HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-02-07, Page 5James S. Elliott Was Appointed as Inspector The Turnberry Township council held its regular month- ly meeting on February 2, in the Community Hall, Bluevale ac 1:30 p.m. with all members resent, the reeve, A.D. Smith presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion by Harry Mulvey and William Dettman. Communications were re- yr.eived from Department of Lands and Forests; County of Wentworth; Mr. William Ren- wick, clerk treasurer of Wing - ham; Crawford and Hethering- ton, Wingham; Department of Agriculture, Clinton; Mrs. Hel- en D. Martin, clerk of Morris; Ontario Good Roads Associa- tion and Canadian National Railways. Dettman-Mulvey: That we accept the services of the Mor - NOTICE The Annual Meeting of The Children's Aid Society of Huron County will be held in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1963 at 2:30 p.m. All welcome. John G. Berry, Secretary, Board of Directors. t N N Ip N PELLAGREX ask your DRUCC/ST for- NIXON'S $u ckliny P/GS r STOPS SCOURS PREVENTS IRON DEFICIENCY r CONTROLS SCURFINESS r INSURES TOP WEIGHT GAMS ?ELLAGREX PASTE TILE SAFE WAY TO.IRON YOUR PIGS. MIXON LABORATORIES LTD. OWOONVILLR ONT. McKibbons Pharmacy _DIAL S57-1880 - WINGHAM • ♦•♦•♦•♦e♦♦♦•♦ 4•♦•♦-••♦••♦••♦♦•♦♦♦♦.•♦♦••♦♦•.••e♦e.♦P♦•P1♦♦••♦♦••••♦-••♦♦•♦1♦♦•••-•♦♦♦♦♦O•♦••♦1•♦♦♦♦•••♦•♦ ♦•♦♦•♦♦•♦♦••-•."•%*O••♦••♦ ••• ere .3.. et♦ �•4. •$o ris Township tank truck if need- ed, and will be responsible for the payment of such trips, as authorized by the fire chief. Mulvey -Walker: That we give a grant of $25.00 to the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association. Eadie-Dettman: That we the council of the Township of Turnberry do endorse the Reso - lution of the County of Went- worth Re. Detergent and do advise the Premier of Ontario. Dettman-Eadie: That we ap- point Alex Corrigan to the Wingham and Turnberry Plan- ning Board for a term of 3 yrs. Eadie -Walker: That Geo. Gallaway be paid at the rate of $1.40 per hour. Walker-Dettman: That we appoint James J. Elliott as warble fly inspector for 1963 at the same salary. Mulvey -Walker: That we asked for tenders for the spray- ing of cattle for 1963 warm water to be used in the first spray, tenders to be in the hands of the clerk by 12 o'clock noon March 4. Walker -Mulvey: That we asked for tenders for warble fly powder, tenders to be in the hands of the clerk by 12 o'clock noon March 4. Dettman-Eadie: That we purchase two new 500 gal. tanks for Len Bok to replace the tanks that are under the ground at the shed. Eadie-Dettman: That we ac- cept the tender of Ernie Merk- ley for B.A. deisel oil, furnace oil and gas, for 1963 at 38.4¢, 17.7¢ and 35.9¢, subject to the approval of the district en- gineer. Dettman-Mulvey: That by- laws No 3-4-5-63 be given a first and second reading. Walker -Eadie: That by-laws No. 3-63 be read a third time and finally passed signed by the reeve and clerk and the seal of the corporation attached there- to. At three o'clock the council went into court of revision, there being one appeal. Walker -Eadie: That the as- sessinent on Roll No. 109A be sustained. Mulvey-Dettman That court of revision on the assess- ment roll be closed. Walker-Dettman That the general and road accounts be passed and paid as presented. GENERAL ACCOUNTS Brookhaven Nursing Home, $252,75; Callander Nursing Home, $84.25; relief, $44.00; Morris Township, relief charge back, $126.60; Wingham Ad- vance -Times acct., $1.91; Hydro Electric Power Commis- sion installation 2 lights, $31.