The Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-01-10, Page 8Page 8 -- Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Jan. 10, 1903 W. R. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST Now a whole new golden world of SIGHT and SOUND See our HEARING -AID GLASSES, lightest in weight. DIAL. 357-1361 FOR APPOINTMENT e. ELTONE HEARING AID SERVICE CLINIC THURSDAY, JAN. 17th 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. VANCE'S DRUG STORE WINGHAM Phone for Free Home Appointment Service to all Makes of Hearing Aids E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 QUEEN ST. SOUTH - KITCHENER Being AUTO REPAIRS FOR SAFE STOPS, STOP IN HERE LET US CHECK YOUR BRAKES ... ADJUST OR RE -LINE able to "stop on a dime" is basic to safe motoring. Let us give your brakes a care- ful inspection, do whatever's needed to sure their prompt, positive performance. 0=0 =01=0: as - JI Readman's TEXACO SERVICE CENTRE Dial 357-3380 - Wingham I I I I 8elgrave Personals Several of the men in the community formed a work bee last week and cleaned up the mess in the Belgrave Arena and removed all the snow so the ice could again be trade for skating. Tite children had one night's skating so, if the wea- ther cooperates our hockey teams will he able to get in some practice. Wayne Pletch of Kitchener spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pletch of Teeswater. Miss Marlene Walsh and Miss Eleanor Walsh of Kitchener spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh. Glen Coultes of the O. A.C. Guelph, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Coultes. The Agriculture meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday, January 15 with Mrs. Lyle Hopper as con - United Choir Holds Social BELGRAVE—The United Church choir social was held in the church school room on Fri- day, after the regular choir practice. Ruth Michie conduc- ted two contests "A House Par- ty" and "Famous People", with the assistance of Lorne Camp- bell and Karen Anderson and several other games were en- joyed. Mr. James Michie thanked the choir on behalf of the Session for their faithful service and church attendance. Murray Scott read the secre- tary's report. Rev. H. J. An- derson was in charge of the election of officers for 1963 as follows: Pres. , Kenneth Wheeler, sec.-treas., Murray Scott; at- tendance sec., Ross Anderson; gown committee, Mrs. Earl Anderson, Mrs. H. J. Anderson, Mrs. Stewart Proctor; social committee, Mrs. George John- ston, Mrs. Carl Proctor, Mar- lene Walsh, Marilyn Taylor. George Johnston presented Roy Munday, organist, with a small testament for faithful at- tendance. A delicious lunch was served of sandwiches, cake, ice cream and coffee. Couples' Club Met The Wingham United Church Couples' Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Zur- brigg on Monday evening of last week. Following a social evening they gathered at the church for a watch night ser- vice, conducted by Rev. C. M. Jardine. After the service they went to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett's, where lunch was ser- ved. erved. NEW SHUR-GAIN SALE DARN STARTER SPECIAL FEED FOR CRITICAL PERIOD New Shur -Gain Sale Barn Starter is formulated for pigs that have passed through sale barns or were moved from farm to farm before you bought them. 1t is a low energy feed, containing a high level of antibiotics to combat set -backs, help avoid disease problems, eliminate dangers of gorging and get them off to a good start. Call us today for full details. Shur -Gain puts the GAIN in HOG FEEDING Wingham Feed Mill DIAL 357.3060 WINGHAM, ONT. venor. The address will be by the Agricultural Representative. Lunch committee, Mrs. C. Hanna, Mrs. H. Rinn, Mrs. C. R. Coultes. Miss Karen Anderson of Strat- ford tratford visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson. The annual Sunday School meeting of Knox United Church will be held on Thursday eve- ning at 8:15. All interested in the Sunday School are invited to attend. CGIT Members to Sell Chocolates BELGRAVE--The C.G.I. T. Group of Knox United Church held their regular meeting on Friday, in the church school room. Marilyn Campbell, president, opened with first two verses of the C.G.I. T. hymn, the purpose and basic Scripture were repeated, fol- lowed by prayer. Helen An- derson gave the secretary's re- port and Sunday School and church attendance were record- ed. Ruth Michie gave the treasurer's report. It was decided that the group would again sell chocolates. Brenda VanCamp and Linda Rinn were named to prepare the room for the meetings and