The Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-01-17, Page 2Page 2 -- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Jan. 17, 1963 Stuart McBurney Resigns Post Superintendent Over 28 Years The East Wawanosh Council held its inaugural meeting Jan- uary 8th, with Reeve Ernest Snell presiding and council members, Roy Pattison, Mason Robinson, Norman Coultes and William Gow. After each had subscribed to the oath of office, Captain G. S. Newman of the Salvation Army, Wingham, addressed the council and of- ficials and asked divine guid- ance during 1963. Reeve Snell thanked Captain Newman for attending the meeting and ask- ed the council for its co-opera- tion during the year. The minutes of the meeting held December 15th, 1962, were read and adopted on mo- tion by Robinson and Pattison. Pattison-Coultes: That Ma- son Robinson be township rep- resentative to the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. Robinson-Gow: That Alex. Robertson be township repre- sentative on the Wingham and District Hospital Board and be allowed $75.00 for the year. Stuart McBurney, road super- intendent, handed in his resig- nation having served 28 z years, to take effect when his succes- sor was appointed. It was mov- ed by Robinson -Pattison that council accept Mr. McBurney's resignation as road superinten- dent with regret, and that he carry on until his successor's appointment, and that the clerk advertise for applications to be received on or before one o'clock, February 5th 1963, stating salary expected by the month and that he find his own transportation. Carl Govier was appointed as fence -viewer. Robinson-Gow: That Norman Coultes and Roy Pattison be township representatives on the Wingham and District Fire com- mittee. Coultes-Robinson: That Er- nest Snell and Wm. Gow be township representatives on the Blyth and District Fire commit- tee. Receive Ideas For Programs WHITECHURCH—Mrs. Wm. Evans, lst vice president of the Women's Institute, presided at the January meeting on Wed- nesday at the home of Mrs. Victor Emerson, with 21 pre- sent. The secretary treasurer, read the minutes and gave the financial report. Many of those present thanked the group, on behalf of parents who were remembered at Christmas with boxes. The roll call was answered by a written suggestion for the program committee. Some suggested skits, debates, "What's Your Line", geography matches, more singing, have a lawyer attend and have each ask him a question, have an- other Institute come and put on the program and many other suggestions. Mrs. Russell Ross had charge of reviewing the resolutions in the " Home and Country" Insti- tute paper. Some of these caused considerable discussion. Some concerned the breath test for liquor in accidents; asking for recognition of marriage partnership in estate taxing; hospital benefits desired for nursing -homes, and hunting on farm property laws. Subscrip- tions were takers for the Federa- ted News. ' Mrs. Peter Norman and Mrs. G. E. Farrier were again asked to be 4-11 leaders. Mrs. Leon- ard Trivers of Thessalon is the 1063 provincial president. Mrs. E. E. Walker invited the ladies to hold their February meeting at her home. Mrs. J. D. Beecroft was in charge of the motto, "It takes every spoke to make the wheel run smoothly", showing that each member is one of the spokes in the Institute wheel, which must he run with kind- ness, good neighbourliness, and love. The meeting was closed with the national anthem and the Institute grace. Lunch was served and a social time enjoy- ed. Pattison-Coultes: That Wil- liam Gow he township repre- sentative on the Blyth Union Cemetery Board. Gow-Coultes: That council join the Rural Municipal As- sociation and pay the member- ship fee of $15.00, any mem- ber or official attending re- ceives $50.00•as expenses. Coultes-Pattison: That the Blyth Municipal Telephone System account, the Huron County Federation of Agricul- ture fees and the Ontario Farm Union fees be paid and the clerk write the Blyth Telephone System as to the large amount of toll placed on the tax roll. Robinson-Gow: That council agrees to be responsible for the remuneration of $12.00 an hour to Morris Township for the use of their water tank truck attend- ing fires in East Wawanosh and the account from Morris of $464.50 for repairing theJohn- ston Municipal drain. Pattison-Coultes: That the road and general accounts as presented be passed and paid. Robinson-Gow: That council order 8 subscriptions to the Municipal World. Borrowing by-law No. 1 was read the first and second times. Gow-Coultes: That by-law No. 1 be read the third time and passed. ROAD CHEQUES Stuart McBurney, sal. and bills paid, 5189.75; Alan Mc- Burney, wages and use of truck, $189.46; Arnold Bruce, wages, $63.60; Donald Pengelly, wages $169.01; Joe Kerr, towing grader, $30.00; Chas Hodgins, tire chains and hooks, $46.87; Campbell's Garage, heater mo- tor and hooks, 511.71; Wing - ham Tire Service, a set of chains, $66.33; Harry Williams, stove oil, fuel oil and anti- freeze, 5194.59; Dom. Road Mach. Co., grader repairs, $319.03; W. C. Becker Equip- ment Co. , filters, 530.29; East Wawanosh, general account weed spraying paid County, S73.45; Rec. - Gen. of Canada, Income Tax, $29.25. GENERAL CHEQUES Belgrave Community Centre, rent $1.00; Town of Clinton, Deb. pay re D.C.I., $286.72; R. H. Thompson, stamps and telephone 1962, S11.96; Blyth Municipal Telephone System, rates, $4,057.45; Huron County Fed. of Agr. , fees, $529.83; County of Huron, Tax Coll. charges, $221.89; Relief ac- count, medicine, $12.00; Brookhaven Nursing Horne, main patient, $84.25; I-1. Ma- thers, coal, relief, $28.35; Gordon Pengelly, Fox bounty, $4.00; Ernest Snell, paid clergy- man, $10.00; Township of Mor- ris, Johnston drain, $464.50, rent tank truck re fire, $30.00, total $494.50; The Municipal World, 8 subscriptions, $24.15. Pattison -Robinson: That council adjourn to meet Feb- ruary 5th at one o'clock at the Belgrave Community Centre. Ernest Snell, R. 11. Thomp- Reeve. son, Clerk. Form Association FORDWICH--A meeting was held in the Canadian Bank of Commerce on Monday night in order to form the Fordwich Business Men's Association. Of- ficers for 1963 were elected as follows: President, Harry Lohr, hard- ware merchant; secretary, Lloyd Nickel, garage owner; treasurer, Thos. Warren, local bank manager. Meetings will be held the second Monday of each month. C.G.I.T. Meets FORDWICII—The Fordwich C.G.I, T. group met at the home of Mrs. Efarold Pollock for the January meeting. Miss Annie Winkel and Sandra Allan had charge of the worship ser- vice. The leaders Mrs, Clarence Carswell and Mrs. Harold Pol- lock discussed the study book. Plans were made by the group for the year's work. The meeting closed with taps and a social hour enjoyed. Belgrave Personals A dance was held on Janu- ary 9, in the Foresters' Hall, sponsored by the Arena Board, with the proceeds to be used to rebuild the community centre. Music for dancing was supplied by the Ranch Boys. Another dance will be held on January 23, when people will again have the opportunity to help FOUR HUNDRED enthusiastic farmers from all parts of Ontario are back at school this week attending the Annual Winter Short Course at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Courses are being offered by the College Faculty in Soils and Land Use, Live- stock Breeding Problems, and Farm Engineer- ing, as well as a conference on Marketing and Co-operation. Students in the Engineer- ing Science Department are seen acquiring skill in the ancient but ever useful art of the blacksmith, from the left, Lew Roberts, Sal- ford; Garry Sawyer, Churchhill; Clarence Dietz, Gorrie; Donald Rutherford, Hawke - stone; John Schnieders, Drayton and Harry Brearley, Langton. W.A. Prepares To Pack Bale FORDWICH—Trinity W. A. met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ruby Foster. Mrs Strong presided and opened the meeting with a hymn, fol- lowed by the members' prayer and the Lord's prayer. Mrs. Emerson Ferguson read the Scripture. The roll call was a Biblical resolution and was answered by eight members. There was one visitor. Several thank you notes were read from shut-ins who had been remembered at Christmas. The vestry pot luck supper and annual meet- ing will be held January 18. The quilt committee was asked to get linings and batts and arrange a quilting. Lay- ettes were given out to be sewn for the bale. Mrs. Anderson gave an en- joyable book report on the auto- biography of Bishop Rennison, who ministered for many years to the Indians, in the Diocese of Moosonee and in the North- west