The Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-04-04, Page 4FOR SALE SHOP BENNETT'S 5e to $1.00 STORE FIRST. Just Arrived: Ladies' Spring Bats, priced at $3.98 and $3.29: also Children's Spring Hats at $2.98. Artifi. cial Easter 'willies priced at 19e and 69c. 4rrb MASSEY 3-4 Furrow pull plow for sale. Goldthorpe, 4th of Turnberry. Phone Wroxeter 813811. 4* AFRICAN VIOLETS for sale. Large plants in full bloom. Mrs. G. Allen, phone 357-1094. 4b GIRL'S BICYCLE for sale. Two spring coats, one grey, size 16. one beige, size 1,4, dry cleaned. Phone 357-3736. 4b FOR SALE -10 in. Beaver band saw, like new, reasonable. Phone 3574623, after 6 p.m. 28* ALL WOOL SUIT, size 20 for sale. Fuschia color. Worn twice, All wove spring coat, size 18, peach color. Both prie. ed reasonably. Contact 802R4. Wroxeter, 4* BABY CARRIAGE for sale. Phone 357-2823. 4* LARGE SELECTION of Easter baskets priced from 19c to 89c at BENNETT'S 5c to $1.00 Store. 4b GIRL'S LITTLE Nugget coat for sale. Navy trimmed with white, size 4. Phone 357-3769, Wingham. 4* ELECTROLUX Sales & Service. H. MeDermitt, phone 59R31, Fordwlch. 4rrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED - Modern equipment used, All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R.R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6. Brussels. A4-010* SEED FOR SALE -Govern- ment graded No. 1 per bus.: Ontario grown alfalfa, 333.00; Red Clover $24.00; Sweet Clov- er, white or yellow, 314,00; Al- sike Clover, 316.00. Per pound Timothy, $20c; Certified Cli- max Timothy, 43c; Birdsfoot Trefoil, 70c. We carry a com- plete line of clovers and grasses for all hay and pas- ture. Purchases mixed free right on the job. Seed grain of all varieties. Seed cleaning over our special machinery by appointment. ROY CRAMM & SON, Seed Merchants, Pin- kerton, dial Cargill 366-2494. 4:11:18b 350 BALES of clean straw for sale. Roy Pattison, phone 357-3479. 4b 1959 MOBILE HOME for sale. 32x10 wide. Two bedrooms and all conveniences. In A-1 condition inside and out. Will sell cheap for quick sale. Ap- ply to Wm. Hanna, Blyth, Ont. 4:11* METAL single bed and spring for sale. In good condition. Phone 357-2447. 4b FOR SALE -- Belgrave arena will be asking bids for the old arena. Purchaser to take down and remove by May lst, Bids to be sent to C. W. Han. na, chairman of Building Committee, Belgrave. 4b DOUBLE SLEEPING bag for sale. 48 inches wide, 72 inch. es long. Ideal for a station wagon. Good condition. Rea- sonable. Phone 357-1482. 4:11b FREE -Send for your free list of Hardy Garden Chrysanthe- mums to Clinton Greenhouse and Garden Centre, Box 212, 182 Church St., Clinton, Ont. 4:18b SPECIAL- 310.95 Hydro Safety Shoes, leather or cork sole. Approved by Workmen's Corn- pensaton. Guaranteed by Hayes Family Clothing Store. F28rrb TRUCK FOR SALE 1959 HALF TON truck box for sale, with fenders. In excel- lent condition. Custom-built canvas canopy and metal supports to fit most half -ton truck boxes. Will be sold separately or together. Can be seen at R. A. Currie & Sons Furniture. 4b CARS FOR SALE 1957 METEOR Rideau 500 two - door hardtop. V-8, automatic, radio, two-tone finish. In good condition. Price $650. This car belongs to the estate of the late Sidney Gardner. Contact Wm. G. Hunter, ex- ecutor, Lucknow, Ont., R.R, 3. Phone Dungannon 6981. 4:111, 1958 CHEV for sale. Low mile- age. Good condition. Phone 357-3865. 4rrb TAXI SERVICE---� FOR ALL OCCASIONS Call Lee's Taxi, ter long or short trips. Dial 357-1521. rrb FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMEN LOVE AVON YOU will love the pleasant way to fine earnings as Avon Re- presentative. Rural territories available. 'Write Mrs. M. Millson, 960 Wellington Road S., Lond- don, Ontario or call collect 4324019. 4b LADIES to do phone canvassing from own home. Average income of 325.00 per week, For personal interview call Lon- don 451-2471 after 6 p.m. Mr. Devine. 4:11* HELP WANTED -- MALE ATTENTION -- Reliable man needed to sell nationally ad- vertised home and farm ne- cessities in nearby rural locali- ty, Permanent. No invest- ment. Training provided, For interview write, giving age and experience to Ray Ser- combe, 129 John St., Apt. 11, London, Ont. 28-4.11b TEACHERS WANTED TURNBERRY SCHOOL AREA invites applicationes for exper- ienced or student teachers. Applicants to state qualifica- tions, experience, and salary expected, and name of present inspector. Applications will be received until noon, April 9, 1963, by Alex. Corrigan, secre- tary -treasurer, R. R. 1, Blue-. vale. 28-4b APPPLICATIONS WANTED TURNBERRY T. S. A. BOARD are calling for applications for a bus operator. Duties to begin May lst, 1963, Please state salary expected and ex- perience, if any. Applications to be received until noon April 9th, 1963. Alex. Corrigan, Secretary -treasurer, R, R. 1, Bluevale. 