HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1963-01-03, Page 5Coming Events
Practice Saturday morning,
January 5th, at 8 a.m., for Pee
Woes, Skates and headgear re-
quired. 3*
Will be held in the Oddfellows
i Hall, Alfred St., Thursday, Jan,
itif710th, at 8:30 p.m. Lunch served.
Everyone welcome, 3-10b
The Ladies' Auxiliary to
Wingham General Hospital will
hold their first meeting of the
new year in the Council Cham-
ber on Friday afternoon, Janu-
ary 4th, at 2.30. Reports for 1962
will be received and the new of-
ficers installed. Lunch will be
served. All women interested in
the hospital are invited to at-
tend. 3b
Initiate Five
Intended for last week.
WROXETER—Miss Anne Gib-
son opened the CGIT meeting at
the piano with a hymn, followed
by the Purpose and Answer and.
Lord's prayer, Collection was
was taken and minutes read by
Miss Connie Clark, while 15
answered the roll call.
The initiation ceremony was
taken by Mrs. Lloyd Magee and
the committee was Miss Lynne
Wright and Miss. Gail Statia.
Those initiated were Margaret
Rose Wright, Jean Newton, Lin-
da Pellet, Shirley Moore and
Shirley Sanderson.
Christmas gifts were opened
and lunch was served. The meet-
ing closed with "Taps."
Whitechurch News
Mr. Alex Coffin, Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt.
Mrs. Peter Coffin and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irwin, Mr.
Mrs, Alan Coffin of Kitchener and Mrs. Ronald Jamieson and
spent Christmas with Mr. and baby Lori Ann, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Robert Dent of Montreal, Harold Finlay and Brenda, Bel -
'while the Coffin children of more, Mr. and Mrs. Orland
Kitchener, visited with their Irwin and children and Mrs.
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Hopper and children,
Claude. Coffin. spent New Year's with Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Watson Mrs. Bert Hastings, Morris.
and Alan of Forest spent the Miss Barbara Coultes, who
week -end with her parents, Mr. has spent the past two weeks
and Mrs. Alan Pattison, Wing- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
ham and they and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Coultes, returned to Tor -
Henry Pattison and family onto on Saturday. Miss Agatha
spent Monday at the home of Coultes, who has been taking a
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pattison. special course in Chicago, has
Mrs. Maurice Stewart of been visiting for two weeks with
' Edmonton and her son, Prof. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes.
Max Stewart of Waterloo Col- Miss Agatha and Mr. and
lege, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Ronald Coultes and family
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker. and Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Coul-
Many will be pleased to tes, spent New Year's with Mr. and family of Fordwich, Mr.
know that Mr. Rutherford Rea- and Mrs. Gordon Bosman, Bel- and Mrs. Donald Fraser and
vie, who has spent many grave. children of Walton, and Mr.
months at Westminster Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and Mrs. John Jamieson and
London, was brought to Wing- and Diane, spent Tuesday with boys and local relatives, spent
ham Hospital on Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwich- Christmas with their parents,
will now be among his rela- tenberg of Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Montgom-
tives and neighbours. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Currie ery and Mr. Wm. Elliott,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Whytock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Wingham.
and Harold of Teeswater, Mr. lis Lapp and family, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall
and Mrs. Everett Whytock and Miss Marilyn Ritchie, Tees- and Mr. Albert Patterson spent
family of Langside and Mr. and water, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Carman Whytock and son Rudi and family London, spent Dawson Craig.
of Kinloss, spent Tuesday with New Year's with Mrs. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whytock.Orr, Langside. Belgrave,' spent Tuesday with
Mr. John Purdon was able to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul,
return home from Wingham Innis and sons of Buchan, Mani- Barry Tiffin of Kitchener
Hospital on Tuesday after toba, spent last week with Mr. spent the past week with his
spending a few weeks there and Mrs. Chester Casernore, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ti$
with a heart condition. Turnberry and Malcolm and fin.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Den- Peter took in the Detroit -Tor-
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Morri-
am and family and his mother, onto hockey game in Maple son spent New Year's with Mr.
rs. Anna Denham, of Kirkton, Leaf Gardens last Wednesday and Mrs. George Wheeler of ti
Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister and all left for home on Mon- Brussels.
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam day. They travelled by Nor- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gros -
Skinner and family and Mr. thern Ontario, where there was korth of Toronto spent the week -
Cecil Skinner and Miss May less snow. end with his parents, Mr. and
Skinner of Centralia, spent Mr. Eldon Emerson left last Mrs. E. H. Groskorth.
