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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-03-07, Page 11
CGIT Takes Part In U.C.W. Meeting GORRIE—The United Church Women met in the church on Wednesday evening. The open- ing worship service was taken by C.G.I. T. members, Jane Powell, Susan Hamilton and Lin- da Latronica with Lynda Johnston at the piano. Sheila Burrell and Linda Latronica received the of- fering. Mrs. Gerald Galbraith led a round table discussion on the activities of Sunday School classes, C.G.I. T., Baby Band and Messengers. Mrs. Earle King, vice-presi- dent, conducted the business. A quilting in the church will be held on March 27, when several quilts will be made for the over- seas bale. The Presbyterial will beheld at North St. United Church, Goderich on March 21. Mrs. Fred W. Taylor sang a solo, "Open My Eyes that I May See", Three Leaders Conduct Service GORRIE—St. Stephen's Anglican Church was almost filled for the World Day of Prayer service on Friday after- noon. The ladies of the Pres- byterian Church were present. Leaders were Mrs. Gordon Underwood, Anglican, Mrs. Glad Edgar, United Church and Mrs. David Neilson, Presbyter- ian. Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart of Molesworth Presbyterian Church gave the address, speaking on the theme, "More than Con- querors". Gorrie Personals Mr. and Mrs, W. Richmond of Plattsville and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown of Beamsville visited at the Whitfield home and with Mr. James Douglas on Wednesday. Prize winners at the Women's Institute euchre on Tuesday of last week were Mrs, Burns Ste- wart and Mrs. Leon Snyder for the ladies and George Hamil- ton and Roy Strong for the gentlemen. March is Red Cross month and Red Cross volunteer can- vassers will be calling on you to assist the Red Cross to carry on the peace -time work in our own country and to help in all the many disasters throughout 'the world. Rev. C. F. Johnston of Wing - ham will be at St. Stephen's Church for service of Holy Communion next Sunday, March 10th at 11:30 a. m. The postponed meeting of the W.A. of St. Stephen's Church was held on Monday, February 25th. Mrs. (;, Under wood presided. Mrs. John Dinsmore read the Scripture. Correspondence was read and plans completed for the St. Patrick's bazaar and hot dinner. Mr. and Mrs. lierb. Steven- son, Listowel, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hurst, Miss Muriel Herrington, Col- lingwood, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Warner. Mrs. Thos. Warner, John and suzanne returned home after spending three weeks at Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Warner, Hamilton, visi- ted at the same home -and Su- zanne accompanied them home for a visit, Mr. and Mrs. Blair McIn- tosh, Kathy and Brian of Lis- towel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hyndman. Mr. Alex, Smith is taking a short course in mechanics at Weston. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King were in London on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Robertson and Lynn, Teeswater, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glad Edgar. Mrs. Mabel Stewart, Miss Emma Irwin and Mrs. Hanna Casemore visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor of Wrox- eter on Friday. Visitors with Mrs. Mabel Stewart last week were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mar- tin and Mrs. Alvin McDonald of Brussels and Rev. and Mrs. Urn Stewart of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nether- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Match '1, 1963 -= Page 3 r a. 0 Yourau insuran Then you can save even more money at Allstate, Where overall premium rates are still the same If your auto insurance premium has gone up, there's just one more reason why you ought to look into Allstate's low rates. Chances are you can save good money and get top quality protection in the bar- gain. 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Insured motorists avoid $20 penalty Unless you carry auto liability insur- ance, the Ontario Government requires you to pay a $20 penalty at registra- tion. A stiff price to pay . . . when quality protection is so readily avail- able. For a few dollars more you can avoid this costly penalty. Act now! May we help you? CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! I would like more information about Allstate Insurance. NAMF AGF I understand I am under no obligation. Number of female drivers under 25 % of use ADDRESS PHONF Number of male drivers under 25 % of use (P.O. Box, Rural Route or Street Address) Give number and dates of accidents In last 4 years in which your car damaged property or injured someone TOWN PROVINCE Employer Position Married Number of Children Car Name Year Body Model Name No. Series Cylinders Date purt.nased Cost New Used Is Car Used Driven Distance in Business? to Work? to Work? Estimated mileage next 12 months How long