28-4b PERSONAL BROOKHAVEN Nursing Home has vacancies for elderly peo- ple and convalescents, with full nursing care. Phone 357- 3430. M7 -M28* LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 10 YORK PIGS, 8 weeks old. William R. Taylor, R.R. 1, Wroxeter, 4* 357-2804. 4b SIX YORK PIGS for sale, 8 weeks old, weaned. Apply Noah S. Eyler, Wroxeter. 4b TWO OPEN Holstein heifers and one Holstein heifer due soon, for sale. Bruce Darling phone 367-2457, Mildmay. 4b NUMBER of registered Here- ford bulls for sale. Of service. able age. Glenn Golley, R.R. 4, Wingham. 4b FOR SALE -Holstein heifer, bred Angus, due May. Two yearling heifers, Holstein and Shorthorn. Ted Fear, R.R. 5, Brussels, phone 372J13, Brus- sels. 4* WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT-3.bed- room house in Wingham. Phone 357.3060. 4* GRASS wanted for 20 steers, 600 lbs. Scott McLennan, phone 344W9, Brussels. 4:11* FOR RENT AVAILABLE to business couple, three rooms and bath. Private entrance, Central to business section and residential. Phone 357-2804. 28b THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, Dun- gannon; Vice -Pres., Herson Ir- win, Belgrave; Directors -Paul Caesar, R. R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross McPhee, R. R. 3, Auburn; Donald P. MacKay, R. R. 1, Rip.. Iey; John F, MacLennan, R. R. 3, Goderich; Allan Maclntyre, R. R. 5, Lucknow; William Wig_ gins, R, R, 3, Auburn. For information on your in- surance, call your nearest dir- ector who is also an agent, or the secretary, Frank F. Thomp- son, Dungannon, phone Dun- gannon 48, S12/62 HAIR DRESSING ELLIOTT'; I3eauty Lounge, Main Street, Wingham, Dial 357-2981. N29rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SAT.F 2 -STOREY red brick, 3 -bedroom dwelling, good condition in- side and out. Fully modern and newly decorated, good lo- cation. Large lot with a frontage of 300 ft. Several building lots may be sold. An exceptionally good investment. Must be sold immediately. FULLY MODERN 11• storey brick home with 3 large bed- rooms, 4.piece bath up, 2 -piece down; modern kitchen, large living room, paved drive, close to schools and shopping in an excellent location. Terms. REASONABLY priced 5 -room house, one block from main street. New closed.in veran- da, good lot. This is an ex- ceptional buy as owner has bought a business out of town. 95 -ACRE FARM on highway close to village. House has furnace, built-in cupboards, bath, drilled well, water on pressure, hydro, Large barn with steel roof. 70 acres work- able, clay loam. Full price 38500.00. For all your Real Estate re- quirements contact: WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker Phone 357-2174 Wingham 4b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ONE AND A HALF Storey 7 - room brick veneer home with 2 -piece bath, 3 bedrooms, sol. id foundation, full basement, oil -fired furnace and gcod as- phalt roof. Lot size 132'x53' and well located in Wingham. Priced reasonably. ONE STOREY Brick, 5.room completely modern home with 4 -piece bath, full basement (dry). Well landscaped lawn, good sized lot, good location close to Wingham Hospital. Valuable equipment to remain. Reasonably priced at 312,500. ONE STOREY Brick veneer 6- room country home, 3 miles from town on main highway. Three bedrooms. Completely modern, with garage attached. Good water supply on pres- sure. One acre lot with good lawn. Priced to sell at 37,500 with very good terms avail- able. 218 ACRE FARM, 170 acres workable. Very good farm and located on highway between Lucknow and Wingham, Two large bank barns, corn crib and silo. Good water supply. Also on property a 114: storey 10 -room brick veneer house and two garages, Very short lane. Asking $18,000. Terms available. 100 ACRE FARM, 83 acres workable, balance hardwood and softwood bush. Clay loam soil, good water supply from drilled well on pressure sys- tem throughout. Bank barn 60'x50' with addition 40'x20'. Wood and concrete stabling, litter carrier, concrete silo, 35'x12' and shed 20'x15'. Also a 14 storey 7 -room insul-brick sided home on property, 2. piece bath and all roofing in good shape. Very low priced at only 310,500. Good terms available at low interest rate. Located only two miles from town. Owner will also trade on larger farm which is his only reason for selling. 100 ACRE FARM 3 miles east of Lucknow, just off the main highway. 70 acres workable, balance hard and soft wood bush. Never -failing spring creek and dug well enclosed. Good clay loam soil all in sod except 4 acres. Good bank barn 84'x36' in good condition with litter carrier track. Im- plement shed and hen house with loft above of stone con- struction. Alt roofs in very good condition. New steel roof on barn. 1x0• storey 7- rm, frame asphalt -sided home with basement summer kit- chen and woodshed in excel- lent shape. This property must be sold. Asking $9,000 cash, Possession immediate, More Farms, Homes, Businesses, Lots and Resorts for sale, Contact: FRANK S. CASKANETTE Dial 357-1702 or Box 167 Wingham, Ont. Agent for WILFRED 1VIcINTEE realtor, Walkerton, Ont. INCOME TAX RETURNS S. J. PYMM TAX CONSULTANT P.O. Box 74, LUCKNOW, Ont. Public Accountant since 1944 J24eowA25* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE GOOD 6q-AeRE grass farm for sale. Year round water sup- pIy. Phone 357-3697. 41a 3 -BEDROOM HOUSE for sate. Large living room, lots of zup- board and closet space, oil heated. Corner lot, close to schools and hospital. Apply to Box 141, Advance -Times. 4:11:18* GOOD 15x16 foot building for sale, Could be used for office or cottage. Inside finished with birdseye maple wall pan- elling, aluminum storm win. dows, tile floor, wired. Can be purchased reasonably and easily moved to new location. Cali 357-2050, 4b AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of farm stock, implements, hay and house- hold effects will be held on Sat- urday, April 6th at 1.30 at Mrs. A. Cerson's, near fair grounds, Teeswater. Terms cash. Mrs, A. Cerson, proprietor; L . G. Bryce, auctioneer, 4b ESTATE AUCTION SALE will be held at Lot 11, 12, Con. 12, Turnberry, 1 mile east of No. 4 Highway, Wednesday, Ap- ril 70th at 1 o'clock sharp for the estate of the late Wm. J. Elliott. Offerings will include 5 trucks, 3 tractors, one equip- ped with a backhoe and blade. Full line of implements, tools and household effects. Also house. Terms, chattels cash. L. G. Bryce, auctioneer, 4b ESTATE AUCTION SALE of FARM AND FARM MACH- INERY .at LOT 11, CON. 6, MORRIS TWP. Five miles west of Brussels: on MONDAY, APRIL ISth at 1 pan. MACHINERY- 1950 Massey - Harris 44 Tractor; Heat Houser, 1 year old; McKee Harvester; wagon with hay box; Interna- tional side rake; New Idea pow- er mower; spring tooth Massey Cultivator; 13 -run Massey fer- tilizer drill; International one- way disc; Massey -Ferguson ma- nure spreader, 1959; Massey 3 - furrow plow; land roller, electric oat roller, motor, 1960; grain grinder (tractor); 1952 Dodge pick-up truck; truck tarpaulin; tarpaulin, walking plow, scuff - ler, harrows, extension ladder, 2 McKee water bowls, 1 double, 1 single; 2 wheel trailer and rack, approx. 200 feet of plastic hose, scales, fanning mill, 2 pig feed- ers, 2 pig troughs, wheelbarrow, stone boat, 3 electric fencers, colony house, stackless oil broo- der, 3 years old; chicken shel- ters, poultry fence, steel posts, barbed wire, quantity of mixed grain, small amount of furniture Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS -Chattels CASH FARM -150 acres clay loam land, well drained. 11/2 storey 7. room brick house with all mod. ern conveniences. Large L. shaped bank barn, good cement stabling. Steel implement shed. Hen house and car garage; drilled well. Immediate possession. Terms on property: 10 per cent down; balance in 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. Proprietor, Estate of the late George C. Martin. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell. 4:116 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELVIN ROY OAKLEY. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Wroxeter, in the County of Hu- ron, Machine Operator, who died on the 8th day of March, A.D. 1963, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of Ap- ril, 1963. After that date the Adminis- tratrix will proceed to distrib- ute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 1st day of April, A.D. 1963. Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrix 4:11:18b William S. Reed REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER For prompt service in buying or selling all real estate properties FARMS - HOMES BUSINESSES Dial Wingham 357.2174 Jy3lrrb IIIORTGAGE SALE OF VALU- UABLE FARM PROPERTY UNDER and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produc- ed at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Friday, the 19th day of April, 1963, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the office of Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Wrox. eter, Ontario, by Mr, L, G. Bryce auctioneer, the following pro- perty, namely: "ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Turn - berry in the County of Huron, and being composed of all of Lot 14 in the "C" Concession of the said Township of Turnber. ry, saving and excepting there- from the east 17 feet thereof, conveyed to the Corporation of the County of Huron for High. way purposes and the South half of Lot 13 in the "C" Con. cession of the said Township, saving and excepting therefrom the East 17 feet thereof, con- veyed to the County of Huron for Highway purposes." On the property is said to be situate a red brick two-storey, seven room house, a one -storey house, 40'x20' of cement block construction, both houses con- taining modern conveniences, and a frame barn, with stone foundation, size approximately 86'x60'. There is a drilled well on the property. This farm is well situated on the Wroxeter- Belmore gravel road, about three miles from Wroxeter and three miles from Belmore, ak miles from the school. TERMS: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, and the ba - ance within thirty days then . after. Further particulars ar d conditions of sale will be ma le known on the date of sale, The property will be offered subject to reserve bid. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, the 27th day of March, A.D. 1963. Crawford & Hetherington Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Mortgagee L. G. Bryce, Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DAVID BERT - RAM PORTER, late of the Town of Wingham in the Coun- ty of Huron, Manufacturer, De- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- EN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and oth- ers having claims against the Estate of the late David Bert- ram Porter, are require.d to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Executrix of the said Estate, an or before the 25th day of April, A.D. 1963, and that after such date the Execu- trix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have no- tice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 2nd day of April, AD, 1963. J. T. GOODALL, WINGHAM, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix 4:11:18b IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN WEIR. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Hu. ron, Gentleman, who died on the twenty-second day of March, 1963, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of April, 1963. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then .have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 1st day of April, A.D. 1963. Crawford & Hetherington Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 4:11:18b IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGARET ;ESTATE late of the Township I of Howick in the County of Hu- ron, Widow, deceased. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GEV_ EN pursuant to the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the late Margaret Ann Jew- itt, are required to send par- ticulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Executor of the said Estate, ort or before the 25th day of April, A.D„ 1963, and that after Such date the Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said Es. tate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario this 2nd day of April, A.D. 1963. r. T, GOODALL,. WINGHAM, Ontario, Solleitor for the Executor: 4:11:18b Page 4 ,•- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, April 4, 1903 CARDS OF THANKS I wish to sincerely thank friends and neighbors for their kindness to me while I was a patient in the Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. J. H. Anderson, Rev. G. C. Mit- elicit, Dr. Corrin, Dr. Kiahsen and the nursing staff. Marg. aret Curtis. 4* I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for cards and treats while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital and since re- turning home. Also those who visited me. Special thanks to Dr. Cole of London and the nurses of fifth floor; also Dr. CarrIn of Wingham.- Harold Townsend, 4* I wish to thank those who sent me cards and visited me while in Wingham Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. McKib- bon and the nurses on third floor, and to the neighbors who did the work at home, ---Albert Paterson. 4* I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy extend- ed to me during my recent be. reavement. Mrs. Aileen Peebles. We wout'i like to sincerely thank all those who sent mes- sages of sympathy and floral tributes at the time of oar re. cent bereavement. Harold and Fern Pollock and fancily. 4b HOY -In loving memory or Mrs. Lois Eleanor Hoy, vrilo°x"k passed away so suddenly one year ago April 7th, 1962. Wo little knew when we woke that morn, The sorrow the day would bring, The call was sudden, the shock severe , To part with one we loved so,. dear, Sometimes it's hard to under- stand Why some things have to be, But in His wisdom God has planned Beyond our power to see. God gave us strength to fight it, And courage to bear the blow, But what it meant to lose you Noa one will know Happy, smilieverng, always, content, Loved and respected wherever she went, Always helpful, willing and kind, What a beautiful memory she left behind, -Lovingly remembered and sadly missed. Mother, Dad, Frances, Raymond and Lynn. 4* SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE JOSEPHINE & VICTORIA STS., WINGHAM ESTABLISHED GALLONAGE Dealer Training Available Apply to J. G. ARMSTRONG c/o Supertest Petroleum Corp. Ltd. Hanover, Ont. . Phone Hanover 1242 iIMIIIaRI"I.uIRIIIMIaIlRR. 11111` y/alter Jerry PAUL S. STARR REAL fSTATEcoItu. WE SELL RURAL ONTARIO icUete Cato Ye 40,1 WINGHAM, ONT. - Phone 357-3840 AGENT -- GERALD (Jerry) WALTER ORANGEV1LLE Ph. 941.2730, 40 Broadway TORONTO Phone EM. 4.2488 r GUELPH TA.45054, 85 MucDonnell St. HANOVER Phone 870, 208 Mehl St. HAMILTON Phone MU. 94431 CHESLEY c/o Donald Fortuna Phone 654R14, R. R. 1 FLESHERTON Cor. Hwy,. 4 R 10, Ph. 110 BRAMPTON GL. 1-1510, 2426 Queen St. TORONTO BU. 6.3643 TEESWATER c/o J. Everett Pennington Phone 392.6064, R, R, 2 OWEN SOUND FR. 6-3464, 1030 2nd Ave. E. "WE OFFER OUR SERVICES" A staff of 34 bonded salesmen in 7 Ontario offices 310,000 IS THE FULL 'ASKING PRICE for this. adorable modernized 4 -bedroom home, Located only a short dis• tance from the main street of Wingham. This well decor- ated home consists of a bright 3 -piece bath and four cheer- ful, sunny bedrooms, all with tiled flooring, The kitchen is a woman's dream, with loads of built-in cupboards. The dining room and living room combined gives a relaxing view of the landseaped lawn. This home boasts of many other important features including full basement, forced air oil furnace, second one-piece bath, awnings. garage and hundreds of dollars' worth of costly extras. If you are in the market for a truly fine home in Wingham, don't delay, see it today. No. 3-326. EYE CATCHING Stock Farm 322,500 is the full price of one of Huron County's lived- in and loved 175 acre beef farms. Located on Highway 86, Only a short distance from a thriving, friendly town. 150 acres of highly productive crop -land and the balance in hard and softwood timber bush with maple syrup equipment for 500 trees. The modernized home and superb set of other farm buildings makes this farm the object of conversation a pride, offered at a very reasonable down payment with generous terms, No. 2-517. HERE'S A GREAT BARGAIN in a snug one -year-old 3-bednoom bungalow for the low price of only 38,000.00. Located only a short distance from the main street of Lucknow. This up-to-date home consists of a modern 3, -piece bath, and 3 cheerful bedrooms. The outstanding kitchen has the look of tomorrow with more than enough built-in cupboards, A large TV living room, full basement, hot air oil furnace and many more costly extras. All this can be yours with very low down payment and easy terms. No. 3-431. PROPERTY WANTED RECENTLY married couple now living in an apartment has instructed us to locate a building lot in Wingham. ELDERLY couple would like to purchase a 2 or 3 bedroo bungalow within two or three blocks from the main street of Wingham. Price range $7000 to 39000. SINCERE gentleman from London district would like to purchase a 150-250 acre farm in the Wingham, Teeswater district. Would like possession within two months. MEMBER OF GREY;BRUCE REAL ESTATE BOARD Ask One of our Agents how you can list your property as a Multiple Listing