HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-02-14, Page 4Page 4 — Wing -hair. Ad: alley -Times, Thursday, Feb. 14, 1'..e.3 FOR SALE SHOP BENNETT'S 5c to $1.00 STORE FIRST for February specials. Kleenex 17c. Chore Girl pot cleaners, 3 for 37c; ladies' briefs, 3 pr. for 31.00. Be sure to try our fresh cook- ies, 33c lb. INTERNATIONAL 1957 dump truck AC 180 for sale, Inter national 190 V plow, wing and harness with snow plow route. Can take over immediately. Phone 582-3711 Lucknow. ,lack Farrish, • 142128b NYLONS 79c pair at Carmich. ael's. 14b SINGER FEBRUARY SPEC- IALS.—Up to $40.00 off on de- monstrator models, zigzag or straight stitch machines. They are available in cabinet or portable cases. TWO ONLY re -possessed machines priced to clear. Many good used portable and cabinet models for sale. Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., phone 357-3730. 714b HANNA'S CLEARING SALE at Belgrave. Trout Men pants 35.00; shirts $3.25; gloves and boots at reduced prices. 7rrb CHILDREN'S heavy wool mitts. Regular $1.00 pair—now 79c at Carmichael's. 14b 30 -IN. MOFFAT Electric Range for sale. Many deluxe fea- tures. Regular List price, 3275.00: Sale price. $175 00. See it at Wingham Tire Service. Phone 357-3712. 14h "TROUT MAN"—the workman's favorite pant at Carmichael's. $5.95 pair, 14h UNIVERSAL Milking Machine Pump for sale: 2 Surge units 650 lb. Viking Cream Separa- tor, Philco Refrigerator. All very reasonable. Also 1,000 bales of straw. Phone Brus- sels 338.76. 14* FOR SALE — Tubular steel frame and fitted tarpaulin to cover ?s -ton truck box. In good condition. Ideal protec- tion. Very reasonably priced. Apply Box 125, Advance - Times. 31rrb ELECTROLUX Sales & Service. H. McDermitt, phone 59R31, Fordwich. 4rrb 1953 CUSTOM BUICK for sale. 4 -door and in good running condition. Phone 357-3489. 14b VOGUE Padded brazieres now only $1.00 at Carmichael's. 14b Now is the time to save ... save save . . and ARMITAGES is the place to save at right now: Because ARMITAGES of Wingham is featuring the BOND annual FREE PANT SALE. And listen to this Bonus offer. Pay only the regular price for your new Bond tailored -to -measure suit —get extra trousers for that suit, absolutely FREE of charge. Pay the regular Bond price—$55.95 to $69.95 and save yourself nineteen dollars on the extra trousers. Stop by at ARMITAGES and get your order in before March 2nd, the closing date of sale—you can take delivery April, May or June. See Mr. ARMITAGE, your Bond Clothes agent in Wingham — and be like hun- dreds of others that have taken advantage of our FREE Pant sales. 10-F28b FOR SALE—Steel box and fend- ers complete for 1959 Chevro- let 1/ -ton. In good condition. - Would make ideal farm trail- er. Reasonably priced. Apply Box 126, Advance -Times. 31rrb PROTECT your family from be- ing blocked in by heavy snow. Front and rear mounted snow blowers ready to hook to your present tractor. Prices as low as $150 with 65 h.p, tele- scopic shaft. Widths 7 and 8 feet. These blowers are guar- anteed to blow wet or dry snow where other machines fail. Warranted for 12 months from date of purchase and backed by a reliable manu- facturer in your district. Seip's Welding and Machine Shop, Hanover, Ont. 71421b Dial 357-1236. 14b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN heifers and cows for sale, freshening soon. Louie Kostrzewa, R.R. 3, Wingham. 71421* HOLSTEIN HEIFER for sale, due to freshen. Bred Here- ford. Apply Harry Bateman. 14* 12 YOUNG SOWS for sale. Due to farrow soon. Phone 376J7, Brussels. Glen VanCamp. 14* STRAYED SMALL BLACK dog strayed to farm of Noble Greenaway. Phone 357-1909. 14* SALES HELP WANTED --Male Unusual Opportunity Large Unite el States and ('anadlan Company in agricul- tural field urge r:tly requires rep- resentative ir. this :area for C.'rep S•-rv:..