HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-02-07, Page 7Home and The Housewife Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Feb. 7, 1963 — Page '1 features from The World of Women Mrs. G. W. Tiffin Presides at UCW Presbyterial The executive of the Huron Presbyterial United Church Wo- men ./ '` met last Thursday in Clin- ton Ontario Street United Church, to receive reports of the first year's activities of the UCW in Huron. Many presi- dents of the congregational societies were present as cor- responding members of the ex- ecutive. Mrs. G.W. Tiffin, president, chaired the meeting which was opened by Mrs. W. J. Routly with a devotional service. The vice-presidents reported that over 400 ladies had atten- ded the four regional meetings held in October and over 500 had attended the inaugural meeting. The total member- ship in the UCW in the presby- tery was reported as 3,428, or- ganized in 62 congregations. The treasurer, Mrs. W. B. Olde, reported that $27, 269.32 had been forwarded to the Con- ference UCW for the missionary allocation. This exceeds the Huron allocation accepted by $19.32. The total receipts from all sources in 1962 were $88,285.88 with $12,700.40 spent on local churches, and $5,296.05 on the manses. The women were active in CE and M&M workshops, in organiz- ing a Christian fellowship based on "The Word and The Way" and in many splendid meetings in the local churches. In ad- dition 22 of the Huron societies donated to The Westminster College Furnishings Fund to which $2, 378 has been given to date. The supply secretary stated that bales of used cloth- ing are still needed at the rate of one every two months from each congregation to fill the need. Delegates to the Conference meeting in St. Thomas in March were nominated as were representatives to the presby- tery committees. Election will be held at the Huron Presbyter- ial UCW annual meeting to be held in Goderich, March 21st. Final plans were made for this meeting to which five women from each congregation are sent as delegates and all Huron ladies are invited. Omission In the report of St. Paul's annual meeting last week, we neglected to mention that M. A. Templeman was appointed as rector's warden and E. B. Walker, peop.e's warden. Furnish Room at College In Honor of Mrs. Greer The United Church Women of Wingham United Church an- nounced on Sunday that $500.00 had been forwarded to The Westminster College Furnishing Fund, London, Ontario, to fur- nish a bedroom in honor of Mrs. W. J. Greer of Wingham. The congregation is pleased to be able to honor Mrs. Greer in this way in recognition of her faithful service to the church in many capacities. She has been a constant and valued INTERESTING OPPORTUNITY SALESLADY with excellent character references. Requires only a few hours per day and offers a very high income potential. Suc- cessful applicants will be trained for special customer service in- terviewing for a large national investment organization. Must have a car and be age 28 or over. For details call London GE 4-9996 or write Box 123, Advance -Times. 31-7b worker in all the women's or- ganizations and as congrega- tional reporter for many years. Mrs. Greer was instrumental in organizing the Huron Presbytery W. A. and served in several of- fices. She is a past president of the Huron Presbyterial WMS and served as an executive member for the whole 36 years of its existence. At present she is a portfolio secretary of the Huron Presbyterial U.C. W. Westminster College is the United Church residence and student centre at the University MADEMOISELLE 0 t First Quality SEAMLESS 1 It PR. NOW ON SPECIAL AT REMINGTON'S IGA Tablerite, Boneless STEAKS or ROASTS 1 ROUND, SIRLOIN, PORTER- HOUSE and WING STEAKS lb. Pork Sausage 49c lb. TABLERITE TABLERITE - SKINLESS Wieners 49c Ib. Produce Features Save on These Items Top Value MARGARINE — 1 Ib..,,. 5/99c Top Value — 100 ft. WAX PAPER 4/99c Kounty Kist PEAS, 15 oz. 8/99c Pink Seal PINK SALMON, 1's 3/99c Bick's RELISH, 12 oz 4/99c Top Value Orange DRINK, 64 49c Top Value Instant COFFEE, 6 oz. 69c Betty Crocker CEREALS 3/99c 18c off— SURF GIANT ..., .... 63c Pet Powdered MILK, 3 -Ib. 79c REMINGTON'S WINGHAM GRAPEFRUIT, 112's 8/49c California ORANGES, 5 Ib. 79c Florida CELERY STALKS, 36's .... 