HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-04-11, Page 22Page 4 -* Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, April 18, 1963
features from
The World of Women
Home and The Housewife
Cooking School
Well Attended
"Hydro Showtime", under
the auspices of the Wingham
Kinette Club in the auditorium
of the high school, was attend-
ed by 270 people last Wednes-
day evening. Proceeds were
$178. 50.
DeWitt Miller welcomed
the guests, on behalf of the
public Utilities and Ontario
t-iydro. An Ontario Hydro film,
"The Symbol of Better Living",
was shown.
All equipment used by Miss
Gwyneth Reed, Hydro's home
consultant, had been loaned by
local dealers. Miss Reed made
several dishes, which were
later offered as draw prizes.
The winners were, chicken
waikiki, Mrs, Frank Madill;
oven steamed rice, Mrs. Orval
Hastings; green bean succotash,
Mrs. D. S, MacNaughton;
oriental pepper steak, Mrs,
Robert Montgomery; spice cake,
Mrs. Gerry Lavergne; tossed
salad with sour cream dressing,
Mrs. Jim Hamilton; French
cherry pie, Mrs. Bill Hotchkiss.
Miss Reed was assisted by
Mrs. Bruce MacDonald of the
Kinette Club, and Miss Anna
McDonald drew the tickets for
draw prizes. Mrs. Al Walia=
president of the club, thanked
all those who had assisted, and
those who had donated the
electrical prizes.
A clock, donated by Patti-
son Electric, was won by Mrs.
Elwood Irwin, of Wingham;
clock by Keating Electric,
Mrs. Bruce Chambers, Wrox-
eter; beaters, Simpson Sears,
Miss Pamela King, Teeswater;
coffee percolator by Stainton
Hardware, Mrs. Richard Weh-
meyer, Wingham; kettle donat-
ed by the Kinette Club, Mrs.
John Currie, Wingham; blanket.
Ontario Hydro, Mrs. Ken
Wood, Wingham; hair dryer,
Burke Electric, Mrs. Russell
Zurbrigg, Wingham; heater,
donated by P.U.C. , Mrs. Jack
Salter, Wingham.
EASTER PARADE—Several girls in Mrs.
Wilson's Grade VII and VIII at the pub-
lic school took part in an Easter parade
of fancy hats. The "makins" ranged all
the way from fruit baskets to last year's
Christmas decorations. Our photo-
grapher snapped Judy Irwin, left, and
Lee Wenger on their way home from
school. First and second prizes went to
Lynda McTaggart and Gloria Reed.
Woocstock Soeo<er Tells
Of Seeing passion Play
Mrs. William Renwick was
hostess to the members of Unit
3 of the United Church Women,
at her home on Thursday eve-
Mrs. C. M. Gorrie of Wood-
stock was the guest speaker.
She told of attending the Pas -
sion Play in Oberammergau,
Germany, which has been pre-
sented every ten years since
1633, except in times of war.
She was introduced by Mrs.
Russell Zurbrigg and thanked by
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BLUEVALE—The eighth and
concluding meeting of this
club was held at the Brewer
residence. The meeting began
at '7:30 with the 4-H pledge,
followed by the roll, which
was, "One point to remember
in the care of nylons." All
members answered this.
Gail Kirton read the min-
utes of the last meeting. Dates
and times were set for work
meetings. The members were
instructed to have their record
books completed by April 10th
and their dusters finished by
April 17th.
Information on the record
book and duster were given by
the leaders.
GORR1E—The eighth meeting
of the Sparklettes was held at
the home of Gwen Hyndman
on Wednesday evening. They
opened with the 4-H pledge
a= motto.
lie roll call, "One point to
remember in the care of nylons,
was answered by twelve mem-
bers. The minutes were read
by Ruth Anne Taylor.
Gwen Hyndman demonstrat-
ed a bound buttonhole while
Mrs, Rhame read the directions,
Mrs. Rhame and Mrs.
Adams gave notes on points to
remember when laundering a
drip dry fabric, shrinking
fabrics, taking measurements,
using the pattern and stay -
LAKELET—The 6th meeting
of the Lucky Lassies was held
at the home of Mrs. Gordon
Wright. The 4-H pledge was
repeated and the minutes were
read and approved. atoll call,
which was, "Show a sample of
the slipstitch", was answered
by 7 girls.
Clubs 1
Notes were taken on how to
buy shoes and the care of feet
and legs. A demonstration on
darning was given and the girls
practised darning. Miss Gil-
christ, home economist of
Clinton, was present and gave
an interesting talk on Achieve-
ment Day.
Work was done on the dus-
ters and a delicious lunch was
served by the hostess.
The 7th meeting was held
at the home of Mrs. Jack Fer-
guson, when a short business
period was held. Roll call
was, "Each girl show a patch
and darning". It was answered
by 8 girls. Notes were taken
and work was done on the dus-
Plans were discussed for the
exhibit for Achievement Day
and a lovely lunch was served
by the hostess.
