HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-02-14, Page 27G. Alan Williams OPTOMETRIST Patriik St., Winghann Phone 3571282 TOP VALUE IN SEED The Proven Reliable JONES, MACNAUGHTON BRAND *Best varieties *High germination *Reasonably priced "You may do worse but you CAN'T do better!" That's the . kind of situation you are in when you are tempted to buy an unknown brand of seed. So why take a chance? "Jones, Macnaughton" has been a household word throughout Western Ontario for many years. It stands for reliability, dependability, and highest value for your money .. in seeds for farm or lawn. Get complete list from your local dealer. JONES, MACNAUGHTON SEEDS Exeter, 235-0363 Crediton, 234-6363 London, 432-2258 Nancy Gedcke Chosen Oueen of the Carnival FORDWICIJ-The annual carnival in the local arena was well attended on Saturday night Nancy Gedcke was named Queen of the Carnival. There were prizes for costumes, races and skating. Karen Carswell was the winner of the draw. The following are the win- ners: Bowling Night Set by Guild FORDWICH-The February meeting of St. Anne's Guild was held at the rectory in Gor- rie, The meeting opened with the Lord's prayer. The Scrip- ture lesson, and a chapter from the study book were read by Mrs. Lynn Bunker, The president, Mrs. Jean Sothern, welcomed the mem- bers and one guest, Mrs. N. Wade of Gorrie. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by Miss Elva Foster, and seconded by Mrs. Ruby Forester. Roll call "your favorite winter sport" , was answered by 17 members. It was moved by Mrs. Lois Simmons and seconded by Mrs. Lynn Bunker, that the mem- bers plan on March 25th for their bowling night. Commit- tees were formed to be in charge of the tables for the tea and bake sale on Saturday. The president told the members to keep in mind the World Day of Prayer on March 1st, which will be held in the United Church. -A committee was formed to see about built -in -cupboards for the church basement. Mrs. Sothern then closed the meet- ing with prayer. After a contest, conducted by Mrs. Frances King, lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Anderson, assisted by Mrs. Jean Sothern and Mrs. Arnetta So- thern. Still Clearing Many items of Winter Clothing Discounts 10 to 50% SPRING GOODS ARE ARRIVING DAILY Come in and look around JANUARY BABY BONUS DRAW WIN- NER - Mrs. Elgin Hogg HAYES FAMILY CLOTHING Osstammossamaraissimossr Pre-school girls: 1, Shelley Bowman; 2, Brenda McCann; 3, Karen Miller. Pre-school boys; 1, Ricki McCann; 2, Steve Bowman; 3, Michael Lozicki. Girls 6-12 fancy costume; 1, Lise Espensen; 2, Elaine Faust, Boys 6-12 fancy costume; 1, Charles Gibson; 2, Billie Rich- ards. Boy or Girl 6-12, comic costume: 1, Jim Taylor; 2, Bob Lambkin. Boy or Girl 6-12, character costume: 1, Bobbie Gibson; 2, Sharon Miller. Fancy costume, ladies; 1, Nancy Gedcke; 2, Minnie Mc- Elwain. Fancy costume, gentleman: 1., Paul Schaefer; 2, Warren Zurbrigg, Character costume, lady or gentleman; 1, T.J. Schaefer; 2, Pauline Richards. Best national costume, lady or gentleman: 1, Marlene Rose - mond; 2, T.J. Schaefer. Best skating couple: Mar- lene Rosemond and Paul Schae- fer. Queen of Carnival: Nancy Gedcke, Oldest Couple on skates: Minnie McElwain and Austin Stinson. Couple coming the farthest Two Letters Received from Girl in Greece FORDWICH-Mrs. Crosby Sothern received two letters last week on behalf of the Ford- wich Women's Institute, one dated October 26th, 1962 and one November 25th, 1962, from Mary Andreadis, the little eight-year-old girl in Athens, Greece, that the Institute adopted last year through the Canadian "Save The Children Fund". Mary expressed her great pleasure at receiving Mrs. Sothern's letter and her desire at some time to visit Canada. She also praised the organiza- tion, Save The Children Fund, as really serving the needy. Mary, her sister, mother and father, are refugees from Russia and are very poor. Mary had tuberculosis but says she is well now. �r.