HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-02-07, Page 6Page Thursday, Feb, j, I9c3 FOR SALE SHOP BENNETT'S 5e to $1.00 STORE FIRST for February specials. Kleenex 17e. Chore Girl pot cleaners, 3 for 37c; ladies' briefs, 3 pr. for $1.00.; Be sure to try our fresh cook- ies, 33e Ib. OIL STOVE for sale, one year) old. Priced reasonable. Carp Bondi. Dial 357-3842. 7b CARMICHAEL'S feature Trout Man work pants, now at $5.95 pair. 7b SINGER FEBRUARY SPEC- IALS—Up to $40.00 off on de- monstrator models, zigzag or straight stitch machines. They are available in cabinet or portable cases. TWO ONLY re -possessed machines priced to clear. Many good used portable and cabinet models for sale. Singer Sewing Ma- ohine Co., phone 357-3730. 714b HANNA'S CLEARING SALE. at Belgrave. Trout Men pants $5.00; shirts 33.25; gloves and boots at reduced prices. 7rrb FOR SAT.F, — Tubular steel frame and fitted tarpaulin to cover 1•: -ton truck box. In good condition, Ideal protec- tion. Very reasonably priced. Apply Box 125, Advance - Times. 31rrb ELECTROLL'X Sales & Service. H. MeDermitt, phone 59R31, Fordwich. 4rrb FOR SALE—Steel box and fend- ers complete for 1959 Chevro- let 1. -ton. In good condition. Would make ideal farm trail- er, Reasonably priced. Apply Box 126, Advance -Times. 31rrb CHILDREN'S SWEATERS — Cardigans and Pullovers, 20'c off at Carmichael's. 7b Now is the time to save ... save save . . and ARMITAGES is the place to save at right now: Because ARMITAGES of Wingham is featuring the BOND annual FREE PANT SALE. And listen to this Bonus offer. Pay only the regular price for your new Bend tailored -to -measure suit —get extra trousers for that suit, absolutely FREE of charge. Pay the regular Bond price— 555.95 to SF9.95 and save yourself nineteen dollars on the extra trousers. Stop by at ARMITAGES and get your order in before March 2nd, the closing date cf sale ---you can take delivery April. May or June. See Mr. ARMITAGE. your Bond Clothes agent in \Viraham — a' -d be like hun- dreds of others that have taken advantage of our FRF,E Pant sales. 10-F28b 1953 FORD Customline coach. Radio. whitewalls. Good con- dition. Ken Grant, Bluevale. Phone 813r2, Wroxeter. 7'; _ PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS— Singer Sewing Machine now has Graduate Typewriters for sale. Smart carrying case !freco. CaII your local rep- resentative. 357-3730, Wing - ham. 7b DRESSED Muscovy ducks for sale 4 to 9 lbs. Contact Geo. Higgins, R.R. 5, Brussels, phone 332J5. 7* NUMBER hof 8 -in. grinding wheels for sale. Used. 1,e in.. aryl 3 in. thick. Apply Western Foundry. 714b PROTECT your family from be- ing- blocked in by heavy snow. Front and rear mounted snow blowers ready to hook to your present tragi for Prices as low as 5150 with 65 h.p. tele- scopic shaft. Widths 7 and 8 feet. Thee blowers are guar • - anteed to blow wet or dry - snow where other machines fail Warranted for 12 months from date of purchase and backed by a reliable manu- facturer in your district. 71421b NURSES' WHITE NYLONS at' Carmichael's, Reg. 98c: now* 2 pairs for $1.50. 7b FOR RENT 4 -BEDROOM house for rent, kitchen cupboards, 4-pce. bath. Charles St. Available Feb. 9. Phone 357-2948. 31-7* • APARTMENT FOR RENT— i e,lt for: Heated, three rooms and bath. 3c7-3580. 7b WILFRED McINTEE, Realtor Walkerton, Orlt, WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FAT STEER for sale weighing about 1050 lbs.; also Durham and Holstein crossed heifer. due this month. Noah S. By - ler, R R. 1, Wroxeter. 7b HOLSTEIN heifers and cows for sale. freshening soon. Louie Kostrzewa, R.R. 3, Wingham. 71421* TWELVE small chunks of pigs for sale. Mel Craig, R.R. 4, Wingham. 