BELGRAVE—The eighth meet
ing of the Duster Dolls met on
Monday in the clubrooms of
the arena. Ruth Michie, presi-
dent, opened with the 4-H
pledge and motto. Brenda Van -
Camp read the minutes of the
last meeting. The roll call,
answered by eight girls was,
"One point in care of nylons".
The next meeting is to be on
April 23 at 7:45 at Mrs. Cliff
Mrs. Cliff Purdon spoke
about Achievement Day. Mar-
jorie Hopper, Doreen Pattison
and Wendy Fear demonstrated
the correct method of darning,
The girls worked on their dus-
ters. Mrs. Cliff Purdon led
in some exercises,
FORbWICH—The Fashion-
ettes 4-H club held their meet-
ing in the United Church base-
ment, The 4-H pledge was
repeated. Minutes of the last
Mrs. Renwick.
Mrs. Freddie Templeman
led in a worship service. Read-
ings were given by Mrs. Mur-
ray Stainton and Mrs. Carl
Bondi; "Mary's Memories" and
"Pilate's Wife Has a Dream."
Barbara and Shiella France
entertained with violin selec-
tions, accompanied by their
sister, Miss Greta France.
Members turned in articles
for a bale and donated a pair
of pyjamas to the Children's
Aid Society at Goderich.
Unit '7 met in the church
parlour Tuesday evening of last
week. Mrs. Louis Hutton con-
ducted the worship service.
Mrs. Harold France read the
Scripture lesson and Mrs. Laura
Gowdy led in prayer.
Mrs. Harry McArthur present-
resented a chapter from the study
book, "The Word and The Way;
entitled "The means of Grace:
Linda Hutton contributed vocal
solos and was accompanied by
Greta France.
Mrs. Harold Kerr took charge
for the business. This unit also
turned in articles for the bale.
Majestic Lodge
Visited by D.D.
The regular meeting of Ma-
jestic Rebekah Lodge was held
Monday evening in the Odd -
fellow's Hall, with Mrs. Cecil
Mahood of Teeswater, district
deputy, present as honoured
guest. Other guests were pre-
sent from Teeswater, Brussels
and Listowel. During the meet-
eeting Mrs. Mahood gave a very
inspiring address.
Cout'resy remarks were given
by Mrs. M. Tunney of Tees -
water, Miss Jessie Little of
Brussels and Mrs. Shearer of
Following the meeting Miss
Agnes Williamson, convener,
and her lunch committee serv-
ed a delicious lunch.
meeting were read.
Mrs. Geo. Richards led a
discussion on the care of shoes,
feet and legs. She also showed
the group how to darn and each
one is to have a sample for
next meeting,
Mrs. Scott Clarkson helped
them with a set-in sleeve
samples and the group worked
on the dusters. Next meeting
is to be held at the horne of
Mrs, Mary Douglas, when the
guest speaker will be Miss
Linda Hamilton, a hairdresser,
Two members served lunch.
Capt. Newman Is
Speaker for UCW
General Meeting
Capt. G. Stanley Newman,
of the Salvation Army, was
guest speaker last Wednesday
afternoon for the meeting of
the United Church Women,
held in the sanctuary of the
United Church. His topic was,
"What Does Easter Really
Mean?" He based his message
on the words, "That I may
know Him and the power of
His resurrection." Capt. New-
man was introduced by Mrs. W.
J. Roulston and thanked by
Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton.
Units 5 and 6 were in
charge of the program, with
Mrs. Roulston leading an Eas-
ter worship service. Mrs. J.
A. Fox read Scripture and Mrs.
Colin Fingland led in prayer.
Mrs. Donald Lloyd sang,
"Were You there when They
Crucified My Lord?" She was
accompanied by H. C, Tren-
The president, Mrs. K. M.
MacLennan, conducted busi-
ness. A report of the Reginal
meeting in Goderich was given
by Mrs. MacLennan and Mrs.
Jack Gorrie.
Lunch was served at the
—Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Money of Agincourt spent the
week -end with her brother, Mr.
and Mrs. Elwell Webster.
Shower Held for
Miss V. O'Hare
A shower was held at the
home of Mrs. Walter Davis on
Tuesday evening for Miss Verna
O'Hare, R.N.A. at Wingham
Hospital, whose wedding takes
place next month.
The hostesses were Miss Mar-
guerite Sweeny, Miss Delores
Heffernan and Miss Thelma
The bride -elect was seated
in a decorated chair and her
sister, Miss, Helen O'Hare and
Miss Sweeny helped her un-
wrap the miscellaneous gifts.
The hostesses served lunch
to the 38 guests and Miss
O'Hare cut the decorated cake.
