HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-04-04, Page 15A FATHER AND SON banquet was held
at the Presbyterian Church last Wed-
nesday with about 150 attending. Sup-
per was served by the men. Community
singing, the guest speaker and other en-
tertainment followed. Part of the group
is seen here after the dine -r.
Advance -Times photo,
Music Festival
Program Has
BELGRAVE—The Belgrave
Music Festival Committee met
in the club rooms on Wednes-
day. Election of officers was
as follows: Chairman of Festi-
val Committee, Harvey Mc-
Dowell; vice chairman, Ross
Anderson; secretary, Mrs. Nor-
man Coultes.
Garfield Bender will be the
adjudicator for this year's fes-
tival, to be held on May 9 and
10 in the Foresters' Hall, Bel -
grave and on May 10 in the
evening in the Wingham and
District High School.
Been Arranged
Thursday morning at 9:30
a. m.: Boys 11 years and under;
girls 7 and under; boys 7 and
under; open duet.
Thursday afternoon; girls 9
and under; boys 9 and under;
two part chorus (over 25);
rythm band (over 25).
Friday morning: Girls 11 and
under; boys 14 and under;
changed voices.
Friday afternoon: Rythm
band (under 25); girls,14 and
under; unison chorus (under 25).
Friday evening: Unison
chorus (over 25) double trio;
two-part chorus ,under 25).
The festival has set up the
following set of rules: 1. 600/0
of the pupils to be in each
chorus; 2. A pupil can sing in
only one duet; 3. Each teacher
to conduct her choruses and to
be responsible for her own
pupils at the high school.
The teachers will not be
charged admittance to the fes-
tival but a charge of 250 will
be charged both afternoon and
mornings; 35¢ will be the
charge in the evening.
The Festival Committee
will meet again on April 29th
at 8:30 p.m.
Charles Smith president
Of Township federation
BELGRAVE--A noon luncheor
at the United Church last Wed-
nesday opened the annual rneet
ing of Bast Wawanosh Township
Federation of Agriculture.
Grace was said by Rev, H, J,
Anderson, followed by a toast
"to the Queen proposed by the
president, Oliver Anderson,
who was chairman for the
Elmer Ireland, president of
Huron County Federation, in-
troduced the members present
which included: Mr, and Mrs.
Simon Hallahan, secretary of
the Wawanosh Federation; Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Lovett, president
of Hullett Fed.; Mr, and Mrs.
Stan Hopper, president of
Morris Fed.; Mr. and Mrs. El-
mer Ireland, president of Huron
County Fed.; Mr. and Mrs. Ol-
iver Anderson, president of
Wawanosh Fed.; Reeve. and
Mrs. Ernie Snell of East Wawa -
nosh, Mrs. Ted Fear; Rev, H.
J. Anderson; Archie Purdon;
Walter Elliott; Mr. and Mrs.
Myles St. Marie; Walter Woods,
president of Turnberry Fed.;
E. E, Walker; Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Smith; Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Govier; Mr, and Mrs,
Wilfred Sanderson; Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Hanna; Mr.
William Gow; Mr. and Mrs.
George Johnston; Mr. and Mrs,
Jack Taylor; Robert Henry;
Jack M. Taylor.
Reeve Ernie Snell spoke
briefly at the luncheon.
Ladies of the South Village
Group, who catered, were
thanked by Jack Taylor and
Mrs. Lyle Hopper replied.
After the luncheon the
meeting moved to the club
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rooms of the Community
Centre. Oliver Anderson, in
his remarks, reported that
executive meetings were well
attended, that the county sup-
ported the hog producers and
that the Federation looked
after the Cancer Canvass in
the township.
Elmer Ireland, Huron County
president, brought greetings
from the county and reported
that all 16 townships have had
their annual meetings and are
all organized. He thanked the
Federation for the support of
the hog vote on March 5. He
reported briefly on the Wheat
Board, Bean Marketing Board,
and reported that the Dept. of
Agriculture had taken over the
Beef producers and in the, future
it will be called "Huron County
Beef Improvement Association.
