HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-04-18, Page 6Page 6 — Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, April 18, 1963 Jim; What aid ono horse say to the other? Tim: I don't know. What? Jim; I can't recall yourpace, buy your mane is familiar. LAKELET Walter Smith of R. R. 3, Teeswater, employee of Thompson Bros., Teeswater, was the lucky winner of a chance token in the Pepsi con - test, He purchased the soft drink at the Lakelet General Store. Mr. and Mrs. George Farrish of Lucknow are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Mr. Ronald Dickert of Kitch- ener spent the week -end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. Arno Baum - garten and family of Toronto have moved to their home on the 17th of Howick, near Lake - let, and propose making this their permanent residence. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Caudle and son of Toronto are spend - ing the Easter holidays at their summer residence at Caudles Lake Resort. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dem- merling and grandson David, spent the Easter week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hark- arpTUESDAY ness at Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Dahms and family of Mildmay, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don McKee on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knudsen and daughter of Toronto, and Mrs. Wm. Smith of Brampton spent the week -end with Wil- liam Smith and Mr. Don Smith of Palmerston. Easter week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Greenly were Mrs. Brian Clark and Ronnie of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Noble and family of London. On Satur- day evening the families visited ILMI111111111 THEATRE GUIDE — "WHERE Dolores (Colour "THE Glenn Adult TUESDAY "INCIDENT "IT Glenn (Colour BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 18-19 THE BOYS ARE" Hart _ George Hamilton Connie Francis - Scope) CARTOON Adult Entertainment SATURDAY and MONDAY April 20-22 —DOUBLE BILL— SHEEPMAN" Ford - Shirley MacLaine (Colour - Scope) "BUSHFIRE„ John Ireland Entertainment CARTOON and WEDNESDAY April 23-24 —DOUBLE BILL— "WAR HUNT" John Saxon IN AN ALLEY" Chris Warfield CARTOON THURSDAY and FRIDAY April 2,5-26 STARTED WITH A KISS" Ford - Debbie Reynolds - Scope) CARTOON Adult Entertainment III®III®1I IMI 1111111®III®II IMI1111011IM11111111®111®111®111®111®111®1111111111111®I HANOVER®rive—In SHOW — THURSDAY -FRIDAY -SATURDAY APRIL 18-19-20 "POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES" Technicolor - CinemaScope Glen Ford - Hope Lang An entertainment treat for old and young alike "GUN BATTLE AT MONTEREY" Sterling Hayden CARTOON MONDAY -TUESDAY -WEDNESDAY "THE GEORGE Ray Danton _ Jayne "HITLER" (Adult Entertainment) History's most infamous character—(Man R. Baschart THURSDAY -FRIDAY -SATURDAY 'The MAN Who SHOT John Wayne - James "TWO TICKETS Gary Crosby - Joe Dee APRIL 22-23-24 RAFT STORY" Mansfield or Monster) CARTOON APRIL 25-26-27 LIBERTY VALANCE' Stewart - Vera Miles TO PARIS" CARTOON "See the Stars Under the Stars" — Dress as You Please No Babysitting Worries IIIM111MII1i111111111111111IMI11111111111111111111111111IMI111111IBI1111111M11IMI11111111111111111■I I IM Your Car Will Run Like New After We Give It AUTO SERVICE ,, . , ` i'" , , . �i�"�•' "'� }, z;i �., u:;0 �< <: "'- >,�l If winter has you r"°' car in a bad way, this is the place to bring it. It II leave here ,running at its best. We're equipped to % precision check your engine, reset the igni- tion timing, tune the engine, check the brakes — Everything to make your car run smooth. CENTRE 357-3380 - Wingham Readman's TE ACO TEXACO eve .- SERVICE Dia! SEVEN STITCHES were re- quired to close the head cuts suffered by 10 -year-old Ron- ald Manto, of Lucknow, who was a passenger in his moth- er's Corvair when it was struck by another vehicle driven by Mrs. Allan Reed at the Zetland bailey bridge on Saturday evening. The Reed car is upper right, and the broken windshield of the other car, upper left, shows the spot where the lad struck his head.—A-T Photo. with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heimbecker of Neustadt. Brian Clark is spending the holidays with his grandparents. Mr. Jim Greenly has accept- ed ccepted a position with Bieman and is working in the milk and cheese department. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zurbrigg, Verdon and Shelley of Fordwich, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knudsen and Patricia of Toronto. Week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hiscox of Woodstock. To Seek Program Ideas From 3ritish Isles WI BLUEVALE—The annual meeting of Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Johnston on April 10th, Mrs. George Hetherington pre- siding. Mrs. W. J. Peacock read the minutes and the financial report. Mrs. Peacock was tendered appreciation for her six years of effort and effici- ency in the office of secretary- Bluevale Personals Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Ogram of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Greenaway and Mrs. Margaret Ogram at the week- end. Mr. James Kennedy, Gail and Louise, spent a few days with Rev. T. E. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith spent Sunday at Brucefield. Ross Smith was an Easter visitor at Hensall. Mrs. Ed. Johnston, Mrs. Mabel Harris and Barry of Lambeth, visited relatives at the week -end. Harvey Messer and Mrs. Frank Sharpe, of Toronto, visited at the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street and children, of Listowel, were Sunday visitors at the home of Miss Mary Duff. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Griffiths of Guelph, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bosman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott spent the Easter week -end in Detroit. Mrs. Kenny McNaughton has returned home after five weeks in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McTav- ish and family, of London,. were with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McKinnon for the holiday week- end. eekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Gan- net and children are spending a few days in Toronto. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Campbell visited them Boy Injured When lucknow Cars Met Two Lucknow cars were in- volved in a collision at the east end of the bailey bridges at Zetland at 5:45 on Saturday evening. Ten -year-old Ron- ald Manto, a passenger in a car driven by his mother, Mrs. Marjorie Manto, was rushed to hospital by Constable Ronald Bell, suffering from severe head cuts and concussion re- ceived when his head struck and broke the windshield. Seven stitches were required to close the wound. The accident happened when the 1962 Corvair, driven by Mrs. Manto, was stopped at the east stop light, and was at the week -end; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barett and family, of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell and family, of Tren- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Shean and family, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, Ron Smith and family of Clinton. Murray Chapman is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Murray, of Lucknow, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMurray on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Hoff- man and children of Exeter, spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. John Mac- Tavish and family of London visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mc- Kinnon at Bluevale. Easter Services In Bluevale BLUEVALE—Special Easter services in Knox Presbyterian Church and in the United Church were held on Sunday with large attendances, when Rev. T. E. Kennedy and Rev. G. C. Mitchell preached on Easter themes. In the Presbyterian Church the combined senior and junior choirs sang anthems, with Mrs. Nora Moffatt at the organ. In the United Church, the choir sang an anthem, "Halleluiah, Christ Is Risen" and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hoffman sang the duet, "He Died but not in Vain", under the direction of Mrs. Carl Johnston, organist. struck by a 1956 Ford station wagon driven by Mrs. Allan Reed. Both parties are from Lucknow. Damage to the wagon was estimated at $275.00 and to the other vehicle at $400.00. Both were extensively damaged in the left front end. The im- pact drove the stopped Corvair 27 feet where it came to rest on the shoulder of the road at a near rightangle to the high- way. The station wagon ended up on the right shoulder. The Manto car was headed west at the time