HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-04-11, Page 7Raise _$24.00 at
Hospital Euchre
The regular monthly euchre
Waia held in the nurses' rest
iiib%ee on Thursday. There were
'Zine tables of euchre, and one
table of crokinole which was
played by four of the nursing
The winners of the euchre
re as follows: High lady,
inf. Elizabeth Gower; low
lady, Mrs. Leitta Walker; low
lady playing as .man, Miss Ver-
na Harris; high man, Ian Ed-
ward; low man, John Edward.
The door prize was won by Mrs.
Rita Haselgrove.
Twenty-four dollars was
realized, which will help to
pay expenses for the coming
hospital dance, at which time
the hospital staff will purchase
a defibrillator and pacemaker,
used in the aiding of cardiac
There will be one more
euchre, May 2. All money
raised is used for the purchase
of hospital equipment.
The best way to improve the
taste of salt is to sprinkle it
over a juicy piece of steak.
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CUBS IN A HEAP -Wolf Cubs of the
Wingham packs demonstrate how to
build a human pyramid. The occasion
was the annual father and son banquet
of the Cubs and Scouts at the high
school Wednesday, -Photo by Connell.
Over 300 at Synodical at St. Andrew's
Over 300 women attended
the annual meeting of the
Hamilton and London Synodi-
cal W.M.S. at St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church last week.
There were 80 billeted in
Wingham homes.
A pre -Synodical conference
for leaders was held Monday
evening and Tuesday morning.
The board of management,
Synodical officers and Presby-
terial presidents met Tuesday
Dinner was served to 109
Tuesday evening, when Rev.
G. L. Fish, minister of St.
Andrew's, extended greetings.
Rev. Roderick MacLeod of
Lucknow brought greetings
from Maitland Presbytery and
Mayor R. S. Hetherington
welcomed the guests to Wing -
The Synodical opened Tues-
day evening with a prayer ser-
vice. Mrs. Donald Maclnnes
of Ridgetown, Synodical presi-
dent, was in charge. She was
assisted by Miss Ruby Walker
and Miss Clare Hanes, regional
secretaries; Mrs. D. Ross Mac-
Donald, Mrs. H. G. Funston,
Mrs. Norman Anderson, Mrs,
A. A, Shaw and Mrs. C. Spen-
cer, -
St. Andrew's junior choir,
under the direc ion of Harold
Victor Pyrn, sa ig an anthem.
Mrs. W. J. Spi rs of Brussels,
president of Maitland Presby-
terial, extended a welcome.
Work carried out on a na-
tional scale in various W.M.S.
departments, was explained by
Mrs. R. S. Burnham, Mrs, E,
W. Krampp, Mrs. A. B. Dobie,
Mrs. Lou Herold, Mrs. W, E,
McCutcheon and Mrs. R. B,
Rev. F. Cromey, Kincar-
dine, conducted the morning
devotions on the conference
theme, "Faith and Courage",
Mrs. Arthur Hamilton of At-
wood addressed the session,
when she outlined plans for the
100th anniversary of the west-
ern division W.M.S. The an-
niversary will be held in Mont-
real next year, A book is
being compiled for the occas-
sion and Mrs, Hamilton stated
that any surplus funds from the
book will be used for student
Members' names from ten
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You'll feel marvelous in these smart styles any time
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Presbyteriais in the Synodical
were presented to Mrs. Hamil-
ton, for inclusion in the an-
niversary book.
Mrs. S. M, Scott of Kincar-
dine conducted a memorial
The delagates divided into
four discussion groups. Leaders
were Miss Ruby Walker, Miss
Clare Hanes, Mrs. Lou Herold
and Mrs. G. A. Gordier.
During the afternoon session
Mrs, G. W. Cruickshank, Mrs.
J. Day and Mrs. B. Feagan sang.
Rev. Russell Self, who has
for many years been a mission-
ary of the Presbyterian Church
in Canada, in Jhansi, Central
India, was the afternoon
speaker. Jhansi is one of the
most difficult missionary dis-
tricts in the world for the Hindu
population there has strongly
resisted outside influence.
Mr. Self became concerned
that so little Christian litera-
ture was reaching a country
fast becoming literate. Com-
munist and non-Christian
agencies were far ahead. He
was releived from some of
his duties in India so that he
could spend more time with
the Bible Society.
