HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-02-14, Page 11"And now, gerrtlemeu, " con- tinued the congressman, "I wish to tax your memory. ," "Good heavens, " muttered a colleague, „why haven't we thought of that before'" W#ilio-I'll bet we have something at our house you don't have. We have a new baby. Bobbie—Aw, gee; we have more than that at our house, We have a new daddy, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 000 000 000000000 00,;:, Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to Content and addressed to the undersigned, will be received up to 2.00 p.m., Tuesday, February 26th, 1963, for the perform. ante of repairs, as and when required. to Corporation owned houses located in various municipalities in the Kitchener, Hamilton and Niagara Falls areas Including Wingham. Tenders are required in two categories (a) Mechanical trades including plumbing. heating and .metal work, (b) Carpentry and other associated trades. Tender documents for either or both categories are available at the address below. Bidders will state the location in which they will work. The lowest/or any tender not necessarily accepted. CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION 1Rox. 56, 71 Emerald Street, South Hamilton, Ontario . Aekson 7-4415 0 0 0. 0•• 0. 00000 0000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 With any amount of money 1963 deposited from 30 days to one year you earn 4 % • profitable for clubs and societies. • wise for special savings. A British Mortgage DEPOSIT RECEIPT Redeemable at any time to deposit -- send in your cheque or come to the office, Goderich, Hanover, ]Listowel. BRITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY 1 Presenting the NEW . HURON CO-OP PACKAGE HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Feb, 3.4, 1963 -. Page 13 NINE-YEAR-OLD Donald Shropshall, second left, was credited with saving the lives of his three younger bro- thers, Jimmie 6, Rickey 8 and Brian 7, when he led them from their burning home in Lower Wingham Thursday night. He ran two blocks in bare feet and night clothes to warn his mother, who was feeding livestock. Mr. Shropshall was working in Clinton when the home burned.—Photo by Cantelon. Bluevale Personals Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacTav- ish and Bobby visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. MacTavish and family of London and Mr, and Mrs. Ken Baker and family of Strathroy over the week -end. While in Strathroy Mr. Mac- Tavish attended the Strathroy bonspiel. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall and famil} in New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hall, Doug and Donna visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wilfong of Listowel on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orvis, Diane and Sharon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall on Monday. Raymond Elliott is visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turvey of Brussels visited Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMurray on Saturday. Reeve A, D. Smith, William Cruikshank and William Dett- man are attending a convention of municipalities in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall visited Mr. and Mrs, Bob Hall at New Hamburg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Mc - Culla were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A, D. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs of Lon- don, visited with Rev, A. C. Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street and children of Listowel, spent Sunday at the home of Miss Mary Duff. The X.P.U. of Whitechurch United Church will meet at the home of Rev. A. C. Mit- chell and Mrs.. Mitchell on Tuesday evening. Mrs. George German, of Clinton, spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coultes, Mr. Jos. Hortou who has been in poor health for some weeks, was taken to Wingham General Hospital on Saturday. Other patients from this locality are George Fischer, and James Johnston of Turnherry. Mr. and Mrs. Clare lloff- man of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman. Afternoon Unit Makes a Ouilt FORDWICH—The Afternoon Unit of the United Church Wo- men met in the Sunday School room of the church, Mrs. Wray Cooper presiding. The theme of the meeting was "Modern Psalms". Mrs. E. Hainstock read the 23rd Psalm and then the 23 Psalm was sung. Miss Minnie McElwain rendered the solo " The King of Love My Shep- herd Ie. A reading, "The Housewife's Psalm" was given by Mrs. Bruce Agia. A reading, " The Basque Sheep Herder" was given by Mrs. Harry Lohr. The roll call was "A Modern Psalm". The chapter "Taiwan" of the study book, "On Asia's Rim", was given by Mrs, James War- rell, Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg, Mrs. Norman Harding and Mrs. Sam Johnson. A quilt was quilted during the afternoon and a pot luck lunch was served. Offices Filled At Aux. Meeting Five ladies attended the February meeting of the Cub and Scout Mothers' Auxiliary in the Scout House last Wednesday night. The Scout meeting was still in session and the ladies were invited by Scoutmaster Bob McIntyre to accompany him to the various dens while he made inspection. The slate of officers for 1963 is as follows: President, Mrs. George Brooks; vice president, Mrs. Stewart Forsyth; secretary, Mrs. John Langridge and treasur- er, reasurer, Mrs. Jack Stevens. The ladies will provide the troop with ten arm slings to be used for first aid demonstrations and exercises. They had been requested by Scouter McIntyre, Plans were made for the Father and Son banquet, which will be held the latter part of March. Lunch was served. Mrs. Breckenridge Last of Family GORRIE--Mrs. Martha Breck- enridge passed away at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cam- eron Edgar, Gorrie, on Thurs- day, February 7th, following a short illness. She was in her 94th year. The daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Selah Orvis, she was born at Whitby, June 25, 1869 and moved to the Wingham district in 1893. On February 14, 1896, she married David Breckenridge and they farmed near Jamestown before retiring to Wroxeter. Her husband pre- deceased her in December 1, 1943. Mrs. Breckenridge was the last member of a family of twelve children. She was a member of Wrox- eter United Church. Surviving are one son Selah, Membership in Youth Group Has increase' IBLUI:VALE'-The annual meeting; of Knox Presbyterian