Wednesday last with Mr. and Wednesday to attend the mar- Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Sim
Mrs. Kenneth Mason. Mr. and riage of his friend Mr. Donald mons and Nancy of London,
Mrs. Mason and family spent Quenell at Penetang, and at- spent the week -end with her
New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. tended the wedding dinner and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas
Ronald Denham at Kirkton. reception there. Mr. Quenell Martin.
Miss Janet and Jimmie Bee- and Mr. Emerson are shipmates Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher,
croft accompanied their aunt, aboard the Murray Bay. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Miss Janet Watson to her home Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laid- Lougheed and daughters, Peter -
at Aylmer on Saturday last, law and Patricia, Joyce and borough and Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
and they and Mr. and Mrs. .Diane of London, spent a few don Fisher and family of Owen
Gilbert Beecroft, David and days this week with Hunter Sound, and Mr. and Mrs. Tobi
Alice spent New Year's with relatives at Lucknow and with Jantzi and family of Milverton,
Mr. and Mrs, Melville Bee- his mother, Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw
Several at
GORRIE—George Alexander
Anderson, who has been in
charge of the three-point parish
of Gorrie, Fordwich and Wroxe-
ter since September, was or-
dained as a deacon on Friday
morning in St. John's Anglican
Church, Preston, by the Rt.
Rev. It F. Appleyard, Bishop
of Georgian Bay. Rev. C. C.
Tomkins of Brantford was the
preacher. Canon R. T. Apple -
yard is rector of St. Johns,
Mr. G. A. Anderson was
formerly of Thedford. Attend-
ing the service on Friday morn-
ing were Mrs. Anderson, Ken
and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Underwood, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Wade. From Ford-
wich congregation were Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver Jacques, Miss
Nancy Jacques and Mrs. Ruby
Belmore UCW at I Turnberry Board
Newans Home Receives Tenders
Mrs. Howard Pace was in
charge of the December meet-
ing of the Belmore U. C, W.
held at the home of Mrs. Nor-
man Newans.
The program consisted of
the Christmas story from Mat-
thew 2 read by Mrs. Newans;
a solo "In Bethlehem, Long
Time Ago" by Lavonne Bal-
lagh, a reading from the Oh -
server by Mrs. Fred Doubledee
and a reading on Temperance
by Mrs. Newans. A number of
carols were sung and Reverend
Pace conducted the nomination
of conveners for the various
The president, Mrs. Harry
Mulvey, presided over the busi-
ness portion of the meeting. ,
Mrs. Joseph Simmons gave the
secretary's report for 1962.
Reverend Pace closed the meet-
ing with prayer.
Barrie Man Is C
Ray Lougheed of Barrie was
re-elected as president of the
United Co-operatives of On-
tario when the board of direc-
tors held thei first regular
meeting sine( the annual meet-
ing of delegates in early Dec-
ember. Mr. Lougheed was re-
elected to the presidency,
along with his first vice-presi-
dent, Harold Forrester of Mal-
lorytown. Fenton Cryderman
;of Thamesville was named as
second vice-president of the
Directors appointed at the
Mr. R. Dawson, Kingston, and
croft at Otterville, of the village. •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibson and
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sleight- Mr. and Mrs. Clayton children, Lucknow, visited on
holm and family spent New Scholtz and children of Goder- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Nel- ich spent Tuesday with his par- George Fisher.
son Sleightholm at Brussels. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Mr. Kenneth Coultes of
Scholtz, Lakefield spent the Christmas
Mrs. Leask McGee, Wing- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huh- P
ham, Mrs. Eccles Dow andseason with his parents, Mr.
sons, spent New Year's with Mr, rola of Brantford spent Tuesday and Mrs. Norman Coultes.
and Mrs, Hector Hamilton of with Mr, and Mrs, Murray Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Russell
Gorrie. Derbyshire, of Woodstock spent the week -
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laid- Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Johnston end with her parents, Mr. and
law have been very ill with flu and children of Turnberry spent Mrs. Edwin Smyth.
during the past week. Tuesday with his parents, Mr. Mrs. Carl Weber, Marlene
Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Cas- and Mrs. Gershom Johnston. and Clare, had measles last
Mr. and Mrs. Robt Arbuckle week.
sidy of Bluevale spent New
Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- and Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cur- The services in Calvin -
ter Arscott. rie sponsor the euchre in S.S. Brick_United Church and in
Miss Frances Henry and Miss No. 9, this week. Whitechurch United Church
Phyllis O'Brien of London spent Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mc- were called off on Sunday on
the past week with Mrs. Wm.