Minutes of the last annual
meeting and treasurers report
were read by the secretary,
Simon Hallahan. A slate of
officers was brought in by Bill
Past president, Oliver Ander-
son; president, Charles Smith;
vice president, Peter de Groot;
secretary, Simon Hallahan.
Directors: Wilfred Sanderson,
William Gow, Ernest Snowden,
Wilfred Walker, J. M. Taylor,
Robert Carter, Myles St, Marie,
Walter Elliot, Tony de Boer,
George Johnston, Earl Calwell,
Robert Henry.
Commodity Group Directors:
County director, Charles Smith;
Poultry Producers, E. Calwell;
Cream Producers, J. R. Taylor;
Hog Producers, Carl Govier,
John Lockhart.
Carl Govier spoke briefly on
"Quality Hog Program" and also
on the resolution passed at
0.H.P, annual meeting in Tor-
onto that "Directors be elected
on a 3 -year term on a rotation-
al basis and no director hold
office for more than two con-
secutive terms.
He then introduced the guest
speaker, Emmerson Crocker of
Middlesex, zone director of the
Ontario Hog Marketing Board,
who gave a thumbnail sketch of
the past year's work of the Hog
Marketing Board and stated
that marketing boards have
come a long way on account of
men taking hard knocks. He
sited two things the board can
do; Cut the cost of production
in sales and increase profit
price $5,00 per hog. He also
reported on the work of his own
county federation (Dorchester
A series of pictures on tele-
type marketing were shown and
explained. He also showed
pictures of the vacation trip to
Western Canada and Alaska.
Robert Henry thanked the'
guest speaker and his wife, who
showed the pictures. The new
president was introduced and
spoke briefly.
Stone School
Euchre Party
BELGRAVE—A euchre party
was held in Stone School on
Friday evening with the pro-
ceeds to go to the building
fund for the Belgrave Arena.
There were eight tables in
play with prizes as follows:
High lady, Mrs. Stan Hop-
per; high man, Mel Mathers;
low lady, Mrs. Ted Fear; low
man, Art Edgar; lone hands,
Neil Edgar, Wilfred Haines.
The next euchre will be held
on Thursday evening April 11.
Weekly Euchre
BELGRAVE--The weekly
euchre was held in the Com-
munity Centre with eight tables
in play,
High lady, Mrs, Herson Ir-
win; high man, Qeorge John-
ston; low lady, Mrs. Clarence
Hanna; low man, Lewis Cook;
novelty lady, Mrs. Lewis Cook;
novelty man, Earl Noble,
Cannibal Cook—Shall lboil
the missionary, boss.
Cannibal Chief—Don't be
silly. That's a friar.
Wingham Advance'.Tirnes, Thursday, April 4, 1963 --- Page
Week -end visitors with Mrs,
Robert Stonehouse were Miss
Anne Stonehouse, her grand-
daughter from Boston, Mass.,
and her son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Stonehouse of London.
At a building committee
meeting for the Belgrave Arena
two decisions were made: To
sell the present building at a
specified price to anyone who
will take it down and remove it
by May 1, aria that Stan Hopper
find out if it would be better
from the practical and finan-
cial standpoint to build a build-
ing 60 feet and a lean-to, or a
70 foot complete building.
Mrs. Harvey Webb spent a
few days with her daughters,
Mrs. Dan Rose at Newmarket
and Mrs, David Gilmour in
Mrs, Wm, A. Humphrey is a
patient in Victoria Hospital,
Lohdon. Mr, Humphrey spent
a few days in the city,
Seven tables were in play at
the W. I, shoot party. Top
Winners were Mrs, Charles Mc-
Donald, Pharis Mathers, Donald
Murray and Mrs. Victor Erring-
A large crowd attended the
Irish program and dance in the
hall on Friday evening.
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