2/39c PEI POTATOES, 10 Ib. 49c Ontario McIntosh APPLES, 6 qt. 79c CUCUMBERS 2/29c Ontario No. 1 POTATOES, 50 -Ib. bag .... $1.09 Frozen Features Stokely's POLY PEAS, 12 oz. Stokely's POLY CORN, 12 oz. 4/79c Stokely's GREEN BEANS, 10 oz4/79c Stokely's LIMA BEANS, 12 oz. 4/79c 4/79c of Western Ontario. It provides residential accommodation for 116 men and 116 women and a church sponsored program to serve many more of the United Church students, who make up a third of the enrolment at Western. It is hoped that by furnishing a room in honor of Mrs. Greer, her good influence will continue to be felt in this sphere. Shower Held at Congram Home A miscellaneous shower was held last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Harold Con - gram on Victoria Street, in honor of Miss Margaret Hastie of Gorrie, bride -elect of this Saturday. A number of con- tests were held and a dainty lunch served by the Lostesses, Mrs. Don Sallows and Mrs. Harold Congram, Shirley and Lois. Last Saturday evening an- other miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Earl King at Gorrie. TROPHY WINNERS—This rink of local curlers won the Labatt trophy at a bonspiel in Chesley recently. Left to right, Mrs. Bert Hastings, Mrs. Angus Falconer, Mrs. Peter Cutter and Mrs. Jack McIntyre. Mrs. Cutter was the skip.—Advance-Times photo. Guild Plans Valentine Tea The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Church met in the parish room on Thursday afternoon for its annual meeting with Mrs. Wilfred Henry presiding. The 1963 officers elected were Mrs. Henry, president; Mrs. Elwood Armitage, vice president; Mrs. Henry Jensen, secretary and Mrs. Mervyn Templeman, treasurer. Mrs. D. B. Porter, who resigned as secretary, has held the posi- tion for over ten years. Plans were made for the Valentine tea to be held Wed- nesday, February 13. The social committee, Mrs. El- wood Armitage, Mrs. Roy Man- uel, Mrs. Joe Kerr and Mrs. Merv. Templeman will be in charge. A social half hour was spent following the meeting , when coffee and lunch was served. BIRTHS JOHNSTON--At the Wingham Hospital, on Wednesday, Jan. 30, 1963, to Mr, and Mrs. Mor- ley Johnston, R.R. 2, Auburn, a son, HALL—At the Wingham Hospi- tal, on Friday, Feb. 1, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Brussels, a son, IHACKETT—At the Wingham Hospital, on Sunday, Feb. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hack- ett, R.A. 7, Lucknow, a daughter. HANNA—At the Wingham Hos- pital, on Sunday, Feb. 3, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hanna, R.R. 1, Holyrood, a daughter. SOHISTAD—At the Wingham Hospital, on Sunday, Feb. 3, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Erick Schistad, Wingham, a daugh- ter. MONTGOMERY—At the Wing - ham Hospital, on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Montgomery, Wingham, a son. DALY—At the Wingham Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Daly, Blyth, ,a daughter. MacKENZIE—At the Wingham Hospital, on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie, R.R. 3, Goderich, a son. LOCKRIDGE—In the RCAF Station Hospital, Germany, to Marilyn and Jim Lockridge on Friday, Jan. 25th, 1963, a son. VIVIAN—In Burlington, Ver- mont, on Monday, Feb. 14, 1963, to Mr, and Mrs. John R. Vivian, a daughter. A sensible idea for a buffet supper is to serve the casseroles or molded salads in two or more dishes instead of one large one. A fresh dish replacing the first service keeps the buffet attrac- tive. PERSONAL —Mr. and Mrs. David Dona- hue and Johnny of St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Con - key of London spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Foxton. —Mr. Jack Hilbert of Sarnia spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. William Hilbert, Sr. —Mr. S. J. Pymm of Luck - now, who has been hospitalized in London for some time, has returned home and is able to be back at work. —Mrs. K. Morrison, director of nurses at St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, Brantford, spent the week- end visiting with Mrs. W. Po- cock and Mrs. C. Shackleton, who are both on the staff of St. Joseph's Hospital. Many friends met at the home of