In 1961 Rev. Self was elect-
lected moderator of the North In-
dia Synod of the United Church
of Northern India.
Miss Hanes led the Presby-
terial presidents in a panel
discussion. Mrs. A. MacAuley
offered the closing prayer.
St. Andrew's choir sang an
anthem on Wednesday evening
and Rev. Fish conducted devo-
Highlight of the evening
session was a historical pageant
by members of the Lucknow
Evening Auxiliary, outlining
the history of Maitland Presby-
terial W.M.S.
Rev. McRae of Cranbrook,
moderator of the Presbytery,
granted permission to organ-
ize Kincardine, Lucknow,
Brussels and St. Helens into
the Women's Foreign Mission-
ary Society of the Presbytery
of Maitland at a meeting in
Knox Church Kincardine, on
July 18, 1884.
The pageant portrayed to
complete history of the society.
All 21 presidents since its or-
ganization were represented by
the Auxiliary and Mrs. Farish
Moffat of Wingham, immedi-
ate past president, and her
successor, Mrs. Spier of Brus-
Within the Presbytery today
are 18 afternoon auxiliaries,
six evening auxiliaries, eight
C. G. I, T. groups, six Explorer
groups, 15 mission bands and
the Marian Williamson Girls'
Auxiliary in Wingham.
Rev. MacLeod conducted
devotions on Thursday morn-
ing. Reports were given and
an invitation was received from
London for 1964.
Miss Walker presided for
the election and installation
of officers,
A board meeting followed
when Synodical officers and
Presbyterial presidents present-
ed Miss Walker with a gift.
Mrs. Rae made the presenta-
Mts. H. Aitchison was in
charge of registration; Miss H.
Summer School
For Rural Women
The Ontario Agricultural
College, through its Depart-
ment of Extension Education,
announces the offering of a
summer school for rural women
at the O, A. C, from July 8 -
July 12,
The summer school has been
designed to provide a course of
educational value for Ontario
rural women. It will comprise
three areas of study: literature,
music and art.
Registration fee for the
course will be $5.00. Room
and board will be available on
the campus at the regular resi-
dence rates. Enrolment will be
limited to approximately 100
Rural women wishing to enrol
for the one-week course should
apply to the Department of Ex-
tension Education, Q.A.C.
Guelph, Ontario.
Mrs. D. Sinclair
Addresses U.C.W.
Mrs, Donald Sinclair of the
Wingham Baptist Church was
the guest speaker at the Easter
Thankoffering meeting of
Units 5 and 6 of the United
Church Women of Wingham
United Church, which was
held in the church sanctuary,
Tuesday afternoon, April 2nd,
Mrs. James'Halliday and
Mrs. Elmer Ireland received
the members and guests at the
door. Mrs. Norman McLaugh-
lin conducted the worship ser-
vice and read articles on the
Mrs. James Henry and Mrs.
Frank Edgar read Scripture
passages and meditations. Mrs.
William Wellings led in prayer.
Mrs. Carl Bondi sang and was
accompanied by Mrs. W. W.
In her address, Mrs. Sin-
clair gave an inspiring Easter
message based on the story of
the Resurrection. She was in-
troduced by Mrs. McLaughlin
and thanked by Mrs. W. J.
Roulston. The latter, a unit
leader, took charge of the
It was decided to continue
the practice of donating money
for Gideon Bibles, when mem-
bers died.
Wingham Advance" -Times, Thursday, April 11, 193 - Page 7
Trinity Ladies
Hold Meeting
BELGRAVE-The Ladies'
Guild of Trinity Anglican
Church, met at the home of
Mrs. Cooper Nethery. Presi-
dent Mrs. Alex Nethery opened
with a hymn, followed by
Scripture reading by Mary Iso-
bel Nethery.
Minutes were read by Mrs.
Richard Procter and the trea-
surer's report by Mrs. Cooper
Mrs. Richard Procter was
convener of the program and
opened with the roll call, "An
Easter Verse". Mrs. Jack Van -
Camp gave a book review on
"The Day Christ Died" by Jim
Bishop and Mrs. Lawrence
Vannan read a poem, "At
Easter Time". Mrs. Procter
read an article "Pagan Reli-
gions, the Seed Bed for Chirs-
tianity". Mrs. Clare VanCamp
read a poem called "In the Gar-
A white elephant sale was
enjoyed with Mrs. Jack Van -
Camp as the auctioneer. The
president closed the meeting
with prayer. Grace was sung
and lunch served by the hos-
Wilson, baggage; Mrs, F. Mof-
fat, Mrs. H. V. Pym and Mrs.
