HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-05-02, Page 12Page 4 it .:z:.,.T c. ,a: ;c-:z.._:s, '..:sea'.. May Wilting Workers Hold Meeting of the la as and Mrs. Doees Adams. M s. Snell opened the re.q..eneg, v.., . the ca:l ti west::., The. Script -re was res:., f::::wed a hyT... The teepee. F.e:.g:,r. Christ:an e:ze.ea, was ei:.e^ by Mrs. Adams, with , re.er ti Mrs. Seel:. The de :... - a: pert::: s.,1 `:e' z ecce g C. se: wit,` a ....... Mrs. Jec:ge 0.bS0. was ... charge 4. .... ..,.5.. tss 1:::.:.: and th.:e .notes «ere :c ae.. The':c.. za:.:a .e:se war scr et..:::eft:en - . s:. was az:sue:err re twe.ye TC' hers. A pct -._c, seep::: was a a 0 0 0 0 tz g DIAL 357-1361 FOR APPOINTMENT -''arse wed th, re:ra::der ,. tee aftereekoe was sp a in W.C. Euchre ik e'Y E T ER— A good turn- rtt4''ede.e't.:cr':-Vv.r h:4' eeehre , tele! ..t the c: meseenetti• ha:: :as:, lhedec$. at eve ::.g, wnen c:e•6e : tar^:es were :.. ::ay, winners were. .:g :ad.., 'errs. F irtendre:gl:, f F.: du -e he sec. :s. Clarke Sharpen: gen.:eranrTed Ser;.: Nickell; s, .:a: beego, Mrs. Robert ..own 'rr W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Now a whole new golden world of SIGHT 8 and SOUND See our HEARING -AID GLASSES, lightest in weight. g 2.00000 WINGHAM KINSMEN PAPER DRIVE WEDNESDAY, MAY 8th „..o, n ,41 V,..., J460.1n LCrrht mc Have your paper bundled and tied and on the street for pick. up, starting at 2:30 p.m. Paper will also be picked up in Belgrave, Bluevale and White- church during the day. Will Hold Tea This Month ROXETER—The C.G. I.T. meeting last week was opened will the call to worship by !Connie Clarke. The purpose ,aed answer were repeated, followed by the Lord's prayer and national anthem. A pray- er was read by Jean Newton, which was sun med npin a commentary by Kaye Wright. The minutes were read by Carol Coepland and the roll call was answered by _c mem- bers. A hymn: was sung to the accompaniment of Ann Doug- las. In the business it was de- cided that a tea would be held on May llth. The store from the text was told and the meeting closed with Taps. Dies in Calgary FORDWICH—Word was re- ceived in the village last ween of the sudden death of Mrs. Norman Cooper, of Calgary. --7/40/formerly of Fordwich. rias. rig Cooper was a sister of the late r Mrs. Herb Rogers, who passed ``u y away in April 1962. D MNG IS A PLEASURE WHEN THE CAR IS RUNNING SMOOTHLY It's no fun getting around in a car that sounds like it may quit on you at any time. It's un- necessary, too. A thorough check-up by our skilled mechanics will give you a vehicle that's pleasing to drive. Wingham Motors PHONE 357-2720 Don't Miss Next Week's Bi MOTHER'S DAY ISSUE SEW SP PSVT ....•..••• Pr, 64h+16.* tr WINGHAM d tancowitint CGIT GRA:. — On Saturday members of the Canadian C - : ;r Training from many points in Huron County Arlo er ^• Wingham for their annual rally and grad.e7:.' se -:Ice. The thirty-three girls who graduates :- s ,ear are pictured above.—Photo by Connell. News of Wroxeter Little Dann- .. •:a . is , isit- ing his grandpe ::: ' r. and 'Mrs. Frank Cc:: :f Hanover. Mrs. R. Ne ... ccompan- :ed Mr. and Mee. :nos. New • - : ton to London :7. : eedav, where they visited .".:...:. • New - :ton, who is a : _ie :.n hospi- tal there. We :.- ::cased to hear Nancy es: .:s :c get `home in the rear ferere. 1 Mrs, .1. F.:..