The Rural Voice, 1997-10, Page 60HCFA OFFICE HOURS Mondays and Fridays 9 a.m. to 12 noon 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Please leave a message. (519) 482-964211-800-511-1135 FAX (519) 482-1416 HURON County Federation of Agriculture NEWSLETTER Box 429, Clirfton, Ontario NOM 1L0 519-482-9642 or 1-800-511-1135 ' The Rural Voice is provided to all farmers in Huron County by the HCFA. Tax reform related to farmland As indicated in the January announcement on Who Does What tax reform, the Farm Tax Rebate Program will be eliminated after the 1997 tax year. A new taxation policy for eligible farmland will be implemented based on 25 per cent of the municipal residential tax rate on eligible farmland and outbuildings. The farm residence and one acre of farmland, when occupied by the farmer, will be taxed on the prevailing municipal residential tax rate. The current Farm Tax Rebate Program was created in 1970 as an interim solution to ease the unfair tax burden on farm property in Ontario until property tax reform could be implemented. In response to recommendations from farmers, the government has now legislated a specific tax ratio on eligible farmland and ended the cumbersome farm tax rebate process. The Fair Municipal Finance Act establishes a separate property class for eligible farmland and eligible managed forests, to which a tax rate that is 25 per cent of the municipal residential tax rate will apply. Qualifications for the new farmland and outbuildings class will be consistent with current qualifications for the Farm Tax Rebate Program, and will be defined in regulations. It must be noted that the existing method of assessing farms remains the same. Eligible managed forests will be included in the new "farm" class, taxed at the same rate, and assessed in the same way as farms. Eligible conservation lands will be exempt from property tax. The application process for this reduced tax rate in 1998 will be concurrent with the Farm Tax Rebate Program. Landowners will still be required to obtain a Farm Business Registration number to remain eligible. Land tenants will still be required to provide the landowner with their Farm Business Registration number so that the landowner can apply for the reduced tax rate. Properties will be classified as of October 31 each year for assessment and taxation for the following tax year. Properties that have a change in property status (i.e. lose eligibility for either assessment at farm productivity rates or the reduced tax rate [25 per 56 THE RURAL VOICE cent] during the taxation year) can be reassessed using the supplementary assessment provisions. Changes in assessment value due to a change in ownership will be handled by the supplementary assessment provisions administered by the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance, Property Assessment Division will classify value- added activities on farm property on an individual basis. These value-added activities that are determined to be an extension of the farm operation will be assessed using farmland rates, but will be taxed at the appropriate tax rate (i.e. commercial, etc.) In July 1997, OMAFRA, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ministry of Finance met with farm groups to discuss specific value-added scenarios and their potential tax implications. OMAFRA will continue to work with these stakeholders through the Farm Tax Working Group to ensure fair and equitable tax treatment of value-added activities on Ontario farms. Treatment HCFA DIRECTORS' MEETINGS Fourth Monday of the Month 8:00 p.m. at Vanastra Members Welcome! of value-added activities will be drafted in regulations under the Municipal Finance Act in the fall of 1997. Properties which currently qualify under the Farm Tax Rebate Program would be eligible for the reduced tax rate of 25 per cent. The new farmlands class regulation sets out the following eligibility criteria which are the same governing principles as the former Farm Tax Rebate Program: — must have a valid Farm Business Registration number OR must have been granted an exemption for religious belief under the Farm Organizations and Farm Organization Funding (FBR) act, 1993 OR fall under the retired farmer criteria (age, illness or death of spouse) because the gross annual income was less than prescribed under the FBR Act OR does not meet gross annual income due to low production (i.e. crop disaster, start up operation with longer lead time required).0 HURON COUNTY FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE ANNUAL/REGIONAL MEETING Friday, October 24, 1997 Seaforth Community Centre Speaker: Dr. Gord Surgeoner, Topic: B10 -Tech - Friend or foe to Ontario Farmers?? Tickets: $ 12.00 available from County Directors or county office Dinner at 7:00 p.m. (at this time Convention Delegates will be elected for the OFA Nov. 24, 25, 26 Convention) NOMINATION FOR ANNUAL HURON COUNTY AWARD I would like to nominate for the Annual Huron County Award for outstanding contribution in the field of Agriculture and to the community in the County of Huron as well as provincially because Signed This award will be presented at the Annual Banquet on Friday, October 24, 1997