Praise your child when he
achieves, And don't laugh at
him when he tries to use a new
word and mispronounces it,
Help make your home a cli-
mate of learning --and help
Junior snake his Mark.
Many People Visit
Over gaster
—Mr. and Mrs, Angus Mow-
bray, Doug and Carl, visited
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Neil Sparks of Detroit for a few
days at the week -end.
—Mr. and Mrs. Eric Elliott,
June and David of Ottawa,
visited over the baster holidays
with Miss Leah Currie.
—Mr. and Mrs. W, A.
Heughan with their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
O. C. Gorrell of Port Credit,
are spending ten days in South
Carolina. They left last Thurs-
day morning.
—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall
visited last Friday and Saturday
with their cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Courtney in Downsview.
—Mr. and Mrs. Peter Be-
dard of Riverside spent the
week -end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chris Newman.
--Mr. Neil N. McLean and
son, Neil T. of Toronto, visit-
ed on Saturday with Mr, and
Mrs, Eimer Walker.
—Mr, and Mrs. Frank Gib-
bons and family of London and
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Weber
and daughter, Denise of Strat-
ford, visited over the Easter
week -end with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Gibbons.
—Mrs. H. G. Goff of Toron-
to has been visiting with Rev.
and Mrs. C. F. Johnson,
—Miss Doris Fells of Toronto
spent the Easter holiday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
—Jim Newman, who has
been with the Toronto -Domin-
ion Bank at Mount Albert, has
been transferred to the new
branch at Oak Acres, Sarnia,
as accountant, and took over
his new duties on Tuesday.
—Mrs. Brian Metcalfe, Miss
Verlie Metcalfe and Miss Karen
Michel of Wroxeter, spent the
week -end in Hamilton.
—Mrs. Kenneth Love of Tor-
onto spent the Easter holiday
with her sister, Mrs. Roy Man-
—Edward Forgie of Toronto
visited over the week -end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Forgie and Ann.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bur-
gess and Elaine of Toronto
spent the week -end with his
mother, Mrs. Robert Burgess.
—Mr. and Mrs. William
Young spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jim McDonald at
—Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Pos-
liff and family of Strathroy
spent the holiday week -end
with his mother, Mrs. M. Gur-
—Mr. and Mrs. John Haines
and family of Windsor spent
the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Haines and other
relatives. Miss Helen Haines
of London and Mr. and Mrs.
Ken McMichael, Susan and
Paul of Wroxeter, visited at
the same home over the holi-
—Mr. and Mrs. David Slos-
ser, of London, spent the week-
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Slosser,
—Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hop-
per and Heather of Port Credit
visited with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. 1. Brown and Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Hopper, over
the holiday week -end.
—Muir McLaughlin of Sar-
nia, Mrs. Art McLaughlin and
daughter Patricia of Larder
Lake, Miss Meta McLaughlin
of Toronto visited over the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
N. T. McLaughlin. Mr. and
Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and
daughters of Ottawa are spend-
ing this week at the same home,
-Mrs. A. J. Boe and Miss
Isabel Cook of Toronto are
spending the Easter holidays
with Mr, and Mrs, G. W. Tif»
fin and family.
----Mrs, Ruby McNairn of St.
Catharines visited with her
sisters, Mrs. Fred. H. Carbert
and Mrs. Jean Howes Good Fri-
day and Saturday. Mr. and
Mrs, Bob Carbert and children
of Toronto visited over the
in Community
ay Week -enc
week -end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, F. Carbert.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Wild
and Kevin of Scarboro, and
Jim Wild of Little Long Rapids
spent the holiday weekend
with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Wild.
—Mr. and Mrs, John Rae
and Mrs. John Mason of Port
Credit visited last Friday with
Mr, and Mrs. Parker Campbell.
Mr, and Mrs. Ron Wareing
and children of Hensall spent
the week -end at the same
—Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mc-
Intyre and daughter, Wendy
Lee of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Gerrie, Janice and Jeff
of Stratford, visited over the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. McIntyre.
--Mr, and Mrs. Richard
Sanderson of Stratford and Mr.
and Mrs. James Helesic and
Marijo of Goderich spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Elliott and visited with Mrs,
Town in the Hospital. Alma-
jane Elliott returned with Mr.
and Mrs. Sanderson for the
Easter holidays.
—Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cer-
son, Linda and Larry of Toron-
to, visited on the week -end
with Mr, and Mrs. Ken Cerson.
—Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dun-
lop and Mrs. Agar spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Smith in Forest.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott
Nancy and Hank of Brace -
bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Dunbar and family of Strat-
ford and Mr. and Mrs. Bud
Lockridge and family of Wat-
ford visited over the week -end
with Mrs. W. Lockridge.
—Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fin-
nigan of Clinton visited over
the holiday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Finnigan.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pym
and family of Kincardine spent
Friday with Mrs. Geo. H.
