The Rural Voice, 1988-11, Page 44ADVICE FALL IS TIME TO CONTROL WARBLES Warble grubs in cattle start to mi- grate in September, October, and No- vember. By December or January the grubs are located in the esophagus or gullet, or near the spinal cord. Now is the time for treatment. Treatment after December 1 can lead to mild paralysis or bloating due to inflammation of the gullet. Controlling grubs early limits the damage that mature grubs can cause to the carcass and the hide of beef cattle, and prevents the health problems that later treatments can cause. There are a number of systemic in- secticides available as products applied to the skin. The insecticide is absorbed into the bloodstream and intercepts the grub before it can cause major damage. Follow directions carefully, and treat cattle for grubs before December 1.0 DAIRY COW RATION CHECKLIST Is your balanced ration working for your dairy cows? Here are 11 reasons why it may not be. 1. It has never been balanced. 2. You have a ration but it is not what you are following. 3. You have changed feeds since the ration was made. 4. You have misjudged your cow's size and/or production and require- ments. 5. The amounts your cows are eating are different. 6. Proportions aren't what you think. 7. The feeds do not have the nutri- ents you think they do— a feed analysis is the only way to know for sure. 8. Your cow is different from the average of the herd. 9. Her body condition is too heavy or too thin. 10. She metabolizes nutrients differ- ently: i.e., she takes more or Tess to pro- duce the same milk as other cows. 11. The ration has too many "safety margins" built in and is essentially not balanced anymore.0 W. J. Grexton Farm Management Specialist QUALITY PRESSURE CLEANERS isin 24 models to choose from A. Made in lirr Canada • Repair Service Dept. • Accessories • Chemicals epps R.R. #4 Clinton Ont. 519-233-3418 Harry Brightwell and the issues: Agriculture Harry was instrumental in bringing positive action to the Dreamstreet tax credit issue. He has worked very hard on the tobacco growing and agricultural debt studies. Harry knows that the farming community must be actively involved if we are to reach solutions to the environmental problems we face. From his background as a veterinarian and his long standing, sincere interest in agriculture, Harry is the best person to represent us in Perth- Wellington -Waterloo. For further campaign information call the committee rooms. Stratford 273-5771 New Hamburg 662-3923 Listowel 291-5344 St. Marys 284-1782 P-oc Authonred by Bill Hawkins Official Agent for Harry Brighiwell l a . On Nov. 21 Re -Elect Harry Brightwell Progressive Conservative PERTH • WELLINGTON • WATERLOO NOVEMBER 1988 43