The Rural Voice, 1998-03, Page 57Advice Ontario has implemented the economic indexes (Beef Builder and Prime Plus) in the bull test programs to identify bulls that will produce progeny to meet the market targets.° Alternate feeds for beef and dairy cows By Douglas Dickie, P.Ag., OMAFRA Livestock Advisor Alternate feeds are feeds which are not normally kept for cows or young stock. An example of this is corn stover, or what is left after corn is combined. This feed has sufficient energy to carry dry beef cows when grazed, but is not worthwhile for milking beef cows or dairy animals. Other feeds such as potatoes, carrots, onions, parsnips and cabbage leaves can be fed, as long as the amount provided can be limited. Mature cattle should not be fed more than 35 lbs. of potatoes, 60 lb. of carrots, 7 Ib. of onions, 4 lb. of parsnips, or 25 Ib. of cabbage leaves per day. A large number of wet milling products are available. Some are good sources of protein, such as wet distillers grain, wet brewers grain, wet corn gluten feed, brewers yeast and corn steep liquor. Dry milling products, which are good sources of protein include the above wet feeds dried, plus many more which include corn gluten meal, wheat shorts, wheat germ, penicillin cake, soybean meal, canola meal, linseed oil meal, and raw, roasted, extruded and cooked soybeans. Milling feeds high in energy include corn hominy grits, oils, fats and molasses. Quite a number of other milling feeds are available, which contribute fiber to cattle diets. These include such feeds as, dehydrated alfalfa meal, soya hulls, oat hulls, GSPs or ground screening pellets, and barley hulls. A number of other feeds are available to replace such feeds as hay. These include soybean straw, canola straw, straw from small grains and corn stover. Some other alternate feeds come from food by-products such as bakery waste, composted food by- products and candy waste products.° FARROWNESTTM A totally new, innovative concept in farrowing stalls • New original and humane design that allows the sow to move more freely within the stall, giving sows and piglets more comfort. • Fits into a standard 5' x 7' space * Preliminary research shows more piglets per litter raised • KENNELS (single or double) •Patent Pending DESIGNED BY PROFESSIONALS FOR PROGRESSIVE PORK PRODUCERS CALL TODAY FOR COMPLETE LITERATURE ON FARROWNESTTM JK REID MANUFACTURING AND SALES LTD. 1-800-440-2694 RR #1 Moorefield, ON NOG 2K0 PH. 519-638-3551 FAX 519-638-3128 THE NEW AND INNOVATIVE FARROWING CRATE DESIGN FARROWNESTTM AVAILABLE FROM JK REID SEED & GRAIN CLEANING SERVICES • Custom seed cleaning and treating of your own seed . Commercial seed brands available from Zeneca, Cargill and Advantage . Custom grain cleaning for feed • Truck available for pick-up and delivery . Bags, totes and bulk available for both seed and feed orders Dealer inquiries welcome! Seean the Seeds ds u/ a Successful Future BRANT SEEDS Cty. Rd. 10 N. of Hanover Phone: 519-364-1525 Fax: 519-364-3835 MARCH 1998 53