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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-05-02, Page 16
Page 8 -- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, May 2, 1063 COMPLETE STOCK OF newest Spring styles FOR ALL THE FAMILY AT REASONABLE PRICES CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 357-1840 Gwen MacLaurin Takes Season's High Average The Wingham Ladies' Bowl- ing League brought the season to a close with a banquet at the Anglican Church on Wednesday night. Seated at the head table were the executive and captains with president Jean King acting as master of ceremonies. Following a delicious dinner, G. Alan Williams OPTOMETRIST Patrick St., Wingham Phone 357-1282 amsismonnomai RHEUMATIC PAIN F00. 0.HEO114.1\CPA% maeaps • PNEUML11CA PAIN StM1\tA BAGKLCNES • WMEAGO • MUSCULLR CI For soothing relief from rheu- matic, sciatic, arthritic pain, take Rumacaps. See your druggist today! DEDICATE GIDEON BIBLES AS A ONTINUING MEMORIA May be donal:'d through your local funeral director rl' • L U 7 V I L y -4 t..1 HOSPITALS, PRISONS '.';;,.,•. DAD, 1 SURE LIKE YOUR DOCTOR MW THOSE PEOPLE AT VANCE'S PHARMACY WHO FILLED THE PRESCRIPTIONS NOW YOU CAN PLAY WITH us © LOCAL TRADEMARKS, Int. was the presentation of trophies. Season's trophy went to the Matinees, consisting of Nora Finnigan, capt. ; Gwen Mac- Laurin, Louise Welwood, Doro- thy Bain, Bea. Shropshall and Margarette Sweeney. Play-off trophies went to the Gay Lords, with Ruth Tiffin, capt.; Helen Casemore, Dolores Peachey, Betty Belanger, Elva Watke and Doreen Young. High average trophy for the season was won by Gwen Mac- Laurin with 203; high single trophy, Roberta Seddon with 369, and high triple trophy went to Shirley Storey, with 707. High single and triple pins for the play-offs were presented to Elva Watke and Shirley Storey. The two door prizes were won by Jean Elliott and Edna Congram. Next year's executive will be president, Mary Campbell; secretary, Dolores Peachey; treasurer, Roberta Seddon; and press reporter, Barb Stainton. Captains will be Hilda Brown, Joyce Langridge, Gwen Mac- Laurin, Jean King, June Hafer- mehl, and Shirley Storey. The ladies then played euchre. Prize winners were, Shirley Storey, travelling prize; Jean Lunn, high lady; Eva Brownlee, high lady playing as a man; Jean Lunn, most lone hands; Hilda Brown, most lone hands, lady as a man; Millie Lewis, low lady; Edna Congram, low lady as a man. A delicious lunch, supplied by the captains, was served. NEARS COMPLETION - Workmen are applying the finishing touches to the change house being built at the swimming area below the Howson Dam. The structure is being built by the Riverside Parks Board with financial assistance from the Kinsmen Club. council chamber. Jack Gorbutt, G. W. Cruick- shank, and C. Perrott were ap- pointed as a Water Safety com- mittee. The next meeting was set for May 21. Representatives were present from the Film Council, Wing - ham Fire Department, Wo- men's Institute, Figure Skating Club, Kinsmen, Public School and Lions Club. Blyth Student Wins Fellowship John William McDougall, currently a doctoral student in upper atmospheric research at Queen's University, has been awarded a $3, 500 fellowship from the Canadian Research Council for one year's study overseas. He is the son of Mrs. John (Winona) McDougall and the late John McDougall, of Blyth. He will leave for England in September. Fight Cancer with a check up and a cheque BE GENERbUS WHEN YOUR CANVASSER CALLS Victoria and Grey Trust Company Guaranteed Investment Certificates A Short Term Investment -3 to 5 year terms -In amounts from $100 up -Authorized Investment for Trust Funds -Unconditionally Guaranteed -Principal does not fluctuate Interest is payable half -yearly by cheque, or you may have the interest deposited to your savings account, or you may leave the interest to accumulate until the principal is due. Victoria and Grey Trust Company OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO Application Was Received from England for OPP Since the Ontario Provincial Police recruitment drive was launched at Kitchener on April 2, by Commissioner Eric Silk, 155 applications have been re- ceived. One came from a member of the London, Eng- land, Metropolitan Police force, within a week of the recruit- ment announcement. The first examination for candidates was conducted in Mount Forest on Thursday. S. J. Whitney of Toronto, direc- tor of personnel for the force, said 13 men of 37 who ap- peared passed written examina- tions and interviews, but still had to pass physical examina- tion and character investiga- tion. Of the 37 who appeared, 13 did not pass the written tests and 11 were not approved by interviewers. A second set of examina- tions will be held May 7, when candidates will be drawn from the remaining 155 applicants, and any others that may come in. The examiners included Mr. Whitney, Inspector John Anderson of Toronto and John Hunter, also of Toronto. If you don't think smoking makes a woman's voice harsh, try dropping a cigarette on her rug. NEED SUMMER HELP Registration for Summer Activity Will Be May 18 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held last Tues- day in the town hall, when Murray Stainton reported that the Minor Hockey Association was pleased with the visit of the Bert Robinson Minor Hockey Association members to Wing - ham in March. The Toronto group instruct- ed in methods of training, skating, and operation of leagues. The Bert Robinson Minor Hockey Association sponsors hockey in Toronto the year round. The group will return to Wingham in the fall, to give more instruction if the local association feels it is necessary. It