HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-03-21, Page 12Page 4 -- Wingham Advance-Ttmes, Thursday, March 21, 1963 BLU VALE Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston and Mrs. Neil McGavin visited in Lambeth on Saturday with Mrs. Edward Johnston, Mrs. Mabel Harris and Barry. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Street, Linda, Julie and Stephen of Listowel, visited Mrs. M. L. Aitken on Sunday. Miss Mary Lillow is a pa- tient in Wingham District Hos- pital.. Victoria and Grey Trust Company Guaranteed Investment Certificates A Short Term Investment —3 to 5 year terms —In amounts from $100 up —Authorized Investment for Trust Funds —Unconditionally Guaranteed —Principal does not fluctuate Lnterest is payable half -yearly by cheque, or you may have the interest deposited to your savings account, or you may leave the interest to accumulate until the principal is due. Victoria and Grey Trust Company OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO News of Wroxeter Mr., and Mrs, Richard In- gram had as their guests on Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon In -- •gram and family, Stratford. Ross Toman's were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Sage, Listowel. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Eaton and Miss Aileen of Seaforth spent a day last week with Mrs. Alonzo Sparling. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Han spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill hart and family, Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. George Gibson, Murray and Glenis, were in Port Elgin on Saturday, where they visited Mrs. J. D. McGil- vary. Friends here will be sorry to learn Mr. McGilvary is a pa- tient in Southampton Hospital. We wish him a speedy return to good health. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Karn and family were visitors in Kitch- ener on Sunday with former friends and neighbours. Mrs. E. Hoffman has dispos- ed of her house to Mrs. Thos. Bonnett and little son, who will take up residence there shortly. The house was previously oc- cupied by Mr. Lide Jacklin. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Town- send and family, accompanied by Mrs. Harold Townsend, visit ed Mr. Harold Townsend, a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Sunday, We are pleas- ed to hear he is improving satisfactorily. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Wilfred Brown and family in 'their recent sudden loss of a loving wife and mother. The community was greatly sadden- ed addened by the news. Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Hart, Brussels, visited at the home of Mr. John Hupfer one evening last week. Mrs. Vernon Hupfer is at present supply teaching at Turn - berry Central School, while the teacher is ill. Miss Joy Longstaff attended the Mutual Fire Underwriters' convention at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last Tuesday and Wednesday. Messers Jack Wilson, Fordwicl', James Wylie, Leslie Douglas and Ewart Mc- Kercher attended till Thursday evening and Mr. Howard Wy- lie remained for a week. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Wilson and Dale of Port Rowan visited Mrs. Wilson's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffman, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Doig and Gary, St. Jacob's, spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doig. WE SERVICE TIRES ON ALL HEAVY EQUIPMENT PROMPT ROAD SERVICE ON CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS, MACHINERY Avoid costly holdups due to tire troubles by calling Brophy Bros. to service and check the tires on all your equipment. All tire troubles handled quickly and expertly. PROMPT ROAD SERVICE. BROPHY BROS. WINGHAM TIRE SERVICE TIRES SOLD AND SERVICED BIG OR SMALL John Street WINGHAM Ph. 357-3712 DISTRICT SPEAKER SAYS WI Has Helped Educate Women in Many Fields BLUEVALE--Mrs. George Hetherington presided at the meeting of the Bluevale Wo- men's Institute at the home of Mrs. Alan Nicholson on March 13th, when Mrs. G. C, Mit- chell was convener of the pro- gram on agriculture. The roll call was "Name a Canadian wild flower". Mrs. W. J. Peacock read the minutes and the financial report, also letters of appreciation from those who had received Valen- tine boxes. The annual meeting of East Huron District at Walton on May 23rd was announced, also a conference for all branch and district secretaries at Guelph in June. Mrs. Norman MacMurchy of Molesworth, East Huron District president, addressed the mem- bers, touching on topics relat- ed to agriculture and to Wo- men's Institutes. The Women's Trade Crusade aims to secure the support of women in buying goods made in Canada, to boost our economy and provide employment. Mrs. MacMurchy showed how Women's Institutes have educated women in many fields and given them self con- fidence in speaking and plan- ning. There is a need for in- teresting younger women in the work of the organization. Mrs. Mitchell thanked the speaker and presented her with a gift. Mrs. Bernard Thomas gave current events in agriculture, mentioning the seed fair at .M.M in."..f1Ne,MfeY.M.1..lOf6041V.0.MtiM..1.001,<0.