7b HAIR DRESSING ET.T,IOTT'S Beauty Lounge, Main Street, Wingham, Dial' 357-2981. N 29 rrb —REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MARG BENNETT REAL ESTATE Representing E. C. Brigham If you wish to sell house, farm or business, call us. Several buyers wanting homes. Also several places available Wingham - Dial 357-2742 31rrb REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Here is your opportunity to buy a one -floor nearly new, modern cottage with all conven- iences, in a new residential area, good lot. Owner other interests. Low down payments. Arrange- ments can be made to pay bal- ance on monthly payments. If you want a terrific buy, inspect today. A perfect family home, 3 bed- rooms, red brick 2 -storey house with oil furnace, 3 -piece bath, built-in cupboards, newly dec- orated. View this outstanding property soon, Owner moving to another town so is 'offering this 11_ - storey frame dwelling at a reas- onable price with terms. Just one block from main street in a residential area. Ideal home for a retired couple. FARM LISTINGS WANTED Several buyers wanting farms from 100-200 acres. If you desire to sell your farm please contact William S. REED REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone 357-2174 - Wingham 31-7b Real Estate for Sale 11- Storey, 7 -room Brick Ve- neer Home; two-piece bath, 3 bedrooms, full basement with cement floor and drain. Good foundation, asphalt shingle roof, over-all in very good condition. Two open verandas, oil fired fur- nace, good-sized lot and well lo- cated east of Main St. in Wing - ham. Executor of this estate property is anxious to sell. Terms available to reliable pur- chaser. CHOICE LOT with a front- age of 187.1 ft by 86 ft. depth. Good soil, town water and sew- er available. Two blocks off the main street. Priced to sell for cash. THRE LOTS, three blocks off main street. Clay loam soil, well drained. town water and hydro park's river project. Priced to sell --only 5700 per lot. LIKE NEW---3-bedroom rug brick veneered completely mod- ern home. Full sized lot, located near Wingham Hospital and priced reasonably if purchased within one month of today. Cash. 100 ACRE FARM, 70 acres workable. Good clay loam soil. Good water supply from well and spring creek. Bank barn 84x36 ft. Implement shed and hen house, garage and work- shop. Also located on property, a 11. storey frame 7 -room house with summer kitchen and wood- shed addition. Basement under main part with stone and con- crete foundation: asphalt sided and asphalt shing,c-d roof. All buildings in good condition. Lo- iat,3 half mile off main high- wav, 3 _ miles east of Lucknow. An Istat.- farm and must be sold. Priced reasonably at 59,000. Wash. Contact: FRANK T. C'ASKANETTE Dial 357-1702 or Box 167 Wingham, Ont. 2 or 3 BEDROOM house warted to rent. Contact Manager. Stedmans 714* INCOME TAX RETURNS S. J. PYMM TAX CONSULTANT P.O. Box 74, LUCKNOW, Ont. Public Accountant since 1944 William S. Reed REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER For prompt service In buying or selling all real estate properties FARMS - HOMES BUSINESSES Dial Wingham 357-2174 Jy3lrrb FEMALE HELP WANTED . POPULAR AVON Cosmetics has opening in Howick Township. Fine earnings, convenient hours. Write or call collect, Mrs. M. :Allison, 960 Welling- ton Rd. 5., London, Ont. Phone 432-9019, 7b HELP WANTED — MALE Young Man Wanted JUNIOR SALES CLERK wanted by men's wear store in Wing - ham. Applicant must be 17 to 20 years of age with sales ability. All written applica- tions should be nailed to Box 127, Wingham Advance -Times. 7b SALES HELP WANTED—Male Unusual Opportunity Large United States and Canadian Company in agricul- tural field urgently requires rep- resentative in this area for Crop Service department. Applicant must have recent agricultural background and be well regarded in area. Position is full-time, or can 'be handled at first along with your present farming operation. Successful applicant can expect earnings between 3100 and 3150 weekly with excellent opportun- ity for early advancement in this area. Write and tell me about your- self. Reply at once to P. J. Har- rington, General Sales Mgr., Box 84, London, Ont. 714b SELL MUTUAL FUNDS—We train you. Double your in- come! No canvassing, No de- livering. No collecting. Can- ada's fastest-growing fund pays best. Write Watford, Box 206. 