Henry, and returned to London
on Wednesday.
Mrs. Robert Ross is spending
this week at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Wm. Craig of Tor-
Mr. Arthur Ballagh of Tees-
w�iter and Mr. and Mrs. John
Higgins of Brussels spent New
Year's with Mr. and Mrs. John
Norman, The children at the
Norman home have been ill
etth measles this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Coul-
tes, Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Mathers and Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Gaunt and Janet of
Morris, and local relatives
spent New Year's with Mr. and
o -op President
annual meeting attending this
session for the first time, were
R. S. McKercher of Dublin,
Charles Huffman of Harrow and
N. M. Marshall of Norwich.
Directors returning to the board
for continuing service are Ches-
ter Hopkins of Haileybury, A.
H. K. Musgrave of Clarksburg,
and Joseph Crutchley of Dur-
These nine men make up
the board of directors of the
huge central co-operative
wholesale organization in On-
tario which in 1962 had a total
'business volume of more than
$83 millions. One hundred
and forty local co-ops through-
out Ontario are associated with
UCO, and provide service to
more than 80, 000 members
throughout the province. Leon-
ard Harman continues as the
general manager of United Co-
operatives of Ontario.
' . Lougheed is the opera-
tor of a dairy farm near Barrie,
and he has been active in local
co-operative and Federation of
Agriculture circles for a num-
ber of years. He has been
president of the Simcoe County
Federation of Agriculture, the
Simcoe District Co-operative
Services, the Simcoe Co-oper-
ative Medical Services, and has
been a member of the board of
'the Co-operative Union of On-
tario, and Co-operators Insur-
ance Association.
The regular meeting of Turn -
berry Township School :Area
Board was held at No, 2 school
on December 19th with all mem-
bers present, also Roy Worming-
ton and James Johnston, the two
new members for 1963. The
minutes of the previous meeting
were read and on motion of
Haugh and Norman were ad-
Tenders for furnace oil were
read from the following: C. E.
MacTavish, Harry Gowdy, Wm.
Felker, Wm. Tiffin, Belgrave
Co. -op. Norman -Kirton --that the
Imperial Oil tender from Wm.
Tiffin be accepted.
The tenders for caretakers
were read and on motion of
Haugh and Zinn — the follow-
ing were accepted: No• 2, Mrs.
Beryl Kirton; No. 4, Mrs. Mc-
Crackin; No, 5, Mrs. Gilmour;
No. 6, Mrs. Moir; No. 11, Mrs.
Correspondence was read from
Municipal World, Trustees' and
Ratepayers' Assoc., and the
Trustees' Council.
Kirton -Haugh — That the fol -
,lowing bills be paid:
Teachers' salaries, transporta-
tion, caretakers; Receiver -Gen-
eral, $270.25; Gordon Wray, at-
tendance officer, $75.00; Bert
Holmes, salary and mileage,
$150.00; Eldon Kirton, salary and
mileage, $125.00; John Norman,
salary and mileage, $125.00; Ken
Zinn, salary and mileage, $125.00;
West Haugh, salary and mileage,
$125.00; Alex Corrigan, balance
of salary, $400.00; Alexander's
'Hardware, $28.52; W. B. Cruik-
shank, debenture for Central
School, $8,052.50; Wingham Ad-
vance -Times, $8.97; Howard Ful-
ler, service, $2.00; StaInton's
Hardware, $14.27; Red Front
Grocery, treats for Central,
$38.00; Miss McEwing, Christ-
mas treats, $10.50; Keith John-
ston, wrecker and gas, $9.75; Im-
perial Oil, $205.69.
Norman -Zinn — That meeting
Bert Holmes, Alex Corrigan,
Chairman. Sec.-Treas.
Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Jan, 3, 1963 — Page 5
Quiet Wedding Monday
A quiet wedding was solem-
nized on the last day of the
year when Rev. Don Sinclair
united in marriage Mrs. Eliza-
beth Kelly, 82, Wingham,
and Mr. Ernest Blackwell, 85,
of Penticton, B. C. The cere-
mony took place in Wingham
Baptist Church.
