The Rural Voice, 1998-10, Page 11Scrap Book Calf hutches home for flies While the fly season may be just about over for 1998 there arc steps that farmers who use calf hutches can do to reduce the number of house flies and stable flies produced each year, says Dr. Jim Quigley. According to an article in lloard's Dairyman, examination of bedding from outdoor calf pens found an average of 40-70 housefly maggots and 12-30 stable fly maggots per quart. That translates into 20,000 to 30,000 flies produced per hutch per year. However, according to Dr. E. T. Schmidtmann in the article, there arc steps that can be taken to reduce the production of flies. For one thing, don't use straw. An article in Journal of Dairy Science indicated that straw promoted much greater growth of both stable flies and house flies than other bedding materials. Researchers suggest that using sawdust or wood shavings reduces maggot growth because it absorbs less liquid and has a reduced availability of organic matter. Sand and gravel bedding tend to become compacted. Bedded packs tend to contribute to fly populations so the hutch should be cleaned out at least every two weeks. Adding fresh straw over soiled bedding will keep the calf comfortable but will increase the moisture -holding capacity and fermentation of the pack. A prime area for fly and maggot growth is immediately beneath feed and water buckets where spills occur. Use feed pails Targe enough at the proper height to prevent spilling and clean up spills. Pens should be set on a gently sloping, well -drained surface. 0 -Source: Ontario Veal Association News — 51st BLUE WATER ANGUS SALE — (Oldest Annual Angus Sale in Canada) Saturday, October 17, 1998 1:00 p.m. WAT-CHA SALESPLEX Mount Forest, Orta. APPROX. 70 HEAD SELLING - A Targe number of young bred cows & heifers selected for good maternal traits and early growth Several top show heifer prospects A good selection of unregistered commercial Angus females as well. Premiums for black cattle are increasing rapidly. Now is the time to rebuild your cow herd. Write or call for catalogue SALE CHAIRMAN: DON CURRIE R.R. #1, Nottawa, Ont., LOM 1P0, Phone/Fax 705-445-1526 SEED & GRAIN CLEANING SERVICES It's that time of year with crops coming off. Stop in or call for prices on custom seed cleaning and treating of your own seeds. Custom grain cleaning for feed Truck available for pick-up and delivery Bags, totes and bulk available for both seed and feed orders Dealer inquiries welcome! Skid Steer service available, inquire on rates. BRANT SEEDS Cty. Rd. 10 N. of Hanover Phone: 519-364-1525 Fax: 519-364-3835 OCTOBER 1998 7