- dee artn..::t Applicant ant must have reeert agricultural b i k r.uu:. and be• well regarded in area. Position: is full time, or can he handled at first along with your pre sent farming operation. Sucees,sf:.:i app;icant van expect ear e, cgs h. tw.. n SP.to and .3150 weekly :v:th t xee ill r:t opportun- ity for early advance mem in this are a. Write and toil m about your - ,self Ib pay gat r: • to P. J. Har- rington, Ger., ral Sac' Mgr.. Box x4. Lnr.dnre,, t?:a. 714h SELL MUTUAL FUND We train you. Double your in - coma! No canvassing No de- livering. No colieeting. Can- ada's fastest-growing fund pays hest. Write Watford. Box 206, 71421* FULL OR PART TIME Are you now selling or do you wish to sell? Then we have an opening for you. Prestige American Company commencing operations in Canada requires sales staff to introduce our pro- gram on an appointment basis. High commission and bonus rate. Experience not necessary but car an asset. Our training program will start you off quickly. For confidential inter- view write- Box 128. Advance - Times. 714211) SALESMAN wanted for sales and survey on farms. Farm background preferred. Volks- wagen van supplied. Salary and commission. Apply Box 131, Wingham Advance -Times, 14b HELP WANTED — MALE Young Man Wanted JUNT.OR SALES CLERK wanted by men's wear store in Wing - ham. Applicant must be 17 to 20 years of age with sales ability. All written applica- tions should he mailed to Box 127, Wingham Advance -Times. 14b MEN WANTED for assembly and general ladder work in ladder plant. Also man with some welding experience. Ap- ply Compact Ladder Co. Ltd., Samor Road, Toronto 19. 142128b CARETAKER WANTED Applications for caretaker for Sacred Heart Separate School Board. Duties to commence on Mar. 1, 1963. Apply stating sal- ary prior to Feb. 25, 1963 to the secretary -treasurer of Sacred Heart School Board, Box 68, Wingham. 1421b FEMALE HELP WANTED OFFICE CLERK wanted with Grade XII experience prefer- red. Apply P.O. Box 310, Wingham. 14b HOUSEKEEPER wanted for town home with two adults. Sleep in. Preferably middle- aged. Non-smoker and non- drinker. Apply Box 129, Ad- vance -Times. 14b IF YOU WANT work hut can- not give full time we have just the thing you need, Write Avon Mgr. Mrs M. Millson, 960 Wellington Rd. S., Lon- don, Ontario. 14h MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE If you are thinking of finan- cing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, R. R. 2, Wing - ham, phone 357-1679. O24rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Horne Protection — Call your Co-op Agent— LLOYD MONTGOMERY Wingham, R. R. 5, Dial 357-3739 21rrb FOR RENT FOR RENT—New oil -heated apartment, Living room, bath and kitchen. School area. Phone 357-2081. 14b NEW APPARTMENT—to rent. Apply Wallpaper Shop. 14b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7 -ROOM BRICK house for sale. All modern conveniences. Some land. Barn attached. May be bought separately or as one parcel, Apply Box 130, Advance -Times. 14b WANTED 2 or 3 BEDROOM house wanted to rent. Contact Manager, Stedmans, 71.4* WANTED TO BUY LAGS and Standing Timber wanted—Highest cash price paid for hardwood bush and logs. We need Hard Maple, Basswood, Cherry, Ash. Soft Maple and Beech. Phone Craig's Sawmill, Auburn. Call 520-7220. 142128* HAIR DRESSING ELLIOTT'S Beauty Lounge, Main Street, Wingham, Dial 357-2:181. N29rrb TAXI SERVICE FOR ALL OCCASIONS call Lee's Taxi, tor long or short trips. Dial 357-1521. rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MARG BENNETT REAL ESTATE Representing E. C. Brigham If you wish to sell house, farm or business, call us. Several buyers wanting homes. Also several places available Wingham - Dial 357-2742 31rrb THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, Dun- gannon; Vice -Pres., Herson Ir- win, Belgrave; Directors—Paul Caesar, R. R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross McPhee, R. R. 3, Auburn; Donald P, MacKay, R. R. 1, Rip- ley; John F. MacLennan, R. R. 3, Goderich; Allan Maclntyre, R. R. 5, Lucknow; William Wig_ gins, R, R. 3, Auburn. For information on your in. surance, call your nearest dir- ector who is also an agent, or the secretary, Frank F. Thomp- son, Dungannon, phone Dun- gannon 48. S12; 62 The Best for You THE LARGEST selection of T o p Quality Canadian -made Clothing in the entire area. Men ---Sweaters, assorted styles, value to $8.95 each—$3.77. MEN'S laminated casual Jack- ets, 317.95 value—$12.77. BOYS' Duffle Coats, 312.95 val- ue, 37.77 each. GIRLS' Better Dress Coats, 317.95 value —$9,99 each. Store -wade Reductions to 50% and more Open 10 a,m. till 10 p.m. Plenty of Parking Space. ALLAN PARK STORE Between Hanover and Durham. 