of the impact with the Allen car travelling treasurer. The roll call was responded to by each member giving a favourite cooking recipe of her mother's. Members also paid fees for the corning year. Mrs. Jack Nicholson, Mrs. W. J. Peacock and Mrs. Mel Craig were appointed a com- mittee to arrange for making aprons for display at Brussels Fall Fair. It was decided to contact some Women's Institute in the British Isles, to arrange an ex- change of programs. Mrs. Charles Mathers, dis- trict director, gave a report of the executive meeting held at Walton in preparation for the East Huron District annual meeting at Gorrie. Reports of the conveners of standing committees were re- ceived. Mrs. Mel Craig gave the re- port of the nominating commit- tee. ommittee. Mrs. Alex Corrigan conduct- ed the installation of officers for the coming year, as follows: Past president, Mrs. Sparling Johnston; president, Mrs. George Hetherington; first vice, Mrs. Harry Elliott; second vice, Mrs. James Johnston; sec. - treas., Mrs. Charles Mathers; assist. sec. -treas. , Mrs. W.J. Peacock; district director, Mrs. Sparling Johnston; assist. dis- trict director, Mrs. Alan Nich- olson. Branch directors, Mrs. R.J. McMurray, Mrs. Jack Nichol- son, Mrs. Bert Garniss; pianist, Mrs. Carl Johnston; assist. pianist, Mrs. Alex. Corrigan; auditors, Mrs. A. D. Smith, Mrs. Bernard Thomas; nominat- ing ominating committee, Mrs. Mel Craig, Mrs. Wendell Stamper, Mrs. M. L. Aitken. Conveners of Standing Com- mittees: Home Economics and Health, Mrs. J. V. Fischer; citizenship, education, Mrs. Wm. Robertson; agriculture, Canadian industries, Mrs. G. C. Mitchell; historical re- search, Mrs. Jas. Johnston; resolutions, Mrs. Bert Garniss; Public relations, Mrs. M. L. Aitken. The members brought cook- ies for judging, prizes going to Mrs. Charles Bosman and Mrs. Jack Nicholson. The cookies were used for lunch at the close of the meeting. Minister, to elderly parish- ioner: I'm sorry, Mrs. Jones, we just forgot to ask you to come to tonight's garden party. Please accept this invitation. Mrs. Jones: It's too late. I've already prayed for rain. east, off the bridge. The accident was investigat- ed by Provincial Constable Ronald Bell of the Wingham detachment. Traffic signs help more than most people realize to make highway driving safer, but, un- fortunately, the protective in- formation from signs is needed more than it is heeded. CROWN HARRISTON THURS.-FRI.-SATURDAY APRIL 18-19-20 JACKIE GLEASON AS GIGOT in Deluxe Colour Directed by Gene Kelly of "Going My Way" A new joy has come to the screen and the world is a hap- pier place to live in — Great family entertainment A big event for owners of' antique oars in England is the annual "old crocks" race from London to Brighton, a distance of 50 miles. In 1960, 223 cars competed, each more than 50 years old. The only car that failed to finish was the life escort car, a 1960 model. FOR RHEUMATIC PAIN For soothing relief from rheu- matic, sciatic, arthritic pain, take Rumacaps. See your druggist today! I IMI IIMI1111I I IMI IIMI11■III■I I I11111■II 1.111111 HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE THUR.-FRI.-SAT., APR. 18-19-20 "ESCAPE FROM ZAHRAIN" in Technicolor — Starring Sal Mine* on the same program — "TWENTY PLUS TWO" starring Jeanne Crain, William Demerest Agnes Moorehead CLOSED MONDAY, fiUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY Open Friday - Saturday APRIL 26-27 "YOUNG GUNS OF TEXAS" in Technicolor — Starring Robert Mitchum, Alana, Ladd, Jody McCrea and Chill Wills "AIR PATROL" Stars Willard Parker The police take to the air i modern-day crime meller, 111111111111111111 1111111111•11111111111111l11111111111111 - CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON SIX DAYS STARTING MONDAY, Apr. 22 MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY ACCLAIMED! THE GREATEST ADVENTURE AND ROMANCE IN A THOUSAND YEARS! CHARLTON SOPHIA HESTON-L.'" R "The Picture is COLOSSAL!" -Time Magazine ,SAMUEL BRONSTON PRESEN'b 10 MM SUPER TECNNIRAMA TECHNICOLOR' giriIONE.OENEVIEVE 18E BIT f PAR RAMOND. HURD HOED EN SENO and HE'I� 'i lOhl DMCMFRANK. PHIUPDOAN.e,AN1HONVMANN Mansfors,, 'SAMUELBRONSTON PROOUCTION M.zae..r DEAR flVAPRODUCTIONS wt.4w*ALB ARTISTS ONE SHOWING EVENING AT g,30 P14,, REGULAR PRICES: ADULTS 75c STUDENTS 50c CHILD 30c ■onwa.