D. Rae, billeting and Mrs.
Wm. Ford, transportation.
Mrs, J. Day and Mrs. W.
Murchison were conveners of
the general committee. Or-
ganists during the Synodical
were H. V. Pym, Mrs. Wm.
C. King, Mrs. G. L. Fish and
Mrs. A. Mundell.
Hon. president, Mrs, W. C.
Wheaton, Port Stanley; presi-
dent, Mrs. Donald Maclnnis,
Ridgetown; lst vice, Mrs. R.
S. Burnham, Sarnia; 2nd vice,
Mrs. G. Whitton, St. Cathar-
--Mr, and Mrs. W. J.
Roberts of Listowel visited
with Mr. and Mrs. N, T. Mc-
Laughlin on Sunday.
-Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin
and Keith McLaughlin, ac"
companied by Mr. Muir Me--
c•Laughlin of Sarnia, were in
Roseville, Mich. on Saturday
attending the funeral of Mr.
Delbert Bailey, a brother-in-
law of Mr. and Mrs. McLaugh-
-*Mr. and Mrs. Wiilialn
Ross of Milton visited a couple
of days last week with Mrs,
William Hilbert, Sr,
--Mrs. George Cameron,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cam-
eron and Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald A, Cameron visited with
Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Pegnem
at Applewood Acres, Port Cre-
dit, on Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heu-
ghan attended the funeral of
his sister, Mrs. Charles Reay,
in Durham on Monday. Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Heughan and
children, of Toronto, spent
the week -end with his parents
and attended the funeral,
-L, A. C. Jim Lockridge,
Mrs. Lockridge and children
arrived home from Germany
last Saturday. After a month's
leave he will be stationed in
Chatham, N. B.
-Miss Yvonne McPherson
and her mother, Mrs. Ellen
McPherson, returned home on
Sunday after spending a month
in Port Lauderdale, Florida,
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murray
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Kel Detheridge and Mrs.
Mary Armstrong in Brantford.
-Mr. and Mrs, Keith Dun-
bar of Stratford visited Monday
evening with her mother, Mrs.
W. Lockridge.
-Mr. and Mrs, Allan Patti-
son spent a few days last week
with their daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Watson at Forest.
--Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Park-
er returned home last week-
end, after spending the past
five months in Florida,
-Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson
ines; 3rd. vice, Mrs. Farish
Moffat, Wingham; recording
sec., Mrs. G. H. Bowman,
Waterdown; corr. sec., Mrs.
George Anderson, London;
treasurer, Mrs. Lou Herold,
Secretaries: Afternoon,
Mrs. W. H. Adamson, London;
Evening, Mrs. A. B. Dobie,
Chippawa; Promotion, Mrs.
Elwood Rae, Atwood; Girls,
Mrs. Ernest Sholtz, Bear Line;
Children, Mrs. W. J. Pollock,
Teeswater; Home Helpers, Mrs.
H. Hendry, Tiverton; Welcome
and Welfare, Mrs. 1, A. Smith,
Bear Line; Literature, Mrs. G.
A. Gordier, London; Glad Tid-
ings, Mrs. S. MacPherson,
Paris; press, Mrs. George Cle-
land, Listowel; Supply, Mrs.
George Dewar, Wyoming; Life
Membership, Mrs. W. Thren-
dyle, Hanover; Library, Mrs.
W. E. McCutcheon, Hamilton;
Historian, Mrs. J. B. Russell,
Members without portfolio:
Mrs. A. MacAuley, Ripley;
Mrs. George Carman, Brant-
ford; Mrs. Bernard Thomas,
Wingham; Miss Mary Grant,
Hamilton; Mrs, Arthur Hamil-
ton, Atwood.
Delegates to the 1963
Council are Mrs. Maclnnes,
Mrs. Gordier, Mrs. Stanley
MacPherson of Paris, Mrs. J.
A. Smith, Bear Line; and al-
ternates Miss Mary Grant of
Hamilton, Mrs, J. B. Russell
of Seaforth, Mrs. George Cle-
land, Listowel.