- 65; 31.65; Bernard Thomas, labour on Vault, $96.00; receiver gener- al, unemployment ins., 816.32; R. J. McMurray, light repairs on Vault, $2.50; J. V. Tischer, pt. salary, $45.00, assessment notices, $10. 00, total, $55,00; Pay Roll: Geo. Gallaway, $320.92; Wm. Mundell, $166.- 66. Road Accounts: Om. Galla- her, snowplowing, 81,925.50; Alott Tractor Parts Co., bull- dozer repairs, $74.70; Wroxeter Telephone Co., tolls, $28.05; Ideal Supply Co., oil filter, cap, papertowels, bulbs, $6.55; McArthurs Tire Service Ltd., tire tube i ton truck, $35.68; Supertest Petroleum Corp., deisel oil and furnace oil, $201. 55; Campbells Garage, battery charger, $28.75; Lillows Gar- age, account, $41.71. Walker-Dettman: That we do now adjourn to meet on March 4, at 1:30 p.m. A.D. Smith, John V. Fischer, Reeve. Clerk. Shower for Miss Hastie GORRIE—Miss Carol King and Mrs. Earle King were hos- tessess at a miscellaneous shower held Saturday evening in honor of Miss Margaret Has - tie, bride -elect. Mrs. Thos. O'Krafka was in charge of the bride's book. Contests and name bingo were conducted by Miss Carol King. The bride was recipent of many beautiful gifts. Fire Threatens Metzger Home LAKELET—Friday ntotunig, fire threatened the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Metzger. About 10:30 Mrs. Meti.grr thought she could smell some- thing burning and upon open- ing the upstair door was met by a dense smoke. The Clifford Fire Brigade .esponded promptly CO a call for help. The fire was extin- guished in short order but the contents of the upstairs were considerably damaged by smoke and water. Cause of fire is unknown. LAKELET Visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Wylie and Mrs. Hazel Tuck were Grant Wright of Owen Sound and :sir. and Mrs. Neil McColl and Arlene of Don Mills. Mrs. .McColl is a daughter of Mrs. Tuck. Mrs. Gordon Wright and Mrs. Jack Ferguson attended the 4-H homemaking club leaders' training school this week for the project, "Well Dressed and Well Groomed" held at Wingham. Mr, Laverne Webber of Newmarket spent the week -end with his family here. Mr, Glen Reidt of Newmar- ket spent the week -end with his family here. Mrs. Wm. Smith returned to her home Saturday after spending two weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knudsen of Tor- onto. Mr. Burt Hubbard of Gorrie spent Monday in Lakelet re- newing acquaintances. Mr. Glen Allan is visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dickson of Belmore. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wright visited with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dahms of Mildmay on Sunday. KNUDSON—on Sunday, Janu- ary 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knudsen (Carol Smith) of Toronto, a daughter. �. .„. .s. WARREN HOUSE �: , „ �, „ Clearing _ - IN STOCK — �.�. et• .i stn ♦t♦ ♦t♦ •t♦ + ere + •I. .t. ♦2• t 1 NEW ROGERS 21 1 New Stromberg 21 1 New RCA 17 Table was $369 NOW $295 was $550 NOW $350 was $239 NOW $150 ♦•♦ ♦t• a:. eta ♦te et♦++♦t♦ ♦i• 1 Electrohome HiFi with Radio was $550 :: .�, NOW $389 •: et. ♦ e •t .% • 1 Table Comb. Record and Radio NOW $99 .t. I. •Y♦ ._. 2 Used RCA 14 Portables NOW $110 1 Used Sylvania Console 21 tube NOW $150 •t• ere .c-1••Lamps - Gifts - Radios - Rugs ♦♦ t •t♦ t STORE OPEN WEEK -DAYS 2 to 6 OR •• BY APPOINTMENT •s• •41*.t UNTIL STOCK IS CLEARED �� RLM��ISc�H FEBRUARY 1913 A public meeting will he held in the Town Hall on Fri- day evening next to consider the paving of Josephine street. Mayor VanStone, assisted by A. 1i. Musgrove, M.L.A. , has secured Mr. Gray, of the Pub- lic Works department, Toronto as one of the speakers. Mr. Jones engineer for Brantford will also be present, and Mr. Two - hey, representing the Canada Cement Co, The citizens should hear these speakers, for the Street committee is an- xious that the front should be paved in the most permanent and yet the most economical material. The funeral of the late John Wilson, V . , took place on Friday last to Wingham ceme- tery. Ile graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 1884, and practiced in Wing - ham until about a year ago, when he sold his practice to Dr, Cook. Mr. Wilson was a straightforward, upright, res- pected citizen, an adherent of the Baptist Church. He was regarded as a very skillful veterinary surgeon, and made hosts of friends. There are four brothers, Gavin, William, George and Andrew, all of this vicinity; also two sisters, Mrs. Robt. Stapleton and Miss Margaret. Mr. Robt. Collier of the Medicine Hat (Alta.) News paid the Advance a fraternal call last week. Mr. Collier was at one time on the staff of the Advance. 0--0--o FEBRUARY 1926 Jack Currie's rink of curlers were successful in carrying off the Wm. Mitchell trophy at Kincardine bonspiel last week. This is the third season that this beautiful cup has been in competition. Mr. Currie's rink was composed of Mr. W. A. Miller, Mr. David Fortune, Mr. W. S. Mitchell and him- self. Messrs. Hanna & Co., Ltd., have sold their Ladies' Wear store to a Toronto firm who will continue the business and have an announcement on page 2 of this paper. Hanna & Co. Ltd. will carry on in the Men's Store and promise to have one of the most up-to-date gent's furnishing stores in the prov- ince. The new store will be known as the Walker Store and has been leased by the Toronto firm for several years. Mr. E. J. Mitchell has ta- ken over the duties of office manager of the Wingham Rub- ber Tire Co., Limited. A number of people who have been operated on for ap- pendicitis are talking of or- ganizing a club or lodge. They will call it the Ord'er of the Missing Links. 0--0--0 FEBRUARY 1938 Messrs. R. H. Lloyd, John W. Hanna, Capt. W.J. Adams and A. J. Walker left Monday morning by motor for Florida. They went south by the east route and will call at Southern Pines in Carolina where Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lloyd and Miss Dorothy are spending the win- ter. It is expected they will return by way of the Virginia Mountains, Kentucky and Ohio The weekly meeting of the C.G.I. T. was held Friday last week. The following officers were elected: Past President, Louise Thompson; President, Louise Dore; Vice Pres., Lois Bateson; Secretary, Bertha Casemore; treasurer, Alice Dore; Herald, Evelyn Carter; Conveners Cherish health, Georgina Evans; Seek Truth, Reatha Sinnamon; World Friend- ship, Marion Templeman; So- cial Service, Ilelen liammond. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haney, of Calgary, are visiting with his brothcr, W. H. and Mrs. Haney. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deycll and son, of the West, have re- turned East and intend taking up farming in this district. 0--0--0 FEBRUARY 1948 Mr. Alan Williams of Tor- onto spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams, John St. Friends of Mi. and Mrs. G. Wingham Advance-'1'inies, Thursday, 1 rb, 7, 1ST WINGIIAM TROOP Scoutmaster Bob McIntyre conducted last week's meeting, when there was a good atten- dance, despite hockey acti‘i- ties and other local functions. Inspection was held after the flag break and an outdoor excercise was held, dealing with transportation of wounded victims. The boys enjoyed a knotting game and Kim'sgame when they returned indoors. It was announced that a Court of honour would be held Monday evening at the home of Scouter McIntyre, for a special session. PACK B CUBS There were 27 boys at last Thursday's Pack 13. Cub meet- ing at the Scout House, which opened with the Grand Bowl. Dues were collected and health inspection made. A story on the Cub promise was read. A review was made on arti- ficial respiration and Glenn Dundas passed a craft's test. 130Y SCOUT WEEK COMING UP More than 300, nun Canad- ian Scouts and their leaders are busy preparing for Boy Scout Week, February 17 to 21. The emphasis will be on world Card Social LAKELET--Winners of the weekly card social in the W.I. Hall on Wednesday evening were as follows: Euchre, (high lady, Mrs. Taylor of Gorrie; high gent, Lloyd Jacques of Lakelet; low, Clare McKee of Lakelet. Solo, high, Elmer I laskins of McIntosh; low, Gor- don McKee, Lakelet. The committee in charge was Mrs. E. Metzger, Mrs. Robert McComb, Mrs. Arnold Gadke, Mrs. Gordon McKee. N. Underwood paid them a sur- prise visit on Friday evening, the occasion of their thirtieth wedding anniversary. Among those present were Mrs. Uudcr- wood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moffat. A pleasant [line was spent and they were presen- ted with gifts of silver. Two rinks of local curlers are in Toronto this week, tak- ing part in the Ontario Bonspiel: Dr. W. Howson; J.P. McKibbou 0. Haselgrove and J. 11. Craw- ford, skip and Geo. Ingles, Dr. A. W. Irwin, J. T. Murray and A. M. Crawford, skip. Lt, D. C. Irwin, assistant Cadet Inspector, while in town last week, presented George Gammage with the Strathcona Medal, for being the best rifle shot in the Wingham high School Cadets. Mr. A. R. DuVal, fox and mink rancher, sold the large brick building in which he has housed his mink for several years, to the Western Foundry. This building was formerly own- ed by the Western Foundry. 1:11;:; — Page scout -1'1(0e activities Scouting. Through their Inter- national Commissioner, 1 ad T. Nluore of Montreal, Quebec, greetings are being sent to near• ly nine million Scouts in 114 countries 011 $ig. cuntinetitS. ]X -SCOL' TS WAYNE R S111'STYR Johny Wayne and Frank Shuster will feature a I3ov Scout Week skit on their Febru- ary ary 15th, tele\ isiou show. Canada's famous comedians started in show business when, as Boy Scouts, the staged a production for the old .,0th Tor- onto Scout Group many years ago. The producer of the Scout Week show, Don Hudson, was once a Wolf Cltb in the old 23rd Toronto Pack, and the show's sound effects and prop man, Doug Wardle, is a Dis- trict Cul -master in the Greater Toronto Seouting Region. The only trouble with being a good sport is that you have to lose to prove it. DEDICATE GIDEON BIBLES AS A ONTINUING MEMORIA lla� In ducal d through Sour local funeral director I! I -v uv -. HOSPITALS, PRISONS WHETHER YOU OWN YOUR HOME OR RENT ANII\ APARTMENTII We've got just the right "package" policy for your insurance needs. It combines the broad property coverages --fire, theft, liability—that you should have for well- rounded protection. Best of all, you can budget all this protection by the month, just as you da your rent, mort- gage or utilities. Call us for details. W. B. GONWON, CLU Insurance Agency S. A. ~('OTT, Salesman JOHN STREET Dial 357-2636, Wingham o FAIRYLAND Wear WINTER CLEARANCE SALE o PRICES UM to 50% 11 REDUCE O q o DRESSES, JACKETS, SWEATERS, ° JUMPERS, SLIMS, SKIRTS, LEOTARDS, HATS BOYS' SLACKS, SHIRTS, JERSEYS, 6 SWEATERS, MITTS and GLOVES ° BABY WEAR and GIFTS 11 O 10% and 20% off =oro--''�oao °Ion —ON — 11 0 p 11 0