�Ex AU Nsww • •.IOGE•uM lan GARTEX D POWR-PAIL Aa MOW, w •I•, I Noio 1N • RINTRAro AND NSAU • n•IKn INANIMATION AND AWNING 1- •N)RNI-MIW MAGI AMINO= ANO SWAB N IXON LANORATORINN LIMMIT0 McKibbons Pharmacy DIAL 357-1880 - WINGkUAM That's Very Good Flossie, in Spite of the Old Hay! By supplying a high level of Vita- min A, Shur -Gain Dairy Supplement "A" promotes increased rumen bac- teria activity. The result . . . coarse, woody, low quality roughage is trans- formed into more valuable feed for milk production and body mainten- ance. Shur -Gain Dairy Supplement "A" also supplies 32% protein; proper vitamin and mineral levels; medium to high energy value . . . everything required to balance your grains for increased milk production. FREEt There's an easy fo read "Concentrate" folder waiting Ingham Feed Mill DiAL 357-3060 WINGHAM, ONT. for you at our mill, distance; Marlene Rosetnond and Shirley J ozicki, Brantford. Valentine costume, boy or girl: 1, Lise Espensen; 2, Cheryl Gibson, Best clown and act: 1, An- son Ruttan; 2, Cathy Gibson, CARNIVAL RACES Girls 9 and under: Karen Lynn, Dianne Kato, Margy Vanderwater, Girls 1O12, Lydia Vanderwater, Elaine Faust, Girls 13-15, Helen Johnson, Nancy Gedcke, Mar- ried women, 1st, Mrs. Earl Bowman; 2nd, Mrs, Fred Mc- Cann. Boys 9 and under: Bobby Gibson, Bob Dickert, John Mrs. Watters, W.A. Hostess FORDWICH-Trinity W.A. met for its February meeting at the home of Mrs. R. Watters. The opening hymn was "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" . Scripture was read by Mrs. Nina Armstrong. Mrs. Elsie Strong, president, welcomed the members and thanked Mrs. Watters for her invitation to meet in her home The treasurer's and Guild re- ports were given and a new shipment of cards is available at Mrs. Strong's home. The quilt committee report- ed three quilts ready to quilt. Roll call, "A woman of the Bible and why we remember her", was answered by 11 mem- bers and five visitors. Correspondence included thank you notes from Arch- bishop and Mrs. A.H. O'Neil, Emmerson Hargrave and a letter for the used stamps that were recently sent away. An article on World Day of Prayer was read by Mrs. S. Briars and Miss Elva Foster. The bulletins were read by several members. Mrs. Bruce Sothern read a letter on what was asked for in the requisition and also showed the articles she' had purchased. Mrs. E. Strong was in charge of the study book and dealt with the chapter of Mary and Martha. Ladies were reminded of the World Day of Prayer. Mrs. Anderson led in the Litany and closed the meeting with prayer. 'Mrs. Bruce Sothern conduct- ed contests and lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Watters, Mrs. N. Armstrong, Mrs. V. Galbraith and Mrs, H. Denny. Mrs. R. J. Warren Dies in 90th Year FORDWICH-Funeral service was held at the Moir funeral home, Gorrie, on Tuesday of last week, for Mrs. R.J. War- ren. Rev. A.C. Coles offici- ated, assisted by Rev. W. Hird. Austin Stinson and his daughter, Mrs. George Richards, sang "Beyond the Sunset", accom- panied by Mrs. Kenneth Gra- ham at the organ. Interment was in Gorrie cemetery, The pallbearers were George Galbraith, Nor- man Harding, Lloyd Jacques, R. T. Bennett, Thomas Shearer and Robert Connell. The flower bearers were Jaynes Foster, Peden Connell and Alex Con- nell. Mrs. Warrell died at her home in Fordwich on February 10th. She had been ill for a long time. Mrs. Warrell was in her 90th year. Born at Newbridge, she was the former Fanny Hyndman, ' daughter of the late Catherine Spence and Samuel Hyndman. She married Robert John Warren, February 7, 1000. They farmed on Con. 12, Howick, for 48 years before retiring to Ford- wich. Mr. Warred died March 31, 1940, She was a member of Ford- wich United Church, and of the Ladies' Association, of which she was president for 12 years. Surviving are a son, James of liowick Township and a daughter, Catherine at home; and two sisters, Mrs. Catherine Dayton of Arrow River, Man., and Mrs. Elizabeth Harris, Van- couver, B.C. A grandson, Frank Warrell was killed in World War II. BQlandel.,. Boys 10+12, Charles Gibson, Wray Wilson, Boys 13- 15, Norman Duke, Jim Arial- strong. Boys 16 -over, Keith Duncan, Harry Winkel. Back- ward, Keith Duncan, Fraser Gibson, Fordwich Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foster of Toronto visited one day last week with Mrs. Ruby Foster. Two rinks of Fordwich cur- lers attended the bonspiel held in Wingham last week, but were not successful in bringing home a prize. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mc- Dermitt visited one day last week with the former's mother and the latter's father, at Huronview Home in Clinton. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Riddell and family of Barrie were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride, Mr. and Mrs, Max Roseman and family of Brantford were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Schaefer. St, Anne's Guild of the Anglican Church held a very successful bake sale and Valen- tine tea on Saturday. Mr. Neil Baylor of Hamil- ton was a visitor in town over the week -end. Newlyweds to Live in Toronto FORDWICH-White ribbon markers on guest pews and baskets of flowers decorated St, James' Anglican Church in Hamilton for the double -ring ceremony when Sandra Lynn Motteram and John Victor Fos- ter exchanged vows. Rev. Stokreef officiated for the mar- riage service on February 9. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Winston Motter- am of Hamilton and the groom is the son of Mrs. Selby Foster of Fordwich and the late Mr. Foster. The bridal gown was Chan- tilly lace over silk organza. She carried a white Bible crest- ed with white roses and ribbon. She was given in marriage by her father. Attendants to the bride were Marjorie Foster of Toronto, maid of honor, and Jean Foster of Toronto and Pat Motteram of Hamilton, bridesmaids. They wore blue lace dresses with soft, flowing, nylon overskirts. Their flowers were pink nose- gays. Jim Patterson of Toronto was best man. The ushers were Doug Brown of Fordwich and John Rattray of Hamilton. A reception was held at George's banquet room. The bride's mother received in a two-piece beige suit, brown accessories and she wore a yel- low rose corsage. Assisting was the groom's mother, attired in a black dress with black accessories. Her corsage was pink roses. Out of town guests were Mrs. Ruby Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong of Fordwich, Mr. and Mrs. S, Bullerwell of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. V. O'Brecht, Mr, and Mrs. 11. Foster, Mr. D, Brown, Miss Elizabeth Armstrong and Mr. Jim Warwick. Also present was Mr. Richard Armstrong, grand- father of the groom, of Ford- wich. The bride wore a grey suit and green accessories for their wedding trip to Niagara Falls. They will reside in Toronto. Nine Tables At WI Euchre FORDWICH-Nine tables of progressive euchre were in play in the Fordwich community hall on Friday night. The card party was sponsored by the Wo- men's Institute. Prize winners were Mrs, George Pittendreigh and Russel Nichol for high scores; conso- lations, Mrs. Harvey Denny and Austin Stinson; door prize, Mrs. Russel Nichol. Ladies in charge of arrange- ments and lunch were Mrs. George Ashton, Mrs. John Winkel and Mrs. William Clyne, next party on March 1st. Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Feb. 21, 1963 '- Page 11 Ii ATANNI.NMI.,. NINOTT AMMI NOTANININN.Iw1 ..Iw1.ANM.wHr.N/+MIrwm., Specials at Bondi's CUCUMBERS + . 2/25 ENDIVE 29c bch. BROCCQLLI ' 29c bch, FRESH RADISHS 2/150 GREEN ONIONS .... • . , 2/150 'BIONDI'S FRUIT STORE i�.�.MYMMIp1Y�,.MINN)�I�.III�.MIIdIM1MM.�1)�r. W Y.IiO_ryM�pK.�M.N�Y.l��il)�I,MM►t HURON PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE NOMINATING CONVENTION LEGION HALL - CLINTON Friday, March 1 1963 - at 8.00 p.m. Authorized by Huron Progressive Conservative Association SAVE MONEY By Prepaying 1=4DWN pr \ r k WIHGHAM .sa INCORPORATED !� Ix ..` yTO, TOWN OF WINGHAM 1963 TAXES TAXPAYERS MAY MAKE PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF 1963 TAXES UP TO 80 PERCENT OF 1962 TAXES. Interest at the rate of V/2% will be allowed on pay- ments made in February. Prepayments of taxes must be made at the Town Treas- urer's office, Town Hall. WILLIAM RENWICK, Treasurer, Town of Wingham. F'7 -21b AUTO REPAIRS LET US CHECK YOUR CAR'S TRANSMISSION PRECISION WORKMANSHIP ON ADJUSTMENTS, REPAIRS You'll appreciate the difference in the per- formance of your car after a thorough trans- mission job by our technicians. When it comes to repairs of any kind, come to us! Readman's TEXACO SERVICE CENTRE Dial 357-3380 - Wingham