71421* FULL OR PART TIME Are you now selling or do you wish to sell? Then we have an opening for you, Prestige American Company commencing operations in Canada requires sales staff to introduce our pro- gram on an appointment basis. High commission and bonus rate. Experience not necessary but car an asset. Our training program will start you off quickly. For confidential inter view write Box 128, .Advance - Times. 71421b PERSONAL PEN -PALS wanted for Austral- ian home makers. Send name, address, age, ages of children if any, to: Mrs, Nelson, 82 La- burnham Ave., Toronto 14, Ontario. 31-7b THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, Dun- gannon; Vice -Pres., Herson Ir- win, Belgrave; Directors—Paul Caesar, R. R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross McPhee, R. R. 3, Auburn; Donald P. MacKay, R. R. 1, Rip- ley; John F. MacLennan, R. R. 3, Goderich; Allan MacIntyre, R. R. 5, Lucknow; William Wig_ gins, R. R. 3, Auburn. For information on your in- surance, call your nearest dir- ector who is also an agent, or the secretary, Frank F. Thomp- son. Dungannon, phone Dun- gannon 48. 512 62 DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANLILILS CALL— DARLING & Company OF CANADA LLIIITED Wingham Dial 357-3106 Dead Animal Lic. No, 175-C-62 Jny3rrb MARLATT'S Dead Stock Service HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Dead Cows and Horses over 500 lb'. More for sick and disabled Cow' and Horses ac- cording to size and condition. FOI{ PROMPT SERVICE PLEASE CALL COLLECT BRUCE MARLATT Brussels - Phone 133 24-HOUR SERVICE License No, 93163B Coming Events VALENTINE DANCE Wroxeter Community Hall, Thursday, February 14th, Dance to the music of Don Robertson and the Ranch Boys. Dance starts 10 p.m. sharp. Lucky heart doer prize. Twist elimin- ation dance. Free coffee 9.30- 10.30. Admission 75e, 7b ATTENTION ALL VETERANS The Provincial Service Offi- cer will visit Branch 180, Roy- al Canadian Legion on Tuesday, Feb. 12th at 3 p.m. Anyone wishing an interview please con- tact Lloyd Carter, dial 357-3784. 7b EUCHRE Will be held in the Oddfel- lows' Hall, Thursday evening, Feb. 14th at 8,30 under the aus- pices of the IOOF. Everybody welcome. 7 ;14b • EUCHRE The Lawn Bowling Club will hold a euchre in the Council Chambers Friday evening, Feb. 8th at 8.15, Everybody wel- come. 7b WOMEN'S AUXILIARY The Women's Auxiliary to the Wingham and District Hospital will meet with the Hospital Board in the board room of the hospital on Wednesday, Feb. 13 at 8 p.m, All interested mem- bers invited. 7b VALENTINE TEA AND BAKE SALE Ladies' Guild, St. Paul's Ang- lican Church are holding their annual Valentine Tea and Bake Sale Wednesday, Feb, 13th at three o'clock. Everybody wel- come. 7* TAXI SERVICE FOR ALL OCCASIONS call Lee's Taxi, for long or short trips. Dial 357-1521. rrb MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE If you are thinking of finan- cing a car be sure to contact your State Farm Agent first. Reuben Appleby, R. R. 2, Wing - ham, phone 357-1679. O24rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Houle Protection — Call your Co-op Agent-- LLOYD gentLLOYD MONTGOMERY Wingham, R. R. 5, Dial 357-3739 CARDS OF THANKS We wish to take this oppor- tunity of extending our most sincere thanks to friends and neighbors who so kindly remem- bered mother during her long illness and our recent loss. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. W. A. McKib- bon, the nurses on third floor and Rev. C. F. Johnson.—Har- ry Browne and Eleanor. 7b I wish to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neigh- bors who remembered me with flowers, cards and gifts during my stay at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and since my return home. Special thanks to Mr. S. J. Walker, Dr. McKibbon, Mrs. Morrey and the nursing staff of Wingham Hospital, and Rev. C. F. Johnson.