A wedding dinner was en-
joyed by the immediate family
of the bride and a daughter and
son-in-law of the groom, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl McGraw of Day-
ton, Ohio.
Christmas is past and most
of the Christmas shows have
gone with it. But before we
forget about it let's discuss
some of the specials that CBC
presented. Jo Stafford, Garry
'Moore and Ed Sullivan each
presented special variety shows
for the holiday season. Jo
Stafford's was from England
again and featured Christmas
music with her guest Harry Se-
combe. Although the show
Mrs. S. Thompson
ember meeting of the U.C.W.
was held Tuesday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Stuart Cham-
ney with a fair attendance.
The call to worship was given
by Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson, who
had charge of the meeting.
"As with Gladness Men of Old"
was sung. Scripture lesson was
read, followed by prayer. The
meditation was given and Mrs.
Jefferson offered prayer which
concluded the devotional per-
"Joy to the World" was sung
and Mrs. Stuart Chamney read
the minutes of the November
meeting and gave the treasur-
er's report, which showed that
the allocation had been reach-
ed. Judy Robinson received the
offering. Mrs. Sam Thompson
took charge of the business. It
was decided to have a 50¢ mys-
tery bazaar at the January
The officers were also elec-
ted for the coming year which
are as follows: President, Mrs.
Sam Thompson; 1st vice presi-
dent, Mrs. William Hardy; 2nd
vice president, Mrs. Hilliard
Queen of Toronto spent a few account of the storm, with in- Jefferson; sec.-treas., Mrs.
days last week with her parents, tense cold and poor visibility. Stuart Chamney; cor. sec.,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross of Mr. and Mrs. Relison Fal- Mrs. Ernest Snowden; citizen-
Turnberry. coner, Paul and Barry of Sar- ship, Mrs. Margaret Leddy;
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bieman nia, spent the week -end with literature, Mrs. Wm. Hardy;
and family spent Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. Cecil Fal- press, Mrs. Charles Jefferson;
her mother, Mrs. Roger Inglis coney and with Wi,ngham rela- stewardship, Mrs. Wesley Jef-
and Mr. George Inglis of Walk- tives. ferson; supply, Mrs. Morley
erton. Mrs. Cecil Falconer spent a Johnston; flower fund, Mrs.
Mr. Edgar Gaunt was able to few days last week with Mr. Gordon Naylor.
return home from Wingham and Mrs. Ernest Charleston of Program committee, Mrs.
Hospital on Thursday and Mr. Hamilton. Edward Robinson and Mrs. Mar -
and Mrs. Eric Routcliffe, who Mr, and Mrs. Harold John- garet Leddy; pianist, Mrs. Hil-
had been visiting with Mr. and ston and family of Parkhill visi- 'liard Jefferson; official board,
Mrs. Gaunt, left for Ottawa ted on Tuesday with his father, Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson; board
last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Johnston of Lucknow, and of stewards, Mrs. Edward Rob -
Gaunt and John spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace inson; manse, Mrs. Charles
with Mrs. George McClenaghan Conn. Mrs. Will Con, who Jefferson.
and Miss Mildred McClenaghan, spent the past few months at Mrs. Margaret Leddy then
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan Parkhill, returned home. gave a reading "I Remember
Is UCW President
Christmases". Mrs. Ray Hanna
read from the study book and
after singing "Angels from the
Realms of Glory", Mrs. Jeffer-
son closed the meeting with
prayer. A 25 cent tea was
served by the hostess, assisted
by Mrs. Sam Thompson and
Mrs. Ernest Snowden. Mrs.
Thompson invited the ladies
to her home for the January
Personal Notes
—Mrs. Joseph Vogan spent
the Christmas holidays with her
sons, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Vo-
gan of Toronto and Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Vogan of Stratford.
—Miss Sue Nasmith of Tor-
onto and Peter Nasmith of
Queen's University, Kingston,
spent the Christmas holidays
' with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. C. Nasmith.
—Miss Jean Gurney of Hav-
ergal College, Toronto, spent
the Christmas and New Year
holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Gurney.
—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Case -
more and Douglas spent New
Year's Day with her sister, Mr,
and Mrs. J. B. McDonald and
family at Guelph.
—David Wenger has been a
patient in Wingham Hospital
with pneumonia since before
—Mr. and Mrs, Don Breck-
enridge and family of Wood-
stock were New Year's guests
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Stuart Henry.