Territories to the Eskimos. It was decided to cater to the curlers in January. Mrs. Anderson closed with prayer and lunch was served by Mrs. Fos- ter. St. Anne's Guild Will Hold Tea FORDWICH—The January meeting of St. Anne's Guild was held in the basement of the church. The meeting open- ed with a hymn followed by the Lord's prayer. The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. Anderson. A chapter from the study book "I'll Go where You Want Me to Go", was read by the president, Mrs. Jean Sothern. Roll call "a saint" was answer- ed by 16 members. Mrs. Lois Simmons then read a poem, "A Monkey's View Point." The minutes of the last meeting were read and approv- ed by the secretary, Miss Elva Foster, and Mrs. Lynn Bunker. Mrs. Alma Hargrave read a letter from Saskatoon, Sask., thanking the Little Helpers for their bale. Mrs. Hargrave also read a poem "An After Christ- mas Thought." A business discussion follow- ed in which members planned a Valentine tea and bake sale for February 16th. Commit- tees were formed to make lists, and posters. The next meet- ing is to be held at Mrs. Ander- son's. Mrs, Beatrice Jordan read a poem, "New Year". Guild members planned on going bowling, as a night of enter- tainrnent, with lunch at Mrs. Ruby Forster's after. Mrs. Anderson closed the meeting with prayer. Miss Louise Matthews had two con- tests for the members. Lunch was served by Mrs. Donna King and Mrs. Frances King. Fordwich News Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wild - fang and Brian of Cooksville were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons. Mrs. Ruby Forester returned home last week after visiting friends in Toronto for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson of Toronto were week -end visi- tors with Mrs. Pearl Patterson. Misses Donna Siefert and Beverley Jacobson of Galt spent the week -end at their respec- tive homes. Messrs. Donald and Larry McDermitt and Gary Sothern of Kitchener spent the week- end at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hudson and family of Hanover were Sunday visitors with•Mr, and Mrs. Jim Stewart. Friends of Mr. Harold Doig will be glad to hear he was able to return home last week Install Officers At UCW Meeting FORDWICH—The general meeting of Fordwich United Church Women was held in the Sunday school rooms with Mrs. Wm. Wilson presiding and opening the meeting with a new year's message. Psalm 736 and the general thanks- giving were used, followed by prayer by Mrs. Ira Schaefer. The Bible study, the second chapter of "The Word and The Way", was taken by Mrs. Ken Graham. Plans were made to decorate the church vestry and to hold a smorgasbord supper, March 15th. Mrs. Mel Taylor convener of the nominating committee presented the new slate of of- ficers and Rev. A. C. Coles conducted the installation of the new officers for 1963 as follows: — President, Mrs. Wm. Wil- son; 1st vice, Mrs. George Richards; 2nd vice, Mrs. Rob- ert Gibson; 3rd vice, Mrs. Stan- ley Bride; recording secretary, press, Mrs. Crosley Sotheran; corresponding secretary, and periodicals, Mrs. ParkerEurig; treasurer, Mrs. James Warrell; Christen citizenship and social action, Mrs. A. Ruttan; com- munity friendship and visiting, Mrs. Wm. Wilson; Christian education and missionary edu- cation, Mrs. Jack Wilson. Finance, Mss. George Ash- ton; flowers, Mrs. Austin Stin- son; literature and communica- tions, Miss M. McElwain; manse, Mrs. George Richards; membership, Mrs. Ken Gra- ham; program, Mrs. Robt. Gibson; social functions, Mrs. G. F. Johnson; stewardship and recruiting, Mrs. S. Clarkson; supply and social assistance, Mrs. George Ashton; leader of Afternoon Unit, Mrs. Wray Cooper; Leader of Evening Unit, Mrs. S. Clarkson. from Listowel Hospital. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, William Sothern were, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Stewart and family of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mulvey and Jeffrey of Belmore, Miss Sharon El- liott of Gorrie, Mr. and Mrs. James Vittie. It was the oc- casion of the latter's 44th wedding anniversary. Miss Glenna Hibberd of Kitchener spent the week -end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Browne and Teddy spent a couple days last week in Toronto. Miss Betty McClement of Kitchener spent the week -end with her parents. Master David Hargrave spent a few days last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hargrave in Listowel, Mr. Paul Schaefer of Toron- to was a week -end visitor with his parents. Mr. E. C. Williams is spending this week at the home of his sister, Mrs. Susan Hob- son in Toronto. BIRTH McCLEMENT—To Mr. and Mrs. Fraser McClement, in Lis- towel Hospital, a daughter, on Wednesday, January 9th, 1963. New Unit Leader Conducts Meeting WROXETER—The January meeting of the Friendship Unit of the U.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. Howard Wylie on Tuesday of last week, with Mrs. Everett Cathers, Mrs. Howard Wylie and Mrs. Gil- bert Howes in charge. After the call to worship, a Psalm was read in unison, fol- lowed by the hymn, "Break I Thou the, Bread of Life". The Scripture was read by Mrs. Cathers and Mrs. Wylie led in prayer and another hymn was sung. The third chapter of "The Word and the Way", was given by Mrs. Howes. Several passages from the Bible were selected and read and a very interesting discussion arose out of the study of these passages. The new leader, Mrs. Arch- ie Miller, presided for the business. The minutes were read by Mrs. Wylie and roll call answered by payment of fees. Correspondence was read, thanking the Unit for gifts dur- ing the Christmas season. It was decided to raise money dur- ing the year by "talent money, which netted splendid returns in the past year. There will also be for sale at all times, all occasion and special occa- sion cards, The collection was received and dedicated by Mrs. Miller, The meeting closed with prayer. Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. JANUARY DRUG this worthwhile cause. Mr. and Mrs. William Coul- tes spent Thursday in Tillson- burg, attending the funeral of Mrs. Coultes' uncle. The Library Board social will be held in the community cen- tre on Friday evening, A euchre will proceed the meet- ing and lunch will follow. Everyone is welcome, SA and CLEARANCE : L E WHILE THEY LAST—Clearance of housenold sundries, etc., at substantial savings! -33 1/3 - 25 - 50 - 20% off TOILET TISSUE, regular 2 rolls for 29c, Aqua, Pink, Yellow, White ..8 rolls 88c MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS, 300's, reg. $1.00 80c AROMATIC CASCARA, 6 -oz., reg. 85c 68c IDOL -AGAR, 16 -oz., reg. $1.25 $1.00 Stomach POWDER, 16 -oz., reg. $2.49$1.99 EASI-GLOSS FLOOR WAX, 1-1b. tin, reg. 59c SHAVING CREAM, reg. 49c Evelyn Howard Theatrical COLD fi CREAM, 1-1b., reg. 89c / Snow White FACIAL TISSUES, 400 yi single sheets 29c; 2 boxes 53c :.: MINERAL OIL, 16 -oz., reg65c 48c 3. k MILK OF MAGNESIA, 16 -oz., reg. 50c. .37c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 8 -oz reg. 35c ri EPSOM SALT, 16 -oz., reg. 29c 47c 39c 71c i' X -, 26c :t: 21c COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES, 100's, 4. reg. 98c 73c `± 7 SACCHARIN TABLETS, 1/4 grain, 500's, freg. 55c ....41c; 1000's, reg. 79c 59c • HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES, 4, 100's, reg. $1.15 86c -f D. 250's, reg. $2.29 $1.71 500's, reg. $4.29 $3.21 • :�. . CAMPHORATED OIL, 3 oz., reg. 40c ..30c ;i; IDASAL TABLETS, 300's, reg. 99c ....73c NYLON BRISTLE TOOTH BRUSH, made I. Xin Canada, Special Jan. Sale price ....9c .}.,,, • Every I.D.A. brand product sold is unconditionally ;rte" guaranteed to be completely satisfactory in every way. 3: ). VANCE PRESCR/PT/ON bRUGG/S'T DUBAPQY //uDNUT TA9u' REVLN t. O I- rRir "A. R PP/ ''Dial 357-2170 l-:-: - .i :-.::•-:-;..;-1.4 r..;»r.:-:-.:-:-:-::-:-:-',»-.4-,.,..+4 ;«;-=.--r-}•3 + ,..:.+.-.: THE SALVATION ARMY iUJam Cori% SUNDAY, JANUARY 20th SPECIAL SPEAKERS: LT. COL. AND MRS. W. F. ROSS Divisional Commanders, Southern Ontario 11.00 a.m.—Holiness Meeting 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Bright Gospel Service There's a welcome for YOU at "the Army" .ut'z ellurcb I (ANGLICAN) .ingijam 1l r Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. - Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson - Organist' SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY — JAN. 20th 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer J - Thursday, January 17—Altar Guild at the home of Mrs. C. J. Parkinson, 3 o'clock. r+ 04-: i E F-es-E•4r-i r i-'r:±;r•:- • .4-14': l I