---._ has re - !turned home are.: Epenchng .. some time w -i: -: son-in-law `and daughter, ., and Mrs. W. A. Gibson a: _:das, and • also Mr. and ' .:s. Ear. McLean, St, Catharines. I Mrs. Sam C'.. ne::n spent the week -enc ie lei :ion, where she visited he: :.s:er -law, Mrs. George Al....,: i . Mr. and Mrs. ... :lister Green and Janis of C.:.:,..::c.1-. visited Mrs. W. Weir :Miss Gertrude Bush and Mr. an d Mrs. George Gibson on Sur.av, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates had as the.: Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Allen, of Fordwic h. Ross an's spent Wednes- day weer.:._. and Mrs. Lloyd Sage, Lis:: we!. 5;::.:::.,• visitors with Mr. and M.:-. Chas. McKay were Mr. .Free . Cobb, Hanover; Mr. and Mrs, David McKay and fay..:', , Wingham; Mr. Gordo: islep and Mr. and Mrs. G:.::.c McKay, Bluevale. Mr. eee Mrs. Harvey Brad- shaw aneMr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart Epee: Saturday in London and a:sc ::sited Miss Nancy . Newton. We aie. r:eased to see Mr. Chas. Mae—well back to his 'home az::_:, after spending the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. Rc::. '.McDonald, Blue - ;vale. Mrs. F.: Eddy has returned to her hcree in Alpena, Mich., after speezieg last week with her cera: Mrs. R. Newton. Ross Ter an's called on Mr. LAKELET Mrs. William Smith of Bra...pt:n spent a few days at her home :r..:e last week. Mr.a:.. Mrs. Eugene Metz- ger and fay .ly visited with Mr. and Mrs. t en Pellett at Wrox- eter on S;: nday, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Skaz of Guelph a::c Mr, Glen Reidt of Newmarket spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Reidt and Mrs. Glen Reidt. Mrs. Ra:, Gadke was taken to the r ee County Hospital by an b,:1a.: a on Sunday, suf- fering from a blood clot. We hope she will soon be well and up and snout again. ::r, and Mrs. Ervin Dickert and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Klein at Neustadt. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Kee and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman McKee of Teeswater. An executive meeting of the McIntosh i'. C. W. was held on Wednesday evening, at the home of Mrs. Jack Ferguson. The ladies also completed a quilt, which is to be sent in a mission bale. and Mrs. Boyne Sage, 3rd Line Wallace. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton, R. R. 1, Wroxeter, in the loss of their young son and their house by fire on Saturday night. Miss Hazel Sparling accom- panied Mrs. Louis Hutton of Wingham to Goderich on Fri- day, where she visited Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Robertson. Decide Against Garden Party GORRIE—The April meeting of the W.A. of St. Stephen's Church was held at the home of Mrs. R. T. Bennett on Thurs- day afternoon with the presi- dent, Mrs. Gordon Underwood, in the chair. The meeting opened with prayers and Scrip- ture read by Mrs. Earl Under- wood. Roll call was answered with a verse on the resurrection. An invitation from the United Church Women, to attend a meeting at which Rev. Roy T. Jordinson, a missionary from Trinidad, will speak, was re- ceived. Plans were completed for the marking of the 45th an- niversary of the W.A. at the next regular meeting on May 16th, at 2:30 p.m. Mis. K.E. Taylor of Goderich, diocesan president, is expected to be present to address the meeting. The annual Thankoffering was received and the sunshine bags were turned in. It was decided to ask for donations instead of having a garden party this summer. "That Good Man Barnabas', was the topic taken by the president. He was a man full of the Holy Ghost and of faith. Scripture passages were read by the members, telling of his missionary journeys. The meeting was closed by Mrs. G. A. Anderson. The hostess served a lovely lunch. G THURSDAY -FRIDAY -SATURDAY MAY 2-3-4 WINGHAM MEAT MARKET JAKE JUTZI, Prop. Open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. WEDNESDAY TO NOON — FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. Schneiders BONELESS FRESH Canada Packers GRADE "A" FRESH FRYERS IDEAL. FOR FRYING OR BROILING COTTAGE ROLLS 49cBUTTER LB. TULIP MGARINEllh Ib. Always on Hand 5U LB FRESH BEEF Roasts and Steaks FRESH CHICKENS FRESH CUT-UP CHICKEN FROZEN FISH FILLETS FRESH SAUSAGE SMOKED SAUSAGE LUNCH MEATS o '46° .PNS Q PpER 8 \t,lEE SMOKED SIDE BACON SUMMER SAUSAGE SMOKE', ROASTS PORK ROASTS AND CHOPS