Presbyterial presidents:
Maitland, Mrs. Spier, Brussels;
alt., Mrs. Geo, Sutherland,
Ripley; Huron, Mrs. W.
Bradnock, Auburn; alt., Miss
Belle Campbell, Seaforth;
Stratford, Mrs. W. Carr,
Stratford; alt., Mrs. H, C.
Nickel, Listowel.
Evening Auxiliary confer-
ence at Kingston, Mrs. Rae
Of Atwood; alt., Mrs. A. B.
Dabble of Chippawa.
Training School at Belle-
ville, Mrs. Burnham, Sarnia;
alt., Mrs. Ernest Sholtz, Bear
and Mrs, Robert Powell return-
ed home last Friday after spend-
ing six weeks at Daytona
Beach, Florida,
-Mr. and Mrs, Ross Vogan,
Ronald, Kenneth and Clara of
Stratford, visited on Sunday
with Mrs. J. \'ogan and with
.Rev, and Mrs. W . D. Clark.
--Mr, and Mrs, Gordon
Buchanan arrived home last
Sunday, after spending a
couple of months at Ormond
Beach, Florida.
--Mrs. Ken Townsend and
Anne, and Miss Janet Stephens
of Guelph, visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Elizabeth Keith.
Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Keith of
Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. Len
Bannerman and family of
Greenock, Miss Ann Keith and
Mr. and firs, Terry Nethery
and family of Wingham called
at the same home on Sunday.
Mrs. E. Keith returned to
Guelph with Mrs, Townsend,
' where she will spend a few
days and then go on to Toronto
to visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Keith and family for
-Miss Linda Clark, nurse -
in -training at Galt, spent the
week -end with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs, Percy Clark.
-Mr. and Mrs. James
Deneau held a dinner party at
their home last Thursday eve-
ning, when office staff and
field workers of the local
branch of the Department of
Public Welfare were guests.
VAIN OSCH-At Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital, on Wednesday,
April 3, 1963, to Mr, and Mrs,
Peter Van Osch, R. R, 3, Luck_
now, a daughter.
General Hospital, on Wednes-
day, April 3, 1963, to Mr. and
Mrs, Peter Scheurwater, R. R,
2, Teeswater, a son.
LOWRY-At Wingham General
Hospital, on Thursday, April 4,
1963, to Mr, and Mrs. Murray
Lowry, Bluevale, a son,
RINTOUL - At Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital, on Saturday,
April 6, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs.
William Rintou], Wingham, a
ADAMS At Wingham General
Hospital, on Saturday, April 6,
1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Adams, Wroxeter, a daughter.
MARTIN -At Wingham General
Hospital. on Saturday, April 6,
1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Martin, R. R. 1, Lucknow, a
HANNA -At Wingham General
Hospital, on Sunday, April 7,
1963, to Mr. and Mrs. David
Hanna, Belgrave, a son.
HACKETT-At Wingham Gen-
eral Hospital, on Sunday, April
7. 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Hackett, Lucknow, a daughter.
BROWN -At Wingham General
Hospital, on Sunday, April 7,
1963, to Mr. and Mrs, William
Brown, Wroxeter, a daughter.
NEWMAN-In the General Hos-
pital, Newmarket, on Sunday,
April 7, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs.
James Newman (Marnie Ev-
ans), a daughter, Kimberly
WATSON - At Sarnia General
Hospital on Monday, April 8,
1963, to Mr. and Mrs, Gerald
Watson, (Dorothy Pattison),
of Forest, a son.
Word games are fun for the
entire family -and help the
school-age child improve his
vocabulary and his spelling.
To increase a young child's
facility with numbers, play
games like dominoes, or bingo,
If he's having trouble re-
membering multiplication
tables, make or buy flash cards
Flash cards also are available
to help children learn foreign
languages. As for scientific
kits, games or toys, there are
enough of them on store shelves
to give the kids a good head
start in this scientific age.
Knight -Pollock
On March 14, 1963, Haven
Green Baptist Church, London,
England by Rev, Donald Gold-
ing, Dorothy Margaret Elaine,
daughter of Mrs, Howard C.
Pocock and the late Mr. Po-
cock, to Mr. Bryan William
Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Knight of Kent, Eng-