—Mr, and Mrs. Alex Reed
spent Christmas with their son-
in-law and daughter, Rev. and
Mrs. J. C. Thompson and
family of London.
--Mrs. Robert P. Ritter,
Karen, David and Jimmie visi-
ted for a few days last week
with her father, Mr. and Mrs,
was nothing spectacular, their
version of " Twelve Days of
Christmas" was the best I have
ever seen. Two other guests
on her show were her own
children, Amy and Tim Wes-
ton, daughter and son of Jo and
her bandleader husband, Paul
The 'Phone Hour which fol-
lowed Ed's show on Sunday eve-
ning, gets my vote as the fin-
est show of the Christmas sea-
son. With the beautiful Jane
Wyatt as hostess, and such
great stars as Earl Wrightson,
Florence Henderson and Mil-
dred Miller, it was top enter-
tainment for the entire family,
And did you notice? This was
about the only presentation
that featured the true Christ-
mas story in its original form.
For this reason, Perry Como
was greatly missed throughout
Canada; he never failed us at
Garry Moore, in his Christ-
mas show, brought back com-
edienne Dorothy Loudon for her
second appearance this season.
You'll remember her as the
gal who is being groomed to
take the place of Carol Bur-
nett. Seems that although
yours truly finds her no equal
for Carol, a great many people
disagree. She's been invited
back for many more appear-
ances before the end of the
season. By summer, she may
be the biggest thing in show
biz, at least, if he does for her
what he did for Carol.
A jovial Christmas season
has just passed but Hollywood is
mourning two distinguished
stars in the persons of Charles
Laughton and Thomas Mitch-
ell. Both succumbed to can-
cer this month in Hollywood.
Laughton, 63, was one of the
finest English character actors
to star on a movie screen, and
although he never made a hit
as a leading man, he became
one of Hollywood's most be-
loved stars.
The bride and groom are
friends of long standing, hav-
ing attended Holme's School
together in Turnberry Town-
ship, 62 years ago. Both fam-
ilies were pioneers of the dis-
Huron FOA Reps.
Meet. Members
A conference, which has
been an annual event between
the executive of the Federa-
tion of Agriculture for Huron
County and the local members
of parliament, was held at
Clinton on December 28th.
The local members present
were, Elston Cardiff of Brussels,
Marvin Howe of Arthur, Mur-
ray Gaunt of Lucknow and
Charles MacNaughton of Exeter.
Representatives of the 13 com-
modity groups attended and
presented reports. In all, there
were 24 people.
A very good discussion per-
iod followed each of the reports
Each of the four members of
parliament addressed the gath-
ering and expressed their ap-
preciation for this opportunity
to get first-hand information
regarding the commodities.
The meeting began with a
dinner at the Hotel Clinton and
was presided over by the presi-
dent, Elmer Ireland.
New Year's guests with Mrs.
Alonzo Sparling and Miss Hazel
Sparling were Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Eaton, Mr. Glenn and
Misses Aileen and Brenda Eaton,
Mr, and Mrs. Keith Eaton all
of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Gib-
son and family, were supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gibson and
son, Miss Connie Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery
and Debbie, Bluevale, and Mr.
and Mrs. Bernell Smith and
Blair, Listowel, were at Mr,
and Mrs. John Sinnamons for
the holiday Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green,
Linda and Janis of Goderich,
Mrs. W. Weir, Miss Gerrie Bush
and Miss Karen Gibson of Tor-
onto spent New Year's with Mr,
and Mrs. George Gibson.
Mr. Elgin Toman, Platte-
ville and Mr. Henry Sage, Lis-
towel, were visitors on New
Year's Day at the home of Mr.
Ross Toman,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doig
were Friday evening guests
with Mrs. Laura Gowdy and
Merle of Wingham.
E. E. Voelzing and with Mr.
Ritter's mother, Mrs. Edna
Ritter in St. Jacobs. Mr. Rit-
ter was attending a three-day
conference of the Secondary
School Teachers' Federation at
the time.
—Ken Harrison underwent
surgery in Wingham Hospital
on Monday morning of this
week and is progressing well.
—Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
George Guest and family dur-
ing Christmas and New Year
holidays were Mr. and Mrs.
George Scott, Leslie and Larry
of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Lewis, Keith, Doug and
Linda of Strathroy, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry McKee and family
of Kingsville, Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Bryan and family of Wind-