—Elizabeth Saw- yer. 7b We would like to express our thanks and appreciation for the many ways that friends and re- latives helped when we lost our possessions when our mobile home was destroyed by fire. Special thanks to Hayes Family Store and the Salvation Army. —Lloyd and Marion Machan. 7b IN MEMORIAM RIEHL—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Wil- fred F. Riehl, who passed away two years ago, February 8, 1961. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. —Ever remembered and sad- ly missed by wife and fam- ily. 7* I would like to thank all my friends and neighbors who as- sisted me during our recent barn fire, as well as the Wingham Fire Brigade.—Earl Weitz. 7* NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WALTER JAMES LOCKRIDGE, late of the Town of Wingham in the Cpunty of Huron, Butcher, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustees Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the late Walter James Lock - ridge, are required to send par- ticulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T, GOODALL, Solicitor for the Executors of the said Estate, on or before the 25th day of February, A.D. 1963, and that after such date the Ex- ecutors will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said Es- tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 28th day of January, A.D. 1963, J. T. GOODALL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 31-7-14b TOWN COUNCIL Continued from Page One Huron Seed Fair which will be held in Wingham, March 8th and Oth, $50.00. A request from the John Howard Associa- tion was refused. Kinsmen Matt Boyd and Jack Walker attended council with a request that council pick up the balance owing for moving the Golden Circle School. They explained the club had gone beyond its committment in this regard and the cost of moving had been greater than antici- pated. Council agreed to pay the bill, as part of its grant to the Retarded Children's Associa- tion. ..�..;..j.,�,s..�f,J.✓,.r,..;.✓,.,..',.✓,..�.J,✓,.✓,.�.J.J.✓,,✓.or✓�.✓i«'`-;.✓,»},.�.J.JJ.✓,,J,"�"'I'✓C�i"'P�i"�"i't; X ' f. �j" o,7iY1 f. R. A. Downie Sunoco Service Station if NOTICE Trailways of Canada Ltd. are pleased to announce the appointment of as your Ticket and Travel Agent FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION Trailways of Canada Ltd. London Ontario Phone 357-1554 Mrs. Gaunt Chairs Scottish Program ST. IHELENS—In spite of the stormy weather, a good crowd attended the Scottish Night in St. Hellens Hall. Mrs. Harold Gaunt, vice-president, was chairlady for the program. Scotch dances were danced by Joan McKenzie of Lucknow, Annette McCrostie of Goderich, and Genevieve Kinahan, San- dy McQuillin favored with bag- pipe selections and Sheila Me- Quillin played a medley of Scottish tunes. Mrs. Charlie McDonald read the "St, Helens Journal. " Bar- bara Purdon and Rosaline Phil- lips gave accordian selections. Wm, Buckingham gave two humorous readings and Lorne Forster and Murray Gaunt sang a duet. Eugene and Rickey Pritchard favored with a cornet duet. Farrier's orchestra play- ed for the dance which followed, JOHN C. WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT PHONE 200 — Wallace Avenue N. — LISTOWEL, Ont. By -Law No. 4.63 of the TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY and By -Law No. 5-63 of the TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK A by-law of the Municipalities of the Townships of Turn - berry and Howick for stop- ping up that portion of road assumed from the Huron County Highways, more par- ticularly hereafter described. WHEREAS it is deemed ad- visable by the municipalities of the Townships of Howick and Turnberry to stop up the road hereinafter described; AND WHEREAS the Coun- cils of the said Corporations feel that with the bridge re- moved and the road in a very bad, unimproved condition and this portion of road is not required any more, the coun- cils deem it expedient that. the said portion of road be stopped. THEREFORE be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted that the road hereinafter described, nam- ely: being a portion of the road comprising the boundary be- tween the Township of Howick and the Township of Turnberry commencing at the northern limits of that portion of the Queen's Highway commonly known as Highway 87; thence northerly along the said road comprising a boundary between the said townships 1700 feet more or less, to the southern limit of the established road, in Lot 24, Con. A, Township of How•iok. READ a first and second time this second and fifth days of February, A.D. 1963. A. D. SMITH, IVAN HASKINS, Reeves JOHN V. FISCHER, W. E. WHITFIELD, Clerks I hereby certify the above to be a true copy of By -Laws No. 4-63 of the Township of Turn - berry and 5-63 of the Township of Howick as read a first and second time on the second day of February and the fifth day of February, 1963. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the above By -Law No. 4-63 and 5-63 of the Corporations of the Townships of Turnberry and Howick, after publications as required by Section 472 of the Municipal Act, will be duly con- sidered and read a third time and finally passed by Council in accordance with the require. ments of the above Section 472. The Council will hear the claims of any person or persons either by themselves or by their sol- icitor, that their lands will be projudicially affected. Applica- tions for such hearing should be made to the undersigned not later than March lst, 1963. JOHN V. FISCHER, Clerk, Turnberry Township W. E. WHITFIELD, Clerk, Howick Township 7:14:21b 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IC .rJa1~ Jerry REAL E STATE co.ETD. WE SELL RURAL ONTARIO WINGHAM, ONT. - Phone 357-3840 AGENT — GERALD (Jerry) WALTER ORANGEVILLE Ph. 941.2730, 40 Broadway TORONTO Phone EM. 4.2488 GUELPH TA. 4-5054, 85 MacDonnell St, HANOVER Phone 870, 208 Main St. HAMILTON Phone MU. 9.4431 CHESLEY c/o Donald Fortuna Phone 654R14, R. R. 3 FLESHERTON Cor. Hwy'. 4 6 10, Ph. 110 BRAMPTON GL. 1.1510, 242B Queen St. TORONTO BU, 6.3643 TEESWATER c/o J. Everett Pennington Phone 3926064, R. R. 2 OWEN SOUND FR. 6.3466, 1030 2nd Aye. E. "WE OFFER OUR SERVICES" A staff of 34 bonded salesmen in 7 Ontario offices A Highway Showplace you will be' proud to call home, Located on busy provincial highway only one mile from town. Majestic 2 -storey red brick home, spacious lawn, giant maple shade trees, huge barn with 28 steel stanchions, several loose pens, 140 fertile, crop producing acres, 10 acres of maple bush. The price is right, so call us today. We will be happy to show it to you at your convenience. LOOK! For only 38,500 you can now purchase in the Wingham area a 100 -acre farm, 85 acres of stone -free, gently sloping clay loam, 15 acres of bush. The house is a spacious brick house, good foundation and good asphalt roof. The barn is large enough to care for all your stock. The down payment is low and the terms are easy. This time of year is the time to get a bargain on farms. Contact us today for an in- spection. No. 2-586. ;6,500 is the full price for an 8 -room home set on a king- sized double lot serviced with sewers, town water. Located in Wingham's west ward. It has boon extensively renovated In the past few years and is being offered for sale only be- cause the owner now is employe,) elsewhere and is eom- pelled to move his family. Five bedrooms, a kitchen 12x14, living room, 14x13, dining room 14x20 and washrooms. Truly an attractive opportunity for the person who would like to own a home at reasonable price. Call now. No, 2-648. MEMBER OF GREY -BRUCE REAL ESTATE BOARD Multiple Listing Service