Mrs. Shackleton on Friday evening to visit with Mrs. Morrison. —Mrs. D. A. Rann of Brus- sels, visited with Ivliss Anne Geddes over the week -end. —Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Brooks of London spent the week -end with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. McKibbon and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brooks. —Miss Karen Beattie of Lon- don spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ste- wart Beattie. —Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mur- ray and Connie visited over the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mur- ray. —Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Run- stedtler and Helen, Christine of London and John of Waterloo attended a family buffet supper on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Novakoski in Waterloo, to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Mrs. Runstedtler's parents, Mr. and \OTES Mrs. E. H. Blinkhorn of Kitch- ener. —Mr. and Mrs. Don. Haw- thorne and Susan of Toronto, and Mr. Peter Carmichael of Ryerson College, Toronto, were week -end visitors with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. P. Carmichael. — Mrs, Ethel Aitcheson spent Sunday with her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs D. M. Fleming of Bervie. — Mrs. Wilfred Hogan of Don Mills was a week -end visi- tor with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred White and family —Mrs. Edith Gregory who has been a patient in St. Jos- eph's Hospital for a couple of weeks, returned home on Mon- day. —Mr. Hugh Sinnamon, Min- nie St. , was taken to Wingham Hospital by ambulance on Mon- day. —Mr. and Mrs. Eric Walden returned home last week from a motor trip to the WestCoast. —Miss Nancy Fowler of Orangeville visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler, over the week -end. —Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mur- ray of Listowel visited on Sun- day with his mother, Mrs. S. A. Murray. —Bill Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Len Crawford, gradu- ated last Friday evening from the Police Cadet College to the Metropolitan Police Force, at a graduation dinner and dance held in Toronto. —Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walden left last Friday morning for Florida where they will spend a couple of weeks. —John Merkley of Ryerson College spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merkley. Initiate \ew Memoers At Lesion Auxiliary Mrs. Verdun Ducharme, new pre: ident of the Ladies' Auxil- iary to the Royal Canadian Le- gion, conducted the meeting last Wednesday night at the Legion Home. After the flags had been placed she draped the carter in memory of Mrs. Harry Browne, who had been a valued member of the Auxil- iary. Two new members, Mrs. Sparling Yeo and Mrs. Ted Martyn, were initiated. Reports of last year's activi- ties were given by the various committee conveners. There were five new members and one transfer in 1962, with a total membership of 121. The ladies catered to 22 banquets and six weddings. Eighteen • boxes were sent to the veteran in Westminster Hospital. Included among the many donations was a scholarship to a war veteran's child, and do- nations to the Salvation Army, Golden Circle School and the Branch. It was announced that a euchre tournament will be held every Saturday night for six weeks, commencing February 2. The tournament's will be for couples and will he held at the Legion Home. A Valentine supper will be held February 14 for Auxiliary members and their husbands. Mrs. Jack Gorrie, Mrs. Jack Bateson and Mrs. Don Adams were appointed as the enter- tainment committee. Mrs. W. Hogg is the pianist and Mrs. Ralph Hammond the standard bearer. Mrs. Hammond won the membership draw. The February meeting will be a pot luck supper for Auxil- iary members only, and Zone Commander Mrs. Wm. Mc- Cann will make her official visit at that time. WIN HER HEART WITH De) Tb CUT FLOWERS— Roses - Carnations Glads - Mums - Snap- dragons POTTED PLANTS— Mums - Azaleas Mixed Pans CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL Pot Mums, Red, White, Yellow, Mauve Regular $3.50 SPECIAL $2.89 LEWIS FLOWERS Phone 357-3880 Frances St. Wingham Abe