Coulter and with Mr. and Mrs.
H. V. Pym. Mr. and Mrs.
David Campbell and Gordon of
New Westminster, B.C. and
Mrs. Arnold Craig of Auburn
are visiting this week with Mrs.
Coulter of Aylmer is spending
the Easter holidays with her
—Mrs. Harry B. Kennedy of
Toronto spent the week -end
with her mother, Mrs. Fred
Johnson and sister, Miss Velma
--Mrs. Ford Murray and
family of Brampton visited on
Sunday with Mrs. S. A. Mur-
—Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Mof-
fat and family of St. Cathar-
ines, Mr. and Mrs. George
Seegmiller and family of Kitch-
ener, Mr. and Mrs. Graham
Work and family of Brussels
visited over the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffat.
—Mrs. R. C.J. Pestell of
West Vancouver is spending a
couple of weeks with her fa-
ther, Mr. W. F. Burgman and
her mother, Mrs. Burgman,
who is a patient in the hospital.
Dr. G. W. Burgman, Mrs.
Burgman and family, of Kirk-
land Lake, spent the week -end
with his parents.
—Mr. and Mrs. Mack Cam-
eron and children of Owen
Sound visited over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Colvin and with Mr. and Mrs,
Don Cameron.
—Mrs, Arthur Ferguson of
Waterloo spent the holiday
week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Taylor and Miss Mae
—Mr. and Mrs, Ken Hodg-
kinson and baby Mark, of Lon-
don, spent the Easter holidays
with their parents, Mrs. Kae
Fryfogle and John and Mr. and
Mrs, Wib Hodgkinson,
Mr, and Mrs. Jitri Campbell
of Kitchener spent the week-
end with their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Stan Campbell and
Mr. and Mrs. John Strong,
--Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mil -
Ter of London spent Friday eve-
ning and Saturday with her
brother, Mr, and Mrs. Murray
—Mr, and Mrs, Fred Lee
and family visited over the
weekend with relatives and
friends in Elmira, and also
with Mr. and Mrs, Milford
Gowing in Listowel.
—Mrs. Archie Hertel and
children of Kitchener visited
on Monday last with her mo-
ther, Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon,
Minnie St, and with her father;
a patient in Wingham Hospital.
—Mrs. John Maclntyre and
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Maclntyre,
Wingham, spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mac-
Tntyre of Sarnia.
—Visitors with Mrs. Roy
MacDonald over the week -end
were Mr. and Mrs. Les Lauren-
deau, Robbie and Ted, and
James Fitzgerald of Windsor,
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Groh,
Kathy and Michael of North
Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Bell and family of Kingston,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bridge and
family of Toronto, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Reidt and Stephanie
of Toronto, Mrs. Robert Doyle
and Todd of Camp Petawawa.
—Mrs. William King spent
a few days last week with her
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Porter and family at Lucknow.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ross Forbeck
and Linda Farrish of Owen
Sound spent the week -end with
her mother, Mrs. William
King. Linda remained for the
Easter holidays.
—Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lott of
North Bay spent the week -end
at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Carl Lott.
—Mr, and Mrs. Harvey
Fisher, Kevin and Mark, spent
the week -end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Fisher at
Woodville. Kevin remained
for the holidays.
—Miss Patricia and Kathy
Bates of Toronto spent the
Easter week -end with their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrsg
Al Williams.
—Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lott
of Barrie spent the week -end
with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Lott.
—Mrs. George Cowan of
New Hamburg is visiting for a
few days with her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Stewart Cowan, Minnie
—Mr. and Mrs. Carl McKay,
Susan and Michael of Toronto,
were visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Stafford Bateson, Mrs. McKay
and other relatives over the
holiday week -end.
—Mrs. Tony Langridge and
daughter of Hamilton spent
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Langridge and family.
They were all Easter Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F.
Langridge and Denis, near Bel -
—Mr, and Mrs. Richard
Campeau are spending the Eas-
ter holidays with Mr. Cam-
peau's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Wilfred Campeau at Windsor.
—Bill Thompson of Toronto
spent the week -end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Thompson. Miss Grace Thomp-
son of London is spending the
Easter holidays with her parents.
—Mr. Stanley Hall of Sim-
coe visited friends in town over
the holiday.
—Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs, Bruce MacDonald
were Mr. and Mrs, Mel Keat-
ing, Charles and David and
Mrs. David Chamney, all of
Exeter, also Mr. and Mrs. R.
M. Bell and family of King
—Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Trail
of Toronto are spending this
week with their daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Alton Adams,
—Mr, George Hodgins of
London spent a few days
ter with his son, Mr. and M s.'
Jack Hodgins, John Wayne Mc-
Donald of Brussels spent a few
days at the same home with his
cousin, DaVid.