re- place the things after. The group then divided for Bible study. Next meeting the mis- sion study will be started. Mrs. H. J. Anderson was in charge of the worship service, which opened with the call to worship, followed by a prayer. Audrey Coultes read the Scrip- ture lesson. Mrs. Anderson gave a meditation on Psalm 121 and followed by prayer. The meeting closed with taps. Next meeting will be held on January 18. Three Caretakers Needed in Morris The inaugural meeting for 1903 of Morris School Board was held in the township hall January 3. All the members were present. G. Nicholson and C. Haines approved the minutes of the Decembermeet- ing as read. A motion by B. Elliott and G. Nicholson ap- pointed James Elston as chair- man and Ralph Shaw as secre- tary -treasurer for 1963. New school desks ordered early in December for two schools have not been delivered. The members of the board will visit each of the schools in the township in February. The date of the visit will be ar- ranged after consultation with the inspector. The meeting adjourned on motion by C. Haines and B. Elliott. The board decided to con- tinue membership in the On- tario Trustee and Ratepayers Association. An Insurance agent was present and discussed various phases of the liability policy carried by the board. Applications for caretakers for six schools were received and appointments made. At present there are three vacan- cies. A motion by B. Elliott and J. Black authorized the payment of the following bills: Machan Hardware, $23.43; J. Brewer, fuel, 8138.08; G. Mutter, fuel, $63.99; S. Lowe, $4.13; Ross Anderson, $65.21; Hood supplies, $27.82; H. Clark, $9.00; Ontario Trustee Association Membership $28.00. James Elston, Ralph Shaw, Chairman. Secretary. Motorists are reminded that the vital element in traffic safety is not how fast you drive, but how fast you stop. Ladies Guild Names Officers BELGRAVE--lvlrs. Robert Hig- gins was hostess for the annual meeting of the Ladies' Guild of Trinity Anglican Church, on Friday. Mrs. Alex Nethery presided and opened with a hymn, followed by prayer and the Lord's prayer in unison. Psalm 49 was read by Mrs. Lawrence Vannan. Minutes were read by Mrs. Richard Proctor and Mrs. Cooper Ne- thery read the treasurer's re- port. Annual reports were gi- ven by the various conunittees. Rev. Robert Meally thanked the Guild for their work and cooperation in the past year and he conducted the election of officers, which resulted as follows: Hon. Pres. , Mrs. Robert Meally; pres., Mrs. Alex Ne- thery; vice-pres. , Mrs. Cora McGill; sec., Mrs. Richard Proctor; treas., Mrs. Cooper Nethery; pianist, Mrs. Mel Bradburn; cards, Mrs. Robert Higgins; visiting committee, Mrs. Cora McGill, Mrs. Mel Bradburn, Mrs. Herman Ne- thery, Mrs. Cooper Nethery; program committee, Mrs. Jack VanCamp, Mrs. Mel Bradburn. It was decided to again have the travelling apron and the birthday box. The roll call was answered by "A Thought for the New Year". Rev. Ro- bert Meally closed the meet- ing with prayer and lunch was served. DEDICATE GIDEONI BIBLES'. AS A ONTINUING MEMORIA May be donat^d through your total funeral director 5 t u L 4 vuA. . HOSPITALS, PRISONS ask your ORM'/ST for_ 1 NI ri NIXON'S PELLAGREXicoP ..; S,14„e/ lin 7 • ✓ STOPS SCOURS ✓ PREVENTS IRON DEFICIENCY ✓ CONTROLS SCURFINFSS ✓ INSURES TOP WEIGHT GAINS PELLAGREX PASTE THE SAFE WAY TO. IRON YOUR PIGS NIXON LABORATORIES LTD. O..NOYYILLL ONT. McKibbons Pharmacy DIAL 357-1880 - WINGUTAIf Many people never seem to get a good night's rest. They toss and turn in bed—and then are dull and listless throughout the day. All of which may be due to a temporary toxic condition which calls for the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from the blood. If they slow down and impurities stay in the system, disturbed rest, tired feeling and backache often follow. If you don't rest well at night—if you haven't that sprightly step of health in the daytime—use Dodd's Kidney Pills. You can depend on Dodd's! 62 e HOW MANY KEEP THEIR SAVINGS IN A BANK? Probably all of them/There are 10 million savings deposit accounts in the chartered banks, by far the most popular type. They are used by all sorts of people—wage-earners, businessmen, housewives, farmers, students —who know their money is safe, earns good interest, and is available whenever needed. And they like the efficiency and courtesy of the men and women who serve them/Your nearest branch is the place for your savings—and the one place you can do all your banking. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY s