charles
Gordon Ross, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Ross.
Miss Ruth Ann Currie sang
the solo, "0 Worship the King",
following the baptism. The
junior choir sang the anthem,
"Bring the Sunshine In."
Mr. Fish spoke on "Of What
Faith Is Yours?"
The ushers were Ronald
Machan of Sarnia and Robert
Bell of London. Donald Ma-
chan was the best man. The
rings were carried by Robin and
Kevin Parker of London.
A reception was held at the
Latin Quarter, where the bride's
mother received guests from
Sarnia, London, Wingham,
Teeswater, Holyrood, Parkhill
and Goderich. She was assisted
by the groom's mother, Mrs.
The bride's mother chose a
beige lace dress over taffeta
and the groom's mother was at-
tired in an aqua sheath over
taffeta. They both had white
The bride wore a navy linen
suit with white accessories,
when the young couple left on
the wedding trip.
Mrs. Haley, grandmother
of the bride, who is 86, was
present for the happy occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Young will
live at 289 Indian Road, Sarnia.
Attend O.E.S.
In Southampton
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Collyer
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reavie
attended a meeting of the Order
of the Eastern Star in Southamp-
ton last Saturday evening, when
the chapter was inspected for
its charter.
Those taking part were John
Muir, W.G.P. ; Mrs. Iris Walk-
er, W.G.M., of Windsor; Miss
Helen Ross, P.G. M. and now
Grand Secretary, Toronto; Mr.
and Mrs. Alex McDonald,
P.G.P. and P.G.M. , Cooks-
ville; David Kennedy, P.G.P. ,
Toronto; Mrs. Agnes Young,
A.G.M. , Toronto; Grand Ruth,
Mrs. Emily Hummel of Harrow;
Mrs. D. Kennedy, London,
Grand Benevolent Committee,
and presiding DDGM, Mrs.
Jean Cameron of Owen Sound.
Mrs, Reavie was instrumen-
tal in starting the chapter when
she was DDGM, with the assis-
tance of Mr. and Mrs. Sid
Thompson, former residents of
Wingham. Mrs. Reavie was
presented with a gift, in ap-
To measure the capacity of
an odd -shaped cake pan, fill
the pan with water and then
measure the water. Home
economists at Macdonald Insti-
tute, Guelph, suggest that you
use 1/2 that measurement of
batter for a well baked cake.
Lacy Golfers Set Date
For Opening of Season
The lady golfers held their
opening meeting at the elute
house on Monday afternoon and
the officers are as follows:
Past pres. , Mrs. Allan 11af� t
mehl; pros., Mrs. R. 11. Lloyd;
1st vice, Mrs. D. A, Rathbun;
2nd vice, Mrs. Matt Boyd;
secretary, Mrs, Eric Walden;
treas., Mrs. Frank Madill;
co -captains, Mrs. W. W. Cur-
rie and Mrs. D. C. Nasmith.
Handicap comm., Mrs. Joe
Kerr; membership, Mrs. Bill
Walden, Mrs. Al. Williams,
Mrs. Elliott of Blyth and Mrs.
Porteous, Lucknow.
W.I. Euchre
The Wingham Women's In-
stitute held a euchre party
Thursday evening with 16
tables in play. High lady was
Mrs. Ken Currie; high man,
Gershom Johnston; lady playing
as a man, Mrs. Carrie Taylor
and Mrs. G. Deyell won the
door prize.
Opening I)ay has been set
for May 28, with a pot luck
lunch at one o'clock, followed
by golf.
A dessert bridge is planned
for June 4 at 2 p.m. at the
club house and an invitation is
extended to all ladies.
Personal Notes
—John Crawford graduated
last Thursday from Emmanuel
College. His mother and fa-
ther, Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Crawford, and sister, Mrs. J.
R. Lloyd attended the gradua-
—Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beir-
nes visited over the week -end
in Kitchener and Preston with
—Mrs. H. N. Krug and Mrs.
Mae Watt of Chesley spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jim
—Miss Marlene Stainton,
of Toronto, spent the week-
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Stainton,
—Mrs, Ethel MacMillan of
Midland spent the week -end ,,,
with her brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Stafford Bateson. Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Thomson and
family, of Brantford, spent
Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff
Hawkins, of Walkerton, visited
on Sunday at the same home.
—Mrs, N. T. McLaughlin,
who has been a patient in
Wingham and District Hospital,
was able to return home on
--Mrs. Alex Coutts is spend-
ing this week with her son, Mr.
and Mrs. Elgin Coutts in Lea-
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