14b INCOME TAX RETURNS S. J. PYMM • TAX CONSULTANT P.O. Box 74, LUCKNOW, Ont. Public Accountant since 1944 J24eowA25* DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS CALL— DARLING & Company OF CANADA LI:VIITED Wingham Dial 357-3106 Dead Animal Lie. No, 175-C-62 Jny3rrb MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lbs, More for sick and disabled (lows and Horses ac- cording to size and condition. FOR PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24-HOUR SERVICE License No, 951638 Coming Events EUCHRE Will be held in the Oddfel- lows' Hall, Thursday evening, Feb. 14th at 8,30 under the aus- pices of the IOOF. Everybody welcome, 7:14b PANCAKE SUPPER In St, Paul's Parish hall on Tuesday, February 26. Open to the public. 13b JR. CONSERVATION CLUB Members will be picked up at town hall, Wednesday. Feb. 20 at 7 p.m. Please note change of date. 14b W.I. SUPPER POSTPONED Women's Institute members please note the Family Night and Pot Luck Supper has been postponed until Feb. 28th on ac- count of the High School con- cert. 14* WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT The students of the Wingham District High School will pre- sent their annual Variety Con- cert in the school auditorium at 8.15 on Thursday and Friday evenings, February 21 and 22. There will be music by the Glee Club and the orchestra. a demonstration of gymnastics by the boys. dances by the girls, and a one -act play, "Search Me" (by arr, with Samuel French). This year there is no advance sale of tickets by the students. Admission at the door (adults and children) 50 cents, 13b --MISCELLANEOUS MOST MODERN LADIES dress department— Skirt. Sweater and Slack Bar. Specialist in Teen -wear. Reductions to 50q and more. Dresses, Coats, Joekets, Slims, Skirts, Blouses, Hats, ags, Lingerie, Custume Jewellery, etc. Full Slips in acetate and tricot. Color choice. S1.98 value. 77c each. Fancy Ban -Lon Pullovers S5.95 value, 32.44 each. Blouses 83.95 tto 39.95 value, 31.99 to 83.99 each. One lot of famous Sabre Slims, 314.95 value, 58.88 a pair. Open till 10 p.m. Pleenty of parking space. Always bar- gains galore at the ALLAN PARK STORE, between Han- over and Durham. 14b CARDS OF THANKS To all the friends who so kindly remembered us with cards and letters while in Lon- don, we wish to say a very ap- preciative "Thank You".—Mar- shall and Myrtle Stonehouse. 14* Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Martin wish to convey their thanks and appreciation to their many friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses and floral tributes in their recent bereave- ment. Special thanks to Rev. George Mitchell, Dr. McKibbon and the nurses on first floor; also the pallbearers and flow er bearers. 14h The family of Mrs. Victoria Coupland wish to express heart- felt thanks and appreciation to their neighbors and friends for flowers, Gideon Bibles, cards, and for all their kindness dur- ing her illness and at the time of her death. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses of the Wingham Hospital and St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, Rev. C. M, Jardine and to the R. A. Currie & Sons funeral home. 14* May I have the privilege of extending my most sincere thanks to the staff of the north wing of our hospital, esnecialy to Mrs Prosser Mrs. Connell, Dr. B, N. Corrin and Dr. Klah- sen for their kindness to me while I was a patient in the hosnital. The whole staff from the seniors to the juniors. maids and orderlies. all have one thing in common. and that is a sincere, desire to do all they can for the comfort of the natient.