The Rural Voice, 1987-10, Page 43NEWS NEW FIELD REP IN GREY/ BRUCE Genie Blake of Hanover, a former hog farmer and former regional di- rector for the Federation of Agricul- ture in Grey County, recently re- placed Doug Gowanlock as OFA fieldman for Grey -Bruce. She will be responsible for dealing with conflicts and problems, improving member- ship, public relations, and leader- ship training. FARM COUPLES ATTEND SEMINAR Ralph and Nancy Ridder of Bayfield receive a certificate from Eugene Lam- merding, United Co-operatives of On- tario director, Zone 6, for their participa- tion in the 1987 Young Couples Confer- ence. The conference in Mississauga, which brought together 23 farm couples from across Ontario, included seminars on financial planning and analysis as well as planning and implementing a business concept. It was sponsored by the UCO and other farm and business organizations. Tell them you saw their advertisement in The Rural Voice. NEWS PLICTRAN TAKEN OFF MARKET The insecticide Plictran is being voluntarily withdrawn from the market- place as a result of recent tests which indicate it causes an increased incidence of birth defects in laboratory animals. Health and Welfare Canada has cautioned women who are, or may be, pregnant against working in treated orchards, and advised fruit growers to return the product to their local dealer. The Canadian use of Plictran is small, estimated at about 20,000 kilo- grams a year. It is used mainly to control mites in apple orchards, and is not avail- able as a home and garden product.° THIS YEAR'S BEST FARM GIFT ROOK SKETCHES OF LIFE ON THE FARM TEXT BY DAVID DENSMORE Over 90 pen and ink drawings of life on Ontario's farms in the last 100 years. 150 pages, size: 10 112" x 9", cloth bound with foil stamping To order: call collect 416-593-5900 Visa/MC OR: Send $29.95 plus $2.00 for shipping/handling To: Summerhill Press Ltd., 5 Clarence Square, Toronto, Ont. M5V1 H1 NAME- ADDRESS' CITY: PROVINCE ALLOW 2-3 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY OCTOBER 1987 41