The Rural Voice, 1997-12, Page 63GREY County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER 446 10th St., Hanover, Ontario N4N 1P9 519-364-3050 • The Rural Voice is provided to all Grey County Farmers by the GCFA. OFA membership continues to grow By the time you read this, you will all know that the Grey County Federation of Agriculture held its 57th Annual Meeting and Banquet on October 24. You will probably know that Bob Rodger is now your new President, Karl Chittka is First Vice - President and Second Vice -President is yours truly. I would like to take a moment to congratulate President Bob, and I look forward to working with him during his term in office. My congratulations also to Karl. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ken Furlong, our past president for all the hard work that he has done on our behalf over the past three years. It seemed he was somewhere most nights, for Sue invariably was the one to answer the phone with a "No! I will get him to call you back". Thanks Sue, and thanks also to your children for holding the fort, enabling Ken to be away from home so much working for the benefit of others. Ken it has been a pleasure working with you. We have now had almost four years of Farm Business Registration, and it is interesting to note the trend over those years. The refund rate in 1995 was 21.36 per cent, 19.88 per cent in 1996; and 18.54 per cent in 1997. Ontario Federation of Agriculture membership in 1995 was 35,303; 35,663 in 1996; and 38,032 in 1997 (to date). This upward trend in membership is very encouraging to all those hard working volunteers up and down the concession roads throughout Ontario. A recent news release issued by the OFA stated that President, Tony Morris took a message to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance in Ottawa on October 30, 1997. In the submission, the OFA called on the federal government to: 60 THE RURAL VOICE • Increase the funding to agri-food research in Ontario with sufficient funds to undertake projects which meet the needs of specific farming regions. • Maintain as a minimum the $500,000 Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption. • Increase the annual RRSP contribution limits to $14,500 for 1998-1999 and $15,500 for the year 1999-2000. • Maintain the three-year accelerated Capital Cost Allowance for pollution abatement and energy conservation equipment. • Re -instate the five-year block averaging option for farm income tax reporting. • Implement an investment tax credit to encourage business re- investment and extend this tax credit to include building materials, machinery and equipment. • Maintain the ethanol excise tax exemption. • Maintain taxes on gasoline at current or lower levels. • Maintain at least $600 million in the safety net budget and ensure that safety net funding is distributed equitably among all participating provinces. • Develop in co-operation with provincial governments and industry representatives, an adequately funded, comprehensive system of farm income safety nets based on the "whole farm" approach of income stabilization which provides equitable treatment for all Canadian farmers. • Continue to adequately fund environmental initiatives for the benefit of agriculture. • Expand matching investment initiatives with more flexible eligibility criteria. • Expand the use of scientific research and experimental development tax credits. "Agriculture is one of the strongest sources of jobs in today's economy," said Morris. "For every $1 million in additional agricultural output, 31 jobs are created." If you have any thoughts on the above issues, that you would like to share, please call me at 986-2162 or our office in Hanover at 364-3050 or if long distance 1-800-275-9551. The year is rapidly drawing to a close, and by the time you read this, Christmas will only be a short time away. So have a very happy Christmas and a good New Year.O Submitted by Bob Brassington OFA Regional Director, Grey East and GCFA 2nd Vice President GREY COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE DIRECTORS' MEETING Thursday, December 18, 1997 1:00 p.m. **NOTE: TIME CHANGE** OMAFRA Boardroom, Markdale Members are welcome to attend.