•O.,d1,1Y1i:0I®,Iili...11...M._,.Ol.s.•s..11•.... SPRINGTIME BARGAINS IN CLEAN 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 CHRYSLER 4 -door Sedan steering and power brakes; DODGE 4 -door Sedan, one DODGE 4 -door Sedan, V-8 DODGE 4 -door Sedan, with very low mileage; power in new car condition. owner car in tip-top condition. motor, automatic, radio. DODGE 4 -door Sedan, V-8 motor, automatic transmission and radio. USED TRUCKS 195' DODGE TRUCK with dump body. 1956 FORD '/z -ton Pick-up. 1955 MERCURY Tractor - Trailer. Len Crawford Motors Your Dodge, Plymouth, Chrysler, Valiant Phone 357-3862 Dealer Wingham .�..11s..Sn�•Il..1�f....es1...1.rs1N,.1,.�..�,.�1NNs1H..l,b.....,a.. .ten..�L.......1.0�..1�.,.i....Y.u...a.ksn...+N...ws..r..�1,a�1..w..i Wingham, the work of farm organizations and folk schools in different parts of the prov ince, especially the all Indian folk school in Grey County. Miss Betty Hetherington gave the address on Inter provincial Interchange of Students, which won her third place of 16 con- testants at the recent public speaking contest in Wingham. She was warmly applauded. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. M. McFar- lane, Mrs. Charles Mathers and Mrs. Clifford Brewer. St. Anne's Guild At Jordan Home FORDWICH--St. Anne's Guild met at the home of Mrs. Beatrice Jordan, on March 14th, for the monthly meeting, which opened with a hymn followed by the Lord's prayer. A chap- ter from the study book, "Nails", and the Scripture lesson, were read by Mrs. Alma Hargrave. The president, Mrs. Jean Sothern, welcomed the mem- bers and guests. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Roll call, a verse with " Lent" , was answer- ed by 17 members. It was de- cided to try and have a guest speaker for the next meeting on April 18th. After a short business dis- cussion, Mrs. Donna King read a story, "The Lonely Christ", The members discussed the renovation of the church base- ment. The president, Mrs. Jean Sothern, read a short and amus- ing story, "Only a Mother Could Love Four Kids" The president closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Ruby Forster conducted a very interesting contest for the mem- bers, followed by a rural route letter, read by Mrs. Lynn Bun- ker. Lunch was served by the hos- tess, assisted by Miss Louise Matthews. Euchre Winners WROXETER--A large crowd attended the bi-monthly euchre sponsored by the Wroxeter W.I. with prize winners as follows: Ladies' 1st, Mrs. Carl Dins- more; 2nd, Mrs. Wm. Taylor; gents' lst, Ted Smith; 2nd, Jas. Doig; special bingo, Mr. NetY,Wingham; her g those wear- ing n green,Mrs. Harvey M Reidt and Wes. Underwood. Ten tables were in play and a good time was had by all, Come out and enjoy an eve- ning with your friends and neighbours, g s, Members Play Korean Game WRQXETER*-The March meeting of the Messengers opened with all members par- ticipating in a Korean game called " Toss". Lance Gibson, president, gave the eall to worship, The Scripture reading was given by Doreen Riley and Jean Adams followed with prayer. Birthday pennies were presented, while all sang, "Hear the Pennies Dropping" The roll call was answered by naming a book of the New Testament. A contest was conducted from the word "Shamrock". Tim Wylie and Murray Sinna- mon received the offering which was dedicated. The story from "Sun Hee and the Street Boy" was told by Mrs. Lyle Hart. A musical selection was played by Jean Adams. Announcement was made regarding the April meeting, which is to be held April 18, when all the members' mothers are invited. A film will also be shown, The World Friends were distributed and the meet- ing closed with the benediction. Mrs. A. Johnson, Howick Native FORDWICH--Mrs. Albert Johnson, who had been ill for several months, died at Huron - view Home, Clinton, on Thurs- day, March 7. She was the former Agnes White and was born in Howick Township in November, 1876. She was married in 1898. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Johnson and Mrs. Jeannette Lindsay of Toronto, and two sons Glenn and Sam, both of Howick. There are three grandchildren and one great-grandchild, Funeral was on Saturday from the Moir funeral home. Rev. A. C. Coles officiated. Pallbearers were William Campbell, Aaron Dickert, Jack Douglas, Alex Donaldson, Rus- sel Nichol and Walter Harri- field. FOR A BETTER CROP .. PLANT CCS -OP SEED * Ontario Adapted * High Germination * True Variety * Properly Cleaned * Reasonably Priced YOU'LL, FIND CQ -OP QUALITY CO.OP BAGS REI CLOVER COOP rrurvtsi mNNMI 41i SEEPS SI WWI 2 PACKED IN BELGRAVE CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION BELGRAVE, ONTARIO PHONE — WINGHAM 357-2711 COOP SAVE MONEY By Prepaying /WINGING HAM .\`!� IM , * W T4�/•.1i , r INCORPOR4Y EP /1 TOWN OF WINGHAM 1963 TAXES TAXPAYERS MAY MAKE PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF 1963 TAXES UP TO 80 PERCENT OF 1962 TAXES. Interest at the rate of 3% will be allowed on payments made in March. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treas• urer's office, Town Hall. WILLIAM RENWICK, Treasurer, Town of Wingham. 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