—•Sincere- ly, George Williams. 14* I wish to express my sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for the many cards. flowers and gifts received during my stay in the hospital.—Mrs. Robert Elschner, Gorrie, Ont. • 14b MILKING MACHINES CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL Why pay up to $100 for a 10 - year old machine or for a new $145 plus around $25 financing charges when you can have a brand new machine complete with brushes and surcingle and the usual year guarantee for only $116.50, cash and carry, or plus delivery expenses? Make use of this special. LISTOWEL DAIRY CLINIC Listowel, Ont. William S. Reed REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER For pr:uupt service in buying or selling all real estate properties FARMS - HOMES BUSINESSES Dial Wingham 357-2174 Jy3lrrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF JANET AMELIA SELI, late of the Town of Wing - ham in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the es- tate of the late Janet Amelia Seli, are required to send par- ticulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. Goodall, Solici- tor for the Executor of the said Estate, on or before the 8th day of March, A.D, 1963, and that after such date the Executor will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham. Ontario this 11th day of February, A.D. 1963. J. T. GOODALL. WINGHAM, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 14:21:28b By -Law No. 4.63 of the TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY and By -Law No, 5-63 of the TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK A by-law of the Municipalities of the Townships of Turn - berry and Howick for stop- ping up that portion of road assumed from the Huron County Highways, more par- ticularly hereafter described. WHEREAS it is deemed ad- visable by the municipalities of the Townships of Howick and Turnberry to stop up the road hereinafter described; AND WHEREAS the Coun- cils of the said Corporations feel that with the bridge re- moved and the road in a very bad, unimproved condition and this portion of road is not required any more, the coun- cils deem it expedient that the said portion of road be stopped. THEREFORE be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted that the road hereinafter described, nam- ely: being a portion of the road comprising the boundary be- tween the Township of Howick and the Township of Turnberry commencing at the northern limits of that portion of the Queen's Highway commonly known as Highway 87; thence northerly along the said road comprising a boundary between the said townships 1700 feet more or less, to the southern limit of the established road, in Lot 24, Con. A, Township of Howick. READ a first and second time this second and fifth days of February, A.D. 1963. A, D. SMITH, IVAN HASKINS, Reeves JOHN V. FISCHER, W. E. WHITFIELD, Clerks I hereby certify the above to be a true copy of By -Laws No. 4-63 of the Township of Turn - berry and 5-63 of the Township of Howick as read a first and second time on the second day of February and the fifth day of February, 1963. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the above By -Law No, 4-63 and 5-63 of the Corporations of the Townships of Turnberry and Howick, after publications as required by Section 472 of the Municipal Act, will be duly con- sidered and read a third time and finally passed by Council in accordance with the require- ments of the above Section 472. The Council will hear the claims of any person or persons either by themselves or by their sol- icitor, that their lands will be projudicially affected. Applica- tions for such hearing should be made to the undersigned not later than March 1st, 1963. JOHN V. FISCHER, Clerk, Turnberry Township W. E. WHITFIELD, Clerk, Howick Township 7:14:21h NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WALTER JAMES LOCKRID(JE, late of the Town of Wingham in the Cpunty of Huron, Butcher, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV13N pursuant to the Trustees Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the late Walter James Lock - ridge, are required to send par- tieulars of their claims, duly verified. to J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Executors of the said EStatt'. on or before the 25th day of February, A.1). 