r.lrurch was held on Wednesday evening of last week, with a good attendance. Rev. T. E. Kenucdy was chairman and ripened the meeting with Serip- rurc and prayer, R. J. McMur- ray was appointed secretary. The Session report given by Harvey Robertson showed a tneinhership of 103. The trea- surer's report showed a small balance after all commitments were met with a slight increase over last year for the Budget Fund. The secretaries of the different organizations gave their reports and moved their adoption. The membership in Young People's Society, Explorers, C, O, C, and Sunday School, have greatly increased during the last year and much credit and appreciation was given to the leaders and teachers of these groups, The resignation of Gordon Greig from the Trustee Board was received with regret. Harold Elliott was appointed to take his place. The new managers appointed for a term of three years were Jack Stone, Dick DcBoer, El- don Kirton. A. D. Smith was appointed head usher. A mo- tion was made thanking Rev. Kennedy for his guidance and help during the past year and for the lovely vases given in memory of Mrs. Kennedy, A substantial raise was given the minister. A committee was formed to purchase new carpet for the church. The meeting closed with prayer after which everyone en- joyed a social time. Gorrie Personals Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Higgins, Brussels, were supper guests of Miss Maude Higgins on Sunday. Mrs. Thos, Douglas is a pa- tient in Wingham General Hos- pital. Dr. J. 13. and Mrs. .Acheson of Wroxeter spent Friday eve- ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gowdy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hastie visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Errol Johnson of Guelph. Mrs. Robt. Elschner return- ed Friday from Listowel Mem- orial Hospital, where she had undergone surgery. Mrs. Mabel Stewart returned to her home after spending ID SURGICAL CARE , ll<a F;3� LL' 'oeneral Tarr of ib teat Assetcation`% S>ur- ,AssrF ,end Anoetheltht inaraftstelitlrir lccrre X-rays, I3ti per person per; certtrott yearr; ibur<r s ancf. IoccinHens; pletsctl,c So rg, othetAhan for cosmetic piarpoasas, culleciaerrices Iprov'rd r Co-op members: ONTARIO HOSPJ 'INSURANCE' SEMI -PRIVATE HOSPITAL COVERAGE' (BIoe Cro;ra Plan) 't.CO-OP LIFE INSURANCE. , 'ft$ SPrirm. MEDJCA>r<I» CARE• VP. to /40 Hoa*istal ,ane4an3uitation "Ik►,t .l ion-sisrg coJ dflaetalses Per contract Year for each member and dependant. ,' meats. You pay the first $100.+30; the 'Co-op pays .tta% of the 12011011C1/ up to $5,000 in any ane ycrn. B1EHS:A$100.00 far .Holmeon*d Office ,ViritiNi{s,, ,x, Ar1a11b+ larllce Charge pry . Land Therapy treat - . PACKAGE RA'C'K Semi-Annuaily Fonuty mernberxhip Single mcraberx>irtp . $16.20 "Your Co-op has open membership" HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Office in the Clinton Credit Union Building CLINTON, ONTARIO Telephone Hinter 2-9751 some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stewart. Mrs, Alex. Casemore, Toronto, is staying with her. Mr. Allan McEarchner, Listowel, assisted at the service in St. Stephen's Anglican Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Allan McEarchner were guests of Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fields, Lambeth, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Josling, Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. William lvlcEwen, Orillia attended the funeral of Mrs, Martha Breckenridge on Sunday. Mrs. T. Zimmerman, Ford- wich, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Templeman. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Jas. Shera in the loss of her sister, Mrs, V. Coupland, Wingham, and to the family of Mrs. M. Breckenridge in their bereavement. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Coulter, Con. 3, Maryborough Twp., visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. Bower Farrish and sons, Goderich, visited Mr, and Mrs. Archie Irwin on Sun - d ay. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. IrlcInnes visited Sunday at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McInnes and Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Pratt of Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Irwin visited Mrs. Fred Irwin at Clin- ton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Gla- zier, Eric and Cameron of Oshawa spent the week -end with Mr. and hies. Clarence Stokes. Mrs. May Richardson and Mr, Wallace Richardson, Belmore, Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Holmes, Wingham, also visited at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Black, Mr. James Kyle and Miss Jean Kyle of Hamilton spent Saturday Jamestown; one daughter, Mrs. Cameron (Mary) Edgar of Gor- rie. Three daughters prede- ceased her, Mrs. Wm, (Eliza- beth) Close; Annie and Mar- garet. Funeral services were held at the Moir funeral home, Gor- rie on Sunday at 2:30 p.m., conducted by Rev. Fred W. Taylor of the Gorrie United Church. Pallbearers were Leonard Ruttan, William Mc- Donald, Oliver Stewart, Chas. Black, George Brown and Wil- liam Edgar. Burial was in Wroxeter cemetery. Receives Gift GORRIE--Mrs. Glad Edgar and Mrs. Murray Edgar visited Mrs. William Doig Sr. at the Callander Nursing Horne, Brus- sels, and presented her on be- half of friends and neighbours with a transistor radio. Bluevale Rec. Assoc. Reports The following is the finan- cial statement of the Blucvalc and District Recreation Associa- tion: RECEIPTS Dances, $541.82; hank in- terest, $6.00; donations, $231,- 42; sale of tickets, $210.75; concert in park, $21S,07; total receipts, $1,'�0 „4;, EXPENDITURES Hydro, wiring and fixtures, 4148.84; irydro inspection, G, 05; pump, pipe and fittings for rink, $211.71; backhoe, $35.00; building materials, $235.55; taxes, $10.47; lawyer fees, $23.45; property purchas- ed, $200, u0; rent for hall, '24r OU; music, $02.00; advertising and printing ;1-'30.17; groceries and beverage for lunch counter, $80.84; prize for ticket draw, $50. 00; miscellaneous, $2, 46; total expenditures, $1,150.i4; balance January 30, 1eee, $58. 42. with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar, Mrs, Albert Dustow is visit- ing relatives at Woodstock. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hart, Douglas and Dale of Oshawa spent the 'week -end at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Newton and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. llart of Wroxeter.