HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-02-14, Page 2farr year: •if ...'.n :ant a - ..• - �- AHuron DeDeanery Tis k Show Biz t' I.. See Pictures of Liffe in Antic G.:. ...: r, .. . • .,.. r.... Y' .- ... G G. • n ... a•. _ ;.-art .. + .,. iia: .a. ,:. . a ..., v. . ._ .. y bar .at 'ns .. "::.:: .-a.. .:c• -+ -a flnest 'r:;. ,. .. r.. ... .....y, a:;- ..... ,. . w. G:- ;_._._ • r._.:•.f;. fro:: :_ar:e , , =ar a:.. a t: e tpct:.g:.t f'.. . great:. .J:: .. ........ a'.. f- as ! a's Joan ..._ -,.e :f;. of ire. rnen...,.ed ta:r. {�.�±.? c• "..c'e a :a. crit,: a:;a), :...:.: (a.., r: (a fx.c fron. a : sf i..._:e:. :.,. pop -.::vary r. .... ... re :_.L:..... �j�✓ ') and Rat ac",:.E:. Rat and aye frt.= •aec a'. f a. , i .f G 7:.:f, ne,w'.... "wa: cir lt,:ely Italia:. ballad Al it La first cnance to see ......... .:..L frcr:. "korhe .d s t ._ e f apa, .s °.a. -.crib series "ria: *.£ Ir, xfrbmIra A7.iif: on a 7..S.fs" IAo:r '� . If 1 and :'.os: w.:ttS:.: Bark rem+s,. ifs. correctly, 4:... . fs :1 :anc.:.i wl.osfs sounds 'letter '.. re .,rdc t::a:. or last year; and :'.f_ of Bobby 'live'; I was d.ta: ,Si)aed DSrr S tunes .If a :an 5tlir:f; cif tiaEiSt nt(,te.S he. 'tried tri .Answers', either the title rock - reach' : er or his ballad " Tr;.e True .':s acf rr,' Award time is :Love' . Paul Ana:a's theme srsear:i. _t: .':: Hollywood again: rr.:psi: from "The Longest Day" ;laic :1 for r.i:rs, I'd :af t-• . 1d also he a top contender. fa: Pre- The one I thine. s:-ou1d win? d<s:. J3sI again. As alwa; ` E itl.er 7r; Trombones- or there a! a Jrsl.ar' arra, of ::i o- Wine and Roses' . tion piot.rf;c and :tars .. : for Well, there you have then::: top :.l.:: o_rc, w:t, ..:+ire c::,s:gals? Keep in mind that those are tl,:,'.year Than any yea: for a ton;.: L:.::fes. ?;!.tj: fs sp'ecta.uiarr. l:kf: ' `,.tat Fair", The ::usic 1 :ant load to Hong Y•. ing' , ,Jure:brj , and r,ypsy" are gc.iirig to appear c,r: the :`)sten and r rowd out sorr.e r f the drarratt;;,- pictures, although I imagine ":."'.tiny (Lin The i.3ount/' this week's television viewing will still r. r3n.' out (lt tep in the; is Wayne and Shuster's monthly 'bent picture' :ateg,.dry. ! chow' on Friday evening at Among perforr:.ers fighting 1;;:3r), replacing 'True' and for laurels will be: for nest 1 Tontmy Ambrose. :only predictions and not facts. !They could easily turn out ;wrong. You'll find out its about a month when the agmin- a ations will be publicized. The Award presentations will ',e in 1 early April. A special which dominates WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB HOME BINGO starts Thursday, February 14th $100 Prize 7.6= CHECK YOUR CARD WITH THE FIRST 24 NUMBERS SHOWN BELOW: B INGO 3 18 32 48 64 4 21 34 50 73 6 22 36 74 7 27 37 75 10 28 40 14 30 45 CARDS AVAILABLE FOR $1.00 EAUII from any member of the Kinsmen Club or from the following places of busi- ness: Burke Electric, Walk- er's Home Furnishings, stain - ton's Hardware, R. A. Currie dfi Sons Furniture, Reming- ton's IGA, Red Front Gro- cery, Hanna's Store. Bolgr.►ve, Willis store, Whiteeharch, Moffat's Store, Bi.uevale, Ed- gar's Store, Wroxeter, 24 Numbers Drawn this week by W. T. 'Doc' Cruickshank. : ; **• _... Z. ..- ..: at _ a•• e -174.2-71;7z-r .. 4•e.':u'..7 .. :1:. . :: a,._ r . . s:e,. receive =us.: _r:n 7 rrie rad:. Tari are fon: ...,.res a: a1, a:r.:::)zr,_ .. OMA Council Makes Pules for Ethical Billing Filen Shown at St. Andrew's YPS T:.,. the chur.chrhaser: ape esti the :_ L ail in worship a._ ...- ... . p_rpc'se was reac . ...... L;,..:a ::(es of the las: _. _ _ ... and gave the :all ca:.. .:ea - s rer's report wet aoue Fortune a._ __ -.::nC of- ..... ::. :._.•�.._... ay...___.. Tering was reel:.=_, af._::e .-s :babe Cc. gram gave tht: .e ::alible _- a rayer. It was :at .?S t o next meetir:r. '„ __. held on Sunda; Feb__a: _..:- with Charles Congram .._ charge. - A hymn was ._ and Brian that th- tale doctors' ao- .:.. parties :sstir.- • Clark read the _:e which T=ie was taken from __... _:verses _ist.:i..i',e doctors . 1: - 32. Gary .__ ..a Lit .:.rioriduct. prayer. Rebent.:. the Cr.uncli oI the Doug Fortune read the topic, O::tab_. ' .e!..cal Asso,,.atir.... • The Two Philcsv ..es . A l.a.d down g = d riles✓ inn ' Sc r." The Prodigal .. was which e?:..billing may he enjoyed and Re-.. C, L. Fish done by parties o.:tside the doe closed the meet Wit. prayer. toI's office: t The physician M:tiAt lain - '=twin control of Ms accounts at all times; The first bill must go out on the doctor's letterhead with an explanation that the accounting firm undertakes the collection of accounts to free the doctor for other work; The patient must be free to discuss with the physician's of- fice directly, any question with respect to the service rendered, the fee charged or the account in general; The billing service makes payment to the doctor only on amounts received, and does not mae.e advance payments on ac- counts receivable; The doctor's written consent must be obtained before an ac- count is submitted for court ac- tion so that he can take into consideration the circumstances; which pertain. ;c1, cJ a violin. t uwboy sough ,.,e tm, Nt he 111('11 lavtniteti. Weh6tet hall a lunubet .,i :a:d :) in ( own. tuna with the 1)F / lint', l)tc'tlltt'6 t1114.1l 111 '.'•nihil` -r and Wi,ilt'r, it'11111Vt'1 '.•. rd', :ted 1-1>ldiiiti i whaling. llu audlellce of panty, l,t.:uph• beard the sroiy ul the Ir.1,inio buy who attended ,(,trout, and while there became a iai; Seen(, Ile was sent to ria: World Jamboree in Britain aped had a wonderful time VIM*" Xing the many interesting places :rs and around Loudon. The mission boats are busy and a welcome sight t,) all. They take in all kinds of sup- plies, including lumber. The territory in which Rev. Webster worked for so long, is sot as retrtote as when lie went there. Mail only arrived onct' in many weeks. Now trail is received three times weekly. Planes leave Edmonton about seven or eight in the morning and arrive in early afternoon. Another goes back in the eve- ning. The young people were im- pressed with Mr. Webster's stories of the Eskimos and In- dians and his pictures. Lunch was served by the Wingham society. Local Man Is Honored by OAA Ed. Bauer of Wingham, was a guest of honor at the Ontario Automobile Association presi- dent's Select Club banquet that was held in London recently. D. Blanchard, comptroller of O. A. A. presented Mr. Bauer with a trophy for his being named the top division super- visor for the year. Leading representatives from all over Ontario and their wives attended the banquet, which is an annual affair at O. A.A. ENJOYING FUN, friendliness and fellowship at the RCAF Clinton Cross -Trailer's first annual square dance jam- boree, which was held in the recreation centre of RCAF Station Clinton are: Doris and Doug Murton, Kincardine, Audrey Waken and Frank Huff, St. Marys, Arta Grant and Bill Hall, RCAF Clinton, Lorraine and Don Giddings, Port Elgin, Vic arid Joan Madge, Clinton, June and Doug Grayer, RCAF Centralia, Maple and Bill Boyd, London, Eva and Bill Brown, Chatham. ._.......,...........................................................................„ acv25°6on 1 ' ,I.D A i_ . . Brandsrandsi Heavy grade internal lubricant, 40 oz. Reg. 51.25 MINERAL OIL 93c 10 ounce i Reg. 50c MILK of MAGNESIA 37c Fast relief for headache pain. Reg. 99c IDASAL TABLETS, 300's 74c 10 ounce Reg82.49 STOMACH POWDER $1.86 Capsules, 500's Reg. $4.29 HALIBUT LIVER OIL $3.21 Area's New Clergyman, Farmer Wrestling Star The Cii ten News -Record published the following infor- mation about Rev. Robert U. MacLean in last week's paper, which had been gleaned from the Petrolia Advertiser -Topic. Rev. MacLean was recently in- ducted into the three -point Presbyterian charge, Clinton, Auburn and Blyth. He had been in Petrolia for 16 years. Organization For Huron Co. Beef Producers Thursday, February 21, is the date set for launching of another new county organiza- tion, the Iiuron County Beef Improvement Association. At a recent meeting held in Toronto, the Beef Producers of Ontario agreed in principle to a constitution and by-laws for the organization at a provincial level, At the county meeting open to all beef producers, at 2:00 p.m. on February 21st in the Agricultural Board Room, Clin- ton the Huron County Producers will he asked to approve the county constitution and by- laws and elect a board of directors and executive to carry out the objectives to be out- lined. Ed. Starr of the Ontario Live Stock Branch will be the guest speaker and will outline some activities the county or- ganization can do to help the beef industry in this county. Every person in Huron Coun- ty who produces beef cattle shall he a member of the as- sociation. Mrs. Ellen Bone Dies in Toronto BELMORE—Ellen Bone, daugh- ter of Bruce County pioneers, died Tuesday in a Toronto nurs- ing home. She was 92. Mrs, Bone, a widow, was born in Carrick Township near Belmore in 1870. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curie. Surviving are two brothers, William Curie of Belmore and Wallace Curie of Toronto, and two sisters, "sirs. Annie McCal- lum of Toronto and Ethel of Washington, D.C. She was predeceased by her husband several years ago. They had no children. Hitch -Hiking Loon Migrating birds usually fly— but a loon in the Dorset area had to hitch -hike part way via Highway 35. Sudden cold weather in December froze Mountain Lake and left the loon insufficient open water for take -off. This forced it to seek larger open water. It walked, if its sliding mo- tion can be called walking, three-quarters of a mile to Highway 35 and headed west towards Lake of Bays. A Lands and Forests conservation officer picked it up after some diffi- culty and gave it a lift to its destination. 11 1 "He has played an active role in community citizenship and will be missed not only by his congregation but by the pub- lic generally. "Since moving to Petrolia, Rev, MacLean has served as Moderator of the Sarnia Presby- tery and was its Clerk for seven years. "He is a past president of the Petrolia and District Minis- terial Association and the padre of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch and the St. Andrew's Society, "A native of Scottsville, Nova Scotia, Mr. MacLean was graduated in Arts at McGill University, Montreal, and in theology at Presbyterian Col- lege, Montreal. FORMER WRESTLER "During his university days, he was a member of the boxing, wrestling and fencing teams for six years and held the college wrestling championship. "Also during his college years, he spent three summers in mission fields at Hardrock and Geraldton mining communi- ties in the Longlac district of Northern Ontario and worked on the construction of a new Pres- byterian Church in the latter town. "He graduated from the theo- logical college in 1937 and fol- lowing his ordination, spent three years in St, Stephen, New Brunswick, and then four years as chaplain in the Royal Cana- dian Air Force, "Most of this service was at Goose Bay, Labrador, then rec- ognized as the largest airport in the world. Upon leaving the RCAF he accepted the call to Petrolia in 1940. "Rev, and Mrs, MacLean and one daughter, Karen, a grade eight pupil, will reside at the home of Mrs. Edward Far- quhar, King Street, Clinton. "Another daughter, Janet, is a nurse in training at Sarnia General Hospital." 1 40c Off when buy 2gONCHW' trio of Cold Remedies Cough Syrup, 8 oz. . 85c Cold Capsules, 30's . $1.25 Chest Rub, 2 oz........... 59c TOTAL VALUE $2.69 when bought separately. Trio price $2.29 Chocolate, Vanilla, Orange, New Tangy Cheese Less than 33c a meal. Never leaves you hungry! LIMMITS Weight Control Plan 98c Two bottles of 90 tablets. 10 vitamins. 11 minerals. VITA -DIET -6 -month supply $4.99 Guaranteed for two Years. "Utility" HOT WATER BOTTLE $1.99 Guaranteed for four years. "Dependable" HOT WATER BOTTLE $2.50 High in quality ... low in price: Cold Cream SOAP 2 '29c, 6 85c VANCES Stte PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST DUBARPV NUDNUT TABU REVLON eo..,,o&tc VETER/N,aRy SI/PPL /Es -PA Dial 357-2170 X fit. I� aul'g CIjurcj (ANGLICAN) I.tngt�am Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. - Rector Mrs, Gordon Davidson - Organist SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY — February 17 8.30 a.m.--Holy Communion 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer i. Tuesday, Feb. 19—Evening Guild, Parish Room, 8.1 . Wednesday, reb. 20 --Board of Management, Parisi• Room, 7.30 Thursday, Feb. 21 --=Altar Guild, Rectory, 3 o'clock t