1963, and that after such date the Ex- eeutors will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said Es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham. Ontario, this 28th day of January, A.D. 1963. J. T. GOODALL, Wingham. Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. 31.7.141) Campbell Soup Co. Ltd. Listowel, Ontario Have openings for FEMALE EMPLOYEES in their plant BOTH FULL and PART TIME FIVE DAY WEEK — ATTRACTIVE WAGES COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE BENEFITS Applicants should apply to personnel department or TELEPHONE LISTOWEL 900 JOHN C. WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT PHONE 200 — Wallace Avenue N. — LISTOWEL, Ont. iI1231®11iIl111lIlltiIi•MRiINI INIM STARR.REAL ESTATE CoLTD SELL RURAL ONTARIO WINGHAM, ONT. - Phone 357-3840 AGENT — GERALD (Jerry) WALTER ORANGEYILLE Ph. 941.2730, 40 Broadway TORONTO Phone EM. 42488 GUELPH TA. 45054, 85 MacDonnell St. HANOVER Phoria 870, 208 Main St. HAMILTON Phone MU. 9-4431 CHESLEY c Donald Fortune Phone 654814, R. R. 3 FLESHERTON Cor. Hwys. 4 t 10, Ph. 110 BRAMPTON GL. 1-1510, 242B Queen St. TORONTO BU. 6-3643 TEESWATER c: o J. Everett Pennington Phone 3923064, R. R. 2 OWEN SOUND FR. 6-3466, 1030 2nd Ara. E. "WE OFFER OUR SERVICES" A staff of 34 bonded salesmen in 7 Ontario offices MODERN 4 -bedroom home. A mere 310.000 is the full ask- ing price for this, spacious 4 -bedroom frame home, located only a short distance from the main street of Wingham. This well decorated home consists of a bright 3 -piece bath and 4 cheerful bedrooms all with tiled flooring upstairs. A large roomy kitchen with built-in cupboards, dining room and living room plus a one _piece bathroom and summer kitchen downstairs, This home is heated by a forced air oil furnace. There is also a garage on the property. If you are in the market for a truly fine home in Wingham don't delay, see it today. No, (33-326. ATTRACTIVE three bedroom in Wingham. You can be the proud owner of this eye -ap- pealing white frame home on a quiet residential street in the Town of Wingham. Elder- ly owner is sacrificing for a quick sale this 3 bedroom bungalow for only 87.900. This home has everything you need for comfortable living. Roomy kitchen with loads of built-in cupboards, hot and cold wa- ter on tap, lovely living room with polished, sanded pine floors. Three bedrooms with clothes closets, also a 3 -piece bath. To spend your leisure time you can either work in the large garden or relax under the shade trees. With all this you are only a short distance from shopping, churches and schools. No. 62-530. income property. Cash terms. No, H2-625. WHY NOT be a landlord yourself and collect the re- venue instead of paying it to someone else? Yes, folks, for a small down payment of $2,000 we have just the place for you. This solid 2 storey brick house situated on a huge lot consists of 3 mod- ern apartments heated with a forced air coal furnace with .stoker. Why not call us and let us show you this great price is only $6,000 with generous PROPERTY WANTED Gentleman anxious to purchase a 2 -bedroom bungalow with modern conveniences in Win htim. Price Sli,(AI0 to 39,000. ' RELATIVES REQUIRE two i0() aet'e farms in the vicinity of Whitechurch. Will also consider farm without buildings, LOCAL MAN with family wishes to purchase a 3 or 4 bed- room home in Wingham. Would consider older type home MEMBER OF GREY -BRUCE REAL ESTATE BOARD Multip1e Listing Service 4. •