was stressed that adult support is needed if the opera- tion at the arena is to be a success. Teams entered for W.O.A.A. ball competition are bantam, midget, juvenile softball and junior girls' softball. A pee wee house league will also be formed. Bob McIntyre offered sug- gestions for conducting the summer program, in regard to Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety program, the Maitland Mile Club, playground and ball program and the wading pool. Notice of the need for sum- mer help was scheduled for April 24. issue of the Advance - Times and applications must be in by May 4. Registration for all summer activities will be held Saturday, May 18, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., in the AUDITOR'S REPORT, TURNBERRY TWP. AUDITOR'S REPORT 29th March, 1963. The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers, Township of Turnberry, Bluevale, Ontario. Gentlemen: We have completed our audit of the books and accounts of the Township of Turnberry for the year ending 31st December, 1962, and have prepared the attached financial statements of the municipality. The surplus balance in the Revenue Fund increased from $12,567.88 to '$19,754.96 because. of an excess of revenue over ex- penditure for the year of $7,187.08 as per Statement D. The Temporary Loan balance of $19,000.00 is in excess of 70% of the uncollected balance of 1962 revenues, and is contrary to Section 329(3) of the Municipal Act. Subject to the qualification concerning the balance of the Temporary Loan, we hereby report that in our opinion: (1) the financial transactions which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the municipality. (2) the audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. (3) the financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at 31st December, 1962, and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. We have appreciated the co-operation which we have re- ceived from your township officials. Respectfully submitted, MONTEITH, MONTEITH & CO., Chartered Accountants. License No. 1033. April 2nd, 1963, CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1962 ASSETS General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) Due from Schools (for Debentures) Public and Continuation Collegiate and High Accounts Receivable (Schedule 17) Future Debenture Levies Receivable Capital Grant Wingham General Hospital -1955 (at out- standing debenture value) $ 46,014.53 $ 50,500.00 82,420.00 132,920.00 513.18 4,100.00 $183,547.71 LIABILITIES Debenture Debt Issued and Unmatured General -Hospitals $ 4,100.00 $ 4,100.00 Drainage (other than General) 513.18 Schools -Public and Continuation 50,500.00 50,500.00 Total Due to Other Municipalities (For Debentures Assumed -Schedule 2).... Investment in Capital Assets $ 55,113.18 82,420.00 46,014.53 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1962 ASSETS Accounts Receivable -Sundry $ 48.00 Total $ Less Allowance for doubtful .accounts (Schedule 8) Due from Province of Ontario Due fnom Other Municipalities Due from Other Funds -Drains Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) Less Allowance for uncollectible taxes (Schedule 8) Total Assets LIABILITIES Bank Overdraft Temporary Loans (Schedule 6) Accounts Payable . Other Liabilities Deferred Revenue (Schedule 8) Surplus (Form C) Total Liabilities and Surplus .. $183,547.71 48.00 $ 48.00 9,733.93 350.67 3,951.47 3,951.47 25,174.37 25,174.37 $ 39,258.44 $ 144,50 19,000.00 '$00.00 58.98 19,754.96 58.98 $ 39,258.44 REVENUE FUND SURPLUS (DEFICIT) ACCOUNT December 31, 1962 Credit Balance Balance at beginning of year $ 12,567.88 Surplus or deficit included in Current Budget $ 12,567.88 Balance after above adjustments $ 12,567.88 Surplus or Deficit for the year (Form D) 7,187.08 Totals of Debit and Credit columns $ 19,754.96 Balance of Surplus or Deficit .at year end $ 19,754.96 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the year ended December 31, 1962 REVENUE Actual Total Revenue from Taxation (Sch. 3) $ 96,218.44 Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Governments: Ontario - Children's Protection $ 474.45 Direct Relief 3,430.62 Highway Improvement 22,871.98 Payments in lieu of Municipal taxes 3.18 Unconditional Per Capita Grants 4,164.00 Warble Fly 272.00 Other Municipalities -Relief 838.92 County -in lieu 27.80 Licenses and Permits (include dog tax) Interest, Tax Penaltes, etc. Other Revenues - Fines Service Charges Miscellaneous - Adjustment for Deferred Revenue 41.23 543,81 48.25 Gross Total Revenue Total Revenue Section EXPENDITURE General Government Executive and Legislative Administrative Other Protection to Persons and Property Fire .. Street Lighting Protective Inspection Livestock Damaged Flood Contnol .. Reforestation Public Works -Roads, Hwys., Streets, etc.... Sanitation and Waste Removal Social Welfare (Schedule 10) Relief Assistance Institutional Care $ 1,204.45 3,740.81 480.13 31,216.23 866.72 458.00 1,282.38 585.04 48.25 $130,675.06 $130,675.00 382.05 395.00 405.65 317.50 442.95 414.69 1,126.56 3,988.00 $130,675.06 Actual 5,425.39 2,357.84 24,768.21 50.00 5,114.56 Education, including debt charges (Sch. 9) 40,501.32 Recreation and Community Services . 391.00 Debt Charges Debenture debt charges (Schedule 11) 18,333.44 Less own share of school debt charges 16,632.50 Interest and other charges Discount for Taxes Taxes written off and Refunded Capital Expenditure out of Revenue (Sch. 13) Joint or Special Expenditure --Co. Rates 1,700.94 1,015.88 2,716.82 816.67 184.30 17,660.90 23,500.97 23,500.97 Cross Total Expenditure . $123,487.98 Surplus for the Year $123,487.98 7,187.08 Total Expenditure Section •.. .. . . . . $130,675.06