have you continuously owned an automobile? How long have you How many drivers held a driver's license? in your household? You're in good hands with Has your license ever been suspended? Has your Insurance ever been cancelled or refused? Are you now insured? Date it expires For Information on other types of protection, check below: ❑ Home Protector Insurance 0 Sickness, Accident and Medical Insurance ❑ Life Insurance 0 Boatowners Insurance Mail to: Allstate Insurance Companies Head Office, 790 Bay Street, Toronto 2, Ontario 9351 ALLSTATE AUTO INSURANCE Canada's largest auto insurance company 11 W.I, Euchre BLUEVALE—The Women's Institute held a dessert euchre ,in the community hall on Tues• day afternoon when the games and refreshments were enjoyed, though the attendance was not large. Prize winners were: high score, Mrs. Bert Garniss and Mrs. James Elston; conso- lation, Mrs. George Hethering- ton and Mrs. Harry Elliott. cots and Bruce of Listowel visi- ted Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger. Mr. Bruce Grainger, London, and Miss Ruth Grainger, Stratford, spent a few days at the same home. Mr. George Gregg of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thornton. Mr. Paul Galbraith, Water- loo, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gall- away, Mary Lou and Guy of Galt, Mr, and Mrs. Allan Underwood, Debbie and Kathy of Uxbridge, Mr. Jack Under- wood, Galt, attended the funeral of Mr. Wilbert Galla- way on Tuesday. Miss Sarah Ann Kramer left Friday for her home in Dela- ware, visiting relatives at Mids- field, Ohio, enroute. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stewart spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, Oak- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart, Douglas and Dale, Oakville, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Newton and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tel- hus, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Graham Telehus. BACKACHE? .,not me! For relief from backache or that tired -out feeling 1 depend on— Day of Prayer In Knox Church BLUEVALE—In Knox Presby- terian Church, the World Day of Prayer was observed on Fri- day, with members of the Presbyterian and United Churches attending. Mrs. Ber- nard Thomas, of the Presbyter- ian Church, and Mrs. Bert Garniss, of the United Church, conducted the program. Mrs. G. C, Mitchell gave the address. She spoke of the need of prayer and the signi- ficance of the occasion when women from many countries unite in, the round -the -world fellowship in prayer. Mrs. Bill Robertson sang, "Sweet Hour of Prayer", with accompaniment by Mrs. Nora Moffat. Prayers were given by Mrs. R. J. McMurray, Mrs. Jack Wickstead, Mrs. Ross Mann, Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mrs. Harvey Edgar and Mrs. Burns Moffatt. Mrs. Gray Reads Mission Story BLUEVALE—The Explorers met with a very good attend- ance in Knox Presbyterian Church. Gordon McMurray presided and the meeting was opened with the Explorer's motto. The roll call was answered by naming a book of the New Testament. Neil Campbell took up the offering and it was dedicated with a unison prayer. The Bible reading was Hebrews 13:2. Mrs. Gray continued the book of " Tiger -Tail Village". The story told of the children arriving at Hong Kong and how they walked over a rough road to where they got on a bus. After travelling for a while they stopped and got off, and were given directions to get the ferry to take them to their uncle's house. Before they 'left for the ferry they sat down and ate their remaining food and then went on board the ferry. They were amazed at all the strange sights. When they reached the shore they had to find the way to Tiger -Tail Village. 75 / YOUR MOTHER NEVER AGREES WITH ANYTHING 1 SAY.... EXCEPT THAT YOU CAN'T BEAT VANCE'S PHARMACY WHEN YOU WANT A PRESCRIPTION FILLED. © LOCAL TRADEMARKS, Inc. CROWN THEATRE HARRISTO N WED: THUR: FRI.-SAT. MARCH 6-7-8-9 Four Days Only—Wed, thru Sat. "SPARTACUS" in Technicolor Starring Kirk Douglas, Lawrence Olivier Ono s,howiug each evg. at 8.15 Adult Entertainment Matinee: Saturday at 2 pan. 6 DAYS—MONDAY - SATUR. MONDAY, MARCH 11th to SATURDAY, MARCH 16th BARRABAS Starring Anthony Quinn Katy Jurado and many others A Biblical story that sweeps the screen with grandeur Shows at 7 and 9.20 p.m. inintiMEMSOMENEMERMEEMEg IRKED aY JLRKY RIDES C �r HAAR RT EONTI t. YOUR CAR "Uses Up" WHEEL BALANCE as FAST as Oil Filter Cartridges! Your engine wears fast without proper lubncation...and so does your steering without correct wheel balancing! Pre. vent costly steering and tire wear. Have wheels checked with accurate HEAR equipment every time you change oil filters. It costs no more at the shop with BEAU SERVICE of M. -Nappy Boor' Sign' GRIPE IN. RIR A SCIENTIFIC' Wheel Safety Chek. SAF(„ STEtRINC_ST*RU AT TNF.' a 1R SIGN" KEN'S Alignment Service Dial 357.1230 - Diagonal Rd. 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