Townsman, 1991-04, Page 29Behind -the scenes Dennis Washburn the green thumb of Stratford Festival While the proverbial green thumb is a gift possessed by few, the beauty created by the gifted is beauty for all to enjoy. Dennis Washburn has had a recur- ring role behind the scenes of Strat- ford Shakespearean Festival as on -staff gardener for 30 years. The landscape he creates through the use of flora and fauna sets the stage for the cultural and visual enrichment people associate with Stratford the- atre. First impressions are important and visitors can not be oblivious to the well -tended grounds, neatly -mown lawns and prismatic beauty of the flower beds surrounding the majestic structure. The overall picture is one of esthetic perfection and Washburn and the rest of the gardening staff, work hard year-round to guarantee its excel- lence. Even those of us who are less discerning horticulturalists can not deny its splendour. Washburn, a 59 -year-old English- man, who immigrated to Canada in 1954, unearthed his fascination for gardening early in life. In those days, he said, most Europeans were "very into gardening" something that has really just developed in Canada more over the last few decades he has noticed. His father, an "avid amateur gardener" helped nurture Washburn's horticultural interests. His professional training began in England, where for seven years he worked as an apprentice in a Birming- ham greenhouse. The idea of coming to Canada was precipitated quite sim- ply, by a desire for change, he said. An aunt and uncle were living in Stratford, so he made that his first stop upon arrival, but when he could- n't find any work he eventually settled in London. He worked in greenhouses LFLFthere until 1962 when he moved back Stratford and began as Festival gar- dener. or Washburn, the Festival's other full-time gardener, John Campion and three part-time summer workers, the big push begins in spring, when the grounds are readied for opening night at the end of May. Though it was cus- by Bonnie Gropp tomary to have all the beds planted' ready for the special evening, Wash- burn says that in recent years, with the opening being moved up, it ha., Doug Washburn, the gardener of Stratford Shakespearean Festival has been in charge of the outdoor flower beds, yard maintenance and the greenhouse for 30 years. TOWNSMAN/APRIL-MAY 1991 27